(2011/11) Nov 2011

Jean> i think u are experience pelvic pain as ur bb start got move down..

I am worse start to feel irreg cramp and feel like stomach .. got some blood and yellowish discharge when i wipe.. Lucky tomorrow, i am going for gyn check up ...

Have been 3 days since i feel my tummy super tigh like a balloon that gg to burst anytime..

Anyone have similar experience as me?


Hi mummies!


Take care babe, definitely need to check with your gynae regarding the bloody discharge and cramps. Signs of baby coming! Almost there, jia you!


Oh wow, I have not stocked up on any diapers yet. Still 5 more weeks to go, wanna check on baby's weight at the next checkup before stocking up on either NB or S size. My galfriends recommendations are Pampers Active & Mammypoko. Drypers gives her baby rashes. Btw anyone heard before that the cutting for Mammypoko is slightly smaller, thus better to buy S size instead of NB size?

Breast pump

SIL just passed me her Avent single electronic breast pump. Doesn't look like I can change much parts except for the comfort breast padding leh, the Avent website doesn't indicate other spare parts available. I guess it's not like the Medela range, whereby you can change alot of the parts like funnel? Hmmm just gonna wash & sterilise it thoroughly.

Me haven decided on my baby's name haha! Keep changing my mind every now and then between 3 names. I guess I will only confirm when baby arrives [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dreamy>>> Congrats to ur new arrival, now u must be busy handling 3 kids! Think super not easy, u take care ya.

Formula Milk

That time i bgt 1 small tin of fm as night time bb can go hungry easy on bm. On days i really too stressed like the moment i unlatched girl, she wd keep crying till u give up esp if ur mum pr mil is are doing the confinement. If u hv cl, not so stressful. It can be very frustrating for mommies who have been bf bb every 2 hrs but yet at night when bb suckle, nothing or barely bm comes. So i think u can buy small tin fm to standby if not ask hb to buy when u cannot tahan. To keep the fm from being blocky, u can put in fridge to store. The storage life shelf is longer. Otherwise, not to waste it, moms can mix bb fm into your daily milk drink from anmum daily to keep the quality of bm there. Last time i din drink preggy/bf milk during confinement. However this time i think i wd want to drink it as i think quality of milk will go to bb and ourselves. Otherwise take red date longan tea, soup or warm water to dehydrate ourselves.


Think this time hb stock up newborn, s and m sizes diapers already. It is better to stock up s and m than newborn, buy on demand bah since u dun know how fast bb gain wt. How just a gauge, if u bf, bb within 1 meh for check up or vaccination can weight from 2kg+ to 5kg + within 2 or 3mth. My girl look like sumo when she was 2 or 3m on bm. Hope this helps.

Jean and kiam>>> I also experienced super pain on pelvic whenever i walk and i feel my walking looks bad esp these few days. In fact at times i also have to use hands to hold the pelvic instead of tummy as i feel more pain on the left pelvic. In fact just a visit to gynae and meal can exhaust me much and i need bed rest. I dun feel like moving abt at all or going anywhere. If i have time, i wd go quickly to bed and rest even if I'm not moving or sleeping. At times i feel so breathless even sitting. But the thing is my tummy not very big yet i feel so heavy compared to more mommies i saw in kk. They have bigger tummy yet they all look like they r charged.

Kiam>>> Im going to kkh for ctg and do procedure as well tmw. Just another 2 more days and i can see bb. Feeling excited and stressed at the same time.

Weight Gain

Think i gain more than 16kg for this bb. Lesser than 20kg when i had my girl a few years back. Think i gain most in late 2nd and whole of 3rd trimester in drastic measure to grow bb.

Coconut and longan red date drink

Does anyone know if i can take longan red date drink and coconut together for 2 days? Am thinking of doing the logan tea tmw to drink like 2 times a day and coconut drink in the afternoon before csce.


wow.. got blood discharge mean standby mode to delivery izzit.. i oso feel like the balloon going to burst anytime.. recently her moment will make mi a painful (maybe no space for her...i getting to feel nervious n exciting ...

