(2011/11) Nov 2011


I'm from July 2010 thread.

Previously i have signed up a photoshot package with Sean Lau in Baby fair at $198 for classic Baby package (UP: $258).

But i'm not able to make it after 9th May (all the slots are fully booked till 9th May)

By the time i'm free to take leave, i think my baby is too old to take classic baby photoshot.

So for those mommy who keen to take over the package, pls kindly pm me.



@ Fynn: i'm going for my OSCAR scan on wed. but doc mentioned that there won't be needle poking process ~ as it's just normal ultrasound scan..

needle poking is when it's cfm baby is down with Down syndrome then must do the needle poking process which will cause 1% MC ~

@ Huishan: if relly dun feel well, try making an ealier appointment to see gynae.


Oscar involves only ultrasound and normal blood taking from your hand only, no needle poking into tummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Maybe you want to give your gynae a call?


Really?! I still called my hubby juz now n cried when gynae told me to do the scan... Sounds so scary... Hehe!! Thanks!!


Now I drink 100 plus. Either I will keep burping the gas out n feels better. Or I will puke even further... But, at least there is a chance of feeling better for awhile... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Natal Care Plus (400mg): Each box of 30 capsules at $14.00 (U.P. $16.05)



All boxes with Expiry 2013.

Bought too many from Dr Adrian.


An Australian specially balanced formulation that helps fulfill DHA requirement for fetal / baby brain development, and optimizes the brain development of the fetus and infant.

The core element in NATAL CARE PLUS - Natural Fish Oil - contains DHA and EPA, which is particularly needed during pregnancy and lactation. Apart from that, NATAL CARE PLUS also contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate the negative impact of free radical formation, and increase normal cell function.


Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Jurong East or Raffles Place.

Kindly PM or leave SMS at 9 876 1872.

evelyn / phoenixmisi

shall see how i feel tomorrow ba.. i think is my MS getting worse.. dunno y 10 wks liao then get worse..


i saw ur post i faster go pantry get 100 plus.. haha.. coz i rem lunch i drink 1 cup n i did feel better.. so now drink liao hope faster can feel better.. keep feeling like wan to vomit but nothing come out... y is my MS getting worse.. i wan fast go hm now n jump in my bed n zzz.... T.T


Went for the OSCARS on Thursday at TMC. A lot of ppl in the morning..... I guess maybe it is due to long weekend (Good Friday).

Everything turns out fine. Could anyone change my EDD date? It is 4th of November. The other time gave the wrong info.... sorry. :p

Gynae couldn't tell whether it's a boy or a girl but does seems to see a little bump there. Might be a boy. I guess can only tell the gender by next month. Sigh! I do hope this is a girl, but I guess cannot demand so much. As long as the baby is healthy, cute and fine like it's gor gor, everything is a smooth delivery and next time grow up to be clever, good and filial...... whatever gender doesn't matter anymore.

Fynn & Huishan,

Previously I drank 100 plus in my previous pregnancy, doesn't feel so good. Perhaps it's gassy. Best not to drink too much gassy drinks. I prefer H20 which has no gas but taste is less strong than 100 plus. Anyway, whatever it is, gynae say drink or eat in moderation.

Btw, anyone going to Bangkok for holiday? Planning for July, but was wondering if bringing a toddler for holiday, how do u normally plan his meals. Renting an appartment and cook everyday, is this fleasible? Buying bird's nest is cheap there...... do u think it is reliable to buy there?

Talk about MS, I'm week 12 going week 13 and having worse MS coupled with dizzy spells instead!! But I suppose we cannot complain cos it's a sign that baby is enjoying the extra progesterone hormones... Funny that as i type I felt a little knocking from baby, as if telling me yeah mummy the worse u feel the better I'm growing! Ok lah, u win! :S

i noe wat u ladies mean..im also 10 wks..n i thot shld get better but no lor..just went dwn to buy chips coz feeling horrid the whole day..then for the first time felt some slight dizziness...i had to slow dwn n focus if not i tink will faint lor..

naturally - u so cute la..hahah but ya tts how i console myself we cant feel baby kick yet but at least if we feel sick tt means everything is ok inside? ahhaa

