(2011/11) Nov 2011

twink, they only have 2 types and you have to ask the sales there. i think they dun display outside. Now having promo, so it's more worth to buy. original price is $100+

berrypie, if i remember correctly it's 1hr + 15mins or 30mins wrap. actually how many sessions should we do our massage huh?


yeah better read up more.. like insurance/investment products, nothing is 100% guaranteed. when i asked my gynae last time, he also cannot tell me whether should buy or not lor. just told us to do our own research and read up properly. the initial payment is quite siong... $800-$1k. for some of my friends, money is secondary to them and they just want the absolute best for their kids so they bought without 2nd thought. different schools of thoughts here.


no of sessions is up to you. i had 10 sessions that time and saw a marked improvement after completing the whole thing. massage is better for those who went thru natural labour and also mummies who have bad water retention, which really needs intensive (and good) massaging to get rid of the water.


your very cheap! hard to come by such good deals nowadays le. all are like $70++/session and must take package then got such good rate.

berrypie/starry, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think i'll see the effect after the sessions. can always go for more after that ^^

Shirley, how much is M&S's bubble bath? I used to buy from Body Shop, but I realised not much foam!! Though the one in Sephora is $18 (2 for $30!), the amount of foam generated is very worth it, so don't need to put that much in. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So long term gains! :D

Re: Massage

Have you all had it before? Painful?? I'm guessing I sure have super a lot of water retention...So sure very painful one!!

Janice, is the robinson promo still on-going? The body pillow is the long type like bolster length right?

starry,ya have to discuss with my husband if we really shld put to cordblood or donate. maybe i should also ask my gynea also. thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re:confinement herbs

anyone know where to get good quality and reasonably priced herbs for confinement use? no idea what to buy also. whats that herb for bathing? i heard we cant even use tapwater to wash hands?


to have prolonged effect of slimming, you have to be conscientious in doing your own binding everyday and apply ginger cream or other slimming creams. otherwise just relying on the 7-10 days massage won't see very much of a difference.


it is quite painful. especially at the thigh area. very bad for initial few days. after that much better. think it was due to the water retention. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] that was why i lost 1kg just after 2 massage sessions + binding! amazed how much water the body can store lor...


i heard a lot of mommies went to the bugis area near where the temple is to buy. or even chinatown. for west side, i can recommend you a good TCM shop at jurong west. a lot of confinement nannies shop there for herbs. it's family-owned and the boss/ladyboss knows a lot about confinement herbs, do's and don'ts. my mom went there for most of my confinement supplies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: herb for bathing

it's called 'da feng cao'. comes in small/medium/large tea bags. must boil in water and let it simmer for a while then either let it cool off or you add room temp water and some rice wine to it for washing hands, bathing etc... by right, strict confinement rules say cannot touch tap water. but how not to at this era and age?? just try as much as possible to bathe/wash up with the herbal water bah. smells like herbal tea. heh heh!!

how's everyone. i have been v busy lately so no time to come in to chat.

post-natal massage:

i havent booked one. can share your massage lady contact? my#1, i used TCM massage recommended by relative. not too sure abt jamu message. can share with me a post-natal jamu massage must come with what, as in the types of oil, services and how long.

i have a package w rustic nirvana back in 2007 till now i only used 3 sessions cos i dun like to go there (scared they sell me another package)... last week i went there for the 1st time since 2007 for pre-natal massage (i still have 30times balance @1hr each session), i havent even used half of my package they alrdy asked me to take up their home visit post-natal message at $988 for 5 sessions, each session 2 hrs including steam, wrap, massage and baby message. BEST part is they suggest me to take up 3x$988 package which will cost almost $3k. they always hard-sell to customers and no way to escape. luckily i deteremined enough said NO, i need to go back and think and check out your review in forum.

Hi mommies

I think im feeling much better. Tmw i wd go for detailed scan, find out the amnio test result and see if my amniotic fluid has improved better. Also to find out if bb is growing fine. Keeping fingers crossed. Now I dun really dare to lift heavy things or exert too much energy. I do hope that by tmw, i can get clearance to go out alone. If that is good, i can meet up with some friends on thursday to catch up on my pregnancy.Getting a little scared abt tmw. Last time i used to get excited to go for gynae review, these days too much uncertainty and im getting mixed feeling.


