(2011/11) Nov 2011

Berrypie, sorry to hear about it.. Try to seek 2nd opinion to double confirm. Do take care ok? Hugs..


Littlebb, I dunno why also. already arrive in Singapore. Still wondering will it be faster if i dun go thru vpost and i paid $46 for delivery of the babyplus and 2 CDs, very ex right? :p

Berrypie..So sorry to hear bout it ..n tat's not a easy decision .. like above mummies said it will b wise to hav a 2nd opition..

At the meantime ..Take good care ya

Hi Starry, thanks for your information on the herbal soup. I really got heart attack last night as my face suddenly felt so hot and red. Then later i drink a lot of water and kept going toilet. my bb did not move as active as usual and i could not sleep well. luckily this morning he starts kicking again.

Pregnancy is really a exciting and challenging journey. We all need a strong heart to deal with a lot of things. Mothers are so GREAT!

Hi frenlop,

Thanks for offering ur discount but no need cuz i also member. few pieces easily hit membership [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Littlebb, dun tink need to be same timing. actually i tink baby may not be asleep yet at night. in fact kinda active cuz i always feel bb kicking when i want to go to bed.

Berrypie, sorry to hear about it. I know it's a very tough decision to make and it hits u badly.

Pls take care of yourself and God bless u.

Hi berrypie.. I'm sure it is not an easy decision to make.. I've been in similar position b4 n I know vvvv well how it feels.. U can feel free to contact me if u need support..

Dearest berrypie

Im sorry to hear what happen. May u receive healing in all areas and recover stronger than ever. Some things are really beyond ourselves despite our best care and effort. I can understand how hard it is to go through because it is really beyond our control. Please take care of yourself and nurse well. Wd remember you in my prayer.

Amnio and detailed scan

I am thankful that these hurdles are just cleared. My amniotic fluid has resumed back to normal range though still borderline mark but im really thankful for all who have prayed and supported me with advice and provided listening hear by my side.

Protein in Urine

Now i need to clear other hurdles. Does any mom here have protein in their urine? Gynae told me kidney under stress will have protein in urine so need to ensure plenty rest and no exertion. Any moms have experience can share how to minimise stress on our kidney for bb and ourselves. He says plenty of white discharge can hint protein. I have been having white discharge for the past few weeks.

Low Placenta

Next for moms with low placenta, do u experience any pain yet? Gynae says usually placenta can cause pain or bleed. If bleed, need to admit hospital for bedrest or delivery baby. BB wd then be preterm. He said in theory, this is more likely from 30 weeks onwards for preterm bb? Any way to min damage to placenta as mine is into/touching cervix already and i did start to experience some cramp last nite. Dun know if it is due to the whole day affair in hospital with all the walking.

The good thing is i can go out for short while so I am happy at least i dun have to stay home all the time. Now i can plan some short shopping for bb stuff and prepare delivery stuff in case i emergency csec later on. Gynae suspect i may have preterm delivery so need to monitor and take care.


for the protein in urine sometimes doc will prescribe medicine.

U should drink lots n lots of water.

And cut down on protein from meat like beef, chicken, fish.

Plant based protein is easier to digest.

As for placenta, there is nothing much u can do.

Just no bd, dont walk or stand too much.

More bed rest..dont bend down or carry heavy things.

berrypie, i am so sorry to hear about your baby. Take good care of yourself.

simp, glad that your amino test and detailed scan went okay. it is good that you can finally go out for a while! keep away from the crowds!


any hurdle crossed is still a hurdle crossed! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] happy for you that the amnio level is back to normal range.

re: protein in urine

read this article: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/complications/proteinurine/. it mentions certain symptoms which you should take note of. hope you won't get any of it, but in case you do, better alert doctor fast. when i watched discovery home & health, women with pre-eclampsia often have safe labour and delivery, although mostly pre-term. just need plenty of monitoring and rest. so do your best to stay home and not venture out too often?

for low placenta, i had this during 1st tri. yes it will cause bleeding. i bled quite a lot and even had blood clots. but no cramping or pain. like what lynzi said, best is avoid intercourse, don't walk/stand too much and bedrest as much as possible. really nothing much you can do. in some cases, the placenta moves up as pregnancy progresses. hope yours will too!

Simp-Glad that your amino & detail scan were fine.At least now you can do some light shopping.Edure with it,in afew weeks time we will be in our 3rd tri.

