(2011/10) Oct 2011

Hi mummies,

Taggies Toys and Blankies -- a "must have" nursery item for little. For well over a decade now, babies and children have been comforted by their tactile, soothing and safe taggies. Little ones love to rub and twiddle the satin tags on clothing, blankets and toys as a calming and reassuring comforter.


PM me for details.


hello [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my 1st post here.

my edd is 10 oct, 1st preg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My ML is starting next week! taking 2 weeks earlier before EDD. Getting nervous each day.


I m stopping breast feeding and selling my breast pump.

Philips Avent Twin Electronic Breast Pump 

Local set with warranty till Mar 2013

Include manual pump conversion kit

Cd on guide to breast feeding

Bag for the pump including ice packsx4 n insulator bagsx2

A set of nipple protectors

Honey color 260ml avent bottle x2 used only to contain milk when pumping. Bpa free 

Honey color 125ml avent bottle x2 inclusive of teats. Brand new bpa free 

Translucent 125ml avent bottle x 1 inclusive of teats. Brand new. 

2x avent pacifier 3-6 mths bpa free

Got it at $599. Willing to let go at $450 as it is still under warranty. Will provide receipt. Warranty can change for brand new set in case of breakdown. But it is very new.

Self collect at Bedok area. Pls pm me if keen. Tnx

Hello mummies,

Sorry to disturb.

I have 2 packs of Brand New Drypers S Size to let go. $10/pack. My baby has outgrown them.

Pls PM me if interested. Thanks.



I am discharged from hospital and the doc only wanted to delay till bb is at least week 36. Now is jus the wait. They give me a medication to stop the contraction, took every 15 min for 4 times in the delivery suite and then every 6 hours thereafer. I was also given an injection 12 hours apart for two dose, to mature tha baby lung in case the baby insist on arriving earlier. I now hope baby will delay arriving till at least 37 weeks. Not too early.

While I was in the observation unit, the contraction was once every 10min, which I dont feel anything, nor do I feel I am dilated. It was when I was in the delivery suite that the contraction falls into 3 times per 10min, and that was when I can feel something about it.

Moral of the story, fever can cause perterm labout.

Eve (evelon3008)

Thank you Eve, I am discharge from hospital. Now got to rest a bit more as I am still having flue like symptoms, the good thing is fever has subsided.

Wow there is really a good weight differences btw the 36 and 38 weeks.

happymomo: good to hear the fever has subsided. do take care and rest well at home, dun b too stress thinking abt the size of baby cos stress will induce labour also. lets all jia you to keep baby inside [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HappyMoMo: have a good rest.. usually it do help to delay bb birth with the injection & med.. so no worry.. just rest well... don think so much... must relax [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gilera: mine is a bb gal... haiz... not good to be so so so fat...

anyone know, dose coconut water cause baby to fat alot? now don dare to take anymore coconut water....

creamdonut: mi too.. this few night having cramp and Braxton Hicks Contractions... dr say it will be good if baby auto pop out instead of induce....

now im trying to keep my intake low.. hopefully this sat check-up, bb weight didnt incress.. then can tahan 1 more week to week 40...

good morning mummies! seems like most of you are on leave already except me but i'd save my leave so can spend more time with bb when he comes out. went for check-up yday bb not engaged. i think i controlled GD too much he's 2.4kg at 37w5d had abit cheesecake, tuna sandwich and lemon tea and failed by 0.1 :p tamms had popped already!

Libra_bb, welcome! you delivering at which hospital?

Hi Luv,

i am also working till m popping, my EDD is on 26th Oct 11, plan to work till ard 19th Oct or later... i wanted to have more rest and also after BB popped, you would be able to rest well also due to breastfeeding.

i juz went for my checkup last week and the doc still didnt tell me the weight of my baby and i am in my 35 weeks already.. sian

thanks Luv, @ KKH Pte [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], when is ur EDD?

initially i wanted to rest 1 week b4 my edd but seems like i cant concentrate during work. haha

Hi all mummies!

