(2011/11) Nov 2011

Hi Sophia,

So cool to have twins.

Is it difficult to handle 2 babies at 1 time?

I was imagining mine to be but confirmed liao, it is single pregnancy.

hi mummies, good morning! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sophia and koi, welcome. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm back at work after 1 week of resting at home. missing my girl now.


My EDD should be 16 Nov 11, delivery at TMC with Dr Yvonne Chan.

Starry, i can understand ur feelings of missing your girl. I'm always missing my son after the weekends....

hi tulips. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yeah. but i must say it is more tiring to look after kids full-time at home than working from 9-5.

Hi all,

I've a brand new Quinny Buzz 3 stroller, willing to let go at $800. Price neg. Was given to me as a baby shower gift. Interested pls pm me. Thanx.

Color of stroller: Roller Pink.


starry: yup. tiring and espeically if they want u to just sit there and play with them...... it's fun yet sometimes frustrating.

Jo: ya.... that's part of MS. just hang in there. maybe get some sweets or plums to suck....

Just got the call from KKH. My blood test for Down Syndrome is 6th May and the scan is 12th May.

It was tough in the beginning when I had the twins especially the early months. But it becomes slightly easier when they are bigger. My twins are now 16 months. So when I pop, they will be 2.

Do remember to document the journey ladies, you dont want to miss out on any thing. I like looking at their baby photos at times and see how they've changed.


my girl just turned 6mths old over the weekend. she's very active and sometimes need a lot of attention. if she were older, i could at least ask her to watch cartoon or play by herself and let mommy rest a while. sometimes when she cries, i also don't know what she wants/needs 'cos too young to talk then have to trial and error or pick her up and sayang her a bit. really very tiring, especially now i'm still in 1st trimester. luckily my mum takes really good care of her during the weekdays so i go to work with a peace of mind. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


eat something plain, like porridge or soups?


i handle one already very tired, can't imagine 2!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry, I send my twins to infant care since they were 3 months old. Long story.... got played out by MIL. They have adapted well and infact, I think they are learning more in IFC than with her.I pick them up in the evenings and since my maid will do the cooking and cleaning, I get to spend the time with them then.


it must have been tough for you during the earlier stages. good that they have adapted and you have a maid to help out. now with #3 on the way, have you thought about how to handle the day-to-day after maternity leave?

Hi Sophia, Congrats on ur #3! As ur twins will be 2 when u pop, shld be more managable i guess?!! Do they already know that they have a younger sibling coming? I think u are very "wei da" Cant imagine myself with 3 kids ...

Hi Starry, luckily got your mom to take care of ur girl. Mine must prob will be taken care by my MIL (i hope no conflicts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]) As my MIL has some leg problems, I am quite worried if her health can cope with taking care of a bb. Most prob will get a maid. Mummies, any reco?

I hope the time will pass faster to 6pm so that I can knockoff! Been feeling very listless, tired, emo and dragging myself to work each day. To add on, I am constantly feeling very full although eaten nuthing ... plus indigestion after every meal ... I hope things will get better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no other options apart from mil? my mil had knee replacement a few years back. her other knee is gonna give way very soon too so walking with a very bad limp. everytime i watch her carry my girl i will feel scared for both of them. and she likes to suddenly disappear with her to her block's void deck to show her friends her grand daughter. hmm...

conflicts, sure will have. only minor or major. haha!! initially i thought my mil and i got along very well. zero conflicts! but when baby came, wah.. can really see that she has a lot of stubborn old mindsets about baby care. even till now, never ending.. another option is send your baby to infant care. but have to be prepared that your baby may initially keep falling sick. some will, some won't. just be prepared. but baby will be very well-trained to self soothe and sleep by him/herself. that's the nice part. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry, abt IFC i agree they get sick often n can soothe themselves to sleep (cos u cry oso hav to wait, haha). but mine will still cry for us to soothe her when she is at hm....

Starry, I like your last sentence "baby will be very well-trained to self soothe and sleep by him/herself. that's the nice part" - sounds so cute and niceeee... Aww...

I think no other options cos this is her 1st grandchild and she had mentioned to us that she wanna help us take care now that she is still okay. Yes, my MIL oso knee not good but not to the extend of gg for knee replacement yet. Wat we can do is to get an extra pair of hands i.e. maid to help her. I am imagine if my MIL carry my bb i will feel very insecure too.