I have just confirmed a massage package of between 5 with an option to upgrade to 10 session for myself with this masseue called huiling/rebecca. I think package for 5 is $240, 10 for $450. I think 10 sessions is good. Wanna test out her skills and if i like it, wd upgrade. I used to use another chinese massage lady, maggie heng also from smf bp and rate reasonable but i think she no longer massages. I got huiling through smf bp. Anybody uses her service before? I wonder how good she is. In the event i cannot do post-natal massage, i can use it for health massage or transfer to my sis or mom etc hence i went ahead to book by putting a $30 deposit. Hope i can use for post-natal massage and not other [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Confinement wash

I think i wd go get the ready shampoo and body wash that you all recommend is good. Some ginger cream wash at smf to get ready for confinement once my pregnancy is ok or stabilised.

Baby Stuff

I also hope to go get clothes etc for bb if bb is ok. I so hope i can go out soon. NOw im just really nesting at my mom' place for the time being.

Renovation/ Moving

Hb is back to sg and now staying at our place without dd and myself. Movers wd be sending many boxes to flat this fri for hb to unpack. I hope flat has space and hb can quickly pack so i can return flat to rest. I still have some hiccups on renovation and hope all can be resolved soon before i move in again.

Hope tmw or next few days, i can bring good news to moms and friends. Hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.

Twink, yes the very long one like bolster. Now GSS promo shd be still on, I bought it at 20% discount

Starry, my package they gave me the free cloth for wrapping. Or I'll get cheaper one to continue :p

Freelop, wah dats expensive! Me too very scared if hard sell type. I'll not go again if they hard sell

how was lunch, mommies?? super bloated now with a permanent 'stitch' on my left side after having super shiok sesame chicken. hee!!


long time no 'see'! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] didn't know rustic nirvana is so expensive and so hard-sell... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sometimes at that particular moment, it is indeed very easy to give in to their hard-sell. how are you going to finish the rest of the sessions? able to share with friends? if can share i don't mind 'buying' a couple sessions from you to try out! don't have to worry about saying no. just be very upfront with them beforehand that you are there to relax and not have someone pushing you to take up more packages.


focus on the best outcome okay? don't think about other things for now. hope you get very good results! we will be waiting for your updates. you are a very brave and strong mommy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jia you, babe!!

Went for my detailed scan yesterday at Thomson medical centre.Eveythings great,felt so relieved and happy.Thoughout my whole pregnancy,i had put on 3kg.Wondering is it too little,i am in my week 21.

little bb,

glad that everything's great. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] don't worry about the weight gain. i put on less than 2kg when i was at 21 weeks. now coming to 24 weeks and just put on ard 3kg.

Littleone,starry- Im still worried that i dont put on much weigh as my friend had already put on about 9kg.

Starry-In no time you will be in your 3rd tri,congras..

little bb,

thanks! i'm looking forward to 3rd tri in another few weeks' time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] baby is very active everyday now. can't imagine how strong her kicks and jabs are gonna be when we enter into 3rd tri! can even see her moving under my shirt already. very nice feeling..

re: weight

don't need to compare, babe... actually if baby is healthy and gynae isn't concerned about your weight, you should be happy! gain too much weight will mean that you will be heavier later on in pregnancy and after you pop, gotta work extra hard to shed off the extra kilos.


Just finished shopping for a short while, Coz need to prepare bb porridge when he comes back from school. Bought the foam bath at Marks & Spencer. Got the white peach with almond instead of the floral one in case my hubby wants too. It's cheaper than floral. Costs $8.90 for 500ml.

Btw, body shop having sale at the Dhoby Ghaut for some products. Oh yah... Almost forgot... Must buy huggies little swimmer diapers

Hi mummies,

Long time never update and chit chat here, but got time I will follow up the thread here and be silent reader.

Just done my details scan last week, everything is alright, and my 2nd one is baby gal. So happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]~ As have boy and gal can close shop now.

But my gynae say my baby is 360+grams at 20wks consider baby small woh.. is it?

Herb for bathing :

Yes, I also using "Da Feng" leaf, personally i feel it is good, can clear the wind from our body. But someone may find it very sticky feel after the bath, gotta to bear during the confinement.

Rice wine :

Anybody know where can get the "Hong Chao" rice wine?

hi little_bb, ya no need compare. me actually not very happy i gain so much weight! haha.. i scared i have problem losing them when i give birth. i have gain 6kg since preggy and i only 20wks!

starry,i tink i might try bugis cuz i also want to go there to buy baby clothes. my fren told me there got sell cheap wholesale prices baby clothing near the guan yin temple? can i wash my hair with the da feng cao ah? hee.. what about washing of face? wash with rice wine also?


Yes, my fren also say there is cheap price baby clothing near the Guan Yi temple at Bugis.

I do wash the hair with the da feng cao, remember dry enough your body before come out from the bath, to ensure not caught the cold.

does any of your tummy suddenly cramp up for few minutes? happen few times today.its not a kick feeling..i thought it felt alittle hard and bloated. wonder wat's my baby up to inside.

