(2011/11) Nov 2011

story about a very garang mummy who did her own csect. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In%C3%A9s_Ram%C3%ADrez


not sure about this type of service.. ah ma on wheels??


thanks, i will go take a look.


cloth diapers are one-size. can adjust the sizing by securing/undoing the buttons on the diaper so that it can grow with your child. can use from birth up till 2yrs, depending on your child's size. for newborns, i recommend stick to disposables as you may need to change 8-10 times a day. when baby is ard 3 mths old then switch to cloths.


thanks for the heads up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


re: prams

no need to get those expensive ones unless you really really like it and have extra cash to spare. i bought capella ($300) and combi ($80), both preloved, for my girl. capella for long day out to church, shopping etc. combi at my mum's place for daily outings to wet market. both bought from nice mummies via the WTS thread.

ent29, go stroller shopping. I browse many places. Push different types etc so you & DH will be comfortable with the handle's height. Weight of stroller matters. 1 place good to see and try is Mothercare Harbourfront.

My first choice was initially a Maclaren but when I tried it, the handles were a little to high. And their strollers don't have bar across the seat. Also some of their models are not suitable for NB cos it cannot be reclined.

While pushing around in Mothercare Harboufront, DH said I can buy whichever I wanted just NOT anything above $1K. So I settled for a Peg Perego Pilko P3 in the end. Though it's heavy at 8.5kg, I love it cos it's so sturdy! I got my strollers from Baby Hypermart at Kaki Bukit. My Peg Perego cost $500 cos it was an older model (stollers are like cars, different year, different model). The new model was selling for $798, but since I had 'savings' of $298 from buying an older model. I bought a Maxi-Cosi infant car seat.

I also have a Quinny Zapp as a lighter stroller and I used it together with the Maxi-Cosi car seat when Jared was still small but cos it's so light not advisable to hang anything on it and cos it can't be reclined I'm using it to push him to & from the IFC everyday.

The Peg Perego is permanently park in the car boot. Now with #2 coming, I won't need to get a 2nd stroller. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for stroller.. i have the maclaren XLR in pink... brand new.. still in box some more... vvv nice and sweet color.. super love it lor... but if my this bb turns out to be a boy i think i will need to sell it.. bb boy in a pink stroller... i think he will be vvv sad when he knows next time he grows up..

for pump.. i have the avent electric pump.. last yr nov buy during Philip warehouse sale.. went there buy the warmer and steamer also.. vvv cheap.. haha

but i think no need buy bb stuff so early right? my hubby say pang tang.. cannot buy bb stuff during 1st tri... cannot even see also.. -_-!!! dunno where he heard one also..

this sat is my next appointment.. super look forward but scare also...

mummies, daddy loh, i need advice abt IFC/CC. really major headache over this, hope someone can shed some light..

the options i have is put my girl in cc near mum's place (best case), near my place (not so good) or my workplace (worst case).


if near mum's place, she can look after #2 and pick up jadelyn at ard 6pm and bring her home for dinner. hubby or myself will pick both kids up as per normal.


if near our own place, i have to rush daily to fetch her on time and don't know where dinner's gonna come. #2 will be at mum's place so hubby need to fetch after work (sometimes OT very late) or my dad drive home.


if near my workplace, i can fetch her on time and bring her to mum's place for dinner then bring both kids home. but will be very late by the time we reach mum's place as travelling time is ard 1.5hr. scared jadelyn will be very hungry and tired. an option is to cook in the office, let her eat before we go home. possible to feed her in childcare? is it allowed?

she will only be 18mths old by then. don't know whether she is able to take the long travelling to and fro jurong and serangoon daily. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thanks for any advice given!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry, you have already listed your preference and most ideal option [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. So go for it.

For me, I can either put my boy near home or near office but chose to put him near home. Cos like on days I'm on leave, I can put him in for couple of hours, do housework, run errands etc then pick him up earlier.

starry, i have goosebump reading the article.. Such a brave women. i tink i will die from it...

for Stroller: i like the capella brand (think its s705) one found in giant, ntuc hypermart n many other dept stores. Think its about 250 like tt. not sure if it is good anot. Prob will go for Preloved type so as to save abit la... If condition not bad, still can consider. Looking for car seat too... Any recommendation?

