(2011/11) Nov 2011


i did not join prenatal class previously and this time won't join also. last time was i think no point joining as i have my mum to help me with bathing baby while i was on confinement. i was also confident that i could learn the basic of changing diaper, burping, bfing etc. all on my own so saved the class fees. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

actually i find that a lot of things can just research online and ask experienced mummies here. my ex-colleague who went for the class said a lot of things taught are very superficial. and some hands on things if don't practice, everything will be out the window even before she delivered.

i guess these classes are good for dads though! they are the ones who should go, learn and take notes! ahaha!! help them be mentally prepared of what's to come too. otherwise like my hubby, yaya papaya, think so easy caring for newborns. :p


Hi Tiny Voice,

Such a coincidence. This is my 2nd too.

I was "goldfishy". Wasn't very active in the thread so maybe you wouldn't remember much of me.


I haven't told my girl about the bb. Only asked her opinion when I know I have a bb. Going to announce it to her when i see the HB.

Have you been to see doc already/

Re: Prenatal Classes

I also think they are more useful for the yayapapaya men!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How much are the price ranges ah?


Yes, life is so unpredictable and so amazing. When i was dying to have a child, my health went haywired and nothing worked. But when i accepted and came to terms with being childless, that's when my boy came along!! Now i'm working on being at peace with myself by not desiring nor rejecting whatever happens in my life, just accepting everything as they are, naturally, and focusing on appreciating the present. Then lo and behold, no.2 happened!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

U're the 3rd girl i know who had serious endo problems, Simp, and happy to know that all 3 of you are happy mummies now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hope your fibroid will mind its own business and stay out of baby's way! but anyway u're in good hands so i believe the fibroid issue will be well-managed. Compared to you, I really ought to quit complaining about my 1cm! :p

haha, let hubby sleep on floor?? we have a cot bed in our room, supposed to be for my boy but we were lax in enforcing the rule so as time goes by, he got used to sleeping with us *roll eyes* This time round, no.2 will be trained to sleep IN the cot bed, that is, until he/she is able to climb out. We'll see how when that happens, maybe really got to get hubby to sleep on floor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/lol.gif]


high 5! same sentiments about the classes, and yes yes its the dads who should go, ha! And thanks for the warning about kicking... i did teach my boy to be gentle with mummy's tummy, even getting him to "sayang baby" by stroking my tummy every day! But u're right, when the kids start playing, they can get really rough, so thanks for the reminder! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

#2 OTW,ent29- Prenatal class,i was thinking for my hubby to pick up some skills as he knows nothing..Haha.KKH prenatal weekend class consists of 10sessions $180.As for May classes,its on sat 9am-10:45am.

Hi mummies,

Yes, the antenatal class is very useful to the daddies ;o) esp when they play video on delivery process. Cos some dads cannot see blood, very interesting hee. I remembered stories like dad fainted in delivery ward, dare not cut bb umbilical cord, something like that. Very fun when u listen to stories shared by midwives who are trainers. They also shared stories about pregnancies. The theories like what most of u mentioned, we already knew.

For mummies with #2, no point waste time & $ to go cos already experienced liao.

I will recommend the aqua aerobics in KKH for pregnant mummies who like to exercise. I took it when I had #1 once a week, every sat, a good workout & therapy.


Thanks for the info. If i do decide to use jamu, then i will come here and find buddy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Prenatal class is probably good for moms who are 1st time delivering, has no support from maid, immediate family and hb. Moms like us maybe just need to refresh via internet or when bb comes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I do hear that tmc prenatal class is informative. I usually refer to the tmc manual books, they r very useful. TMc does conduct bb bathing demonstration to new moms daily in the hospital if u r delivering over there. I think i learnt thr that e 1st time. TMC nurses experts also go around checking and helping moms who are 1st time delivering esp with bf.

I guess i shd not find excuses to go tmc prenatal class afterall. I shd go dig out the tmc books and my record to refresh and prepare [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes i am kind of happy to come across moms here who with conditions conceive bb in this nov 11 thread. It is very encouraging and i think it is often not easy to find more than 1 mom with conditions in the same thread. Moreover moms with conditions being a 1st time mom and 2nd/3rd time moms. Here we are, we have a few of us here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] This thread has many power moms and bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Talking abt fibroid, whether it is a 1cm or bigger growth, it doesn matter. What matters is whether they will create problem like pain, cramp to our body and more importantly how it affects the growing bb in the tummy. Sharing will help us.

