(2011/11) Nov 2011

Hi little bb, cheer up k.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] did doc says Wat to do to so dat will be better? Or that it will improves in later stages of pregnancy? Now dat I am feeling horrible just with fatigue n indigestion, can't imagine it's much much worse for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] u take care n rest well... Sorries dat I can't help much to lessen the pain for u .. But I sm glad ur Hubby is so caring [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Littlebb... I think maybe sometimes when bb grow.. Ur womb will press on certain nerve.. Tt's y pain ba... My sil told me tt... Coz when she preggy wif her 3rd son this happen... For me.. Both pregnancy my sholder will ache vvv badly.. Till I cannot lift my arm... I think I should not be anything bad and should go away after bb come out ba...

Felixp & Huishan- I will have to wait untill fri then i will get to see Neurology at SGH then i will know whats all this about..The aching and pain really unbearable.I feel sharp pain at my nerves and the numbness is so odd..I can roll on bed and cried loud,at the moment i dun care if im preganat anot,i couldnt care anymore as i am about to bang my head on the wall.I keep telling my hubby to bring me to the hospital but hubby said even i go hospital i cant do any xtray,im thinking am i going to pain to death.After i took panadol and keep praying,it really helps abit.Im able to sleep but wokeup every 2hours..I pray tonite must dun torture me like this again..PLS!

Little bb.. I think ur pain is vvv serious Liao leh.. Mine is pain but not till the extend like tt.. Only like super sore n suan... Fri is still a bit long to bare wif such pain.. Can ask the doc if u can go earlier???

Huishan-Ya fri is super long for me to bear but this is the earliest available slot they have..You know what,actually i tot im one of the lucky moms who dun have morning sickness but now my nausea starts at 8weeks,all big and small sickness have come to find me..I told myself i have to endure for the sake of my bb!

Littlebb.. I guess dif women have dif "sufferings" during 1st tri... Mi also no much morning sickness but I suddenly allgeric to seafood.. Body always itchy.. Plus my lips keep peeling till bleed.. I drink lots of water n apply lots of lip balm also no use.. My skin becomes super allergic... All my previous skin care have to change.. Even air freshener also cannot get near.. Else whole body itchy.. My face is red most of the time.. Haiz.. Like ppl say... Be mother not easy lor.. It's through all these tt we will treasure our little one more...

I also interested in massage.. I do heard b4 some Malay ladies vv good in going prenatal massage.. But some ppl say dun do during 1st tri... Need tahan a bit more ba...

Huishan-Thats why mum is always the greatest!! Huh i cannot dahan my backaches lei,tot can do some Jamu masage to ease abit.Just now went to my house downstairs got a thai massage shop,i told them i want a back massage but im pregnant.Immed she shake head saying pregnant cannot do.Haiz...

Ent, I've both Medela & Avent pumps. Hated the Medela cos it was painful and noisy.

Preferred the Avent cos it's quieter and easier to use. If getting one, invest in an electronic with manual option please. Else may pump till hand cramp!

There are ladies tt know how to do pre natal massage and some mums did do in 1st tri b4.. These ladies know how to do massage for pregnant women n know the places in the body to avoid massage.. Can do a search in this forum or other mother forum.. I rem reading somewhere but I forgot where.. I think they are the ones tt come to ur home do for u one.. Or if u know any post natal massage ladies u can ask them if they know how to do prenatal massage?? But i think u better wait for fri see doc 1st.. Ask the doc wat is the problem and ask him can go for massage or not..

little bb,

Sounds like you are going thru a lot of pain! Hang in there, hope you find a way to minimize it. Sometimes prenatal massage helps, but wait till 2nd tri then start will be better. I'm not familiar with carpal tunnel except I had it on my hands during last pregnancy and it hit me again last week. It goes away for a few days/weeks and back again, soreness in the fingers. Have u googled and check how other mummies with similar symptoms cope with it?


Confinement may sound like some huge, insurmountable 'project' but with proper planning it's actually quite easy, depending on how strictly u wanna follow the rules. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: breastpump

I love my medela!! Cannot do without it. Mine is the Freestyle. Dont find it noisy and it's very small and light. Can go handsfree too. Very convenient. Bought from bulk purchase thread at only SGD475. Very good deal in my opinion. Breastpumps best get brand new as those used ones dont know pump motor still gd or not. But up to personal preference and also budget. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Starry,i had goggle and learn some nerves exercising.Today the aching not so serious,maybe ytd i ate too many bananas.My sister told me those long bananas are cooling and will worsen my aches ..I hope later i can sleep well.

