(2011/11) Nov 2011

Hi mummies,

How long does confinement period last? 1 month? Anyone knows whether is it advisable to go out during the whole of this 1 month or is it ok to leave the house and go out for a few hours?

Thanks in advance!


Reabeana> my pain initially is on top last week but this week become bottom.. But I also have pelvic pain too..


Ask a weird qns, do you wear specs or contacts lens while delivering? :p

My Edd is 14Nov, expecting a girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello, i am from Sept 2011 forum. As my baby has outgrown her diapers, I am selling off 35pcs of Huggies S size (just bought and just opened!) They are still in the orginal packaging with the stamps. Please PM me if you are keen, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bunny>> save the trouble, just wear glass, when u squeeze, u won't be seeing also. Hahaha

Rebeana>> if ur pain persist, just call gynae. It might be anytime. And even need to throw ur work aside. Just remember to take in deep breathe and call ur hb or gynae.

Hi yiling>> ur edd so nice ah.

Jia you mummies.... I'm gg to cook my last dinner before having tingkat on the Thursday. Heehee

Hi Bunny,

so sorry that I do not wear specs or contact lens. But i think you should not wear contact lens.

And my friend has reminded me not to wear any accessory / jewelry when going for delivery.

Hi Yiling,

Nice date ! According to my last menstrual period, my due date is 10/30. but everytime go checkup we were told about the different dates. However many people told me we still need to base on the last period to get the date. am i right?

Hi Rebeana,

I understand your feeling about the work hand over. That's why many people say it is a challenge to be working mum. I am sure you do love your job and do not want to give any bad impression but meanwhile you also think you got the right to enjoy / utilize your leave.

Is there anyone else in your company / department ever took ML before? what is the usual practice? The suggestion I can give you is to try your best to work on the project till the last day before you go on leave. And talk to your boss nicely that you will need to rest and take care of newborn after delivery and it is quite impossible for you to continue the work during your leave. I am sure you have been notified your company long time ago about your leave. And they should have planned ahead to have someone to cover your job. last but not least, do take care of yourself and keep positive mood. BE HAPPY!

Hi Jean Chua,

Wah. You got good life hor. No need to work.haha.

As for appetitie, all of you are not alone. My appetite has been very good since the beginning of the last tri. And since now my due date is so near, I am having more cravings. Especially when I have hard time to go to sleep coz my boy keeps moving right, left, up, down and center. I will think about what to eat next day. haha. And mummies, I have been put on almost 20 kgs... so yours are all small cases [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pain / contraction

Remember I have mentioned before I got those false contraction few weeks back. The pain seems like thost stomach pain and it comes and goes. For me, each time it could last about half an hour but eventually it stopped. My friend who have 2 kids told me the real contraciton will never stop and the whole tummy will be harden. The most important is we should have the water / blood leaking.

Cervix checking

For those who have been checked for cervix, what is the feeling like? I am a bit scared as I was told that some gynaes are quite "rough".

Jean, u really brought alot of pads!! haha.. i only select a few of pureen and then kotex. i assume hospital will give loops so i didnt buy loops.i also duno how to wear the loops. i think tie ard the waist. reminds me of those aboriginals wearing their leather underwear. haha..

weight gain,

i have already gain 15+kg since preggy til now. hopefully the weight will go off soon after delivery. i have no idea what clothes i can wear that is nice after that. need to do shopping after confinement. esp for CNY clothes!


i also have vagina pain, back pain during some contractions. i thought is because of the position of bb and the cramp. sometimes it starts pushing and tightening at my bladder and my whole vagina/cervix pain and i feel like i am gg to pee anytime!!

there was once i had a really bad/sharp pain at my back/butt when i had the contractions while sleeping. I thought i was in labour but i changed position and the pain slowly went away.