I am just 9 weeks .. Yes, I oso feel dat my ms getting worse n my tummy just feel horrible after every meal but dun eat will be hungry and eat Liao worse!! Before that I didn't have much ms at all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ha ha.. really dilemma, on some days when i feel good i worry that there is a problem.. but when i feel bad... i also don't like.. my tummy also super bloated, when i burp, especially loud ones, i feel so satisfied...

it is confirmed, i really cannot go to bed angry... i have very intense, angry dreams... this time nothing to do with hubby, just watched tv that got me super agitated before i go to sleep

Wah!!! MS sounds very bad. Looks like I might be the more fortunate one then. At least till now, I only vomited something out in the morning once. Perhaps eating some vomiting medicine before meal?

I always tot after 1st tri there goes the morning sickness,seems like many still suffering from morning sickness in their 2nd tri[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Then when this morning sickness will be completely gone?

I just went for buffet lunch at melt the world cafe with my family.I cannot dahan the wide selection of salmon sashimi.I avoided the smoked salmon sashimi and only ate 3piece of original salmon sashimi.WOW! Its so delicious,it melt into my mouth..End up i feel guilty! Still drank a cup of coffee.Shouldnt take raw food!

Shirley-Regarding oscar at TMC,you need to ask from your gynae the ultrasound photos or they will just give you?Is the ultrasound machine beside your bed so you can see when you are lying down? My gynae suggest oscar at TMC but many will saying NUH is better.

I have a friend just went for her oscar.Gynae said that probably is a boy but will only confirm in her 5th month..I tot if its a boy 4th month already can confirm, only baby girl 5th month then confirm.Correct me if im wrong.Thanks.

Little bb,

Wah!!! So good! Eat at Melt the World Cafe! The Indian food there is very nice. As for the salmon, not bad lah. Dessert so-so. There is promotion for UOB member. My hubby loves the buffet and hopes to go there. For me.... when it comes to buffet, I'll like to try Global Kitchen again. Loved the desserts..... also love the wide selection of different teas. Unfortunately, I afraid that I can't eat so much, hence drop the idea of buffet.

Every visit with the gynae, he will give me. In fact, my first visit with him, he even suggested bringing a thumbdrive. I forgot to bring last week. ;p But if doing OSCAR at TMC, it is done by another person instead of my gynae and no ultrasound photo given. Whether you can see the screen, depends on the person doing the OSCAR for you. In fact, I have to do twice because the first machine wasn't so clear. Throughout, I can see a bit as the screen is a bit tilted. She only shows me and explain everything to me at the end. As she has problem on the 1st machine, she asked me to go to the other room and the equipment capture everything much clearer. This time, the screen wasn't tilted..... I couldn't see it but she shows me after that. Also telling me what she is looking at..... the nasal bones, backbone, heartbeat, etc..... Throughout, my hubby who is standing beside me can see the screen and baby punching actively.

My gynae saw the bump and told me probably it's a boy. But he also mentioned that he has been mistaken before. Hence he said couldn't confirm yet.

Shirley-Ya the Indian food not bab but i din eat alot.Haha..Eat the cooked salmon and snow fish,not Bad.Had some seafood like baby lobster and crabs claw.Yes there is 15% off for UOB card members.Dun really eat alot actually.Global Kitchen nice,oh im gonna try next time probably when my nausea totally gone.

I heard NUH there is photos given and we can see the scan clearly while lying on the bed.But most importent baby is fine and everything goes on smoothly..


im gg bkk end may. not bringing my kids along. wana hav some time wif hb before #3 pops out. hehe. bird nest there cheap ah? when i was searching for hotel, i found one tt has a kitchen as well one. can try search under agoda.com =)

Fynn: Jia you! Practicum is indeed ending soooon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But sian, right go back to NIE? :p Are you teaching pri/sec/JC? Hope the students are treating you good! Our babies are all learning whatever we teach our classes! Hehe!

TinyVoice: Yay! Same! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Where are you delivering? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Bird's Nest in BKK!

Really very cheap! Or at least that's the kind I eat in Chinatown in BKK! I remember it was something like $5 for a big bowl?? Yummy!! But not sure buy back the Bird's Nest how...

