(2011/11) Nov 2011


we were veri surprised by their behaviour. therefore immediate withdrawal. smmore branded childcare.

little bb

i checked wif my ortho colleagues. carpal tunnel syndrome is seen by orthopaedic drs wor. not under neurology.


manunited: i got ruyi oil and axe oil in my bag. Then i bring sweet around too. I ask liao, peppermint sweet also can.. i only take that haha..

Starry, lol.. just a suggestion. Too ugly la.. i wun want too... haha.. I try to BM more, then can save on powder milk. lol

iemik0, ya.. i am thinking of getting a maid with my grandma helping me to look after the maid to ensure she dun do funny staff. Till bb hit 18 mth, then i bring him to toddler care...


milk powder is very expensive nowadays. my girl's formula costs almost $44 per tin from NTUC and will finish in 10 days. if baby has larger appetite, can finish within 7 days. that's $2000++ in a year! plus diapers? disposable diapers will set you back ard $500-$800 a year. so with everything added up it is quite a lot. can bf is best. save the money. hee!!

Ssbaby: Nope, I don't do yoga! That was fr a website, but yeah, I heard that those yoga classes for pregnant women are pretty good...I will just start walking more in my 2nd trimester and swim!

Sophia: You have a boy and girl twin? So cool!! :D They are going to be such good friends. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starry: Heh. You faint during service then later people thought it's the moving of the Holy Spirit. :p Anyway, I am excited to go 'shopping' on the bulk purchases to look for a Medelaaaa! Woot! What things can buy second hand ah, you think?


if only 1 person fall under the spirit then i seriously think it's the wrong spirit arh! wahahaha! i vaguely heard someone shouting, "OMG, OMG! someone fainted!!" then next moment i knew i was half dragged, half supported out of the church to the resting area. :p my hubby said he couldn't do anything 'cos too stunned, just stood one side with mouth hanging open. =_=!!!

hmm.. 2nd hand items you can get are:

- nursing pillows

- manual pumps (if get electronic one then don't need this lah)

- bottle/food warmer (avent or pigeon brand are good, BN from stores are ex!)

- strollers (my girl's 2 strollers are preloved ones and in excellent condition, saved us a lot)

- carseat (up to your personal comfort level, some ppl sell after using a few times only)

other BN items you can get from WTS/BP threads:

- boots milk bag (can get very cheap, $8-$10 per box of 40pcs. better than medela/lansinoh)

- breastpads (get pigeon brand, a lot of mummies letting go)

- beanie pillows ($12-$15 if buy online. kiddy palace & pupsik outlets are very ex)

- diapers (a lot of mummies sell loose or unopened bags cheap due to overstock)

- infant milk formula (also a lot of mummies selling unopened cans due to overstock)

oh yes.. don't EVER get medela milk bags. so far only heard bad things about it. lansinoh is expensive.. $18 per pack of 50. boots brand is best, $8-$10 for 40pcs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry, yes.. its crazy! I not earning so much loh.. Going build up my breast milk. If i hire maid to take care bb (with grandma looking after the maid), i will use cloth diapers and ask maid to wash. Haha.. cheaper option and better sia. Disposable one only use outside.

My cousin ask me just use NTUC brand one. Quite good. She uses dryper but cannnot tahan the cost. So try ntuc brand.. good leh.. same quality as dryper loh.. haha.. Must save abit here n there.

I be buying insurance for bb at my 18 weeks from Prudential.Damm ex..Anyone of u will be buying too?


nv tried NTUC brand before. really same as drypers? i thought drypers already quite good and cheap. anyway, i overstocked when guardian was having the promo a few months ago. 2 big packs only $14++. damn cheap! will keep all for #2. hee!!

re: cloth diapers

my girl fully on cloth diapers now in the day at my mum's place. at night will use drypers or pampers. my mum fully supports the use of cloth diapers (to my surprise!) and now like ambassador promoting the benefits of cloth diapers to people she knows. haha!! the type i bought are these: http://www.blueberrydiapers.com/Products_3/Pocket-Diapers_2/Minky-One-Size-Cloth-Diapers_4.

starry, u keeping it for ur #2! lol.. thats really early. Anyway, i will try ntuc first. If not good, then switch to drypers. Haha.. Dun pamper the child too much unless he/she got sensitive skin.