Littlebb, me oso didn't gain much. Now at week 22, I think I only gain abt 3-4kg?

Evelyn, 380g small huh? Mine only 308g but my gynae didn't say anything it's too small so I assume it's ok

Dear all. During my last visit my doctor said my bb Is a bit on the smaller side then I quickly asked her if it's not good. She replied me it's ok as adults also got big n small size. Thursday is my detail scanning date!Hope bb is growing fast now.

I also got those stomach cramp feeling these few days and I asked my friends they told me if it just for a while is Ok.

Anyone knows if there is Ang Chinese herbal soup cannot take during pregnancy? Today I had some herbal soup and I feel my face suddenly very hot. A bit worry now ... My MIL bought those package herbal receipt.

shjean, i read something on line that it might be Braxton Hicks contractions. it wasnt painful just tight at the abdomen and went away after awhile. i guess i have to monitor.


thanks! maybe should close all windows and doors when i bath. so i step out wont get any wind. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

got one auntie told me actually can washhair, just go downstair salon wash with hot water and quickly blow dry. main thing is dun keep touching water with hands. duno how true. i dun tink my parents and inlaws will approve of this. haha..

Hi Twink

I also gained about 6kg and im in my 21 weeks.. Doc asked me to cut down on carbo which errmm I didnt coz I NEED FOOD.. lol.. Coz I don't feel that Im eating a lot or even more than before my pregnancy so if im suppose to cut down my food intake now, it means going on a "diet".. LOL.. But doc advised me to cut down coz she says baby will be too big.. :p

Wah, if we really can go to the salon to wash our hair every few days, I really don't mind.. I LOVE this idea.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway now that our bumb is getting bigger, what do you all wear to work? Maternity clothes are expensive so I haven bot anything yet, just buy those bigger tops to match with leggings or keep wearing dresses.. What about you ladies? My colleague recommended me Marks n Spencers leggings.. Not too sure if it is good.. Or wonder if it is worth that extra few bucks coz those cheapo ($12) long leggings also seems fine.. SO not too sure if its worth to spend that extra..

Hi Twink

I also gained about 6kg and im in my 21 weeks.. Doc asked me to cut down on carbo which errmm I didnt coz I NEED FOOD.. lol.. Coz I don't feel that Im eating a lot or even more than before my pregnancy so if im suppose to cut down my food intake now, it means going on a "diet".. LOL.. But doc advised me to cut down coz she says baby will be too big.. :p

Wah, if we really can go to the salon to wash our hair every few days, I really don't mind.. I LOVE this idea..

Anyway now that our bumb is getting bigger, what do you all wear to work? Maternity clothes are expensive so I haven bot anything yet, just buy those bigger tops to match with leggings or keep wearing dresses.. What about you ladies? My colleague recommended me Marks n Spencers leggings.. Not too sure if it is good.. Or wonder if it is worth that extra few bucks coz those cheapo ($12) long leggings also seems fine.. SO not too sure if its worth to spend that extra..


i didn't notice any stickiness from using the da feng cao water. i felt 'cleaner' actually. must be a trick of my mind. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


can use the herbal water to wash hair too. the water is like tea, dark brown colour. but won't have residue so don't need to worry anything is going to stick to your scalp. wash face also okay. i still think better to go salon wash hair if you are allowed to lah. they'll do a better job for you also and you can relax, enjoy the aircon plus head massage. hee!!

re: rice wine

just pour a bit into the bath/washing water can le. no need to use 100% rice wine to bathe or wash face! expensive arh. :p after bathing or touching any cold tap water, just rub a bit of rice wine on hands, feet etc. supposed to help 'warm' your body.


that's likely braxton hicks. it's normal.. i've been having that since 1st tri till now. about those herbal tea/soups, just gently remind ur mil to check with the shop she bought from if it's suitable for pregnancy. some old folks seriously think anything herbal is good.. like my mil.. :p if in doubt, don't drink it next time. but in general, most herbs are fine as long as you are not like eating in large quantities or having it every single day. some ppl say pregnant cannot eat any ginseng but i still drink ginseng chicken soup once in a blue moon and find that i function better the next day after nice big bowl of it.


i'm wearing maternity pants/shorts, maternity dresses, those large sized korean-style tops which are so in now, spaghetti strap tanks, tube tops etc. do you have to dress up formally at work?

Re: Bathing

Does it really mean that the less you bathe the better? And must use the da feng cao? Think I'm just gonna use the ginger gel (which reminds me, better go look for the BP online!

Starry: How much weight did you put on in your first pregnancy? :p Now it seems that you're putting on so little, despite your glorious bump! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good lah, means the weight won't stay on you, more on the baby!