In fact I am glad the moms here share abt their ttc journey with growth, pcos, ivf or anything that hinder family planning. I am happy that this bb brought me friends that i can identify and share [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hope your body will disperse the blood clot or somehow bb growing will manage well. Keep us posted. Would keep u and the rest having problems in my prayers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Im not sure abt gestrenol. Why were u prescribe for this? I hope there are moms here who have taken this before. How are u feeling abt it?

simp - i agree...this nov 11 thread is a testament to the strength of a mother..n what women do when they want to have a baby in their lives..many of us have faced countless setbacks in our ttc journey and we may feel discouraged at times or want to give up but the impt thing is we should never give up..i was first diagnosised with pcos n then was told it was a misdiganosis but then went on to have 2 miscarriages in a span of 4 mths..but after seeing all ur stories..it has given me soo much hope...knowing that no matter how dire the situation..there will be hope and it is a matter of time before we each get our gift..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Going for my 7w appt today and really really hoping to see a hb and to know everything has progressed smoothly..please pray for me ladies..will need all the prayers i can get..thanks!


My wish and prayer for u and the moms here that strength, hope, love and comfort will hold and carry u and ur family together as bb grow well and healthy.

U are another pcos mom i believe. Not easy to conceive and im sorry that u lost 2 on the way. I hope ur current bb will be here to stay like u. Not going to be easy but take heart. I like what u said, "impt thing is we should never give up". U been thr really alot. Hope bb' hb will be loud and clear when u go for scan. All the best [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi there! tks, we really tried hard for a bunny sibling for Marianne. :p R u joining the bunny wagon too?? Cheers!

Hi leikela

I sure u can see the baby structure and hb since u 7w.

Hi simp

Ya ttc for pco patient is really not easy that y went to ivf after trying nature for a while.

leikela, will be praying for you and all the mummies here. Hope we have sticky beanies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U asked abt prenatal class prices?? MAH/TMC more ex. Think $200++ if I'm not wrong. 10 sessions also. Can go website check. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for helping to update the table. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alright.. I'm gonna turn in le. Darn sleepy even though napped 3 times the whole day liao. Yawnzzz...

Good morning ladies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Leikela: Yay! Thursday has finally arrived! I have been thinking there's something special on Thursday and realise that it's your appointment! Hehe...Can't wait...Do update later ya! Then happy happy pack for your trip tomorrow! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Simp: I also interested in Jamu, am sure we have no problems looking for buddies here!! Heh...

Starry: Ooh, thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So it seems as though only KKH and MAH/TMC have right? I'll go check their webbies!

hi all, good morning!


have a great appointment, for it's finally here! :D


make sure you get your hubby's commitment to go with you also. go alone no point le. he has to learn and take notes! haha!

re: appointment

mine is also tonight. *beams*! hope to see a healthy, active beanie later. bleeding/spotting all cleared already! but feels very 'quiet' inside. dunno whether my little tenant doing ok or not. can't help feeling a bit apprehensive.

just now i witnessed my girl spending 15 minutes in utter concentration on trying to grab the plastic bag which my mum left on the lower shelving in the kitchen. she has seen my mum pulling the plastic bags from that shelf before and really tried ways and means to grab it! i have NEVER seen a baby so focused in a mission like that. she would maneuver her walker and if cannot grab from this angle, she will rotate and try another angle. at some point, she had to stand on tiptoe, bend over backwards and arms outstretched to grab! wah... very headache observing her at one corner. she managed to grab the plastic bag and stuffed into her mouth (of course that's the whole purpose right?!) at the end of 15 mins. think next time she will spend 15 hours convincing her daddy and i to buy her the toy she's been eyeing then become 15 days badgering us to get her the latest iphone/ipad/iwhatever! terrible!!!


hehe. went to the web le. thanks! =)


ya. will ask around if anyone keen to join before i confirm package. =)

re: antenatal programs

have attend KKH antenatal program. veri informative & has hands on sessions with the physiotherapist. they will teach on exercises & breathing techniques which helps during labour. also have a session with the dietician. good for daddies to join so they know what to do during labour! hehe.