I really want to thanks mummies out there for showing great advices to me.I really had a hard time.Your advices,care and concern really means alot to me.I am very touched..Thanks dear friends!

Little bb, i heard cannot eat too many of those long bananas cos too cooling for the body especially during 1st tri... But perhaps in your case helped to ease ur pain so offset Liao.. Hoe today will be a better day for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning ladies,

IFC: totally agree with some of you. IFC is really not for those who are super fussy about their babies getting 24/7 attention. But that doesnt mean that the teachers there will not care about the babies. I searched for those near my place and even went down (dont call first) to speak to the principal and kaypoh the center.

I must say the fees is high (I got twins somemore) but the subsidy is useful. The money govt gives for the kid can also be used to pay their fees.

I agree that they fall sick often so breastfeeding till as long as you can give is useful. I even give supplements once they reach 6 months of age. Also go for all the necessary jabs to boost their immunity.

For mommies thinking of sending to IFC, do your homework first. Go down to the center to check.

MIL: agree with one of the ladies, before children all is well. After the kids come, they have different idea of how to raise them, that's where the conflicts arise. Mine just dropped me the bomb and told my hubbi that she does not want to take care. Want us to look for other options. That period of time was really the darkest moments. I even lost 10kg becoz of the stress......

Breast pumps: I used a Medela previously. I guess no matter wat brand, must be electronic otherwise manuel pumping will kill. No matter what, it's also impt for the baby to continue suckling otherwise the milk will not be produced.

COnfinement: I had my mom to come in the day to take care of me. In the night, it was on my own with the hubbi. Very siong but worth it.

I'm having constipation at the moment. Any ladies suffering from this? I take lots of fruits and vegs and even drink prune juice. Can sometimes use so much force until my face turn all red.......

morning ladies! =)


mi having consult at KKH too. wan to do oscars scan but yet to get appt. mayb Dr will help mi arrange afta i c him tmr. hehe.


usually can confirm CL when u c bb hb. but alot of good CL all booked liao when i enquire 2wks ago.

re: IFC

not for fussy parents. but IFC shud at least have some standards. i placed my elder boi when he was 6mths. on day 1, milk feed overdue by 2hrs & we onli left him under teachers' care for 3hrs. we even inform the teachers he is due feeding in an hr. end up they too buzi & onli deal wif babies that cry. my boi juz happily playing in the rocker. withdraw him immediate coz they din even bath him during that 3 hrs whereas all the other babies were cleaned up & when ask them to feed him, my boi refuse to drink as it was way past his feeding time & guess what the teacher did? she used his towel, wrap him up tightly & force feed in front of us. all because she was not happy that we made a fuss. haiz.

Good morning mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happily sipping on my warm soya bean this morning. Found a new drink to make me happy. Hehe.

Starry: Ooh, so that's how you get a cheaper Medela! How did you know which one to get? And I thought Medelas cost something like $900? Is it because you bought via bulk purchase thread? And and and, how strict and how lax can confinement rules be? I'm pretty sure I don't know the strictness of confinement man! :p

Morning mummies.. almost fainted this morning when i m waiting for my work shuttle bus. See stars and face went pale after waiting 20mins. Cannot tahan, walk out of the queqe and sit down. Then feel better and requeqe again. Urgh.. now the feeling still on n off... Anyone got such problem? I do not have low blood prob in the past... Or is it because i am transisting in to 2nd tri?

Iemik0: i am not a fussy person. But come to my child, i guess i will. I tink the IFC did not do a good job. Why all other taken care n ur wasnt? Funny still, they do this all in front of u? tot if got parents around, they must at least do a better job ma..


I just went to get the lightest and most portable dual pump from medela. Saw my colleague using and even while she pumped in office, I didn't hear the motor while standing near her. So it's considered very quiet. And she said it's really good because the motor has the letdown phase (for stimulating milk flow) and expression phase (for actual drawing out of milk). It has a memory system too, which u can easily program it to remember how long you want to pump and stop automatically. Comes with a nice tote bag plus cooler bag too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so for $475 it's a steal. Oh, local sets with warranties are usually $799 onwards. Mine is US set, no warranty. Even if got problem, just bring down to local service centre to fix. Pay $100 upfront still worth it.

Re: confinement rules

Can be very strict like totally no washing of hair throughout 28 days, cannot drink plain water but only red dates tea, cannot touch unboiled tap water, must wear long sleeves long pants, cannot go outside, cannot on fan and blow direct, no bathing only wipe down, veg all must use sesame oil and wine to cook etc etc.