The cloth diapers become so nice liao oh... i still in the era whereby using the white cloth one leh.. Cheaper rite? haha...


i overstocked for my girl! thought she will use disposables fully but now on clothies. so keep lor! anyway will be used within the next one year so nvm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] already given a couple of bags away to a friend.

the traditional cloth diaper is cheaper, but will leak and securing it is more ley chey. i remember last time my brother's diaper kept sliding off his bum 'cos wet and heavy plus the safety pin not secure enough. haha! the image is very funny. :p

i use white cloth nappy for my son for awhile. buy those nappyy liners then can dont change everytime.

been eating lotsa fast food lately... very bad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Haha.. Isee, i tink can start buying when near to birth. Buy 1 dryper and another ntuc one. See which one is better. lol.. if he/she good, let him wear dryper.. haha .. evil me.. i can imagine that.. Lol.. must buy those cheapo mattress. else, keep leaking, the bed also gana. lol..

Lovelytulip, me too.. nothing to eat in my office leh. sianz... every day mix veg rice.. haiz... i want to cook myself. but lazy... haha

agree with Starry about Boots milkbags. I had tons of these. Got friends to get for me when they went to Thailand, super cheap.

I use lots of diaper esp with Twins. Now I resort to getting from JB as the savings can be quite significant. I use PetPet. Good enough for me. I remembered as a first time mom, Pampers was good as it had an indicator to tell u if the diaper is wet. But after a while you learn to tell if the diaper is full and it's time to change.

ssbaby, for me, i cant tahan the hawker smell. suddenly becoming very sensitive towards those oily oily smell, makes me nauseous.

worse is, eating at my workplace area is not cheap!

Sophia, u tried buying those tesco brands from JB? sometimes i dun find them cheap compared to singapore unless they are on offers. i use fitti basic for normal wear....

I have been eating fast food too regularly this few weeks. It's so sinful and I remember 1st tri shouldn't gain too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lovelytulips... hmm.. i cant too.. dislike oily smell. I lucky, my workplace got fastfood and food court. cheap.. but sian of eating too..


I also use NTUC brand of diapers + Mamy Poko pull up for outings.

I tried switching whenever my girl outgrows cos I wanted to find the best fit. Thus, I've tried quite a few brands. Conclusion, these 2 are still the best.

NTUC brand is only good for the type with sticky tape by the sides (not pull-up-- too tight). In fact, NTUC improved the sticky tapes last year and can stick and re-stick without problems of losing its stickiness.

Haha.. sounds like I m promoter.

Hi Mummies

I have the following items for sale, do PM or SMS me if you're interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pigeon Nipple Care Cream and Breast Shields


Winnie the Pooh Pants (Unisex) 1 pair


Safety 1st Deluxe Bath Cradle


Used Medela PISA Faceplate


Hi mummies, hope everyone is doing well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I had bought those pants with inserts but never used. Had been used petpet,mammypoko,dryper and huggies before but still prefer huggies.

I had a diaper supplier which do home delivery for all brands, 6 packs above free delivery. Can check out her website



I used milkbags from korea, cheap and good. I think it's $8 or $10 for 25pcs but lost her contact, having to seach in the website again..

I.tulips> I dont dare try coz when I buy diapers in JB, I buy them by the dozens. I scared buy so many then no good how?

Yah, sometimes when there isnt any sales, the cost is quite similar. I stock up on other baby stuff like toiletries and wet wipes. My goodness, that's another product that I use like water!

I also! But I told hair dropping will only happened after birth?

It's scary to see the amt of hair drop everytime after shower !