Kiam>> Wow, it might be anytime fir you le. Better be accompanied by anyone when u go anywhere. Most importantly try to keep calm when things happen. Hmmm....not sure will I be calm when things happen...heehee...but jia you....

Simp>> u mean bb can gain their weight so fast within 2-3 months!! Omg, then I better stop buying diaper Liao. See how it goes le. Will ask hb to buy when needed.

Longan tea and coconut juice together...I think should be fine if coconut juice is going together with ur lunch. While longan tea is taking over ur plain water habit ba, try to drink it warm if possible.

Simp, jia you!!! So happy for you, is ur turn soon. Do update us on ur bonding with ur newborn.

Fm>> I still have reserved in buying a tin to standby. Yesterday my elder SIL is asking me to buy, hb and I just keep quiet when she is saying all those negative comment. I have been told by few successful BF mummies, that a standby tin will eventually let me surrender to that. Hopefully my CL will be patient with BM, and is able to help me in BM successfully.

Jia you mummies!!!

Hi mummies,

I am a Nov mummy but delivered my ger on 13-10-11.

I need some advises, anyone knows if I ask my CL to leave b4 28 days, is it I need pay 2 weeks salary? Today is her 9th day with me. She is nt from agent but she toldme tat is confinement rule. Any mummies can enlighten me? TIA!

For pads,i think i will not buy those maternity pads,i will buy those extra long night pads.Is 30cm night pad sufficent or should i buy the 35cm pad?

Little bb, there are 41cm de. I think I have bigger butt, so I go for longer type. Hahaha.

So boring at home, thinking to go swimming again this wed. Heehee

Hi mummies,

Today I start my leave and rest at home. But I still wake up early n thought I still need to work. Haha. I think I am having nesting instinct now. I feel happy after clearing our toilet cabinets n threw some expired / unwanted things.


Oh no. We got drypers n it seems like many people feedback it's not so good. I think pampers n Huggiesare the top 2 reliable brands according to mummies' feedback . But they are the two most ex ones also. Think I will stop buying diapers now. Wait for the little one to try out n see.


We were told by many people that not to buy fm as it might affect the determination to breastfeeding. But we also hear some practical advice that not to put too much stress on ourself. As for the first two weeks, most of the mums dun have enough milk flow n when bb starts crying especial at night, we tend to be panic. So the fm might help in this situation. That's why we decided to get fm to standby. However, there is one advice from some breastfeeding supporters that mummies try not to bottle feed bb if we want to do latch on. They said bb might get confused why mummy sometimes use bottle n sometimes latch on. If possible get someone else to bottle feed bb. Anyway , I am first time mummy oso n all those infor r got from others. Hope everyone here can find out the best way for ourself.

Hi kiam,

Wah you got blood discharge . Think ur bb coming soon. Have you called ur gynae to ask?


I have put on 20 kgs !! Horrible right ? I started having craving in my last tri.

Jean chua-I didnt know there are 41cm pad.I bot 2packet of 30cm pad,i opened it & realise its abit short.i only saw 34 & 35cm pad,didnt realise there are 41cm but i do think 41cm will be too long for me.huh maybe i will buy 35cm first,open it if still too short then buy the 41cm as u mentioned.The heavy period only last for about 10days right?

Hi mummies,

I got one question here. How many wipes will be used daily? Is it true that using wipes to clean when changing diapers ? Or still use cloth n water to clean ?

Shjean, i also start my ML today le... only the 1st day i already feel so boring... hehe... so far i heard recommended brand is mamypoko, pampers and huggies de... yup better let ur little one try out first before stocking up cos maybe some bb not suitable for drypers but some bb is ok for it... i think is depends on individual de bah...


yup i also bought one pack of 41cm pad and 35cm pad both from sofy brand de... cos also dont know the exact flow will have so just bought two lengths first...


Congrats! Sorry, I have no idea about CL practice in terms of early termination.