My confinement was like this:

- first 5 days no showering, no bathing

- subsequently bathe everyday with herbs

- wash hair once every 2-3 days

- drank plain water secretly

- touched plain water when washing things

- wore t shirt and shorts

- on fan to maximum secretly

- went out many times with baby

Broke a lot of rules until my mum also closed one eye.

i'm so tired lately. been sitting on the "reserved" seat in mrt and i wonder if anyone will be wondering why i'm taking that seat. should i give my seat to another preg lady if i see one? sometimes i wonder.....

ent29, i'm also sipping soya bean drink. eating the tuna pancake fr mr bean and find it really nice! lol

starry, the medela u got at 475 is a nett price u got from the spree? thinking to ask someone get for me in states but wonder if it's cheaper.

for pumps, i think always get an electronic one. i heard ameda is also not bad. i have a avent manual pump which i only use for a few times cos it was so tiring. got a single electric pump and it wasnt cheap either.... maybe invest in a better one this round, but means the old ones are wasted. haiz.

ssbaby, i think some ifc are not that good compared to others. maybe the one u went to really has bad attitude teachers.

seeing stars:

some pple i know gets anemic during pregnancy esp the first tri. cant stand too long and always having the fainting spell. ask ur gynae abt it and of cos, always be very careful and stand faraway fr platforms of mrt or roads....


try not to push too hard, especially during the last tri. ask gynae for stool softener which are actually sold in pharmacies as well. should help....

Ent, u say practise yoga? Do they have yoga lesson for preggy? I tink its a form of exercise and can it help when come to birth? Meaning, easier birth?

thanks lovelytulips, the star sight only came today. All my frens say i dun look like preggy coz i been jumping around and do not have mood swing, ms at my first trimester... Now its coming.. Funny leh.. Tot 2nd trimester should be happier? honeymoon ma... lol

ssbaby, dont know if your jumping around literally means jumping. if so, try to refrain...

some MS will follow till 2nd tri. i had mine till beginning of 2nd tri when i was with no1. every night after dinner and shower, sure puke and it carried on for like 1-2 weeks. MS is a funny thing... u dont know when it will kick in or stop.

but generally, u will be happier in the 2nd tri. give a few more days to settle down the "leftovers" from 1st tri. haha


It's normal to faint. That's what my previous gynae told me. I black out several times during my last pregnancy and always outside. So pls be very careful! I fainted in church and totally toppled over the chair during worship and scared the wits put of myself and everyone ard me. Couldn't control at all so best way is to sit and if sitting doesn't help, place ur head between the knees! Take care okay?


Yes, nett price. It was ready stock in Singapore so I just met up with seller to collect. Initially wanted to get my boss bring back from me from states but he was going to exceed his baggage allowance liao. And the entire box is very bulky. If I'm not wrong, have to pay tax at the airport for it too because over USD200. Have to check. Oh the last I checked the BP threads, freestyle is going for SGD450 only.


i've always loved mr bean cheese pancake. very nice!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovelytulips, of course not the real jumping lol.. But was still walking very fast and dun feel preg.. i was chasing my 3 year old niece at my 6weeks near the swimming pool when she threaten to jump into the deep pool. My cousins and aunties has a fright over me rather than the young one. Haha...

Ya.. i waiting it to settle down. Hope it turn better after next week when i get into my 2nd tri.

starry: is that the Medela Freestyle you are referring to? I had that during my first preg. The let down and stimulating function is very good! I will go back to it when I get ready for this baby. Too bad I sold it off.....

Fainting: Yes, it can happen. Just be careful ladies.

Generally the second tri is better. Infact you will 'glow'. I had lots of compliments that I looked even better than before being preg. Enjoy that period. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Of course I continued to look good by going for facials and doing my hair.:p

Confinement: I broke all the rules. I bathed, washed my hair everyday, drank water, didnt touch the herbs for bathin, used the fan and aircon. Haiz, I think when I grow old I will REALLY suffer man.

Ssbaby, at least u only nearly fainted... I really fainted on the mrt today!!! First I felt nauseous ( think it's the garlic bread I took for breakfast) then started perspiring, then see stars and before I knew what's happening, I was down on the floor with people trying to help me up! Bumped my forehead but otherwise ok. I rested for a while, now taking train back home, lucky plenty of seats this time. I really cannot believe I just fainted like that! Maybe getting old? :p

starry, head between the knees while u are outside? Look funny leh... But i will do it if i encounter next time. I was in a queqe and there wasnt any place to sit. Thats by i keep standing until wanted to faint.

