(2011/10) Oct 2011

Hi sweetsnow,

You can refer what to change for huggies stamp using the huggies passport . Not sue if supermarket have it, else you cn download on their website. I just accumulated and change a elc activities table using 36 pink stamps ( all from my no # 1 diaper). Right now, the huggies s size is green stamp, jUst. 3 you cam change a romper. I actualy changed 4 romper already. So quite worth it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sweetsnow (sweetsnow): hw much are you freezing currently? cos those milk bags are quite big, can store up to 200ml. if u go to the BP thread, there are quite a few sellers selling milk bags cheaper than retail price.

Jojobar (mummychanel) : r u replying to me and not sweetsnow? ahhah... yups, i've got the passport, bt i duno which gift to change for. cos already got quite some clothes at home, and those toys like have to wait till bb quite old then can use?

Hi creamdonut,

I usually pump more than 200ml so the bigger the better. My lowest so far is 200ml n highest is 380ml. I've pm a dew sellers from bulk purchase. Think I will try blue egg bags

Baby vaccination package

Mommies any recommendation for bb vaccination package for 1st year excluding pneumococcal jbs? Plan to do pneumococcal jab after 1 year. Need to start sourcing once bb is past 1m.

Initially hb wants to do at polyclinic but I'm not sure if the nurses r gd with it. Already bb got jab many times for jaundice since birth so wanna avoid inexperienced careless or bochap jab by nurses. My daughter last time got her vaccination done by pd so this time round not sure how and where we want son to do his vaccine.


Thanks for your encouragement. I finally got a chance to log in. Yes. Baby is a gift. I m thankful. I m still trying to cope. He seems to change his schedule fr day to day. These days a little better. It's a feed every 2 hrs. Wound ok. Jus no exercise yet. Waiting for ck up again end of the mth to see if the uterus shrunk back.


I envy u. Can share how to reach tat amount of milk? I feed every 2 hrs but the max I can pump out is 90ml. Not enuf foe bb so must supplement wif FM at times if he continues to cry badly!

Hi cream donut,

Yes, I am replying to you but attention to sweet snow, blur me. Baby vaccintation, I will go back to his pd for injection at kinder clinic @ paragon. Both my sons' pd is dr Kenny Ee. But I think no package there.

Hi pofy, good o see you online. My confinement is ending in a week time. When my cl leaves, I will be on my own to express, feed and change diaper ! Will be tiring ....ESP ith my #1 around as well. I also hope these tiring period will be over soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pofy, to increase milk supply you need to drink lot pf fluids and rest. You pump out to feed or you direct latch on , cos if you let baby latch then still pump out 90ml after that. Your milk supply is quite good )

Hi Pofy,

No need to envy. I'm sure you can build up your ss too.

I realized I pump v little in the late afternoon when I start to feel tired.

Also I heed my masseur's advice to eat less rice n eat more meat n veg instead. N eat more fish!

Jojobar is also v right that must drink more liquid.


When did u delver? Natural? Y need to exercise? I read online say cannot exercise so soon de, unless u r v active in exrcising all along.

My bb's schedule is Oso haywire. Fir 2wks now, my bb wake up every hr n constantly wanna drink. But drink too much vomit


For me, I don't exercise, my exercise regime is shopping... Hee hee.. So I did not miss exercising. But I miss my massages and foot reflex. As mine was c sec this time, I have to wait 3 weeks for jamu massages. Feel tired after each massage and oily. But have to wait at least 6 hours to remove binder and wash up.

Anyway, mummies have you done your full month celebration yet ? I intend to go back to office on next Friday to give some cookie and chocolate to colleagues who ate not invited to full month party.


Where r u ordering from? I wanted to order cookies from bakedwithlove but no reply from them for 1wk so I guess maybe they not in operation anymore.

Im doing my bb shower next wk

Hi sweetsnow,

I ordered from bakewithloved. I was the one who post the long list of baby full month gifts vendor. Anyway, they are out of town for a week, so flooded with mail. You can try sending them mail again.

I am Also doing my full month next Saturday ! I giving away sweetest moment gift pack.


I'm also giving sweetest moments to family n relatives Coz I Hv a discount voucher from the last baby fair I attended.

I scared Bakedwithlove may not be able to prepare the cookies in time, so I'm considering to ask a friend to help bake cupcakes. This fren did my wedding cake but he's usually busy so see how

Hi sweetsnow,

I order cupcake for the full month too, from cupcake divinity. I am their regular since my no #1 full month, have from then lots of birthday cupcakes etc. You can try them else sweetest moment also have cupcakes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].


i direct latch. no lah. if direct latch and then still can pump out 90ml, i will be over the moon! i think for me is lack rest. i doing all the housework and with this feeding schedule i am dead tired. confinement tingkat ended and i am surviving on bread and cheese and sometimes cereals for lunch. dinner i will go out buy with bb for both myself and hubby. just no energy to cook. good to be able to chat with someone too. lonely at times esp with all the pumping and feeding in wee hours and also during the day when nobody is at home. nobody to talk to. can be quite depressing.