Starry: Option A really seems to be the best case, but what is your concern about Option A, that you won't be able to find a childcare near Jurong? So right now, do you bring Jadelyn to your mum's place every morning and take her home every night?


Option A serms good. However, when it is raining, anyone else can help to pick up ur ger? Coz wun b easy for ur mum to pick her plus carry baby & hold umbrella.

Huishan, i've heard of that pantang thingy before. basically some feel can only buy in last tri. but sometimes, very tired during last tri, how to squeeze with pple during sales. :p

starry, you already said best option is A. depending on childcares, some dont allow parents in, so it's just pick and go so you prob cant feed in childcare. most childcare have a teabreak at 4pm. and if need be, you can request for an additional milk feed at say 6pm in case she gets hungry.

i would think if she is at ur mum's pl, at least if u guys are late, she can still rest at ur mum's place if she can jaga 2. else, it's gonna be very tiring rushing here and there.

i'm gonna be having another headache also when no 2 is born.

Starry, i think option A is the best but can ur mother handle 2 children. Please take note every year IFC/ CC had extra 5.5 day off excluding PH. I had to take leave to take care of my son when the school closed on these days.

This is the link for you to check for IFC/CC near your area together with the fees. Call them to find out any slot for your girl.



Ya I have the same concern as iemik0 if u choose option A, regarding whether it's convenient for your mum to bring no2 out with her to fetch your gal from cc. Would suggest a maid to stay at your mum's place during the day to help lighten the load, but only if u are comfortable with accepting and managing another person in your household.

As for option c, I think most cc close at 7pm, so long as u don't exceed their closing time, they probably will allow u to feed your gal there before leaving, dun see how your feeding will affect or inconvenience the cc? But still, 1.5 hr travelling time on the crowded mrt/bus everyday can be very tiring, dun talk about children even we adults get tired out! Oh wait, to and fro would be 3hrs every day! Wah!!

Would u consider an option D, no cc but employ a maid to help your mum take care of both kids at your mum's place? That is what I would be doing, except that I already have a good indo helper with me and that my mum stays with me mon-fri and that i may have to arrange for my boy to take sch bus to attend his 3 hr nursery classes instead of my mum fetching him. Hopefully that'll work out ok! If not, may have to quit ah... Headache hor!

hi all,

I'm a Nov MTB as well :)

wanted to ask if there are any MTBs currently living overseas? think I remember seeing someone here who's overseas. would love to get some advice!

Hi, can we drink 1 cup of coffee a day? I controlled for 10days already..but wanna koo liao....so thinking to make 1 cup of coffee now...

OTW, i like ur option D. Shall be doing that do. Just that my 80 yr grandma will be looking after the maid instead. At the same time, the maid can see her too, in case anything happen, at least my grandma isnt alone..

manunited, my doc say can but hubby dun allow. Just tahan abit more. I got rid of my temptation after 4 weeks of no coffee... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If really want, drink latte. More milk based.

Caryn, weelcome..

thanks ssbaby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

manunited, I'm not a coffee drinker but books and doc all say one cup of coffee a day is fine. I don't think it's good to keep craving too, pregnancy already tough enough without depriving yourself! for me, if I want to drink tea or eat fast-food or whatever, I just go ahead, I think as long as you have it in moderation it's ok.

maybe if you really want to be on the safe side, drink decaf coffee? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks for the feedback!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: option A

i want that BADLY too. but there are only 2 cc near my mum's place that is within walking distance. i've enquired at 1 below her block (super convenient!) but i was told to wait till year 2013!! how can? the other one is slightly further away. if rain then troublesome 'cos no shelter.

re: option D

not an option for us as mum doesn't want a maid at home. she's worried about all the typical maid issues. for this i agree with her. later more headache having to change or what.