For the breast pump, when should we buy it? Coz i worry buy too early, then no BM for my bb, buy also wasted. My mum dun have BM for me n my younger sis. My younger bro only got 2 weeks of bm..

OTW, exactly what happen to me. I felt nauseous, then i see stars, then i look at my phone (mirror screen), i was pale. I was perspiring too. I know i going to faint, so i walk out of the queqe and find a sit. only thinking that damm... i queqe for 20min! lol. Are u ok now? Lucky nvr hit ur stomach. Near mi are mainly bicycles, soo i cant imagine if i fainted, will i hit onto those bikes anot. I wanted to go home too. But i tink i took to many mc. paiseh to take some more. also to save for next half of year to use ma..

Morning, ladies!

Starry and Joanne, mr bean cheese pancake is also my favourite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little bb, hope you had a better sleep last night.

ssbaby, take care and try not to stand too long on your feet.

Counting down to 2nd trimester already...jia you to all of us! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

phoenixmisi, sometime we dun have a choice.. must take mrt at times leh... haiz. Hope stomach become bigger and people let us sit down. Lol.. No one want give me sit this morning. But whenever reserve sit is empty, i become auntie and fight for it! lol...

ssbaby, ya, especially now we are at the stage where our tummies not showing yet. Nowadays, I also go sit at the reserve seat if it's empty, dun care liao...haha..


hope you are okay now! now that you know what that feels like, watch our for the signs. for me, i get cold sweat, the tendons at the back of my neck suddenly tighten, and my ears start ringing. before seeing stars, you should squat down or find a seat immediately. and remember don't stand too near the yellow line at the platform. 'cos ppl sure push and shove there during peak hours.


i had no choice that time. i was at JB city square mall having shopping trip with hubby and friends. i think i was ard 5-6mths then and we were walking ard for a while already. suddenly felt like fainting and went to get a seat. but sitting also no use, really really had to blackout that kind. so i just bent over placed my head between the knees and took deep breaths telling myself cannot faint!! really very scared that time. 'cos the feeling was awful. nauseous, sweating, seeing tons of stars, ears ringing very loudly etc. i think i sat there for ard 10-15 mins.

re: pump

get ard a month before you give birth? some wait till give birth then buy. but may be out of stock or what so just buy earlier lor.

and sure will have bm, don't worry. last time women were told that formula is better and more nutritious for babies and only those more well-off ones can afford formula. my mil also didn't bf my hubby. she said she had bad engorgement and took medication to stop it 'cos painful. if got engorgement means have a lot of milk so a big pity she stopped. in fact a lot of women took pills to stop milk production then.

OMG, OTW, you ok or not? Need to be more careful next time....

ssbaby: I didnt rebond, only colouring and cutting. But in the late second tri onwards, I didnt colour. Just regular trimming and washing. The massage was just wonderful.


mc from gp will do. unless you max out all mc then go gynae ask for hospitalization leave.

ladies, if travelling on train and don't feel well, please ask for a seat! better to be pai seh for a moment than really falling and hurting yourself or baby.

agree, sure will have bm. Just be positive and not stress yourself. Your body is a wonderful machine. I had enough to feed two for 4 months before I went back to work and slowly weaned them off.

phoenixmisi, ya.. i sit n close my eyes. Dun care. lol.. wahahaha.. High five!

Starry, yaya right... my ears was stucked. Maybe becoz i nvr faint before so just now i broke down coz i very scared. Think the people near bus stop also scare by me... Maybe we should learn from my grandma, bring a walking stick with a chair attached one.. lol..

Sophia, ya i love the massage. But my gyane fren ask me dun do it. Her doc say bear your own consequences. Till date i bearing the pain on my shoulder and neck loh...

Starry/sophia.. thanks. if really, then i go buy. i scare buy liao, wasted... Must eat more papaya.. haha..

ssbaby: i massage head when shampooing. when I do body massage, I tell them I'm pregnat and I choose the type suitable for preggy ladies.

Don't worry about the pumps, very most sell off online. Lots of takers.

Hi, after reading your posts, quite scary and worrying, pls be careful while outside.

I have been having abit headache also...very xin ku. can we apply the axe medicated oil now? i m so tempted to apply but abstained from applying. Duno if it is ok to apply anot.




just be careful next time bah. no need walking stick with chair lah. so obiang! haha! bm will come naturally and with demand from baby, supply will sure increase and meet baby's needs.