i gave birth on 3 oct. long time ago already. hahah. i gave birth natural.my tummy is very big still. when i go out to buy food people still think i am pregnant. my tummy is like 5 to 6 months pregnant. i don't know how to get rid of it. my doc says uterus not back to normal size yet so cannot exercise. she also mention if exercise milk supply will drop.

but i have to do something. i feel very depress and embarrass by the big tummy. it is made worse when other people stare at my tummy and at my baby. i can imagine they must be wondering why i am pregnant so fast when my baby is so small. it kind of made me feel very down and depress.

my baby also no fixed schedule. very difficult. its like living day to day. sigh. and i am having poo problem with him. he didn't poo for 6 days before he did a big one which took me a long time to clean up and many wet tissues wasted. first it was worry because he took med and had loose stools. then after that he stop poo and only poo once after 6 days and we worry constipation. it is one worry after another.

Hi pofy,

I read some where, bf will help to shrink the uterus. So continue to bf... Did you try jamu massage, it help as well to bring your uterus back go normal size.

Ignore those stares ... Wear loose loose clothes ... Don't let negative thoughts affect you. I know pumping and feeding At wee hour can be lonely. Come online and chat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] go Facebook ....call your galfren up to chat or SMS or invite them to drop u a visit. That what I have been doing, beside sneaking out to shop.... Hee hee..

Hi pofy, u r nt alone doing pumping n feeding in the wee hour. Usually I spend the time surfing net, FB n forum... U r nt alone... I agree wif jojobar, juz ignore those stare, recently I went for the bb fair, there r ppl telling mi, I can see tt u r pregnant, I juz reply ya... I juz treat it as joke btw hubby n i...

Why dun u hire a part time maid to do housework for u... Those frm china, $12 per hr now so that u can at least get some rest...

Nobody says being a mother is easy... Beside the lack of zzz, there is also the worry... When my bb zzz too much without feeding, m worried... When she suppose to be awake at the same hr everyday, she didn, m worried... Think tt is mother...

Hi all, I gave birth to my boy on 27 Oct n have always been reading the posts here for months. Just wanted to say hi!! It's the same for me too, been reading this thread when feeding or pumping..really helps to know that we are not alone facing these new challenges! Pofy, jiayou! U can do it!


U must rest more and keep your spirits up k. Bf is a long process. Come n chat here when you are free.

For your tummy, have you tried using a binder? It works for me.

Bb constipation: did you ask doc if it's due to the meds? When adults Hv diarrhea, after we take the meds also sometimes will become constipated for awhile de. Could it be the same with bb?

cheer up pofy, i guess almost everyone here wake up in wee hrs to feed bb, pump milk. see i m 1 of them

feeding him now. while my hubby snoring away!

Hello everyone,

Looks like we r all up early feeding our hungry babies. Thanks for all the encouragement.


Yeah. I try to read forum but at times tough cos have

To carry bb to feed. Difficult to type when he moves. On my right breast, he is always restless. Latch n unlatch many times, always like trying to find position or like suck but no milk. These days because of his length I need 2 hands when I feed as I only use cradle hold position. The football hold he jus dislike. I can't lie down to feed too as I find it messy n end up changing sheets. He always leak milk fr his mouth. Jamu I didn't. Expensive.


I m on tight budget so the money put to diapers instead of the house help. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I can totally understand why those pple stare jus tat it makes me sad. Sigh.

U r right. Alot of worries as mother. They poo we worry, they dun poo we worry. When they sleep soundly n hardly move we worry. They cry n cry we also worry. No wonder they say difficult to be mum!


Welcome n congrats! Thanks for the encouragement!


Yes. I got a binder fr the forum. Don't seem to work for my big tummy. At least I can't see visible results.

As for the stools yes, I did ck wif pd. He says normal for bb. Some can last till a week before they poop! Mine longest record was 6 days. As long as the stools not hard like pellets he says it's ok. Jus tat counting days till he poop is also another worry. Haha.

Libra bb,

So good to see n read ur post.

Yeah my hubby also snoring away.

My inlaws find bf is total waste of time. When they visited n bb had to feed. I carreied bb to room for almost an HR. They didn't get to carry so my mother in law complain. Say waste time.

Hi pofy,

On the issue of in law not supportive on bf, rope in your hubby. Bf is the best milk for bb (even milk company acknowledge that), good for mum (to lost weight) and save money (infant milk powder is expensive) ! So ask your hubby to tell your in law. For me, I was doing latch on all the time with no 1 as I have no cl the last time, my in law also very irritated as I alway in room bring.

I got my hubby to tell them off. And I give them a face loh. My mil can tell me last time her tine, doc say milk powder is better, them I tod her straight on the face she is ignorant then. My mum and aunite all know bring is better. Hahaha... After then they shut their mouth, keep asking how long I intend to bf. Hubby tell them as long as possible. In the end, I tbf for 10 months.