I dont think u would want to wear contact lens. we wont know long the labour is or how it will turn out. plus i tink u would want to close ur eyes and rest/sleep when u can cuz i tink its gonna be a really tiring ordeal. Better wear specs.


we are not suppose to be gg out during the 1mth but if need to go out also no choice. the purpose is to rest and not get wind or rained on. i think we might need to leave the house for 1/2 day to visit doctor during confinement period though.

Kiamkiam-Happy for you that you gonna pop soon.Have a safe and smooth delivery.If free pls share with us your delivery process.

Jean chua-I also do not know where to get freah raspbery tea leaf or even those tea bags.Haiz..

Phua Yiling-You delivering in week 38 thru induce or csection? I do hope to pop early too probably around week 38 or week 39.


I am considerindg to order tingkat too but i will like to try Kims Kitchen.Saw channel 8 yesterday about Brian Wong helping at Kims Kitchen.How they processed the foods looks clean and orgainised.I will be trying their trial period first.

Weight Gain

Last 2 weeks i gained 1.6kg,quite alot i think as normally i gained less than a kg every 2 weeks.I am in my week 37 and i had gained 14kg..So Fat! I decided to order tummy wrap.

Just now went to visit my girlfriend at Mount Alvernia as she had just delivered a healthy boy weigh 3.18kg thru induce with assisted vacuum and epidural.her labour pain only 7 hours quite short maybe becoz she opt for induce so delivery process is shorter.

Hi twink

Talking about the pain . My bb just pushed my bladder and I even had a hard time to walk. I got the urge to pee but when I went to toilet , nothing ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hehe, we r all gettin kan chiong abt our delivery liao. i only bought 1 pkt of kotex maternity pad, 2 nb diapers & 2 s size diapers; looks like gotta buy somemore liao

I will be delivering in TMC in 15/11, any1 same date as me? maybe we can b roommates, hehe.

i can oso feel my tummy harden quite freq liao, sometimes tummy pain. is tis contraction? i tot its bcos i ate sth bad...

in my last trimester, i started to hv more cravings too! at 36wks, i put on 10kg liao, recently i can c my face become rounder le. nooooo~~~!! wait CNY cant buy clothes how?? T.T

shjean: same here! i always feel like gg to toilet, but then nothing! @ night always feel like gettin up and pee, so troublesome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


another day gone n we r closer to our due date. Yippie! I'm updatin list below to info i saw in the thread.

Shjean - u shd hv a more accurate date at ur nex visit as 30th is only a few days away!

I oso saw my EDD changes once on the screen.

Shjean / Javier / boy/ 30th Oct

Kiam / Eunice / girl/ 27th Oct/KKH

Jean Chua / Yvette / girl/26th

esther/natalie/gal/ 18th

is-elle/ Estelle/ girl/ 20th


Simp/27th Oct/KKH

Bunny/ girl/ 14th

Kiam - so excited for you! wld love to hear frm u aft u popped!

Jean - so nice.. i wish i dun hv to work when preggy too. i vomited so badly in 1st 5mths. i've both hearburn in 1st n 3rd tri.

Hardening - mine hardens abt 4x a day till now im used to it. but still uncomfy la. at least can walk now. i read tat it's Braxton hicks - painless contraction.

pain - i hv pain at diff areas. sometimes above somex below the belly button and even at the side. Gynae says liagment pulls n uterus stretchin pain and tell me not to worry.

twink - endure with the rashes n it'll b over soon!


By right during confinement should not go out cos need to avoid the wind or something. But many of my galfriends did go out every now and then. I think its really impossible to be cooped up at home for a month, I will go crazier =P

Since I'm only in wk 35, I think I should still gain weight in the next few weeks. Gosh, quite horrified. But all for the baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Anyway if fully bf should be able to burn calories quite fast!