I will be using Kotex maternity loop pads cos cheaper as I will be changing the pads very often for the first week. Guess more economical. After that will use pureen pads, pureen pads are thick n long n I find it very good.

Hi yiling . Hi5! How many weeks are you now? Which hospital will you deliver ur bb?


I better go n check the length of the pad I bought. I got both Kotex n pureen brand

CL lady

Em ... I am not so sure also. But I do hear friends that they asked their CL lady to go back earlier but usually it's because sth unhappy happened

Hi all

I'm also feeling the very tight feeling in my tummy. Sometimes can be pretty painful.. Anyway these days, very stress with work. Totally no idea why my boss keep giving me work when my ML starts next week. I'm not lazy but just worried how to handover from there. Coz I'm starting to handover my stuff to another colleague but yet from the other hand, boss is giving me new task. And these task wldnt end fr this week, will continue till a few weeks from now which by then I will already be on my ML and my colleague will not be able to take over coz he is like an intern, won't be clear abt what is going on (even now what I've handover to him he is already confused). This is making me really stressed. Do you think my boss is strange?

Also, do u tnk I ahould bring my laptop back home to work even during my ML or should I just act blur say bye bye?

Hi Rebeana, ur boss is male or female?

Maybe he/she forgot when u going off?

Maybe u can remind him/her?

You must relax and do not give yourself too much stress. Personally I do not think you should bring work back as you will be on maternity leave. If you bring back laptop, they will take it as you will be still working.

I am slightly luckier. Boss employed temp to take over but she worked one day then call it quits. Never return.

I was a bit kan cheong. Asked them how? They replied not my problem.just go. My Boss and another colleague covering my duties.

hi mummies,

i finally can come bk to the forum. had been missing for a wk to clear work so i can start my ML. So happy to join the gang of mummies on AL/ML!

Jean - i saw ur price update. gimme sometime to tfr my data from excel to ur doc ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow.. so many mummies popped le..

congrats - dreamy, SSbaby & bluedream!

Hope it's my turn soon.. at wk 37 and 2wk ago bb only 2kg.

Pad - i bought Whisper, it's 40cm. Feels like pampers n wrapped me well haha.. So will use it as maternity pad.

Kiam - i tot bloody discharge means 'show' which means you'll deliver soon? so exciting!

Rebeana - i tink ur boss wan u to kickstart the task and handover to teach the intern. maybe he believes the more u teach the more trainin it is for the intern?

Juz wanna keep the below going which is started by Shjean [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've put in EDD or for those who had delivered, the actual dates too so we noe whose turn is it soon and who had already delivered!

Shjean / Javier / boy

Kiam / Eunice / girl

Jean Chua / Yvette / girl


is-elle/ Estelle/ girl/ 20th

Hi blue dream, rest well and enjoy ur bonding with bb. Do share with us ur birth story and also your bb bonding. Heehee

Hi rebeana, I think you should remind your boss on ur ML. Shouldn't bring your laptop home to work. U should relax and rest more before delivery.

Hi iselle, welcome back.. Take ur time to update the price list. No problem to that. It seemMs liked most nov bb are princesses!!!! My edd is on 26th.

Littlebb, I'm not sure how long will the discharge be, but I heard that some mummies change their pad ard 6-8h pcs a day. Anyway, I bought a few packs, if not enuff, then ask hb go and buy.

Shjean, wet wipes is mainly to use to clean the butt if very heavily soiled. In fact, some mummies will prefer to use cotton ball and water to clean up after bb pee, lesser chemical, less allergic...that wat I think. U can buy the cotton roll from kiddy palace or medical hall, then roll into the cotton ball yourself...it's cheaper.

I'm looking forward to meet the mummies in here...remember to inform me when there is an outing. Hehehe

Hi all,

sorry for the random post cos have not been active at all on this thread.. Anyway I'm in hospital now waiting for delivery... Contractions every 2 minutes.. Do count me in for outings..

eliaw-Have a safe and smooth delivery..