Today my whole tummy feel so aching and cramps.When i sneeze or cough,the lower tummy hurts terribly.Whole tummy feels like muscle aches as if after doing hundreds of sit up.

Simp, glad to hear that your amino and details scan are fine. Meantime as what lynzi mentioned, dont' walk or stand for too long. not exceeding 30mins

Littlebb, is the aches intensive? if so, need to ask your gynae?

hmmm... my vaginal pain again, wondering is my infection cleared.

simp, i jus had my detailed scan this morning. everything is ok except low placenta. gynae also said the same thing if bleeding then got to admit hospital. she said no bd, carry heavy stuff. also, my EDD is 17 nov and she told me to induce in early nov. she prescribe ventolin for me and ask me to take if i experience cramp in my low middle tummy (right below the belly button). i've been carrying my girl v often few weeks ago sometimes fr storey 1 to 3. since last week, i had a good talk w her tat i cant carry her anymore cos i got a big tummy w 'didi' inside. she started to understand and will ask maid and daddy to carry.

you take good rest! let's jiayou together.

littlebb, i just got to know fr my gynae this morning. if cramp not fr lower middle part (right below the belly button), it shld be ok.

Hi Ladies,

It has been a while since I had time to log in.. Was busy unpacking from my working trip last week, went for my detailed test last tuesday and spend the rest of the week with my girl (after being away from her for almost a month).. This week was has just been crazy.. workwise..

From the detailed scan, it has been found that I have complete placenta previa (the most severe form of low lying placenta). The placenta has completely covered the birth canal - front and back... which means no chance of natural birth as it is extremely unlikely for it to move up.. I'm not too bugged by it as I was prepared for the Csect possibility. However, it'll have to be a GA csect this time as there is a high possibility that the plcaenta might be cut into during the csect.. and this will result in quite a bit of blood loss.. If the womb is unable to contract by itself and stop the bleeding, my doc will have to remove the womb at the same time in order to prevent complication... Now, that is the tough bit of info to swallow and digest... Csect is one thing but the idea of losing the womb is huge mental hurdle to cross... I'm still trying v hard to come to terms with it..

The EDD is 6 Nov but my doc refuse to let me carry the baby to full term now.. latest, she'll take the baby out by early oct... and if I start bleeding btw now and oct, depending on the severity, it could mean complete bedrest to having a premature baby... sigh... crosing my fingers now..

My girl is only 14 months and extremely sticky now.. If I'm around, she'll not let anyone else carry her.. and she doesn't understand the concept of mummy having a baby inside... Headache!

Thaanks for letting me rant... now just hoping for all the best...

Hope everyone have a smooth pregnancy journey..

Berrypie, do take care of yourself..

JThan, when bringing your gal out, let her sit on the stroller, at home, try to sit more when carry her with back support. Try to relax n tell your baby to hold on you till oct.

frenlop-I do feel pain and aching at the lower tummy,below the belly button.Especially when i sneeze or cough.When i lie down,i also feel pain at the area when i cough.The pain usually last for few hours then went off during morning when i wokeup and night before i sleep.Should i consult my gynae as my appointment still 2 more weeks.

hi berrypie, hope you can get over this grieving process and try again soon. Take care and rest well. Have you seen Woody and ask him for his opinion?


do have more rest.

Placenta previa is very dangerous.

Try not to carry your girl too much.

Will be good if u always have someone else around who can lend u a hand in taking care of her n entertaining her.

Let's hope n pray for the best.

Hopefully u will have a safe n smooth preggy journey n labour.

Lil bb - I listen to babyplus at different hours too. Sometimes as late as 3am. :p

Anyway, I'm only listening to it once a day. Is that ok? Or it's a die-die must listen to it twice? If so, 1hr interval in between, is it ok? Cos my work schedule doesn't allow me to listen to it in the day.

Wanna check with you gals, I'm currently in week 25/26 and my baby is already 1.1kg! Supposed to be only 600-700g. Gynae said baby is super overweight and I might not be able to go natural. Am really worried. But my diet is pretty much the same as pre-preganancy! Maybe ate more durians? *sighs* And I'm already cutting down on carbs. And she said can't diet! Really at a lost.

Lastly, I've been looking for a good pre- and post-natal massage place. Gonna try Baby Bellies. Anyone tried? Any good?

I tried calling Mdm Ida but she's fully booked. She recommended her cousin, Mdm Zaliah. Anyone tried? Is she good?

Thanks in advance!