i drank coffee daily from 2nd tri onwards for #1. went cold turkey and survived. for #2, not as much willpower liao. been drinking daily. but small cup and i purposely drink very slowly so that it gets cold and yucky halfway thru and i dump it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my mum can handle 2 kids for a couple of hours in the evening. not for the entire day. an 18mth old + 6mth old can really turn her house into a CIRCUS. unless my girl is so guai can play by herself. but for that we have to wait and see. too early to say anything. i've used the link to search for cc just now and so came up with these options. realized that there is quite limited cc in my mum's estate. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you are right about the travelling distance. i think it's super tiring for a child to travel so far daily and really not fair to her. but if no choice how?? guess i should revisit option B and request for earlier knock off time, cook her dinner at work and bring back to her so that she can eat once reach home. more troublesome, but it beats making her travel 3 hrs daily right?

Starry, if ur company (n ur hubby one also) is flexible, then i tink option b is good. For a young kid, option C is too tiring for her n u guys. Question: if u go for B, how u cook?

Maternity leave: Who already planning it? hehe.. I have a plan liao.. Will take 8 weeks first, then follow by child care leave. Then next year another 8 weeks and child care leave. Lol..

I turned to my go-to book (What to Expect) on info re caffeine:

Up to 200mg of caffeine a day is ok.

- 1 cup brewed coffee: 135mg

- 1 cup instant coffee: 95mg

- 1 cup decaf coffee: 5mg

- 1 cup latte/cappucino: 90mg

- 1 cup tea: 40-60mg (green tea has less caffeine than black tea)

- 1 can of coke: 35mg

- 1 can of diet coke: 45mg

hope this helps!

berry pie, ur office got kitchen?! woah..

Joanne, based on MOM (what i read) we are still entitled to childcare leave. I.e: my EDD is on 2 Nov. But sure give birth earlier. So i will take 2 weeks before my EDD, 19 oct - 14 Dec (8 weeks). Then clear 6 day child care leave, 16 - 22 Dec (6 weekdays). Clear my leave etc... prob come back 1 or 2 days loh.. something like tt la.. Anyway, that period, my office nothing much. Take also good. People dun gossip.


I think option A is a better choice.If you happen to work overtime, ur mum can help you to pick up ur kid from CC.If you are very sure you can knock off early everyday and you still have the energy to cook by the time you reach home then go for option B.

For my case, i'm am still on waiting list for the CC near my mil's place. Cos i have to meet clients in the evenings and i am very sure i won't be able to pick up my girl punctually everyday. Plus my mil cooks everyday and i want my girl to have home cooked meals. So that's the best option for me.

Lovely! A can of coke only has 35mg caffeine! Wah so can drink 5 cans a day?! Haha kidding of cos, thanks caryn for the info! :p I drink a cup of 3in1 nescafe almost everyday, although sometimes it makes my stomach churn slightly.

he he i have been drinking teh halia.... soothes my tummy and reduce the wind... after reading about some of your experience, i have also been using ru yi oil at night... makes my tummy feel all warm and nice... although i do hate the medicated smell.. o well, give and take


if go for option B, i guess i will have to cook in office like berrypie lor. we have a small kitchen here also. just bring food thermos and bring back home. but will be a rush to pick her up before 7pm. my hubby's work not flexi, always need to OT 'cos clients mostly overseas. and if clients are in singapore, need to bring them for dinner.


you use small cooker and cook 1-dish meals like porridge for your boy?


option A now seems impossible... because only 2 centres available and 1 told me to wait 2 years. the other i'm calling up to check. fingers crossed lah..

re: ML

gonna take one 8 weeks ML, 6 days CCL, 8 weeks ML, remaining AL. based on last year's record, i was able to stay home till my girl was almost 5mths old. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] shiok!


thanks for the caffeine info!

Halo mummies/MTB,

I'm back. Sorry, MIA for a while. Since having spotting, it is quite unstable and worrying on my 7th week. Until see my gynae at SGH, her checkup ensuring me, as can see the baby heartbeat, the bleeding is still unknown. But it has been gone after the rest.

Gynae give me 5 days to rest, thus I have a week to rest at home.last week. Hoho, really a good rest lar. But I also found that my 2nd pregnancy is very tiring. Now back to office, everyday feel sour eye, very tired as compare to my no 1. No 1 will feel tired in first tri, but normally only tired at night. Now whole day also feel tired le, everyday looking forward for the knock off time..