heard that TMC classes veri informative too. their antenatal books are veri helpful. can buy fron WTS for those who are keen. got mine from there. =p

re: antenatal classes

those classes about pain management etc are probably good for mummies who wanna go natural and without epidural. i don't think i can lah. haha! but classes on bfing are kinda pointless in my own opinion. you can't learn bfing in a couple of hours. best is still buy a good book and read at home, watch youtube videos and do it hands on when baby arrives. what's taught in class are textbook theories and techniques with the assumption that babies are already pros in bfing the minute they are born, which is sadly often not the case. my daughter is one example.. :p

so depends on what you are expecting to learn from there. if it's basic infant care and what to do/expect during labour, go for it. if it's proper techniques on bfing that you are most concerned about, i say don't go waste time/money. 'cos nothing beats asking experienced mummies from this forum and you will be surprised at the real questions you have which are not taught in classes. i really wish there are REAL antenatal classes out there on REAL bfing! very frustrated that they are teaching mummies the 'best case scenarios', painting bfing up to be a walk in the park. sorry for the rant. somehow felt a bit 'cheated' when i tried to bf for the first time and nearly flopped because of too high expectations.

Morning mummies,

Starry, I agree on the part on the bf. I learnt it thro nurse & experienced mums, I joined a forum and it was super helpful ;o)

For first time mummies, after u delivered, if u've questions on bf or need help, am available ;o) can just pm me. I was thankful for successful bf with help of supportive experienced mums too.

Starry, your girl is at a very fun stage now, I enjoy seeing her pics on fb hee.

Leikela, your checkup will be fine, Jia you!!!

Rest of mummies, Jia you!!! It's a beautiful day ahead ;o)

Thanks ladies!!!! U are all so wonderful!!!! My appt is at 5pm..will update later n hopefully got nice pic to share. Hubby couldn't sleep whole night...I gotta get through the work day!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!

Starry - update us ya..say hello to ur baby for us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw mummies when did u ladies start feeling those flutters ah and what do they feel like?

Good morning ladies,

I'm seeing my gynea this evening. It's been quite bad these few days for me. Feeling bloated and yet hungry together some days. Threw up last night and this morning.

Didn't have to deal with these when I was preggers with my boy, so it's quite awful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].

For prenatal/antenatal, I believe hospitals do run it. Even RH. I attended Mrs Wong Boh Boi's class under TMC cos the schedule was more convenient for me.

For BFing, the nurses at RH were great, my boy was able to latch on, so the only concern for me was building my BM supply.

Hi leikela, babybaby75,

It's really encouraging to know that there are other pcos mummies here n encouraging each other, jiayou! Hope our journey fr now on will be smooth ;) ganbatte ne!!!


Yaya, I'm also interested but not confirming so early, so when time comes, I will find a buddy here too ;))

Hey J&K

U mentioned we can buy TMC antenatal book fr WTS, where is WTS? ;) I'm interested to buy n read read. I'm also looking for a receipe book for food during pregnancy, any reccommendation?


Yr girl is so cute! She has great determination, means will achieve bigger things other than taking plastic bags n asking iPhones fr u ;) u r very funny!


Hi, I'm think some pp earlier, some later, mine abt week 6...

Leikela n starry,

It's Thursday today, I'm sure u guys are very excited abt Yr Appt, do update us later ;) mine is on sat! I just can't wait to know how's my beanie too! ;))))

To all other mummies, it's thu, so weekend is coming! Weekend is happy time w hubby n family! Have a gd weekend ahead!! ;)))))


usually starts ard week 6-8 like that and can last till beginning of 2nd tri.


are you feeling better physically today? i think i will need to ask abt bfing for 2nd child also. still a lot of things don't know actually.


wow! your hubby also very excited until cannot sleep huh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] very fast will be lunch time and before u know it, it's time to leave for the appt! can understand your excitement. haha! i felt flutters for my #1 at 12 weeks plus. feels like gas, except it does not hurt or travel to the butt. you will sure know when the time comes!


maybe this time it's a GIRL??!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] first time mums really need help and support from the nurses in hospital. 'cos back home hardly will have help/support unless family members also bf successfully before.


her determination scared me as i watched her from my corner for 15 mins!! must teach her well when she is young. otherwise determination supposed to be good will turn bad. i can totally imagine her snatching toys from other kids and be bully next time if we don't instill good habits in her now. aiyoh.. really giving birth is easy, parenting is hard. so true!!

Jmi, I also think likely this time you'l 've a girl ;o)

Starry, I still feel weak, no strength, bodyache with headache. Yesterday was okie but from evening time after I shower, not good. Still mild diarrhea and heavy head. I was sensitive to antibiotics, doc changed for me. Have gastric & stomach cramp. Womb feel normal le.