I used the tmc binder when i had csec for my #1 last time. It is called dale, hospital grade and i find it good to use for csec mommies. KK doesn't provide tummy binder for csec mommies when i had #2 this time. So those who are keen to get binder, maybe can called tmc to ask when to get? I find the binder helps to give support to csec wound and helps in flattening my tummy while i bf. I did buy from online spree on the binder and from watsons last time, din like the binder design and it was not as comfortable as the one that tmc provided. So i think if u want a binder, good to get a hospital grade binder. U will perspire but helps to burn fats as u bf .


Pofy>>> I can empathize with u. I went thr that when i had my #1 last time. My mom and mil not supportive of bf and gave a lot of pressure then and hb was in kl and i alone in sg with mom. However i persisted my way since it' my child despite their repeated dissuasion of bf. IN the end i bf my bb for 1 year. Now with #1, my mil still dared to ask if bb drinks enough since he' preterm and only weighed 2.25kg when born. I just said when bb drinks from em, i won't know how much he drinks but i just keep feeding him. ON days i want rest, i just tell cl to give fm in the middle of night after ebm feed. However once ur milk is regular, when bb puts on huge weight, u can boast abt the wonders of bm. I did w my #1 that she looked so sumo during the 1st year of bf and my mom never dare to qn my bf for #2. INstead they just insist that i need to eat well to provide for bb and myself. So mommies, we can boast soon once bb is chubby on the supply of our bm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hang on!

Hi mummies, haven't have a good stretch of sleep since my CL left [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I keep waking up at night to check on baby, I cannot tell from her noises when she wants to drink milk, stretch or burp or poop. In the end I just take the easy way out and plug her mouth with my breast so that she will suckle and fal asleep. Sigh, there goes her nice feeding schedule when CL was around.

Hi pofy my girl also struggles when she latches. Dunno if too fast or too slow or wrong position.

Nowadays I am trying to pump on one side while I latch on the other. The milk output is more this way I feel cos the suckling will generate more letdown. I will feed the pynped milk from the other side to baby straight away and any excess i will store. This way I manage to store 110ml every day whereas last time nothing cos she will drink whatever I pump.

Hi leeoh,

I am worried as my cl will leave next Sunday.... I will be very much on my own to handle bb as my maid is experience with bb. So I will need to feed, bath and change him myself....not sure what the schedule will be like then. Currently, his schedule every two hourly during day and three hourly at nite. Think just need to tong till abt four months, when the bb can take solid food like cereal then they will be able to stretch their feeding schedule longer... We will not be so siong then.

Hi mummies, my confinement will end on this coming Thur. How are you all going to settle your meals after confinement? As we are BF bb, I guess we have to maintain a very healthy and balanced diet. Is anyone ordering tingkat? Any recommendation?

Hi jojobar, my girl schedule used to be quite similar too. But after my CL left like haywire abit. Dunno if it is my problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi MnM, that is why I am looking for tingkat too! My mum is helping me but with 2 kids, difficult to cook 2 meals especially since I have to feed every 2 hours. Thinking of Neo Garden. Any other recommendations?

Leeoh, u mean u will express at the same time when u latch? U feed bb with the expressed milk and store the unfinished portion? It can be done this way? The milk will not spoil?

Hi mummies,

I think i need to get some milk bags to store my bm. I guess the glass bottles are taking up too much of my fridge space. Can advise which brand is better and the volume for bag. Many thanks in advance.

Hi MnM, I pour out a portion to feed so that it won't be comtaminated. Usually about 40ml and I keep about 30ml. After 3 pumps I have enough to store. Alot more work this way but at least I get to store something. What to do since I just have enough milk for baby.


I've got a qns.. I'm still having lochia 5+ wk aft giving birth. Initially it kind of getting lesser n stop but somehow e next day it gets more n more as days goes by. Anyone have e same encounter?

Libra BB

I expect it to stop totally but dunno y it start to flow like those 5-6th day period flow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] when can it end? Is this norm? Thou not a lot but it bothers me a bit..

I read online that as long as the flow decreases then it's fine. Exercise and ocerstraining yourself can cause it to start bleeding again. Personally I sneaked out a few times n after that I will see bloodstains again

Oh no i didn't noe over straining will trigger bleeding! I went out quite a no of times but seems ok.. I Remb I went for jog last wk but ok till few days later!

Bubbly: u went jogging? I asked gynea abt exercise but was told to start with walking then few months later then jog.

I am also eager to start!


Ya lor cos weather gd n suddenly in mood to jog but only jog for short distance cos still need to wake up for hourly feed.. Hai.. cos e massage lady mention can exercise aft confinement so I jus went ahead lor.. who noe now lochia become more!!

Hi mommies, missed logging into thr forum. How are everyone coping? I'm dead tired..been active on fb n taking care of my gal plus pumping, n endless housework, makes me tired.I'm usually drained by the time hubby comes home. These days very lazy to cook..

