(2011/11) Nov 2011

Morning mummies!!!

Happy to see updates from ssbaby, starry, leikela & Babyzel ;o)

Starry, it's very nice that your gynae and nurse apologized. You're also right in fighting your rights cos it's a waste of time waiting like that.

Leikela, u can now enjoy your holiday with ease le ;o) I could understand how worried u were before the checkup. Must still take care during your trip okie, leave carrying of stuffs to hubby and u just relax and enjoy ;o)

Am going to see doc later, stomach still not good, whatever I eat will be followed up with diarrhea. Toilet bowl is now my best friend.


Starry: Whew!! What an episode with the nurses and all. Glad the nurse was nice and acknowledged her mistake...Some ah die die don't want to admit...And oh well, as long as Beanie is doing good! Are you doing other blood tests also? I think my next appointment they will drain much blood from me!

Babyzel: So cute, limbs stretched out?? Must be getting a little stretch from some rest. Hehe. Hope I can see the little one's limbs more in the next appointment!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ssbaby: I also told the gynae, wah! How come baby's heartbeat so fast?? Then she said she would be worried if it wasn't as fast. It's supposed to be between 110-170 or something? Haha! I think they're excited! :D

Babyzel, u have an interesting baby as well.. bb doing somersault inside our stomach sia..

Ent, the heartbeat so loud n fast. I got worried for a while also. But doc say he is healthy so ok la.. I guess 170 lol... they excited like the daddy n mummy outside. hahaha

Hi starry,

Was kinda worried for u when u haven't updated, glad that everything was well n that Yr beanie is growing n strong!!! Although ya, the nurse part was totally unneccessary!

Hope to hear more gd reports today!

Hi pigy,

Pls rest well n take care! I'm sure u ll preggy soon soon again, build up Yr health first, baby dust baby dust!


Have a gd trip! Have a great time ;))

Tml is my Appt day, can't help worrying....

Thanks ladies! Yeah need to get through today then tonight can fly off!! Yeah doc ran through a checklist with me of what can do wat cannot do etc...so feel more at ease now..n yes amazing to hear heartbeat..hahah..i was jus grinning..hubby said he wanted to cry..lol...

but couldn't sleep at all last nite..was up till 3am then toss n turn so much after..now im ready to close my eyes but got a full day of meetings..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Good morning ladies, I saw my gynea yesterday evening too. The lil' fella inside is now 3cm and is growing well.

Gynea is playing guess the gender game with me. She thinks it maybe a BOY! But then again we'll know when the time comes.

I'm going for my OSCAR scan on 21 Apr, may know gender by then.

Happymum, oh gosh. Quick see a doc and do rest well. Load up on fluids too. *hugs*

jmi - if you managed to tell the gender during the OSCAR scan then most likely is boy right? Coz boy can tell early? hahah..but if girl means cant see anything then can only confirm at approx 20 wks? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jmi & Leikela: Hmm, if the early scan can't tell it's boy, does it mean that it's more likely a girl?? Or can still be boy at later scans??

Leikela: No problem, thanks for helping us with the table all this while!! :D Anyway, yay! We can look forward to the next gynae check up together. Hehe! Hope your day goes by quick quick and you will be off for your class in no time!

Jmi: i also going for OSCAN same date as you.

Starry: great to hear that your little beanie is growing well. You are right to 'bang' your way through, if am you i will not be as patience as you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah, if can detect gender early, it is a BOY.

Leikela, can I trouble you to change me EDD to 4 Nov? My gynea said 4 Nov is a good date! Cos it's her birthday! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

leikela, ssbaby, babyzel, and other ladies who just had a good appt at the gynae,

happy for all of u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do u feel like every appt is like a test and you've just passed one and now waiting to pass the next? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Your girl's reaction is quite normal, she thinks all of u prefers baby to her so she's trying to act babyish to win back your attention. Dun scold her hor, or else she will blame the baby for making her kena scolding, now she needs a lot of understanding and tender loving care to be convinced that a baby will not threaten her position in the family. Would also suggest u dun coo over baby in front of her now since she is sensitive. Actually if u can manage this well, its like a rehearsal before her real sibling comes, would be to your advantage!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Do get well soon. Diarrhea very 辛苦 one. Drink more water and don't get dehydrated. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Actually not my gynae's fault. He was not informed mah. But he is a nice man lah, kept apologizing for his staff. Luckily the nurse also call to apologize and admit her mistake. Oh well... Over le. Today feeling super tired. Think 'cos of last night blood boil too much.