Okies shall carry on this:

Shjean / Javier / boy/ 30th Oct

Kiam / Eunice / girl/ 27th Oct/KKH

Jean Chua / Yvette / girl/26th

esther/natalie/gal/ 18th

is-elle/ Estelle/ girl/ 20th


Simp/27th Oct/KKH

Bunny/ girl/ 14th

cyn / girl / 26th / TMC

Hi mummies,

Hahaha, a lot of mummies are envy about me not working...but is not easy to stay at home and do nothing. Ever since pregny, I only in chrg of laundry and cooking...the rest are done by him. I do envy u mummies with jobs, at least is financial freedom. I can only buy if my household budget allow.... Better dun compare... Ren bi Ren, qi si Ren.

Shjean>> huh u put on 20kg!!! Wow, but Im a plus size mummy, so cannot afford to put on so much. Before pregny, im already 80kg Liao leh. So now my gynae is warning me ever since pregny.

So if pain persist for long, then must be contraction liao Loh...

Twink>> hahaha I didn't buy many pad, cos is all passed down by my SIL and friend. Since it's not opened, so I took over. Hahaha...I only buy 4 pkt of 41cm since is only 8pcs per pkt. Loop is to tied on the waist!!! Omg so insecure!! Hahaha

Little bb>> the raspberry teabag is available online. But not sure if it works or not. Or by the time it reach us, I think we give birth le ba. Which type of tummy wrap will u consider?


I also watch the tcs 8 show by bryan Wong on tingkat service. It enlighten me to give tingkat a chance. So I was reading the review last night, seems liked kim's kitchen doesnt have good review. So decide to give meihao99 a try.

Meihao99 Yvonne seems friendly and flexible, she say we can change the delivery address to my in law when I give birth early. Or can temporary stop the service till after my confinement. So I will update u mummies after I taste their food this Thursday.

I have lost control of bladder when I cough just now. Lucky recently I have put on poise.

CNY clothing...I dun dare to think so much. I dun think my weight will be slim down so fast. Worse come to worst, wear back the maternity wear since all attention will be on my princess...heehee

Iselle>> my heartburn is horrible that makes me can't sleep well at night. Always craving for cold drinks!!!

Cyn>> I also think we can go out ba, maybe just to see PD then sneak out for marketing ba...heehee..if not, we really will be crazy!!!

My hb is still not home. Haiz...

Hi jean

Yes! I also can't imagine I got 20 kgs more but my gynae did not warn me so far. Do not want to think about cny clothing now. For tops I think I still can wear the usual one but all the pants / skirts / jeans surely can't wear.

For heartburn, did you tell your gynae about it? If really cannot endure think they got medicine for you.

Cold drinks

I have been taking cold drinks for these few months but no ice cubes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tomorrow I am going karaoke with hb n one friend . Yippe !!!

Hope my ulcer can disappear soon ...

Huijie-I may be delivering on 15/11 but i will be at Mount Alvernia orelse maybe we will bump into each other.15nov is also my hubby's birthday.So if i will to deliver on that day it will be my hubby greatest gift.But we may not pop on EDD,i am hoping to pop faster,cant wait to see my little one.You bot one pk of maternity pad is not enough.I just went to visit my gf who just delivered at Mount A,she said very heavy flow,used about 6pads a day.She wore maternity pad and still stained the bedsheets.Because bb took a long time to breastfeed so pad overflow.Of course cant wait untill going to overflow then change la and it sinks so will have to change occasionally.

Jean chua-Ya by the time we order the raspberry tea online we may have pop so i will give it a miss..Kindly share with me your tingkak dinner with meihao99.Tummy wrap i will most probably buy from new mummy,a seller from motherhood forum same supplier of the ginger cream and ginger gel.There is another seller selling cheap and good nursing bra and nursing wear so if i have no time to go shop for new year clothing then i will just order from her.Some of her nursing tops not bad i think.


Always have pain at my lower tummy esp when i woke up at night to pee.Also having lots of pressure at my bladder.Think bb use his head to bump my bladder.Sometimes have difficulty walking,of course it dont feel good.

Hi Shjean, wow so cool Ktv with hb... I think tmr I will go swimming with hb, then follow by haircut, pedi, mani and facial. Heehee.