If its my own mom, at least if we quarrel she will understand and we can be abit more upfront. But for MIL, still must respect abit and cannot be so upfront loh. I hope will if have conflicts, not so serious but it's gg to be abt my bb, so sure each side have own story/theory ... haizzz... I go my MIL's place see the kitchen I wanna faint. Not that my MIL is not nice; infact she is very nice, just that I can see we have very different patterns and I am quite the stubborn type. But Infant care is how old? U mean after my ML, say bb is abt 3-4 mths, already can send to infant care?


your girl smart huh? knows that she's at home and can 'tekan' her daddy. haha!! my hubby also always bullied by the little princess. aiya, he secretly loves it anyway. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes it's true! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sounds nice yah? if i am not wrong, it's similar to what's called the CIO (cry it out) method used at the infant cares. let baby cry for 3 mins then attend to him/her, pat-pat a bit then walk away. if cry again, let it go on for 5 mins then go back, pat-pat etc. lengthen the timing with every cry until the baby calms down by him/herself. of course must make sure baby had milk and no wet/soiled diaper! have to teach and let them get used from young. the teachers at infant care centres usually don't have time to attend to baby all the time.

my gf placed her baby girl in infant care when she was abt 3 mths old. it worked out fine for both of them. in fact, her baby became more 'guai' and slept by herself!

oh yah, i agree with you about arguing with own mother and then later still fine and can talk. with mil it's really hard.

Sigh. I'm getting more worried about childcare options also. Firstly, my mum doesn't stay that close to me, though she is quite mobile and can drive around. Would love for her to take care of my kid though. Not sure what my MIL's stand is, but she already has 2 grandkids to take care of, don't know if she'll want to take care of mine also...She might use the excuse that her place nearer and got SIL's maid to help...

Then with regards to confinement, I feel that it is a waste of money to employ a confinement lady for just one month, plus have to pay for food. I might as well cater. But don't know if I can cope by myself (with some help from my mom here and there) for that one month...

Starry, I also thought I could get along with my MIL, but yeah, can see the differences in terms of values and all, so a bit scared. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Infant care - I think very expensive! $1k + a month right...Wah, really have to consider all the options man...Headache!

IFC is super expensive... but of coz there are advantages also.. my colleague said IFC babies learn to walk n talk faster coz they will see and learn fr other bb.. for me.. mostly likly will ask my mum.. but the problem is my mum stay in the east i stay in the west... most likly will move house ba... btw.. anyone tot of getting those aunties as nanny in ur neighbourhood?

Hi Loh & Starry, Thanks!! Infant Care sounds like a good option. Never tot of that at all as we no experience, ha! Will discuss w my hubby. I agreed with the CIO method; i feared that my MIL will pamper the bb till they are spoilt. That's wat happened to kids nowadays.

Loh, how do u post the table? I wanna update my details and post. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry, when she gets older, she might want you to watch cartoons with her!! that's what my son is doing to us. but we try not to watch with him cos we try to get chores done while he is watching but sometimes u see him sitting there alone, it's like so lonely.......

i guess every age is a different experience.

Felix, if knee is a problem, u might want to note if she can squat or sit on the floor. cos some pple with knee problem have problems getting up after sitting on the floor. when ur kid gets older, u mite be putting her on the playmat etc and will thus require her to be on the floor at times. of cos having a maid helps a great deal......

soothing themselves to slp for those in infant care is true to a certain extent cos my son was like that when he was still pretty young... but he wants us to slp with him now at 23 months! maybe it's cos mummy always accompany him to slp till it became a habit. haha...

Hi there, IFC isn't that expensive. It all depends where/which ones you go. MCYS gives working moms $600 for full-day IFC and $300 for CC.

I pay $490/month for my boy's IFC. This of course excludes milk powder and diapers. He gets to 'socialise' with babies/tots of his age. Gets fed 2 meals of porridge at day.

No offense to anyone, but if you're really gonna be fussy then it's better you take care of your child yourself. Some parents do expect the heaven and earth for their child at the IFC (I've read through it in some forums). This doesn't not means that I'm a bochap mom.

To be fair, IFC teachers ain't the highest paid around, and they really have alot on their hands. They are responsible for all the kids placed there so if they ring and inform you to pick you kid cos he/she is sick, when you get there, your kid might be 'isolated' in 1 corner (that was what happened to me when they suspect my boy has HFMD).

DH & I prefer the IFC cos at least we are unhappy, we can complain to an organisation rather than to a nanny when we can't exactly see what is done when we're not there.

note to those intending to put to infant care.... there will be people who are not pro ifc. thus they will comment like, so young go ifc, always sick, so ke lian etc and make u sound like such a bad mom.

so gotto know your stand should you decide to put in 1. my 2 cents worth cos i've come across alot of such pple.

of cos there are also alot of pple who are pro. but generally, those who are against are the parents and inlaws cos they are of the older generation...... gets very frustrating at times.