Hang in there all mummies! I hope all our MS symptoms start to fade!

Decided to rest today..last night nausea, dizziness n backache hit me real back..lower right back so pain ESP when I bend then I almost feel like my right leg gonna buckle...I haven got out of bed today yet coz scared the nausea will hit again..but going to my gp in awhile jus tt weather so hot I scared of the walk there..shld haf ask Hubby to drive me there on his way to work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@ Fynn : yupp.. so dun worry, will feed u with more infos when i'm done with the ultrasound scan tml =D

@ Huishan : i too had a bad time .. so bear with it.. it'll just get better =D

ent29: me will be delivering at TMC. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBK i been a few times, not a suitable place to bring toddler, the pavement is not straight and smooth, alot of bumps. Also don't want to risk the little one goes missing when we are engross in shopping, hee hee.

leikela: have a good rest, hang in there!

1st pregnancy always a bliss, 2nd preg not so, cos' still got little toddler to jagar on top of our ms and tiredness!! So 1st time mummies, enjoy your pregnancy and rest more!!

Hi mummies, My cousin just sms me, Pigeon Sterilizer is selling at $95 instead of $125 at Kiddy Palace now. Planning to go buy. So many ppl say Pigeon sterilizer is better than Avant.

felixp, MS supposedly to peak btw weeks 8-10. some will taper off after that. i'm waiting for that moment!! let's hang in there.

bkk - there is this apartment called grand diamond which has a kitchen and is next to platinum mall. that is if it's still called grand diamond - the hotels tend to change hands very fast.

leikela, hope u rest well. it's mid week soon.

Tulips - mine like peaking now or maybe it peak in aust without me really feeling..I was thinking how come 10 wks n getting worse! Mid wk?? Haha it's only tues [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] wonder if I'll get only 1 day?

hi ladies, been some time when i come up to forum. Just got some rashes over my thighs and stomach area where i apply stretch mark cream w cocoa butter. I uses the bodyshop stick type for almost 2 months but then, still got allegic to it after i go into my 2nd trimester. Just see a doc yesterday, cost me 150 for the skin problem. n cannot use stretch mark cream anymore. sob...

leikela, wat goes up will come down. so now ur's peaking so next week will be coming down.

haha.. maybe doc give u 2 days then it's back to work only on thu. and that's past mid week! =)

i have this feeling that no matter how much butter or stretch marks cream i use, i will still have stretch marks. tried for no1 both cocoa butter and clarins tonic oil but also no use. and got to know that both my mum and sis also have stretch marks........

Hi tulips, Txs! I didn't know got peak .. I Tot I didn't have ms during the previous weeks I must those heng ones didn't get [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I vomited my breakfast n dinner out yesterday n today hungry scared to eat cos worried same thing will happen again.. Simply dun like dat feeling .. ;(

Tulip - haha I hope so also...hmm ya my SIL told me tt the cocoa butter one not tt gd..I gotthe clarins oil but coz it's oil I so lazy to use..Hubby say he put for me but u always procrastinate. I wanna faint!!! Got pple come n sit nxt to me in clinic w Indian vegetarian food n I cannot stand the smell!!!! N now they go in n left it in the chair nxt to me!!!!!

ssbaby, in my prev thread, many complain of palmers cocoa butter and body shop's too. i used to use clarins diligently, but it gave me stretch marks too. hahaha it really depends on indiv's skin... i have become to not believe in stretch marks cream thereafter!! my gynae oso told me previously, these creams actually do not work 100%. but if it makes u feel more assured to apply, no harm going ahead.

just speaking from prior experience la... some ppl applied religiously and didnt get the marks... hope u are not as suay as me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tulips, so we both are the same victims of ugly stretch marks! no need waste money on stretch mark creams/oils this time round. hahaha

Morning all....went for my checkup yday...saw my lil beanie! EDD - 1 Dec 11 but think will be Nov bb cos my #1 oso came out 3 wks earlier and from Dec became Nov boy!

My gynae oso noticed a cyst inside my womb (i think someone mentioned previously too?) its abt 2cm but she said will go off itself...hopefully by next 2 visits..

