(2011/11) Nov 2011

oh really! Ok. I will switch from today.

But I don't know how to survive when the gyane actaully recommend us to drink milk. Because I only take in chocolate milk.


Jmi & joanne, I think better stop cold drink, not so good for womb. Wait till second trimester then take abit. Drink more warm beverage or fruit juice.

Leikela, room temp water indeed taste horrible in first trimester.

Jmi & happymum: Oh oops! I never thought much about cold drinks...So just drink lor. Room temperature water is reaaaaally bad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I have yet to buy my Ribena, but again, my mother said that she grew fat cos of Ribena, as round as a Ribena berry! Haha!

Starry: Thanks for all the resources!! Really appreciate it! Really feel so green. :p

Joanne: I used to really hate drinking powdered milk, but my mum convinced me to drink it for baby's sake and she bought a tin of Milo for me to put in to change the taste! :D So yeah, for powdered milk, can put in one scoop of Milo! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ladies, confirmed i've a miscarriage and did D&C Recently Found out my recently married colleague few months pregnant...abit envy her..can't help it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now really hope I can start trying for baby soon...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

pigy: Hugs. Rest well and nurse yourself back to health. Many of the ladies in this forum are great testimonies of the miracle of life after miscarriages. So press on and don't lose heart k...

ent29: Thanks! Im back to work after 3 days HLeave from D&C. Anyone has tips on how to quickly nurse back so that I can prepare my body for a baby again?


don't need to feel pai seh about being green lah. all of us were first-timers before. we also asked a lot of qns before getting things right. so just ask away if you need to know anything. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sorry to hear that. hugs to you! if you are into TCM then can go to sinseh to 'tiao' your body back to health. and after miscarriage, body will be 'windy' also so pls avoid cold foods/drinks for the time being. hot ginger water will help warm your womb. can boil at home then bring to work in a bottle or thermos and drink throughout the day. very soon you will be able to try again! jia you! we wait for your good news again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sorry to hear about your loss. Cry if u feel like it, u need to let out your emotions, but take care not to let yourself fall into depression ok? It's gonna be a challenge facing your pregnant colleague everyday, but I hope u can focus on sharing her joy and let go of other negative feelings like envy and jealousy. We hope to hear good news from you again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pigy, sorry to hear that. Its normal to feel sad and grieve. Was told hormone will also swing thus may just cry without reason.

Do mini confinement, need to rest and let womb be strong. I drink longan red dates tea and tonic soup that comes with the confinement meal I catered.

pigy, stay strong and don't give up ok.

re: water

i also think plain water taste horrid now!! Now my fav. drink is ribena, i crave for sweet drink to cover up the funny taste in my mouth.

I am very bloated too, pants getting tight and am using belly belt for time being, counting down to 2nd tri!!


For flashcards, can DIY! Can google for free resources online or if u like, can also borrow the Glenn Doman book "how to teach babies to read" from library where he has clear instructions on the recommended size of card, words to be written in bold red, and how to flash rapidly to the child. My colleagues though prefer to buy 2nd hand flashcards from eBay to save the effort. I only do the flashcards once a day, in the evening after dinner, but even then can see results later! At the beginning u may not feel encouraged cos baby cannot show u whether she is learning or not, but rest assured she is! One fine day she will shock u by picking up a card and telling u it's "CAR" hee! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

was anyone caught on the train this morning? heard that it stalled along EW line for 1.5hrs! thank God i didn't go to work today as i usually travel that line and just nice that timing!! wah lao.. cannot imagine being in there with the poor ventilation. heard a man suffered heart attack in there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope he is okay. let's see our our WORLD CLASS train service is going to say about this.. apparently they could have let passengers out at Redhill first but some pig head went ahead to operate the train anyway and got stuck in the tunnels. real idiots..



thanks for the tips on flashcards!