I told gynae about my heartburn, he say Liao, best is to control my intake. He doesn't seem like prescribe med. So Bo Bian Loh.

Cold drink is nice!!!! But u know lah, my dad is nagging about me taking too much cold drinks and cold fruits. Haiz... So I stick to warm water when he is around in the evening. Day time I will eat my fruits and drink 1 glass of cold drink with my lunch. Hehehehe.


15/11/11.... My bd too. Hahahaha.... My hb bd is 22/11, he is so keen that gal gal will pop on his bd. So I can save on his present every year. Hahahaha.

Your friend hospital didn't provide underpad for mattress??? Do we need to bring there ourself?? Hmmm then seems liked my pad is just nice for first two weeks ba. Hmmm...for so long is menses free, now coming back to put pad, scare of rashes again.

I also feel my gal head at my bladder sometimes even feel her scratching my tummy under skin with her nails. Sharp but very small area. Heehee...


No contact lens n jewellery during delivery. That's what my gynae's assistant told me. She even asked me not to paint my nails. Wonder what has painted nails got to do with delivery?

Tomorrow is the final day to eat what I want cos I'm scheduled to go for induction on thurs. yippee.. Hope it's not going to be a long labour.

Congrats,Blue dream and Eliaw!

Kiam, hav a smooth delivery n keep us update.

SHJEAN: cervix checking is quite uncomfy, i had mine checked last week n didn't expect the pain, hav some brown discharge after tat but next day ok le.

I have been waiting at home for the past 2 weeks today is week 39 liao n my gal still show no sign of coming out, a bit worry how's she's doing inside...hav to induce next week if there still no sign heard tat it quite painful.

Julia/sarah/girl/1st nov/kkh


Hi Ladies, thanks for your advise.. True enough, it is causing me a lot of stress and unhappiness.. My boss does know that Im on ML next week but I have no idea why is he still loading me with more work.. Anyway I have brought back my stuff to do today and hopefully can complete by this week (1st draft).. Subsequent draft, if I can I will do if not than too bad.. Secretly praying that I will deliver early (say this week) so that I don't even have time to submit him my first draft to "punish" him for giving me more work and end up instead of spending time to do handover (which I have not done with him yet), he now have to waste more time to re-do the "new project" he has handed me and to find his way thru to solve my outstanding stuff.. hehe.. *evil thoughts*


Yes, I think the top tummy pain I mentioned is hardening.. It can be really painful.. It happened very very frequently for me today..


Hey, I also realised that I have more cravings these few weeks than anytime of the pregnancy.. Keep wanting to eat eat eat.. And now, I have stopped avoiding the food that Im suppose to avoid (like cold drinks, spicy food, etc).. oops.. Coz keep thinking baby is coming out soon so give myself these few weeks to enjoy and reward myself after so many months of hard work..


I only bought 2 packets of 42cm maternity pad.. If not enough than ask mama to help me buy lo..


I think Im worst.. So far, only bought 2 packets of M size Pampers.. NB only like 5pcs(free samples) and S size diapers probably only about 2 packets (given by SIL). Thats all.. I think should be ok, if not enough than ask hubb to buy lo..

Baby Powder

Do I need to buy baby powder?


My rashes is back again.. Super itchy.. I think these few weeks other than keep eating the "not so good food", I have also started scratching my tummy directly, which I tried so hard to avoid for the past few months.. But really cant take it.. Its so itchy!


Wow, so excited for you.. Congrats and can't wait to hear your story!

Shjean / Javier / boy/ 30th Oct

Kiam / Eunice / girl/ 27th Oct/KKH

Jean Chua / Yvette / girl/26th

esther/natalie/gal/ 18th

is-elle/ Estelle/ girl/ 20th


Simp/27th Oct/KKH

Bunny/ girl/ 14th

cyn / girl / 26th / TMC

Rebeana / Girl / Avril (TBC) / 11 Nov / TMC

hi all mummies,

Can advise where to get information to select baby chinese names ? any website or link to recommend ?