BTW when can we start to apply stretch mark cream?

wah, you ladies so on! some already dilligently applying stretchmark cream/oil. i just started last night. bit lazy. :p best is after shower when skin is still moist then apply. absorbed faster.

i read before stretchmarks are passed down from mother to daughter. if ur mum has, likely u will have too. my mum had it so me too lor! boo!!

memorable choc,

wait till mid-year motherhood baby fair at expo then buy the whole pigeon bundle with rapid sterilizer, bottle/food warmer (very good), bpa free bottles, teats, wet wipes etc. all in a large bag. i think that's a better deal! and can get free gift also.



Maybe you would like to check out this website? http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2278733/how_and_where_to_buy_birds_nest_soup_pg2.html?cat=16. Yah..... I seems to recall drinking bird's nest soup in Chinatown. It's actually very cheap and good. Anyway, perhaps I'll try to ask which reliable store sells good and cheap bird's nest since my future sis-in-law is a Thai. Let me know about ur Bangkok trip too!

We are going there like a meet-up with the prospective in-laws side, hence it's impossible to leave my kid behind. It is good that you can leave ur kids to someone who can take care & both u and ur hubby go for honeymoon. How I wish I can do that one day.... :p

TiNy VoIcE,

I guess I really have to hold onto my kid tight then. Will be bringing stroller along too. As my father-in-law and my hubby's brother is coming along, so many adults...... should be ok.


Don't think I would even consider grand diamond. Just happened to go to the singaporebrides.com website and saw someone posted that she has spooky encounter there.

felixp, hungry gotto eat else wait it will be worse. just take something dry.

bleh, yea, save money but hor, as women, we still will try sometimes. but i'm trying to stay firm not to buy. lol

i have a fren who swears by elancyl stretch cream.

shirley, ohhhh, din know about grand diamond. i have not personally stayed there before but my relatives stayed there and liked it there. otherwise stay in better hotels like amari watergate or intercon etc. not sure how old is ur kid but maybe bring pigeon porridge, jar food or eat at restaurants and order rice and non-spicy stuff for kid.

tulips, i bought elancyl cream this time, 2 tubes for $46, offer at the mums&babes store at KKH. I also got stretchmarks from my 1st preg but i heard if 2nd preg if never put will be even worst, so am going to start soon, when 2nd tri kicks in.

Shirley: since you have many pair of hands to help u in BKK, have fun!! I miss BKK, my all time fav. destination, used to go there yearly w/ my hubby b4 kid came along.

bleh, guess i should try the non cocoa butter. What is the oil based one call? Maybe i go try it out after my rashes recover.

Felt so sian. Cancelled my US trip and japan trip (with penalty). Finally got a free tickets to bali but now got the capterpillars scare happening there. Look like i cant go overseas...

Anyone finds themselves breathing harder when hit with ms? I find myself breathing extra hard

Horrid ms peaking at 10 wks..yay baby keep it up!!!

Haha the irony of motherhood huh

tiny voice, actually i find that the marks are now like embedded silver zigzag threads. it's like embossed in my skin so i doubt i can do anything else about it. no more bikinis for me i guess. lol

ssbaby, maybe just staycation in hotels will be good as well!!! just r&r, laze, eat and enjoy all the time in the world. =)

leikela, i find myself breathing harder after a flight of stairs. no strength to walk too long or too fast.

TinyVoice & Tulips: I also using Elancyl cos my mum bought...But I really dunno how effective it is, just blindly put...The cream seems so powerless and just a cream. Hahaha. Cos I used to put those burning creams for firming and at least those tell me that it's working! :p

Leikela: Jia you! Finally 10 weeks huh! I still remember when you were complaining it was only 5 weeks...Now just 2 more weeks and you're into 2nd tri!!


i'm breathing hard sometimes for no reason at all. even when sitting down. don't need to say climb stairs or having MS or what. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ladies, i'm going for my appt again tonight. shld be thursday but really feeling unwell. think i am down with the damn flu! urrgh...

Starry: Aiyoh! Take care yah! Need plenty plenty plenty of rest...Hope your doc gives you a nice good long MC to rest!