Btw ladies I am also into ribena and other sweet flavored drinks!! And I like them chilled!! And I also find myself loving hot tea, be it Chinese tea or Japanese tea, I know we're supposed to limit caffeine intake, but tea has such a nice calming effect on my stomach! How, I seem to love all the wrong foods, or rather drinks :p


just drink in moderation, it's okay lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i love hot tea too! very calming. i had a lot of ice lemon tea (like 3-4 cups a week) when i had my #1. weather was way too hot!

pigy...take care!! u can drink longan and red dates tea...just buy red date n longan and boil a handful with a pot of water..my hubby did for me n put in flask..n drink..i was given 2 wks HL then so just rest at hm for mini confinement..then try not to touch water so often coz got wind...

Hi mummies, just came back from my monthly appointment. Hear my bb heartbeat beating faster than mine! Lol.. Anyway, can see the shape of my baby liao.. Doc just say next appointment (end may) can see gender of the baby already.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey mummies...during ur scans are ur bladders full? coz i know my nurse always ask me to go pee in the cup for urine test before my appt in the dr's room so if like that..surely bladder will be empty but i thought it needs to be full to get a gd picture...

ssbaby..ur abt 10wks now? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] congrats so exciting!!! first time u see hb or u saw in an earlier appt? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Leaving for my appt in 30 mins..its like the longest 30 mins...arghh

ssbaby: wow...next appt can see gender! Mine next appt only 12 weeks, don't think can see gender. best is can't see so fast then likelihood will be girl! That time at 13wks, my gynae told us 90% boy, we were thrilled!(Cos' all along i hope for a boy first!) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Incidently, among my group of pri sch friends who still kept in touch, all our first born are boys!

leikela: don't worry so much, all will be fine, you should be able to see bb's heartbeat now.

ssbaby-So happy for you that everythings fine,next app can see the gender of your bb.Wow its so excited [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tiny voice- You mean you know the gender of your bb at 13weeks? I tot normally around 16weeks..How i wish i will know the gender of my baby the earlier the better,i cant wait to decorate the nursery room and but tons of stuffs for my bb..

Hi mummies,

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littlebb: if is boy, easier and faster can detect, provided bb is in gd position for you to see. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] That's why i pray this time, i won't be able to see something sticking out,haahaa.

Tiny Voice, for my #1, Dr Tony Tan (another gynea) did my OSCAR test and he said, did I tell you the baby's gender and straight away we knew it was boy. It was 90% accurate. My boy's gender was 100% confirm by the next gynea visit.

I was so happy back then cos I wanted a boy first. So hopefully this time round, it will be a girl.

Tiny voice,Jmi- Wish you best of luck that both of you will have a bb girl this time..As for me,im a first time mum i hope to have a bb boy first as well but healthy is most important..

Dear mummies,

My bb does not seems to be growing.... last week see gynae n measured 6 weeks when it shld be 7. This week still the same size.... Boo booo was told to go back 2 weeks later. I am so worried now

Hi Jmi,

How many weeks were u pregnant when u did the OSCAR test??? So during the scan, the gynae told u the sex of the baby??

Weiling, I was 12 weeks pregnant when I did the OSCAR test for my 1st pregnancy. During the scan, the gynea told me that he is certain it's 90% it's a boy and he's normally accurate.

What is done during on the OSCAR? Blood test only?

And mummies. So far how many blood test has u taken? Want to get myself prepared. Hope the blood test i did at kkh is valid so that first check up with my gynae can avoid it.

Hi Jmi,

How was the oscar performed? The scan is through the tummy??? I'm gging for my Oscar this week. Trying out to find out more. Thanks.

OSCAR test is similar to an ultrasound. The readings are compute into a pc and the gynea will input your age etc and from there it will give you a stats/percentage on the Down Syndrome rate based on X number of pple in the same age range etc.

I had a 2 blood tests done because the first result showed that I'm a thalassemia minor, 2nd blood test done together with DH to determine if he is normal.


Don't worry so much. Rest well these few days and see how in 2 weeks' time. There are a lot of cases whereby baby is healthy and nothing wrong at all.


Happy for u! Baby's heartbeat sounds very nice right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm also waiting at the clinic for my appt. The nurse screwed up my appt and didn't put me on the list. Was told that gynae didn't bring my case file because he wasn't expecting me lor! So frustrating!! And my MS came back after 2 days' disappearance. Ugh...