I was not informed abt blood tests, except for the Oscar one on 20th. You having blood tests huh?? For routine check on HIV, rubella, hepatitis etc? The last time I did oscar, the nurse cldnt tell the gender. End up it's a girl. Not sure if got other cases like mine.


What time is ur appt? Don't worry, everything will be fine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I usually try to avoid causing a scene outside unless the other party really damn unreasonable. The clinic very packed yesterday also and thought won't be nice to scare all the pregnant mummies there. :p I can get quite nasty if I am pushed in the trains/lifts or kena cut queue though. That one I don't care abt 形象. 'Cos no choice. Sometimes those aunties uncles eyes grow on the butt one.

Morning ladies! Not feeling very well for the past few days, having heart burnt all the time and vomit almost every meal...sianz..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pigy, sorry to hear about your lost. I know how you feel, been thru tt down period. Every time when i saw pregnant woman, i will just cried or i count down the days/months the bb will be born if i din miscarriage. Family/ friends support is very impt.., lean on them/ share how you feel, dont bottle up those feeling. After miscarriage, i went to Chinese mediacl hall to 'tiao" my body for 3 months then ttc again. 2 months later, i was pregnant again..so rest well and eat well.

Starry: Yupyup, I think mine is for the routine check of those you've mentioned...Hope no complications! The last time you did Oscar was which week? Mine should be about Week 12...Can tell gender so early? If not it'll be Week 16 righto?

Berrypie: Take care!! Go easy on yourself...I think at this point, it's all about rest...All I want to do when I feel queasy is just lay on the couch and nuah and watch TV. Heh. Good excuse!

ent - still possible to be boy of coz..it just means baby may be hiding...if can tell early tt its boy also need the boy to cooperate n open up n angle in such a way tt can see...hahaha i know this quite well..my mum had 5 kids n the last 2 was when i was 14 so i rem going for appts with her....the pt is tt got possiblity of knowing early if its a boy..but girl very hard to confirm until later..but doesnt mean if dont know earyl means not boy :p

naturally - yes of coz feel this way...i wait outside the doc's office i always very nervous..when i go in also..n then lie on the bed n wait for scan..i will be praying n asking God to help!!! hahaha...this time round its a big relief for hubby n me coz we never got so far with our pregnancy before..n as they say..when u hear hb then the risk of pregnancy not working out decrease signifiantly...i cannot take anymore ambuguity tt i used to get at each appt..the not knowing n the lets wait n see..happy to finally haf a gd outcome for once! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks to God of coz!


hang in there. heartburn sounds very uncomfortable. is there anything you can take for it? not sure if gaviscon works. heard from a friend that she relied on gaviscon to keep heartburn away as hers was very bad that time. so jia lat that she couldn't sleep at night!


if you are generally healthy and taken your vaccinations before, should be no problem lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i was found to be low on the hep B vaccine so taken booster jab together with baby after i popped. apart from that, nothing else. you managed to find out more about your gynae's package? on oscar, last time i did was close to 13 week. if boy i think can see birdie leh.

Hi Mommies,

Congratulations and hope you have a blissful pregnancy.

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Look out for our monthly promotions on maternity and baby wear. What's more, we are bringing in a whole range of accessories including cloth diapers, baby shoes and slings. All to be announced on our facebook page.

Looking forward to 'friend' you! : )


Can try a simple solution of taking plain crackers to ease the heartburn. Heartburns are caused by excessive gastric acid running up into your esophagus. The crackers will kinda like act as a sponge and soak up the excess stomach acids. It works for me, and I hope it'll work for u too. If not then pls see gynae for medicine cos it can be really painful!!

do you mummies feel a weird kind of sensation like stomach very empty with digestive juices gurgling ard even after having lunch?? dunno where my mcdonald's lunch went to. like hungry again but totally zero appetite. i hate 1st trimester.

Hi mummies,

Leileka, happy for u tat u can hear bb heartbeat n enjoy ur holiday!!

berrypie, thou i dunno how heartburn is but my colleague hav this experience b4..i know its very suffering but do take care n rest more!!

Thanks ent, starry,otw and jo's mummy. Been taking lot of sweets and ribena to ease the heartburn and vomiting, hopefully dont get diabetic...

Mummies, i would to inform that my pregnancy failed...i've confirmed miscarriage on 7th Apr 11am...