I just read the sept Parents magazines,there is an article saying black raspberry is the super food for pregnancy.Black raspberry extract could also be taken during the last six to eight weeks of pregnancy to prepare for childbirth to strengthen the uterus and relieve any morning sickness.Raspberry leaf tea also helps build strengthen uterus and pulls back tummy while uterus contracts.Get fresh leaves,not those processed ones in tea bags.Any mummies try before?Any advice on this?

Hi mummies,

I have delivered safely at midnight last night at 37 weeks.. Good luck to all mummies who have yet to pop.. It was v painful...

Hi porkylim,

hospital bag checklists can be found on the web. Just google it.. Just take a few to compare n pack yr stuff in.. I find disposable undies extremely important.. N do bring those maternity pads or night pads.. Cos hospital charges after use up those inclusive in the package..

Hi eliaw, have a smooth delivery. Jia you jia you.

Little bb, I only heard of that when ostrich mummy talk about it. Fresh leaves, where to get??? Mummies pls advise.

Hi mummies

Thanks everyone for ur concern.. Just finish my checkup.. My gyn say my cervix is opened and dilu abt 1.5 cm.. Ask me to see there is strong contraction these two day .. If not check in myself at KK delivery ward in thursday morning and he will break my water bag..

Simp> look like we will meet at delivery ward.. I will be there at 730am on thurs if got fate


My boss is a male.. But I guess its not really his fault coz its the nature of my job (FMCG industry).. But then, if it really normal to start a new "project" 1 week before delivery? What if I can't finish, do you gals think I should tell him or bring the work back to do during my leave.. Please advise me coz Im pretty stressed coz really lots of things to clear this week.

Hi Eliaw

Congrats! Can't wait for my turn soon!


Is your boss and company treat you well all along? If I think they worth to help, I may try my best to help them even on my ML.

But I will try not to bring work back, as not pamper them and let them take it as granted mar.. Since on leave should try to prepare yourself before delivery and have more rest too. They should have backup system since definitely when you deliver, they also need to find someone cover your job, whatever it is, without you, the company is still there.. Hee..Dun be so stressed out..

Hi Eliaw/bluedream,

congrats on ur bb arrival! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Simp/Kiam,

so excited for u 2 gg to pop soon too! congrats and update us!

maternity pad,

i bought so many different types of pad. i got pureen,kotex and normal night pads that are 41cm. i seriously duno if i got enough or too much. haha..cuz some ppl tell me will have heavy flow some say not much if breastfeeding. i think if not enough then ask hubby go buy bah.


my rashes are getting worse..even spread to breasts. now i cannot wait for bb to pop soon but my edd still got 3 more weeks to go..sigh..seriously affecting my mood,sleep,work and everything i do.arrrrrgh...


wow ur boss expect u to start new project 1 wk before delivery? i guess he has no ideas about pregnancy.i think you can still work on it but tell ur boss if you cant finish then who will take over when u pop? then watever u do, just cc the covering? dun worry so much, ur boss shld do the worrying not u.just concentrate on ur bb and delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Evelyn

I have tot of bringing my laptop back but what Im worried is that if I manage to do those work during my leave, they will be happy, but if I don't, I will get blamed instead (they might not be thankful) so do I want to risk that..

Hi Twink

Maybe like what you said, I will try to finish whatever things that needs to be done but when its time to leave, than no choice..


Why they would blame you, they should be understanding that you are already on leave and wait for bb anytime pop.. if you pop, where still got time to handover to them..also not very good arrangement ...

Should be arrange and hand over before you start your ML lo.

Hi rebeana, my advise is that your bb and your health is more impt than that job. They should be lucky to have you to worry about the company. I personally feel if you are so stress now, better talk to youqr boss about it. If he cant understand, then no point put yourself under so much stress.

Kiam and simp>>> wow, the both of you on the same day and same hospital...cool...if really have the fate to meet up, will be superb.

Eliaw>> congrats to you and your newborn. Any suggestion of how many disposale undies and pad to be use in hospital?? I dunno how many pkt should I bring...