On bf, though am not expert but I will definitely help whatever I can ;o) feel free to contact me.

I'm having diarrhea for the past few days too. Should be normal right?

I'm feeling so sick every morning. Don't feel like coming work nor lying in the bed as well. Toss & turn but can't sleep. Keep having the urge to vomit but nothing wants to come out.

starry, happymum, you both are making me *secretly* happy lor. My CL also said the same. She said I'm already ballooning...signs that it's likely a girl. I don't wanna carry the hopes too high in case I get a little disappointed.

But seriously, this hungry/bloated/pukey combination really sucks big time.

On BFing, like happymum; I'm not an expert cos I've only done it once, but will offer whatever advise you all need.

But do remember, you've gotta wanna do it cos it's tiring. FM fills tummy longer. BM shorter. And when baby grows older can sleep through, you still gotta get up and pump, else supply will drop.

BM supply will also drip depending on mood and all so have to be positive and determine. Load up on lots of fluids. Take something warm prior to nursing or pumping. Last if those soups and feenugreek and all doesn't work. Can try Motherlove's More Milk Plus.

starry - i think i won't know the diff..my stomache always gassy n growling haha ill prob think its normal...

joanne - yeah i also had it for awhile but now just constipate for 3 days..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] just make sure u load up on water..unless very very severe then shld see ur doc...

jus had breakfast...was feeling so gd before this...now i just feel sick again!! crap!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] its gonna be a loooonnnnnggggg day.....

morning ladies!

jmi, cant help but to comment on your "this hungry/bloated/pukey combination really sucks big time"... cos i am exactly like that!!!!!!

morning, i have tested positive....and seen a gynae yday at week 5 or so. Only can see water bag, is it normal to see only water bag at week 5?


Why scared by your girl? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] She sounds like a really smart girl to me with excellent hand-eye coordination! Should give her more challenges in fact [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Do u bring her to enrichment classes? She will probably enjoy them since she seems like an active baby! Or do flash cards? They really work u know? My boy was able to recognise simple words like "dog" and "car" before he was 1. Hee... pardon me for sounding like a kiasu mummy, but i get a little carried away when i see smart babies, cos i feel its such a waste of talent if u dun groom them early! Oh wait, correction, actually all babies have great potential, just look at their photographic memory, its just whether we adults want to spend time teaching them or not. I'm kinda lax with my boy on the flash cards, we stopped doing it a long time ago. For no.2 i shall be more diligent!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jmi, bleh, leikela, Joanne Koh and other ladies suffering from MS,

Hang in there, MS should subside in 2nd tri! You could experiment with other foods to see which ones agree better with you. Like for me, i cannot take plain rice now, but bee hoon is good! Also do not eat too much at a go no matter how hungry u are, cos our digestion is slower now, and too much foods will only make us feel bloated and uncomfortable. So eat less but more frequently [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Oh sour plums may help too!

Joanne Koh,

Diarrhea is not uncommon, but if u've had it consecutively for a couple of days, u might want to see a doc to rule out food poisoning or stomach flu. And very importantly, up your fluids intake to prevent dehydration!


Congrats! U're still at early stage now, very soon in another 1-2 weeks u'll be able to see hb!! exciting hor? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh I forgot to add, I HATE the taste of plain water now. It is bland and bitter. I always dread when I'm thirsty..cos I don't know what to drink!


WTS is actually want to sell section from this forum. Located at d main topics page. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I do hav cookbook at hm but forgot title. Shall go hm n search tonite. Let ya know tmr k.

Hi all MTBs, sorry to interrupt, I've some items to let go. Let me know via PM if you're interested. Thank you. =)

Avent Digital Sterilizer

Used only once in mid Nov 2010! After which, been using it as a drying station for milk bottles. Condition: 9/10. Selling: $60

Medela Two PersonalFit Breastshields with two connectors

Breastshields Large size (27 mm), connectors standard size fit all medela breastshield sizes. Brand new, don't remember if I've thrown away the box. Selling: $32

Medela Purelan Nipple Cream 100 (37g)

BNIB. Selling: $10

Canon IXUS 105 in blue

BNIB. Warranty not registered. Register their warranty online with Canon entitled you with an additional 3 months warranty plus the usual 1 year warranty. Selling: $260

Payment: COD or POSB bank transfer

Delivery: Preferably self collection at Sengkang.