Thanks in advance

Happy Deepavali !!

Shjean / Javier / boy/ 30th Oct

Kiam / Eunice / girl/ 27th Oct/KKH

Jean Chua / Yvette / girl/26th

esther/natalie/gal/ 18th

is-elle/ Estelle/ girl/ 20th


Simp/27th Oct/KKH

Bunny/ girl/ 14th

cyn / girl / 26th / TMC

Rebeana / Girl / Avril (TBC) / 11 Nov / TMC

Julia/sarah/girl/1st nov/kkh

jEAN CHUA-15Nov is your birthday too,that is so coincidence.Not sure hospital will provide undepad,she just said had stained the sheets.Because when you breastfeed,have to lie sideways maybe it flows out from the sides.She said took about nearly 2 hours for each feed as bb will fall asleep many times while feeding.

Babyzel-Happy for you that you going to pop on thursday.How many weeks are you? How come so many people scheduled to go for induction? Will it be better to go for induce than to wait for normal labour?

janicehoon-Websites i am not very sure.If you gonna look for fortune teller to Select Chinese names can go to look for Yu Long Zi,Many of My friends look for him.

Little bb>> where is the address of yu long zi?. 15/11 is ur bd as well? Hahaha. Then I better bring more disposable undies.

Kiam, simp, babyzel>> jia you! Hope u gals have smooth smooth delivery.

I didnt have a good sleep last night. So pek chek thru out the night. My little one has been actively kicking me the whole night, and her dad is enjoying his movie on iPad sitting next to me. The moment I want to fall asleep, his stupid movie sound gave a loud scream..... Arrrggghhh.

jean >> im a sahm too! quit my job since im 2mth preggie. i uds u! muz buy stuff need to tink here tink there & c a lot of pretty stuff oso cant buy cos no $$. worst ting is v bored @ home, and noone accompany u cos every1 is working. but den v soon it will b all over! cos our bb will b arriving soon!

Babyzel >> congratz!!! hope u hv a smooth delivery! cannot do manicure? how come? i was tinkkin of doin it be4 i deliver oso

Little bb >> wa, so coincidence ar? we tot 15/11 is a gd date so plannin for csect on dat day. wanted 11/11, but den all fully booked & got SURCHARGE somemore! OMG! u can visit ur fren who has juz delivered? i tot chinese sayin cannot go cos pan tang or sth?


Oh, so hardenin of tummy is Braxton hicks ar? i tot is bb movin ard in my tummy.

Rebeana >> same here! my cravings start to increase tis few weeks. mayb bcos know gg to give birth soon so all restrictions startin to disappear liao! hahhaa, but i still dunwan to gain too much wt, cos after csect, 4mths cant do exercise!! >.<

janice: for the chinese name selection, im going to Master Long at Bullion Park. His mobile is 9067 5008. He did my wedding date calculation and his charges are reasonable. u can consider [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jean/ hu1j13: im a sahm too! agree it can be quite boring at times but im thankful i can rest whenever i feel tired [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now tinkg when i shd go back to work, cos all my mummy frenz tell me u'll grow so attached to the baby u wun feel like going back to work! haha....

hardening: i also din noe hardening is braxton hicks. i tot the baby moved and the hard part is his body...


Ya nice date but dont think will so zhun de... hehehe...


Oisee... i also not too sure about it but my gynae told me just based on the EDD date he gave me which also based on the last menstrual period.

Hi Little bb,

no i wont be delivering at week 38 by induce or c-sect what i meant is this friday will be going week 38. so will see when bb wish to pop as currently i still opting for natural birth... hehehe... oisee... you currently in week?


my edd and hospital to deliver is the same as urs... hehehe...