My first post here in Oct thread. EDD on 27-Oct. Had unusual cramps on Sat, check in TMC on Monday & was on CDG with contractions. Doc say gt symptoms of preterm. Now on medication & had 2 jabs like happymomo.

Now praying hard hope BB kwai kwai stay till EDD then pop.

Anyone had recommendations for getting BB cot?

EDD getting nearer.. Nervous.. Scare of the delivery process...

Not sure whether to go for c section or natural birth due to my baby head not in the right position..In a breech position. Any advice??

Hi mummies,

Not to worry much. I had the preterm symptom at week 30 with fresh blood bleeding. My gynae manage to stop at give the med and the two painful jab. After 2 weeks bed rest, I am uo and about again at week 35 now.

I seeing gynae later this afternoon, as long as can than till week 36, the baby is considered full term already ! My no 1 also pop at week 36 at 3kg as full term baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

RelAx and rest. Trust your gynae will look after you and we will all be fine !

Bb is 2.9 kg today.

If nothing by first week oct then induce. Told us to hv sex from behind n if eat curry etc to pass motion might "cake" bb to come out. Lol

Sex seems wrong lei like raping son!

Also no mood since preg....

Think everyday start walking climb HDB stairs

Wonder if need maid to escort

Hi Rejoy28

I thot gynae normally measure the BB weight on every check-up? Thats whats my gynae did. Which doc are you with?

my edd is 3 oct and i am still working.. hehe..

cervix still shut, not delivering anytime soon ba.

if bb is in breech position, doing the cat-cow pose in yoga might help. u might wan to try it

@winnie: i wld be @ Gleneagles, no choice, DR only deliver there.

@Esmelda: every check up, he is more concern of my weight(m a little overweight when i gt preggy) n if bb gt heart beat, bt never tell mi the weight even when i ask him, he wld reply me it is no concern for BB weight now, would only do a detail scan on the weight n birth canal closer to date.....

happymomo & creamdonut

Take care n have lots of rest..


Ive been drinking coconut water since 32 wks. Once a wk, and now at 35wks, been drinking every other day. Not sure whether got side effects, but i really need sumthing cooling. I buy d smaller thai coconuts from NTUC.


who is your doc?

I am at KK but most likely deliver @ gleneages too cos DR will be there starting around 10 Oct.

Maybe we will meet each other but I think I will choose 4 beded ward lah

Libra_bb, EDD 7 Oct but i'm hoping 2b earlier. Looks like bb not ready to come out. Hope the raspberry leaf tea i started drinking today will stimulate labour naturally. my work now at standstill cos have handed all necessary work to asst no point wasting my leave.

rejoy28, yes breastfeeding will really help cos if i not wrong it releases pitocin, a relaxing hormone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just came back from my 35wks appt. Baby weighs

2.7kg and i gained 3kg in 3wks. Gossshhh!!!


After ur scan, do u get the photo printout? Mine at d side got put baby's weight n length etc. Is urs like dat too?

rejoy28: u should tell dr say u wanna knwo bb weight so that u can keep a record urself? for own memories?

gilera: lol! ya not everyone have the mood..anyway my Dr also advice mi to walk 1 hr per day.... maybe u can ask ur maid accompany u walk walk and climb stair everyday?