Twink>> I'm also same as you, have a few brands of pad...kotex loop, pureen, softy or Laurier 30, 35, 41cm...some is being pass down by my SIL and my friend. So I'm not sure which one to bring....hahahaha, end up my delivery bage is filled with kotex loop, pureen and 41cm, one each. Heehee

Jia you, you can manage thru this 3 weeks...dun worry. Veery fast is going to be over.

My hb suggested me to order tingkat for last 4 weeks, since I really feel tired to go market or go ta bao when the weather is so hot, moreover, he has night class, so is difficult to cook for my own portion only. Will be starting on meihao99 dinner delivery, if it is good, I will order for my gal full month as well...

My dad feel so bad that he will be away for 1 week before my edd for holiday....I feel so happy, he feels bad, which means he really care abt me, and he is looking forward to his first granddaughter.

These few days I have been awakes by morning sickness... And always the gastric juice and water is the output. Is it true that if 1st tri dun have, 3rd tri will get it???


Congrats on your baby's arrival! Enjoy your confinement and bonding time with your baby.

Getting hormonal nowadays. Happy happy over the weekend, suddenly hit by the blues last night for no apparent reasons. Haiz.


Morning sickness. Hmmm not true for me, didn't suffer from it in my 1st tri nor 3rd tri. Perhaps eating smaller meals more often, then sitting upright after your meals will help to ease the discomfort?

COngrat Eliaw & bluedream.. my EDD is 18/11 still got 3 weeks to tahan.. i plan to ML on 14/11 so that got more bonding with bb.. I still need to do hand over to any collegue who is back onli on 03/11 fr ML...

can share yr experience with yr delivery is possible??


i oso getting more crazy.. expecially at night when i cant slp .. flip here n there..

my MIL ask mi to standy a bottle of chicken essence in my bag. in case my water bag burst outside, drink it so that i got strength to push the bb.. she say it pass fr generation .. lolz...

Cyn, I always wanted to have small meal, but the moment I eat the first mouth, it is not stopping. Moreover, u know when ta bao or eat at coffee shop, those uncles or aunties see pregny, they tends to give more....haiz....makes me so xing KU.... Hahaha even when I cook noodles or porridge for myself...the portion seem liked expanding after it is kept in the pot.... Anyway I will try to sit upright after meal.

I'm getting more crazy recently also, especially when headache strike me especially at night before going to bed. Is headache a sign of high BP??? Cos from my last appt, my BP is at high borderline.. Afraid that it might goes up this week.

Can't wait to see my gynae and my gal this sat....together with hb... Hmmm...feel so envy when other pregny have hb to accompany them to see doc, my hb can't make it...his office is not flexi to allow him to take time off...

I'm getting crazy when I have nothing to do at home... Yesterday I do up all my one week laundry by using the washing machine 3 times....and I even sort them by white, colour, towels.... End up hang all at my corridor liked displaying flag.... Hahaha...Today nothing left for me to wash except the pj.... So boring at home...plus no car from now on...hb dun let me drive alone Liao...arrrggghhhh

Haha, luckily I'm not alone. All the crazy mummies to be... The hubby keep asking what upset me, but really no reason lol! Maybe I was just bored. Maybe the sleepless nights too.

Jean i know what you mean, my appetite really increased. In the past during dinner, I'll give half my rice to my hubby, now he has to order extra for me! Feel like such a fat pig now, have put on almost 14kg.

I'm not sure if headache is a sign of high BP, dbl check with your gynae?

Great that your hubby can accompany you for your checkup this sat. Mine accompanies me most of the time, he always says each gynae checkup so short and expensive, 2 pple viewing the scan more worth it than 1 person haha... He is also crazy!

hi jean,

hee.. u put 1 each enough or not? hee.. i heard we have to change every few hours so i tink we might need at least 10? for the 2 days we stay after we use up the ones hospital give.

actually quite good idea to have tingkat for the 1 mth. no need tabao and cook also. meihao got good reviews so far. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think ur sickness is due to heartburn indigestion. i try not to eat too spicy or too full at night.

i am also seeing my gynae tis sat! cant wait! last visit didnt get to see much of her cuz she is too big for the screen.