Shjean / Javier / boy/ 30th Oct

Kiam / Eunice / girl/ 27th Oct/KKH

Jean Chua / Yvette / girl/26th

esther/natalie/gal/ 18th

is-elle/ Estelle/ girl/ 20th

Yiling/11th Nov/Boy/TMC

Simp/27th Oct/KKH

Bunny/ girl/ 14th

cyn / girl / 26th / TMC

Rebeana / Girl / Avril (TBC) / 11 Nov / TMC

Rebeana, little Bb, Kiam Kiam,jean,,hu1j13:

Thanks mummies! Hope to have a smooth n short labour tmr!

Kiam, jiayou n smooth delivery too!

Little bb,

I'm at week 38, gynae suggested induction for me cos my bp rising n placenta aging, she say no point to wait for normal delivery. Safer to deliver earlier. Better in my case and baby is already of sufficient weight n development.


I'm not sure why can't paint nails too? Anyway during confinement also not very convenient to have to remove nail polish also n the solvent not good for bb .

Today went supermarket to do a last min stock replenishment. Pack a few more packets of maternity pads, milo, coconut and to get a night light for the bb's room which I kept forgetting.

Jean chua-15nov is not my birthday,its my hubby birthday.If i am not wrong,yu long zi contact number is 67440148.

Yiling-Oic..im at week 37.Seems like many go for csection or scheduled for induce so thinking you may be one of them,i made a mistake..I am also going for natural but i hope bb can pop faster as i can hardly breath recently and walking makes my lower tummy very pain.Thinking to opt for induce in my week 39 if there are still no signs of labour.

Babyzel-Since your bp rising and placenta aging so its safer to deliver earlier.At least you know tmr u gonna pop,you can get everythings prepare and in control.Can go eat whatever you like today as you will be going into confinment real soon.Can also have a long shower.Scrub your hair and body untill clean clean before admitting.You admit into hospital after midnite?Wish you have a safe and smooth delivery.JIayou jiayou! If you free pls share with us your delivery process.

hu1j13-My mil told me cannot visit my girlfriend at the hospial,she even said cannot carry all babbies and toddlers as well.My sisters 2 toddlers she also said cannot carry them.Even my hubby's collegues daughter 1 year old celebration she also said cannot go.Cant even go to other ppl confinment room.My gynae nurse mentioned my bb head very big during scan,she hear already also not happi.She is those extremly pang dang person and she is not that old only 50+ years old.For me i dont bother so much,my mum also said we modern people dont care about such things anymore so she never restrict me about such things.Why i visit my girlfriend at e hospital as she is my good friend,we preggy together,go babymoon together,join aqua aerobics class together.We just do everything together as this is both our first pregnancy.Now she had deliver,definely i feel so happy for her as we had came a long way.Must go congrats her and see her little one.So i dont pang dang about this old wives tales.My sister she a Christian also never believe such things so let it be lor.

Little bb,

Checking into hosp tmr at 9am. Yup I have been taking long baths since today n tmr I think will spend longer time in the bathroom. Can't imagine I can't bathe for the next 12 days at least. Sadness!

I not pantang also but if the other party is pantang, I will respect them n not carry their bb when I'm Preggy. Usually I ask if they mind or not before I go to events or carry their bb.



Hi mummies,

I'm from Dec'11 thread, was reading your thread to gain more insights on giving birth and to see if anyone is giving birth via induction. Anyhow, I noticed many mummies are asking why no nails painting. In my group, we shared that its because it is crucial that our original nail colour can be seen during delivery. If the colour is 'off', it could mean something else and the doc/nurses can act on it. So please no manicure for the time being.

Congrats to mummies who have given birth and I shan't disturb you mummies anymore. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi nov etoile & hu1j13, I'm glad there are someone understand me. See nice nice things also cannot buy. Is boring thru out. But good thing is we can rest whenever we are tired. Can stay up late every night. Where u mummies staying?? If free, can have tea next time after our bb be more stable with outside environment. Heehee

Little bb, thanks for your contact. Already ask hb to jot down. I think it is true that after swimming, the tummy seems liked more heavy. I feel that today after my swim with hb. During swimming, my gal is just calm in my tummy. But the moment I start to walk to shower, it is heavier and feel pain in my pelvic.