I would like to THANKS Happymum very very much during these few days for her precious advise, concern and willing to let me call her anytime...

jo's mummy,

So sorry to hear about your loss.

Pls rest and recuperate well, and we hope to hear good news from you soon ok?

I'm reminded again of how precious every pregnancy is, how frail life is...

We really must treasure our babies, our little miracles of life!!!

Pigy, do not get upset when u see other ppl is pregnant. this is not healthy n is mentally disturbing ur life..

pls do take care n rest more..just like the mummmies here says, we can always try again! if u wan to get pregnant fast, then go chinese medical hall to tiao ur body...

we both jia you ok?

Jo's Mummy: Hugs. Sorry to hear about your loss. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Do take care and get back your good health...May friends and family be a good source of strength and support during this time...

Starry: Yeah, I feel like that sometimes. Sucks hor. Growling tummy but zero appetite. Plus after eat alr, got a whole bitter mouth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] (Oh and I recently really crave for Macs also leh. Bad bad bad. Especially Macs breakfast!! Must control. Heh...)

Hi Leikela,

My name is already inyour list, just update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

EDD: 23 Nov

My gynae is Dr Don Wong, Hospital: Mount E, this is my 2nd pregancy and my first is a girl

Little Baby/ent29

I was expecting to just see the head n body only and the limbs still fused to the body so it was a surprise for me to see its limbs. Gynae said it looks like it's doing a star jump. haha.


I also hasn't been able to sleep well. Will wake up at 3 plus in the morning to make milk for my #1 then i will be awake till 5am. Sigh! I have the same problem when i was expecting my #1 too.

Get some rest whenever possible. Have a good trip!

#2 OTW,

Thanks for ur advice. I felt bad to see her so upset. She felt kinda lost when my mil was carrying n feeding my bil's bb and she cried. I think it will take some time n i will do my best to shower her love n attention constantly. Hope my mil will sense my dd's insecurities for now and not get too excited over the new bb too..


Yes i feel the same way too. I am having this problem now though i just had my lunch not too long ago. Now i am thinking what snacks to get.


I went thru the same too but recently getting better. So hang in there n u will get better in no time.

mummies, i did not go for D&C as doc in KKH said my hormone level is very low..from 49 drop to 27 for yesterday..so she say i can let the tissue pass out naturally..thou im worried n ask for D&C she say my uterus is empty n no blood clot so it is safe to let is pass out naturally rather than waste abt 2k to do D&C...

so now im resting at home..can mummies recommend me any massage i can go for?? also any mummies know of any good gynae around AMK area? im totally disappointed with my gynae this time n decided to change gynae for my next pregnancy..

mummies, can i walk in to EYS those with chinese sinseh to tell them i wan to tiao my body?? as i didnt really do a mini confinement, so i wan to tiao my body to "bu" a bit...

jo's mummy,sorry to hear abt ur loss..

*Hug*Hug* Be strong!Rest well and eat well, you will soon hv another bb in time to come.

HI starry,

Yes yes.. especially at night. I laid down and always feel like vomitting.

jo's mummy, sad to hear that. Please take care. I myself is waiting for my results and not very ideal.

Jo's mummy, EYS chinese sinseh is expensive. Went once and they charged me abt $120++ for my 1st consultation. If you dont mind travel to Bukit Batok,i search for the address when i reach home.


i'm sorry to hear that! feel your heartache. but can see that you are also a very strong mum. are you going to do a short-term confinement? oh, i have a good chinese sinseh to recommend and his fees are very reasonable. he is also on the board of the local TCM community in singapore, go on tv often. are you staying near the west though? his clinic is at jurong west street 41.

ent29, babyzel, cindy,

i hate that feeling. very xin ku now... feel like drinking cold drinks badly but scared too cold will cause bleeding.

jo's mummy, perhaps u can try EYS first and see what they say but u always hv to following up with the medication (normally is in powder form and hv to mix with water to consume).

This is the adddress if you decide to go. Her medication and consultation is less than $25 but always long q..best call to get Q no. 1st.

Fu Nan Traditional Chinese Medicine Centre

152 Bukit Batok Street 11

#01-266 S650152

Tel: 68961618

Jo mummy, no worries, u rest well okie.

Starry, Jia you! Hope your MS will go away soon, hang in there. Yeah, dun drink cold drinks first, try to suck a sweet and see.