Thanks all for the concern, I'm much better now, contemplating to take cab tmr morning in case happens again. First time fainted and it's such a shock for me!! But this baluku on my head shall not be suffered in vain!! I must remember not to be complacent and not to think 2nd pregnancy can bo chap and take things easy. Starry actually I wanted to squat down, but feel paiseh and I'm just one stop away from alighting so thought I can tolerate. Who knows... Anyway yes now that I know the symptoms, will ask someone to give up seat for me b4 I black out... black out while sitting is better than while standing!!

Oh just a comment on disposable diapers, pls check for expiry date ok? Not too long ago I let my boy use this old pack of diapers (opened already) passed down from my SIL, wah he cry and complain of pain down there after half hour, I pulled it off and found the tip of his penis slightly reddish!! Scared me man!! So just a gentle reminder here!

OTW: aiyo i also have a opened pack passed to me by SIL. No packing liao. How to see if still ok to use? Maybe should just throw away.

Joanne: I also drop hair when twins were about 4 months. They were also 'shedding' and having new hair growth. This time around, I'm also dropping hair now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hair dropped? will? urgh.. i tied my hair everyday.. n seems like got a bit botak in my hairline. tink i going cut it short soon. but will be ugly coz i got curly booming hair!


I try not to stock up too much cos I think it will "degrade" in my house (the weather is simply too hot these days). At most 4-5 packs each time, used over 2-3 months.

OTW, poor boy. *sayang him*

Ya... I used to wanna faint at Dhoby Ghaut when taking MRT from Toa Payoh to City hall.

Until once, i really black out. I kept holding on cos I cannot see anything.

Luckily I didn't fall.

One of the times, the train stalled half way between Dhoby Ghaut and City Hall and I had to ask for a seat.

Nobody usually give up seats to me then until I asked.

Do you have a hot drink or some food before travelling? I think it will help to keep the glucose level sufficient.

Sophia, Sama sama!!!

My hair dropped like crazy at 4 months after birth too!!!

Then was super messy, and difficult to maintain.

Some said it is normal as we didn't lose much hair during our pregnancy. Hence, after the hormone level drops, all the supposed-to-be-lost hair will all dropped off.

Then, I still think the rate is phenomenal and scary.


1 more phenomenon is that after BF-ing, my chest went quite flat. Didn't look nice for any V-neck or tube dresses.

My colleagues said all went 1 cup size down.

Initially, I dont quite believe until it happened [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sacrifice of a BF-ing mum.

Berrypie, like you I've tried quite a number of diaper brands. Pampers, Mamy Poko, Goo.N, Nepia, Huggies, Fitti360, Petpet, Drypers. I like Huggies & Pampers best.

For IFC, my boy uses Petpet. It was Drypers then I switched to Petpet, since they change diapers every 3 hours.

For night use, I like Huggies Ultra. Day use I like Huggies Dry Comfort.

And since my 'King' now loves to wriggle and flip over, I've switch to pants especially when outside. I started with Huggies Pull-Up pants but found Pampers Active Pants much softer.

Sophia, buy in dozens! wow... i only buy 3 bags or so and top up other toiletries.

chest being flat... oh yes. so enjoy the fullness while bf-ing. gotto change bras after stop bf-ing cos the change is not instantly.

i having craving for kimchi. anyone knows if we can eat? i nv had craving when i have no1. now alot of cravings..... esp the no-no foods.

Jmi,i use Huggies Dry Comfort for day/night. I had bought some training pants, will slowly train my boy after my 1st trim when i hv more energy..


where in thailand can get the boots milk bag? how much per pack? i'm going next month. think can stock up some.


saw the lobang you posted. looks good! but can only keep 1 pic leh. that time i saw that some photographer wanted to build up portfolio and did maternity shoots for free. i signed up and could keep 10 pics. it was a fun experience. show a sample pic..


re: hair loss

i dropped A LOT over the past 2 months also. very sad to see my hair all dropping. now hair quite thin, but luckily no bald patches. hopefully this pregnancy will help me regain hair growth and drop less after birth.


after bfing, my boob size went back to normal. if reduce 1 cup, means i will have no boobs 'cos already an A. lol!


try Kim's Family at bukit timah for their authentic kimchi! it's me and hubby's favorite korean restaurant. very nice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can do a google to read reviews.

starry, it's common to drop hair after birth. I DROPPED ALOT of hair but it will stop after a while.