Saw n heard the heartbeat at 144bpm...dr even added colour so i can see the hb even more clearly but don't really haf a nice scan pic to show coz got hard to get a clear pic of me today haha..but jus knowing got hb is gd enough for me now..next appt in 3 wks to make sure tt baby growth is on track

Leikela, so happy for u! Must be very exciting for u n ur Hubby. My apptm is Tmr pm, hope I can get to hear my bb hb too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Leikela: YAAAAY!!! So exciting!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have a good trip with your hubby and little baby! :D Take good care of yourself ya! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starry: Aiyoh! So how long did you have to wait in the end?? How was the appointment? Saw your little beanie today?

Thanks Felixp, tiny voice n Ent! Yeah now can go w ease of mind [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gd luck w ur appt tmr Felixp..update ya!!

Starry - how was ur appt...hope u got to see doc in the end


Just an update on my checkup today. Currently am at 8weeks plus, heard bb heart beat and saw it has grew quite a bit and it's measuring 17mm now. : )

My beanie was spreading his/her limbs and was in an upside down position. So cute. Going to do my OSCAR on 4/5/11.

Brought my #1 with me to my checkup and gynae showed her the baby on the screen. She wasn't too excited, guess she is still not use to have someone to share our attention/love. My mil is also currently looking after my bil's newborn and the bb was back home last night. My dd was so upset the whole night and behaved like a baby, refused to communicate the usual way and was cooing like a bb. Haiz, i guess i really have to read up more on how to make #1 comfortable n acceptable to a new member in the family.


Take care and rest well!


Wow, u going to find out the gender on ur next visit? That's fast. Must be very exciting.

Thanks ladies.. Doc say next visit will try see gender. So he set it at end of may (i requested that as i will be away for exams) - 17 weeks by then. I manage to see bb heartbeat at my last visit in early mar - 6w.. Now i can hear it pumping faster than mine loh! Look like it a ganjiong bb.. Haha

Starry so when ur nxt appointment? The nurse today also misplaced my card n allow 4 more other mummies to see doc first before me. The other nurse came n ask for my name, then i realise the first nurse lost my appointment card n did not notice i m sitting in front of her for past 30 mins!!

Tinyvoice: i tink 12 weeks still cant see gender ba.. Me n hubby will see it during next visit 17 weeks lol.. Hope he/she not shy la..

Also today my hubby say bb very active. Spread its hands n legs out to say hi to daddy.. Lol, basically can see the head, hand n leg moving la.. But doc din capture tt..! So sad i din see it..!!

leikela-Happi to hear everything goes well and its so amazing to hear your bb heartbeat rite,it will really brightens your day..

Babyzel-Hi babyzel,you mean you can see clearly your bb limbs? I tot 8weeks cant see much..I am going for my app this sat,i am abt 8-9weeks by then so probably i will also get to see my bb limbs.Im so excited now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mommies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Wah.. Really waited a nong nong time to see little beanie yesterday! I almost wanted to go bang table when they told me they will let other patients who came after me go in see doc first. Blood boiling that time. I told the counter staff off and said first, it wasn't my fault the appt was screwed up. Second, they cannot waste my time and make me wait and tell me ppl are going to cut my queue. Lastly, told the counter nurse to please make sure their staff treat appts seriously and don't mess up. If emergency how? Die lah like that. So after that I was told doc will see me next! Finally!!

My Gynae is a nice man. Kept apologizing for his staff and for making me wait. Saw beanie and it is well. Grew a good 5-6mm over 4 days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Heartbeat also clear and strong. Later in the evening when I was home, the nurse who messed up the appt called me! She apologized and asked how I was and chatted a bit. I was very impressed that she actually called after office hrs. Made me feel a bit bad for getting so frustrated earlier.


Very likely can know gender in may! So exciting! Have to wait patiently now. Hee hee!


My next appt will be the Oscar on 20th then see gynae for results on 28th. Hope all will be well from now on.


morning ladies!

juz finish fire drill 7 my tummy is growling. lucky colleague help mi buy breakfst. hehehe.


sori for d loss. have a good rest k. can try again when u r emotionally ready. try not to tink abt it esp when u c ur colleague k. i know how it feels coz mi n my colleague onli one wk apart in edd but i lost my bb.


goody! now can enjoy ur holidae! =)