JThan, be positive and hope all will be well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] As Lynzi says try to have someone else around you most of the time and rest well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Take good care and will be praying for you.

Pinkmeowmeow-I think its fine to play your babyplus once a day but i am not sure with the 1 hour interval,think should at least wait for afew hours ba.You played your babyplus as late as 3am,you are pro..The latest i played is around 1am and my husband already not happy about it.

You have a big baby! During my week 21 scan,my baby weigh about 370g.Yours already 1.1kg in your week 25.You are amazing! How much weigh you gain so far?

Hi JThan, i just read up abt the Placenta previa and seems quite complicated. hope your pregnancy will be smooth and safe one and no more further complications. Take care and rest more.

pinkmeowmeow, try to listen to babyplus when u wake up in the morning while preparing for work. 3am very late leh. u also need to sleep early too! why not just bring the thing to work and listen during office hrs if ur colleagues dun mind?Eating lots of durian will definitely make the baby grow bigger. Guess u just dun over eat too much should be fine. stop eating durians maybe will help? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kegel exercise:

does your baby kick or move when u do kegel? i tot i felt mine moving and kicking few times when i tried.

Hi lynzi and starry

Thanks for the info and online details. Very informative. No wonder gynae asked me if i have been taking lotsa antibiotics. I told him i took when i had my cough and during the oscar and amnio leak. Those were like a month ago.

Maybe i have been consuming too much meat. I will try to cut down on red meat and maybe continue with white meat. My fibroid is now 10cm, double the size compared to my 5m when i had my dd.

I will also try to drink more water though i think i have been drinking enough. i think my discharge come mainly during daytime after the fish oil and multi vitamins. My lips are also cracking due to lack of water.


I will also note of your advice of just 30mins walk since placenta is low. I think i also over walked a little yesterday. Think hb din find it too straining but i do felt drained just going to robinsons to hunt for new pillows after meeting up my gfs for gathering. Think i am also scared i walked too much and placenta become lower and more cramp at night. Now at times i hv to use hand to put on the cramp area to soothe it. Feels strained and heavy though my bump looks small.


din know u hv placenta previa. I suspect it may be due to carrying of your kid just like i did in my 1st trimester with my 3 yo dd. Now we just try to minimise that. I also dun dare to bath my dd too often, wd try to do it once a week as i wd either squat or sit on stool to bath her. Maybe need to get std chair to bath her so dun strain our womb too much.

It will be difficult for u esp now ur 1st kid is sticky more so u are preggy. Any kid between 1 and 3 are very sensitive and clingy if u r carrying another bb.

Din know placenta prob can also be so tricky. No wonder those experienced moms and our mothers also tell us not to bend, squat too much or exert ourselves. All these now make sense to me. I also heard that those w csec before may tend to have low placenta for subsequent pregnancy. Cannt remember the reason why bu ti think really no carrying of older kid even from 1st trimester else wd have complications like us later.

Just hope all will be manageable for our bb and pour health.


I started playing as well to my bb though only once a day. I dun feel too much movement while playing. I think maybe my dd and my niece' noise and the opp flat having flat upgrading works, noisy drilling sounds may have numbed my bb? Anyway my dd is very scared of thunder and sudden loud sound. so i hope bbplus can help this bb better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i let my #1 listen to babyplus once also. it's still okay (read from some reviews) although recommended usage is 2x a day. don't think so about the 1hr interval. too close gap.


for low placenta, some women will experience bleeding. not all i guess. easiest way to find out is via ultrasound scan. mine was spotted at 13 weeks, which explained my abnormal bleeding episodes. by 21 weeks, it has moved up very high already.


if you take the necessary precautions, i'm sure you will be fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] endure a few more months and you will see your baby!

re: babyplus

i'm not sure if it's the effect of using babyplus on my girl but she can sleep through loud church services and even a thunderstorm. she's just not scared of loud noises lah, which is good! hee hee!


thanks for sharing the link. seems like that guy just wanna put a single point across that babyplus is not a proven method in producing geniuses or smarter babies. don't think anyone can prove since there is no 'control specimen'. i don't think my babe is a genius, she's just a bright girl. there's no 'control specimen' for me to compare her with so i'm also not 100% certain that babyplus worked on her, or she's just born like that. anyway, the device doesn't cost so much that i'd question it's credibility. and after seeing how quickly she reaches all her milestones, i've decided to use it on my second baby too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just to share, my gf who gave birth to her premie twin girls at 28 weeks swore by babyplus. the nurses in the NICU were all amazed by how 'easy' the two girls were from birth. they were more alert than other premies their age. i guess that helped them somewhat in gaining weight quickly and getting out of the NICU.