Yup, one of my colleagues oso put at infant care and his son is quite guai. Initially his son was taken care by his mom but he "caught" his parents giving empty promises, for eg telling the boy do something then will bring him out to play but didnt bring at all. Once the poor boy fell from the bed/chair and hit his head and the parents keep mum about ... Till a few days later the boy viomited and they brought him to see the doc then the parents confessed... So its a scary experience for them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Taken care by parents has pros and cons, and so do IFC. Thanks for all your advice and info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Huishan, nanny oso abt 500 per mth, comparable to IFC, as mentioned by Jmi. If find Nanny must find reliable ones. I have a colleague, lives in Woodlands and MIL lives in East. In the end, they got a maid and both parents inlaw come to live with them at woodlands permanently. The best part was the MIL dun know how to do anything and everything was done by the maid. And the MIL will sometimes disappear whole day and let the maid take care of everything. Not that my colleague is complaining, but seems that the MIL didnt do anything much loh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Maybe get confinement lady or ur MIL come stay w u only during ur ML then after that go for ifc?? I think workable if u and hubby are agreeable. Like wat the other says, must be very firm, cos I can imagine my mom and MIL objecting already. But really sounds like a good option for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Joanne, u already 12 weeks? I heard CL only take on assignments when the pregnancy is at least 12 weeks.

I am only 7 weeks ++ not eligible yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jo: better find early. i've heard of CL being booked! some call as early as being 4 weeks preg. and those who are doing oct confinement, cant do ours.......

tulips, so early ? Confirm CL at 4 weeks? I asked my friend to recommend me her CL, but her CL said only confirm if i am 12 weeks.

But right now I oso havent confirm if wanna get CL or maid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] How?

i dun think my mummy will gif me problem la.. coz she vvv modern when it comes to kids.. and she did say after age 2 yrs can put child care cheaper... wat i am afraid is my place there no IFC.. i stay in bukit batok.. even if have also dunno cheap or not n we do not own a car.. i also prefer put IFC as bb can learn more things also.. but IFC in sg not a lot.. esp in neighbourhood areas...

Yes, I heard my friend's 2K+ .... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Everything is super expensive with bb ... not to mention my wedding banquet is in May.. Really double whammy! Over the weekend, saw some bb stuff... stroller, sterilizer, etc all is 3 digits... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Trying to get 2nd hand stuff from my friends instead loh...

Ya! All is like so expensive now.

So I'm taking 2nd hand from cousins [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you will be able to cope during confinement. trust me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the first week back home will be tough 'cos you have to adjust your routine to baby's demands. but you will adapt quickly and have a routine in no time. if have confinement food catered then you can just focus on baby and making milk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] housework leave it to part-time maid/mum/hubby etc.


traditional nanny has its pros and cons. at least you know that your child is in good hands (of course if you have good nanny!), won't fall sick so easily, have one to one attention. the problem is some nannies will let your child watch tv whole day, won't teach your child anything and no interaction with other kids. and nannies will also take urgent leave for errands or take long hols. i would say IFC is better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yeah, she may ask us to watch tv with her. then the next moment, may not want to come to us and rather play with friends. kids' patterns will change very fast. just treasure the current moment as much as possible as it will nv return again.

re: 'unwanted' advices from others

just learn to one ear in one ear out. came across many ppl who nv gave birth before yet give comments like you should not do/eat/drink this/that etc. i just smile and nod. later i had ppl commenting my bm not enough, look fat after giving birth etc. i also try to 'lun' and forget it. but i remember all these ppl and when their turn comes, i see whether they practice what they preach.

Huishan, oic... I at woodlands, dun know got ifc anot... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So many things to settle for bb...

I envy u, ur mom is modern means she will not interfer so much in ur bb's thingy... my mom is in-between while my MIL is the kind everything oso say can but actually very traditional. Abit worrying there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] And she is the super religious type....

felix, joanne,

if you both don't mind can check out the WTS thread for mummies letting go of preloved items or even BN ones cheaply. i bought a lot of things from this thread, some BN (sterilizers, manual pumps, milk bags, bottles..), some preloved (nursing pillow, infant stroller, yaolan..) but all cheaper than retail price. can really find very good deals! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

felixp, yea... super ks rite? have a fren now 4 mths and cant get the CL who did for her previously cos booked. so no choice but to look for another one.

$1950 still ok. some i know are btw 2-2.3k for 28 days!!! next time i also wana be one.... haha

for those thinking of IFC, can check up the mcys web on child care portal and search via location. go to a few and "inspect" before deciding...

actually certain thing at 1st my mum also dun agree de.. me n my hubby scare her lor.. she say bb sleep sarong easier to take care of.. we told her bb tt sleep sarong has higher chance of SIDS... then she ok liao.. haha.. but true la... some stuff she also cannot understand coz she feels we are brought up this way.. y our bb cannot leh.. but is just that she is more easy to phyco lor... haha..

some of my colleagues hire maid to look after thier kids.. i think they super brave lor.. haha.. IFC is still the best if they are cheaper and if more is available...