oh dear... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] you guai guai stay in bed okay? did you try old ginger slices boiled in water with brown sugar? really calms stomach. maybe a bottle of chicken essence a day will help also. guess your body really weak with the blood loss and all that. good thing you catered confinement food. try to eat more and 'bu' back your health. hugs!!

re: bfing

glad that there are so many experienced mummies here to share! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] although i bf my girl for 3 months, i still think i've got lots to learn also. very peifu those who managed tbf for 6 months and more. think our experiences all very different and can share tips and pointers.


where did u get the flash cards from? i want to start my girl on that too. right now teaching her simple sign languages like milk, water, mommy, daddy.. sometimes really wish i were a stay home mom and can focus more on her. now with #2 on the way, think not very possible. maybe only at night before she turns in and weekends bah.


it's normal to see sac only. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] soon you will see heartbeat flickering on the screen then arms and legs waving at you.


have you tried perrier water? get those lime/lemon flavored ones. super shiok! had those when i couldn't stomach water last round. or squeeze a bit of lemon into ur plain water.

Starry: I also love seeing your daughter's pictures on FB. I especially love the one in your profile pic - with her fake long hair. She looks good with curly locks!! Anw I can't believe you just stood there watching her try for 15 minutes. Hilarious lah you. Hope you're feeling less tired today!

Happymum: Yikes. Do rest more...Are you able to eat? If so, eat well and regain your strength! If you need distractors from the discomfort, we're here! (Anymore dramas to watch??)

Jmi: I also can't stand water! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But I feel that cold water is better than room temperature, so trying to drink cold water instead lor. What I don't like is after I eat, the bitter bland taste just floods my mouth again with a vengeance!! It's like IMMEDIATE one lor!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Re: Breastfeeding

Any books you experienced ladies have to share about breastfeeding, or like which forums exactly you all feel were more helpful? Want to prepare myself!!

OTW, anything that goes inside my mouth becomes bitter. i hate eating and drinking cos the after taste mades me more sick than ever! so, eating my meds is a huge challenge.. but when i dont eat, i become so hungry. it's so irritating!

starry, nope I've not tried perrier. I drink bit of ribena on and off.

ent29, I haven't been a good girl. I've been drinking cold stuff. Only warm milo in the morning. Other than that, it's been all COLD.

bleh, yes. I even gagged on folic acid & multi-vits. Really horrible.

happymum, rest well and recharge yourself. *hugs*

joanne and jmi - i agree! but i find tt warm water or ice water work better than room temp water..room temp water got weird taste tt i cannot take now...

naturally - i cannot eat 'wet' food..i hafta eat dry stuff n i cannot eat meat!!! i tink of meat only i feel sick...haizzz..

My MIL keep telling me that ice water is nt good. how true is it?

I have been drinking HL milk but if it's not chilled, it doesn't taste nice.


i wanted to see how persistent she was so stood by and watched! BTH that girl. really won't give up until she got what she wants. i'm feeling less tired today, thanks! hope you are well too and students don't drain you out during lessons. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: bfing

i found this website helpful: http://www.llli.org/faq/positioning.html. can explore it further. it addresses a lot of issues mothers have over bfing.

on books, it's too expensive to buy locally... go to the Book Depository website to buy instead. currency is in USD (very low now) and free shipping worldwide. just key in breastfeeding in the search category and a lot of books will come up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

a good and handy book you can buy is from popular. a lot of pictures and very cheap, $3++ only! it's a tiny and thin handbook with rather useful info for first-time moms. can search for it from the parenting section. shouldn't miss it for it's the cheapest and smallest bfing book there.

for videos, try watching..

hand expressing when having engorgement, or to empty breasts fully after pump:




other bfing vids:

http://www.youtube.com/user/breastfeedingbabies?blend=1&ob=4#p/a (need to subscribe)


don't drink HL anymore. HL is powdered milk added with water plus flavorings and things like emulsifiers etc. it's basically 'dead' milk. go for meiji or marigold instead. check label and be sure it's 100% fresh milk and doesn't contain anything else apart from milk.


Thanks starry, ent & jmi.

Jmi, maybe u can try ribena also.

Starry, ent, my appetite not so good bcos of my stomach. Will try the old Ginger with brown sugar, thanks!

Ent, on bf, I got free guidebooks from NUK, Singapore Bb & child clinic & KKH. They are passed down from friend and thro antenatal class & goody bags from seminar. If u want, I can lend them to u cos I dun need, only keeping for my sil. I also have a very good book on pregnancy, author is Dr Miriam Stoppard, I can also lend to u. Just let me know.