Hey moms, any of you interested in baby photography for your little ones? If keen, I can ask if Sean Lau can offer a mass sign-up price. I bought 2 PS packages for my boy during a mass sign-up. Since #1 already has 2 'portfolios', gotta be fair to #2 too. :p

Joanne, hahaha. 2 cups to be exact. Beyond my original cup before pregnancy.

Starry, LOL.

Ya. I think I was almost no cup. Mum and sisters were shaking their heads. So "mean", right :p

Luckily over the months, do put back some.

HI Tulips,

Nv heard that Kim Chi cannot eat. Ate quite a bit for my first one. Kim chi noodles soup.

However, some ppl did say not to eat too spicy as it is bad for bb's skin. I can't stop the craving so continued eating...

Sean Lau:

The photography is no longer taken by Sean Lau himself. His business is so good now that he got other photographers. Heard not bad also.


thanks for the reco. i read abt that restaurant. will ask hb to bring me there one day...


same la... cannot eat too much spicy food but i also bo chap. i still wana eat hot and spicy food and craving for anything spicy and sour. i had mee siam twice and kena nagged at cos some say the assam is liang.... (i din know abt it)

jmi, u limit ur access in ur fb.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Cant see..

Starry, u got a good deal. I have hard time telling my hubby to let me go n take. He dun want. Worse come to worse, i ask him take for me while i go bali. Free with nice background. Just nid a pro DSLR to do it... hmm..

Hi mummies,

I am from the June 2010 thread.

I am now doing my 3rd batch spree for Sophie & other brands, the products can be seen on www.sophie.sg. The discount is 20% off price listed on the site.

To order, please send me a PM directly (I will not be referring to the thread postings). I will close orders on 17 April at 3pm. On 18 April, I will contact all mummies to confirm the orders and ask for payment to be transferred before 19 April 11am. Stocks will be available for collection from 20 April onwards at Pinnacle@Duxton or Tanjong Pagar MRT.

I.tulips, My boy's 1st PS was taken by Sean Lau himself when he was 27 days old. His recent one at 51 weeks old was taken by Derrick cos Sean has moved on to be Creative Director and no longer does PS. But personally, I feel Derrick is much better than Sean.

Add me on FB if you wanna view, let me know you're from SMH Nov'2011 ok? [email protected]


i think i have you as friend on FB! later i goo see-look. every mummy loves to 'show-off' her child. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me too! otherwise won't post on FB right? haaha!!

my girl's photoshoot was done by hubby's cousin who runs her own bridal studio. pics on FB too. her bf did the shooting and it turned out beautiful. plus, it's FOC. hee hee! :p i'm such a cheapo...


hubby also didn't wanna take until i told him it's FREE. men can be so calculative over such things. i think it's wonderful keepsake. 'cos you are only pregnant for that 9 mths in your life. should take some photos.

Jmi, u are not the first one who said that! but i have friends who felt cheated cos when she first signed up, she tot the photographer will be Sean himself but turn out otherwise. But my other friends commented that Derrick takes "clearer" pictures maybe cos he not like Sean who will run to and fro to make the kid laugh.

thinking to do a newborn PS ourselves cos rates are so ex now. Some people like Kelly Soon. Have personally used her services but not for newborn but felt that it's quite plain. I like props! haha

starry, yeah you're my FB friend. Hahaha but I think some people might be turned off with me..this 'proud mama'. :p


I.tulips, I was a little annoyed too when they informed me about Sean no shooing anymore. They did offer some form of compensation like an additional table top frame.

Alot of friends like this recent PS better than the first. They felt Derrick managed to get my boy to smile 'into' the camera.

Baby/children biz are in demand cos parents are willing to spend!