Rebeana, I bought normal clothes, basically those looser types, from Series (my frequented shop!) during GSS! Should buy now cos GSS ending soon. Hehe. Usually wear with leggings (never bought the expensive types) or just wear dresses...Just hope I don't stretch my clothes too much so that post-preg also can wear!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rebeana, doc really ask u cut down ah? i tink i should also try to cut carbo. i figured i could have eaten alot of breads,sweet biscuits for teatime snacks and supper.

littleone,starry, i doubt i can wash at salon. my mum dun even expect me to bath. she was shock when i say can bath with herbs. haha.

Re: maternity clothes

me wearing all maternity clothings some bought from internet and maternity shops. they are ex! but hope can last me thruout my pregnancy(possibly keep for next pregnancy hee) and its the most comfortable i find. i dun fit well into most loose normal clothings cuz mostly not comfy at tummy or bust. i gave up lookin for such clothes at non-maternity shops cuz most times i cant find.

FYI fox has 50%(+10% if u get 3pc + 5% if using uob) discount now on basic maternity wear!they're really nice to wear. those jersey material. i bought 2 dress yday for less than $25 each. cheap ah..

anyone know where to buy nice pyjamas? i want to find cotton button types. cant seem to find any at lazensa now.

i dun really like wearing leggings. abit hot for most materials. i tried spring maternity has really comfortable leggings that is soft at tummy area. but kinda ex. $49 i tink.

Hi mummies,

i went for my detail scan yesterday, my bb is a fallot bb (blue bb mean hving heart malfunction) we decided terminate this pregnancy...

Wishing all mummies have a smooth delivery and take vy good care of yourself and the bb ya...

Jmi,please hep to delete my name from the list. Thanks

starry, i dun mind to 'sell' partial of my packages to mummies at the cheap cheap rate but i wasnt sure if the package can be transferable or not. i will check and let u know again.

re: FB posting

i never post anything in FB. last wk it was my 1st time posted a message then i believe all my other friends in my network saw the message. i feel so embarrased sia cos never post but 1st post asking if anyone wanted to get milk bag from BKK or not. K anyone tell me how to post massage or question in our 'secret' group without seen by others apart from the 'secret' members?

weight gain & appetite:

i didnt eat as much as and as good as my #1 preg. din gain much weight also. my #1 never take any maternal milk but tis time i have to take cos i din eat well at all.

confinement lady:

i havent booked one ... haiz! i got quotation from ikare and PME. hesitate whether to sign up. anyone using PME?


i am so sorry to hear this! pls take care and keep urself healthy for the next preg.

my detailed scan is tomorrow and i am a bit worried also cos' bb seems not tat active as last week and im having cramp occasionally.

twink, i have spring maternity membership. if u want can borrow fr me. i refrain myself fr buying any maternity clothes anymore cos im still having the old maternity clothes.

Berrypie-I am so sorry and shocked to hear this.Please take good care of yourself and prehaps do a mini confinment to tiao your body.Please be positive and look on the bright side.

Those mummies using babyplus,need some advice from you gals.Do we really have to use the babyplus about the same time for every sessions?During weekdays i can use the babyplus around the same time but weekdays very difficult as im often nt at home and usually not back so early.When im back after catching midnight movies,i still played the babyplus when i reached home.Husband not happy about it as he said baby had slept and im disturbing him but i just dont wish to stop even for a lession.Sometimes cann different by 3-4hours.

Maternity wear:

Depend whether your company has any work attire, if not too formally, can look for those bigger/loosen size clothes, I do buy 2 pcs of top from OG, it is not maternity clothes, but the design is halter neck and bottom is long and has enough space for me to wear until full term.

Recently spring maternity has 50% disc on selected items, can consider too. I happily bought some after my detail scan, found baby gender of gal and look for more bright color clothes lo..

Will stop myself for buying anymore maternity clothes now..


i'm so sorry to hear this.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hugs!! wishing you a speedy recovery and you will be successful in trying again for another baby soon.

little bb,

it's okay to not stick to exact timing every time. my timing also haywire. same thing with my babe the last time round. as long as got use can already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm... i'm still waiting for my babyplus. it's been 2 weeks already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

berrrypie, have you thought of going for a 2nd opinion to confirm it? I am not sure why it cannot be detected during the previous screening?

You are such a brave one and I do hope it might be a "mistake" in the scan result.

I will be going to detail scan tomorrow also and my hubby is overseas. I am nervous also.

Starry-Oic dont need exact timing..My husband keep insisting exact timing,its quite difficult sometimes.

Janice-How come your babyplus take some long to arrive? Mine arrived in about 4 or 5 days,very fast..Did you email them?