Yup Starry, will do just that. But i also wanna wait till 12 weeks till my bb stablised leh... hehes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Next month gg to be 12 weeks liao and gg for OSCARS scanning and blood test liao. From now til then hope everything will be smooth... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Word of advise for those looking for IFC, if you want to put your baby in one, better to start looking early. Especially if you're staying in new estates like Seng Kang/Punggol etc.


My mil also very traditional but not to the extent of crossing the line with me. She knows that I will be angry and voice out type so let me have my way. For my girl, she wanted to go fengshui master to count handstrokes and have a custom-made name. I came up with the name I like then informed her that it will be baby's name. She wanted to shave my girl's head at 1mth old based on reason that newborn hair is 'dirty' and bad luck. I told her that I won't shave. She wanted to baby to pray to the Chinese gods on altar at her place, I told her baby will be christian like me and her daddy. Luckily she nv press and try her luck.

Re: CL

Whoa! Didn't know now CL is so ex! Inflation huh?


WTS = want to sell. Go forum main page, thread is way at the bottom. You will find a lot of lobangs there. From milk powder to diapers to LV bags. I also bought a lot of diapers from nice mummies whose babies outgrew them and sold at very very low prices. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now having 2nd baby, can save I'll save. Heh heh!


Can nv be too Kiasu abt this! Once pregnancy stabilize, go do research and get enlisted. I thought childcare SP easy can get in, that day went to enroll my girl for April 2012 nut was told to wait till 2013!! Terrible...

Just went to the gynae last sat,little beanie is good.Heartbeat very strong and everythings fine..But i am having alot of aching and numbness on my right hand and back very pain and aching as well.Last night the pain was unbearable,my hubby apply some tiger balm to massage on my back but still the pain unbearable.My whole body nerves ache till the hair roots.I roll on bed,want to bang my head.Then i took some paracetamol and pray to god till i sleep.

This morning,first thing i call TCM to check if im suitable for Physiotherapy,im thinking that the pain was due to my slepping posture or pillow.Too bad i pregant cannot go for physiotherapy so no choice went to see normal GP.Doc use a small hammer to hit on my nerves after that said i most probably diagnose with Carpal tunnel syndrome.I am being refer to neurology at SGH this fri.Doc said some pregancy women will have this syndrome..I am so sad and in pain..

Starry: Thanks for the assurance. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You're one of the people I refer to when I tell my MIL/SIL/hubby about how strong people have been to take care of their own confinement without CL! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just have to convince the hubs now...He's quite concerned and just wants to spend the money so I can get my health back. But keep telling him it's just one month and that it's not worth the money!

Btw, I also have some religious issues with my MIL. Good thing my hubs very stubborn with her one. Haha. So he will get his way. But I'm just afraid that if leave my little one with her, she'll do things behind our back lor, like teach my little one to baibai to the altar...


Re: Breast Pumps

Experienced mummies who have been breastfeeding - why do people all buy the Medela? Does it beat all other brands hand down? I know it's quite ex, so which parts is it that we can buy from the WTS and which parts do we get on our own? How much is worth the price getting a second-hand Medela (the needed parts)?



I know must just let people say whatever they want lor...Sad that again, I have a SIL that they can compare me with and all along they keep saying how outsiders can't beat family. And I think they will be willing to take care, but how to reject!! Siggghh. Plus I think ah, the hubby also cos so green, then will just want to follow whatever his brother has been doing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Little_bb: Hang in there...I hope you get a diagnosis quickly...In the meantime, did the GP provide any painkillers or what?

Got this from the Internet, not sure if it helps!


What can I do to relieve the pain?

If possible, avoid any activity that requires forceful, repetitive hand movements. Although these movements may not have caused your carpal tunnel syndrome, they can make your symptoms worse.

If your job requires this kind of movement and you must continue it, consider wearing wrist or hand braces while you work.

If you're working at a computer, adjust the height of your chair so your wrists aren't bent downward as you type. Using a special ergonomic keyboard can help in some cases. Remember to take breaks to stretch your hands.

If your symptoms bother you at night, shift your sleeping position and try to prop up your arm with a pillow or two when you feel the twinges. Avoid sleeping on your hands. If you wake up with pain, try shaking your hands until the pain or numbness goes away.

If you have a lot of discomfort at night, try stabilizing your wrist in a neutral position (not bent) with a splint or brace. A neutral position allows the carpal tunnel to be slightly wider.

Practicing yoga can help relieve the pain and increase hand strength. You may have heard that taking extra vitamin B6 can help, but two small clinical trials have shown no immediate benefit from this treatment.


ent29-Thank you so much for the great info..GP only gave me some parcetamol,will not help much actually..I am so afraid to see sleep,i feel extremly aching when im going to sleep..So sad togo through all these [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