Jean and cyn> I also find it boring at home aft 3 week at home .. I find myself beginning to grow spider web.. So I always go online to read and tidy my bb stuffs..

Last week onward, still not so bad as I go over my mil house to stay .. Got ppl to talk but my mil keep cooking food for me to eat.. End up I put on abt 1.6 kg in a week .. Too much food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I hope i can gain back my old wt cos gain abt 12 kg in 39 weeks..

Hahaha... All spidery mummies.... I think I already growing mushroom and maybe ginseng le... I'm not working since I married. And not long after married, got pregny le. So I think I'm worse than all of u.

Twink>>> i mean 1pkt each type... Hahaha...kotex loop has 10pcs, pureen 20 pcs, softy 41cm has 8pcs... Shd be enuff ba plus hospital provide... Errrr how to use the loop type??? Hahaha never open and see before...

I also can't see bb much from my last visit cos the scanner head too small... Plus doc need to perform delivery on other, when I enter the room 2mins. Haiz...

Cynn>> ur gynae is one of the HC type definitely more exp. Hahaha. Scanning is separate cost for u hor.... Ur hb is so cute...2 person viewing definitely more worth it.

Mine is inclusive but the nurse always say the pic is not clear to print out...arrrggghhh..my hb is sad when he can't see the scan with me, only can hear me describe...I guess he missed that coming of his elder son from his ex ba....that y I book the appt on sat from now on...

I think I eat a lot recently, I'm trying to cut down on my carbo since my pregny cos the doc say the max for me is 10kg...but recently seems it is not filling at all with my normal intake...I didn't cook extra rice portion, use to give my dad or hb more rice...now I divide the rice equally among the 3 of us...but end up I need to eat bread or biscuits at nite around 10-11pm....so far I put on 10kg in 35 weeks... If I continue till 39 weeks, I think will be 2-3kg more ba... Haiz....

Kiam>> so good, have ppl to talk to....I used to go visit my aunt when I'm bored, but recently her daughter in law just give birth to a princess, so she very busy Liao...can't go shopping at medical hall with me, can't help me sew bb stuff... Heehee..

My hb urge me to watch hk serials online. I told him other than the laughing gor show, I didn't sleep thru...the rest I all doze off when watching.... Hahaha... I have been watching online serials since pregny...I think my gal will know how to speak canto when she comes out...hahaha... "mummy, ley hom ma???" hahahaha

Hi Mummies

What are the signs of labour? My tummy is painful and it comes in every 10 mins but the thing is, its not the whole tummy.. Its just my right top side of the tummy that is painful.. What is that? I don't think is labour pain but its quite painful now.. Like those contractions where my tummy suddenly feels hard and the top right is painful..

Hi Shjean, yeah high5, i now week 37 gng week 38 this friday le and will be deliver at TMC. my edd is actually 11 Nov'11. how abt you?

Blue dream and Eliaw congrats congrats on the arrival of your little one... rest well and take care[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Rebeana,

ya i also think you just try your best to clear/handover watever is on your hands and just go for ML... as ML is your rights so i think not advisable for you to bring laptop hm to work during your ML as you should be resting and bonding with your little one during the period of ML... jiayou and dont too stress out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rebeana> I have slimilar pain recently.. My gyn say it's tightening .. I think ur next checkup ask ur gyn to check ur cervix .. Maybe ur cervix start to open or dilutate ..

But if it keep more frequent, just call ur gyn..

Cos I have same problem as urs for the past two weeks.. Gyn say last week that this week I going to give birth as cervix is opened.. This week my pain even worse so dilate 1.5 cm.. According my gyn by thurs, the pain will stronger and it's time to delivery ..


Hi Kiam Kiam,

Where is your pain? Strange thing is, my pain is at the top tummy.. I thought usually should be at the bottom where the cervix is..