Koh Weiling: try this? get down on your hands and knees, then arch your back up and down that will turn the baby.

winter_bluey: wow! u so pro.. still working....


missy: drinking coconut water bb weight got incress alot?????


the last scan i ve, the doc did give me the printout but no indication of the weight n length.

the doc zoom in to show the BB face only.. she is sucking her thumb.... hee hee


oh is it? I thought I saw there is from the website. so min is 2 bedded hah.

mine next gyn visit will still be in KKH on 3 Oct thereafter then at Glen.


u can refer to the website below for the maternity price list, their 2 days referring to: today u give birth then tomoro n the day after, consider 2 days..

so is like 3 days 2 night

thanks all for the encouragement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: coconut water

i got drink abt once every 3 days, doesnt make bb grow fat leh. i tink of it as jus drink for fun, cant really imagine it "cleaning" the baby...

hehe.. if not stay at home keep wondering when will bb come out makes me more worried only..

the rest of the mummies so gd still can know bb's weight. at NUH the package only do 2 scans. so i only know bb weigh 1.78kg at 32 wks.. dunno how heavy is he now. but i gained alot since 32 wks lah.

luv, oic.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb wt @ wk 37 is 2.8kg..my wt like standstill liao,

thinking of eating some durians... or durian cake..haha

i still have 1 more coconut in the fridge, Sheng siong selling 2 for $2..


I dunno abt coconut water n increase in baby's wt. But i have heard dat it makes the baby come out 'cleaner'.

I did the same for my 1st pregnancy but never notice how true and how 'clean' my baby came out then. Too shagged from pushing.. Heehee... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Im drinking more for the cooling effect.

Maternity leave

Im working till at least d 39th wk too. Not intending

to take earlier cos i want to save the ML. My EDD is 23 Oct.. Dats still a long way to go!

Hi mummies!

First post here. My EDD is 25 Oct.

Had coconut drink for my first born and he did come out pretty "clean". So am doing it for my No 2 as well.

Checking if any mummy have any gd tingkat caterer to recommend cos after confinement will be on my own with son and preschooler for a mth before maid arrive in December. Don't think I'll have the energy to cook.

Hello zap

I m using tingkat fr empire catering during my confinement. Hve not started but it was recommended by some mummies. Some others u can consider r Neo garden, select, chilli padi.

Hi all,

Coconut will put on baby's weight? When can drink and how often?

I had check up at 35wks 5days last sat and again doc say baby a bit heavy... 2.5kg. Is it?

pofy, thanks for the recommendation. Will check them out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sweetsnow, my first born was under weight when borned tho I drank coconut water regularly during my last trimester. so for me, there's no link between bb's wt gain and coconut drink

sweetsnow , i started drinking @ 37wk, once a week only. for some mummies, 2-3 times per week.

i bought those thai young coconut cos more water.

more & more oct mummies reporting here!

Hi all,

Had a wonderful day today, I went shopping at orchRd since morning and bought stuff for myself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Not for baby or my son.

I went for my gynae check up at late afternoon, currently baby weighing 3.1kg and I am at week 35 tomorrow. I had put on 300g from 2 weeks ago...

Initally plan to pop first week of oct but gynae will be away from 1st to 8th oct. So hopefully, can tahan till after 8th oct, else the back up gynae Anne tan will deliver for me.

Also complete my pre admission at hospital and collected the baby bonus form.... So much thing to fill up ! But better be prepare now and pack the document in the bag.

Seem like we are all prepared to pop soon, exciting !

Hi cream donut,

Not sure abt other hospital, but i rem I fill up mine the last time, is mostly you and your hubby and your existing kid details. Rem to bring your bank acct booklet for the verification so the money can be deposit into it.

Not fill up now now, cos don't have the new born bc number. But. Fill up all the rest of info first ... Kiasu me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi mummies, I've popped too, at week37... Yest at 8.45pm... Reached tmc at 6pm, did cgi, cleared bowels, checked 1-2cm at 6.30pm, 7.30pm checked 3cm, water bag burst by itself, blood show, pain started, gave birth at 8.45pm... But my labour was terrible, though fast...baby's head was facing upwards, instead of downwards and dr and used his hand to turn the baby's head... So painful but no choice...

Please prepare everything in advanced, dun b like me, last min baby suddenly pop at w37, so many things haven't buy... Now need to ask my sis to help to buy liaoz...

Creamdonut, yes, need to fill up baby bonus form as you have a choice to which bank u wanna open from too...