I think u r brave to just go against ur mil. Hahaha...I also heard those things pregny should avoid. Although my good friend give birth, I also didn't visit her until the full month, and ask hb to remind me not to carry other bb or toddler... Unless they dun mind.

I went for pedi and main today, but didnt put colour since it is troublesome to remove when it is time...so I prefer to leave it empty, just want it short and neat during my delivery.

Babyzel>>> 12 days cannot shower????? Not 1week only ah??? Errr then did u buy the NO RINSE shampoo and shower from Mum Essential??? I heard from friend is just wipe dry after apply to the hair and body, can even use it to wash our vagina. I think I better shower shiok shiok before admitted to tmc. Heehee

Jia you mummies who are going to pop tmr!!!!! All the best. Smooth smooth!!!!

Babyzel-Yes i will also asked if they pantang i go down or carry their babies but all are fine actually.When i told my sister who is a Christian about this,she just shaked head and walk away.To them they think is Ridiculars ba!

Little bb>>> hahaha.... I ask also, I know my friend's mum mind, so I end up didn't carry her boy. Haiz.... But I heard that if our bb during full month, let pregny carry will not be xiao qi. And will be bai wu jing ji. (some kid cant eat full month cake or red egg or can't attend bday party.... But all these can be solved if we let pregny carry our bb on it's full month)

That is what I heard from my facial therapist. Dunno true or not...anyone heard that before???

Thanks twink and cyn! It's what I thought but wanted to confirm again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jean chua-What i heard is totally different.My friends and mil told me during bb full month cannot let preggy carry wor..My girlfriend collegues who is preggy carry her bb during her full month and her bb cried for many nights after that..I think we should not be too pantang lor,listen to too much old wives tales will make our life more difficult so i hate when my mil told me those pantang stuffs.After hearing it and you dont do according,anything happen *touchwood* they blame you for not listening.Also we cant tell our friends who are preggy not to attend or carry our babies right,it will be so rude esp Christian they dont know about such things and i dont see anything happen to them also so it all depends on individual.Can be pantang at times but not too overboard ba.

Ya I agree. But I already carry my SIL two sons when I pregny. The elder two years old is ok, but the younger 6 month will cry whenever I carry him. So I avoid carry him. But ok to touch his hands and play with him. Heehee

wow din come by for a wk past and seeing mummies pop one by one. do load some pics to share [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bikini wax

juz wondering if any plan csection mummies doing bikini wax? for csection they wld shave prior opertaion but i dun wish them to shave but i hv nit done one myself. any recom for those DIY pdt?

Little bb,

oisee... it ok understand de no worries... hehe... oh then u have to rest more not to walk too much if possible... as other mummies mentioned now is our last lap le so we all must endure all the pain we gng thru as after seeing our little one it is all worth while de...hehe... so jiayou and take care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gd morning mummies

Today is a big day for me and bb ... Yesterday prepare the confinement stuff and contact my cl to report work during the weekend.. Finally buy the dry shampoo from Chinatown market as my mum and mil dun allow me to shower at Kkh .. So I must wait until I discharge .. Drink coconut for past few days and hope bb will be less yellowish..

Later i am take a clean clean shower .. then drink 2 bottle of chicken essences as cl say must drink so got energy to push..

Hope later everything will be smooth and no need to end in c~sec..

Take care all mummies and wish everyone have smooth delivery ..


Jia you and keep us updated when u popped

I am also going for my 38 weeks check up today at East Shore.dont know when is my turn.


Hugs kiam kiam!!!! Jia you!!!! All the best to u and bb. Cheers!!!!!

Fion>>> bikini wax.... Hmmm... I thunk is better to go to Strip or other prof salons to have it done. Since our tummy is so big now, cannot even see our feet, not to mention ur bikini area. Cos if DIY, not done properly might have in grown infection which will be even itchy and terrible.