Starry can give me your Chinese Sinseh addy? I want to

bring my girl to 'tiao', she has weak lungs leading to prolong

cough. She has been taking alot of western medicine, din

help. Thanks!

Cindy, think positive okie, dun give up, Jia you!!!

By the way, my family doc said I suffer side effects from the GA. Cos I feel nauseous and very bad diarrhea. He gave me medicine, seems to help. So I hope I dun need GA in future.

Thanks mummys!! Ya, the feeling of waiting really sucks. No mood to work. Now got to wait till Monday for scan again.

Talking about chinese doctor, EYS is good. I went for a few months when i kept having spotting inbetween my periods. They are good and i trusted chinese medi for "pu" or "tiao" the body.

JO's mummy and happymum,both of you jia you too!! take great care


the clinic has its own website too: http://www.fongtcm.com.sg/clinic.asp. do note that if you wanna do acupuncture you need to call for appt. otherwise just walk in.

my family and i are also believers of TCM. really better than western medicine for those chronic illnesses like headaches, gastric etc. i had very bad sorethroat last time during my poly days and almost every month would lose my voice completely. cannot talk at all. seen GP many many times and couldn't get well. doc said i no hope liao, need to go hospital! i went to dr fong and just on 2 doses of his meds, i recovered. =_=!! then went there to slowly 'tiao' body back to health 'cos all the antibiotics i've taken every month made me very weak.


I used to live in Bukit batok st 11 during my school days and went to one of the chinese medi store to see doc when i have cough. Dont know if it is the same one. It has been like 14 years since i left the estate.

jo's mummy... very sad to hear bout ur lost.. there is actually a kkh women's clinic at amk.. some of the docs fr kkh operate there after office hrs..

actually for my last pregnancy (which i lost).. i have been to private gynae and kkh... i seriously prefer kkh service vvvv much.. the nurse there are vvv nice(esp at clinic A).. because my 1st bb is a vvv rare n special case.. i dun think other hospitals will know how to help me handle.. plus kkh got better equipment.. the nurse and doc there are vvv helpful n supportive and when my bb was born (dead) one of the nurse at the delivery suite even cried wif us..

during my close to 2 wks stay.. the nurse at the ward & delivery suite are all very friendly and supportive.. they know it is a difficult period for both of us..

also.. i came to realise that kkh also have better service for bb after they are born... coz they are specialise in women n bb thus whatever equipment required they will have..

maybe u can gif there a try.. i am staying i bukit batok but i also travel all the way to amk to see the gynea there... tiring but worth...

berrypie: i have same condition as u, heartburn and feeling nausea most of the time except i seldom vomit out but tummy very gassy and keep burping from day to night! Woody did prescribe me antacid and and white liquid stuff to ease my condition but i don't take regularly, cos' i scare too much medicine not good for bb. "san nao jing"!

tiny voice.. i think drinking lots of water helps.. i last week has having terrible heartburn till i cannot sleep at night.. i read the handbook tt my gynea gave me for my 1st visit.. they say for bloatedness n heartburn drink lost of water.. coz these are cause by water retention... i find drink water helps a lot..

actually i am always paranoid bout my bb... i always vvvvv worried n vvv scare bb next scan will no heartbeat.. plus i get pregnancy only 1 mth after i lost my #1.. so i super worried.. feel like going to my gynea everyday to scan... T.T

tiny voice, im oso burping. white liquid stuff is fine, i had it b4, it helps to neutralise the acid in our stomach.Dr Woody gave me maxelon which im allery to thou it help to ease the vomitting but cant take.. All this symptoms reminds me of my previous pregnancy and they carried on throughout my 2nd trim. Hopefully we will feel better after 1st trim..

huishan, u are not the only one..probably we had mc b4 that why have this fear..want to see bb and at the same time worry cant c the heartbeat anymore.


Hi Jo's mummy,

If you are staying in AMK, you can try this TCM doc. She is famous for her fertility consultation. I'm seeing her now.

Zou Yu Min TCM Physician and Acupuncturist

Blk 505 AMK Ave 8 #01-2670

Tel : 64560833

Although she is from China, she understands all the english medical terminology. So people like me "eat potato" find it wasy to consult her.

BTW, I'm scheduled to do my D & C this coming Monday coz since the last time I miscarried, my beta level is still high. This means the sac is still stubbornly stuck on the wall. Have to get it out as it didn't come out naturally as planned.

Sian already. My emotions are stagnant now. No feelings whatsoever. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Lucky I still have my little girl to entertain me.