Simp, yes try to limit your walking and standing time. Until now i still do not go shopping for long and will only go 1 shop to buy the item i want and go back or sit. So i split all my shopping for necessity over the weekends which tires my hubby out cos he's now doing all the houseworks :p I know there a support belt to help to support our tummy, i'm not sure will it help you so that you do not hold on to your tummy and maybe more comfortable? Eh... try not to squat too often too....

Dear all. Today I went for detail scan and so happy that everything is ok. But my weight increased 4 kgs from last month and baby now is 480 gram. I am mow 22weeks. Doc also asked me to eat less potato, bread , butter etc. Bu usually I have bread for breakfast . What should I eat for breakfast now?

Advice on Baby stuffs

Dear all, someone told me must prepare a lot of towels for bb. where should we buy those small towels?

any recommended brand for baby shower / shampoo / detergent / wipes / nappy cream?

my friend told me Mustela shower gel is good and they have one rinse free type.

Any experience to share?

Shjean-Glad that your detail scan is fine.One month increase 4kg should really control your diet.Every morning i also eat bread with friso milk.I only eat white bread,i dont like to eat wholemeal bread.Normally i will eat about 3 slices sometimes with cheese and ham,butter or jam.If i eat those hotdog or pork floss bun,i will eat two.I eat more during breakfast.When i feel hungry in the day, i will eat more fruits to replace food.

Hey mummies have a great weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i wd check with gynae on the use of support belt next mth when i next c him. I think if i stay at home not so bad compared to going out.


U reminded me of my 1st pregnancy. I think by the time im into 20 wks, i put abt 10kg already. On average 2-3kg gain per month from 1st trimester. However my dd still came out small and the rest went to me. I put on 20kg in all i remember. However because i am tall, the tummy doesnt look too big.

This time round, i dun have hunger pangs as bad as my 1st but still cannt gain too much too fast to strain e placenta and protein content. Hence like what littlebb suggests, it is good to take in fruits to replace more starchy items like bread, biscuits in huge qty to slow down wt gain.

I also realise biscuits, sweet bread, snacks like chips can increase wt very fast w/o ur realisation and u wont feel that u gain alot. I think drinking milk, hot beverage or fruits can meet mid day hunger pangs. A few pieces of biscuits per day is ok but not like morning, mid-morning, mid-afternoon and supper all take biscuits. Think maybe can plan for some small meals like fruits, beverage and occasional bread/biscuit/snack is ok. Moderation will be good.

Im cutting down on meat intake for lunch and dinner since i have protein in urine. Dun want to stress my kidney further and hope next review will be better. Maybe my mom feeds me too much power meals every meal and i dun need so much since im home resting mostly. Unless im working and need to move around then i think it is more justified to eat more power food. I prob wd be taking in more veg in proportion to meat in smaller qty to manage. Hope this wd help.

I think lynzi' suggestion on cereal, museli, oat, fruits and yoghurt are very healthy, light, easier to digest power food to manage wt and bb' growth.

Dear all

Thanks so much for the useful information n experience sharing. The funny thing is I only eat two breads in the morning and I dun eat snacks n sweet stuffs. But I eat quite a lot of meat like beef n duck. I asked my doc if it's becoz of the meat. She said no. Maybe I should not eat white rice during lunch time. Dinner at home is easy to control.

Btw how to know there is protein in urine? How did u detect it?

Lastly, wish everyone here have a wonderful weekend!


shower - lactacyd

shampoo - loreal kid shampoo (when hair is long)

detergent - pigeon (orange for cloths, white for bottles)

wipes - nuk

nappy cream - desitin cream, creamy (blue)

I just did my detailed scan ytd. Everything was normal. I am ard 20wks in the scan, and calculations is 21 weeks, doc say is acceptable. I have increase my weight by 3 kg, baby girl, about 330+gm. I guess, after comparing the stats with what u all have post, I think my weight increase is quite acceptable and baby is acceptable range for 20weeks too.

My colleagues mostly commented that my bump quite small, compared to last time when they had their pregnancy at 5 months. But seems like the weight we put on, not every goes to baby, it stays with us!


Hi BlueDream. Thanks so much for the information!

Hi Ptsmallbear.Contratulations! I think your weight is just nice. For me, I need to watch out.