Think age is different and each pregnancy is really quite different as well.

starry, i boil veg/chicken stock every month and freeze it, then bring to office and will also pack sufficient meat, fish and veg for 5 working days. Everyday just dump everything inside rice cooker to cook into porridge.

berrypie, mine is a Beabe Baby Cook. It steams and blends without having to flip over. The thing I like about this Beabe is it doesn't have the tube in the middle like the Avent, so I can place my baby cubes in and steam without problem. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i just called up the one and ONLY cc left near my mum's place. was told the same thing: on wait list, priority given to those with siblings in cc already and will call me back when there is vacancy. boo! feeling like a headless chicken bumping against walls now.

i think i better call up all the cc near my place and work place and see which one comes back to me first.


thanks for the recommendation. was thinking of getting that too but wonder if i would put it into good use. you use it at work too?


i am still having spotting everyday also. it's the brown discharge type. previously was fresh blood which was scary, on 5 days mc too. now back to work and like you feeling the tiredness. really more siong than last pregnancy.

starry, i still using it on weekend. Sometimes, steam the food then add in milk powder or tomato paste, blend and add into the pasta for him. Just be creative...it very time saving and i dont hv to look after the stove. Just add water and steam. If im going over to my mil, i will pre-prepare the food in the container and place in the chiller first, then bring over to my mil's place to cook...


how much is it? saw it before but nv checked out the price. wonder if can get from the WTS thread. trying to save as much $$ as possible now for #2. luckily hubby got substantial pay increment this year. otherwise really have to scrimp here and there. now although no need, i better start being more frugal. next time sch fees sure inflate and don't know when increment gonna come again also.


so fast plan maternity leave? hehe. tink my boss will ask mi take all 4mths one shot. but mayb i will kip 2wks aside coz planning to use NYC next june.

re: caffeine drinks

if juz wan some fizzy, can drink sprite coz no caffeine. advised by my dietician. hehe.

re: scan

anyone encounter that during scan, bb like smaller age size? when i had scan 2wks ago, bb was 6w2d. todae scan was 7w5d?

Starry, I am facing similar issues.

For me, I will choose option A too. Generally more convenient for everyone. Your mum can pick on good days. Otherwise, you or hubby pick.

When the #2 is young, sleep all the time so just carry and go.

When a few months, cannot run and yet not so heavy. Also can carry and go.

By the time #2 walks, you all have probably settle to a comfortable routine bah.


Just curious, I have a strong instinct of my gender when I was having my #1.

Not much this time. Wondering whether you all having any instinct. It is such a long wait lor...


thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: fizzy drink

i like sprite! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] root beer also. for those more health conscious and wanna limit wait gain, go for Perrier. no sugar added and a bliss to have ice cold on hot days. i'm gonna stock up this weekend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you keen in vbac? me too!!

bleh & starry

wanted to try VBAC. but i had no contractions or any signs of labour when i was 39w4d wif my 2nd boi so end up another c-sect coz dr don wana take risk. check out wif ur dr. some will say try but in d end tell u c-sect safer. coz not many are pro-vbac.


Ya, we have the similar case, but luckily baby is alright according to doc. In the early stage, as still not able to see the baby hb, thus a bit worry. My gynae say if scan on baby is alright, then the bleeding is caused by other reason..

Maybe like what most gals suggest here, to rest more will help with the spotting. I still take the medi, suppose it do helps.

And my appetite is not good for every meal, how about you all? I do feel hungry every time, initially happy to get a food, eat half way already feel suck feeling.. haven't have a very fulfil meal recently.. Wondering this kind of feeling can be better after first tri?? I hope the day can pass faster.. haha..



option A is best. just hope can get vacancy. my mum can use stroller for #2 when she goes pick up my girl. the initial couple of months is definitely tougher, as with all new routine. luckily kids adapt fast, just more concerned for myself whether i can adapt or not. haha!

re: gender instinct

i was very sure i was having a boy but turned out a girl. this time round no idea at all. i would love another baby girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

