(2011/10) Oct 2011

Hi wendy,

Is your no 1 also deliver by dr Ann tan ? Can you share with me her charges or package ? I just want to find out her rate compare with my gynae rate


Hi pofy,

You're welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also will need to run 2 place for followup after delivery but my hubby don't mind too cos parking easier at mt A too.


Ann Tan does not have a package...typically consultation is $90 and fetal monitoring is $150 excludes any tests or additional screenings or vitamins...

Thanks LUV

for the advise,, so much things to learn.

where do u ladies get the Raspberry Tea Leaf?

How much?

Also, eeermm y some mummies want to hold till wk40? for me, i hope my bb can come out between 38-39weeks cause it really quite tiring sleeping at night with a bump, sore back and baby kicking somemore... LOL :p

I'm with Thomson, they are free carpark too?

How many days? or how many complimentary carpark coupons? cause its quite expensive to park there


I requested for Dr ONG already. We don't drive so I guess for the ck up will hve to take a cab to shorten the trip ESP when baby is so young. I understand need to bring bb back for ck up one week after birth?

Gynae ck up yesterday. Did a VE check. 1.5th dilated. Doc say can be these 2-3 days or it can drag. If by end sep stil no sign have to induce. I shall wait n see. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I wish to carry till 40 weeks. Will miss the bb bump after tat I guess despite being super big n clumsy n uncomfortable. Sounds silly hor?


Congrats!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] your birth story is v funny. From checking a migraine to gg straight to labour ward. Tke cre n rest well.


I had raspeberry leaf tea for my first pregnancy top. I took once or twice, n baby came out at 37wks. Not sure whether its due to the tea. 3 yrs ago, i bought it at Mustafa. But now i think can easily find at those bigger NTUC outlets.

Hi Wendy,

Hmm hmm I am aware that Ann tan charges are high. My gynae old package is $1700 inclusive of normal delivery from 5th month with vitamin and normal scan. Additional tests will be charge according. The nurses these gave me the old package and told me is very cheap. Apparently now my gynae also not offering package anymore, everything is ala carte like Ann tan. All along, I thought my gynae is expensive as he is one of the we'll known surgeon and fertility expert, o apparently I had gotten a good deal and his waiting time is very short (same as Ann tan). I visited Ann twice for detailed scan both waiting time are short even on Saturday !

Tks for sharing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,

Have a pink mumbo chair (with tray) for sale @ S$50.

Excellent Condition as my gal only tried it twice, now she's moved on to excesaucer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Interez parties pls pm me.

Cheers ")

pofy, carry till 40weeks, bb will be very big. :p

erm if u will miss pregnant days, u can always get pregnant again. LOL

missy, wow raspberry tea pop out baby early? LOL, i think i don't wanna try cause i still got some work to settle though technically i'm not working anymore. haaa...

My mucus plug haven't come out yet, so i think labour for me still no signal yet....i still go out as per normal cause hubby working, at home v bored. I told him not to waste his leave till i give birth, then take 2 weeks 1 shot. LOL

Today went to Mother & Baby Fair look look see see then wanna collect goodie bag which consists of bb samples etc etc, they almost didn't want to give me cause my hubby was not with me! Stupid right?

Luckily alot of people behind started complaining then they have no choice but to give everyone who queues for it.

Inside consists of a travel changing mat, huggies 30pc big size wet wipes, Kodomo Powder lotion which i have been wanting to try, body lotion and some vouchers. I like the changing mat best, great for putting into diaper bag for bb later.

Hi Mummies,

Is it normal to start feeling hungry easily nearer delivery? I wasn't like this until last week, and it's so bad that I feel like i'm gonna get gastric. Doc said my baby a bit big, so i'm scared that now that i eat more often, baby will get even bigger.

Sweetsnow, for me same same ... Dun worry last leg tend to eat more n forever hungry. Juz visited gynae tdy at wk 35 bb weight Nw 2.5g good position but still not engaged yet.

Btw where is this mother n baby fair??

I delivered at mt e too! There's complimentary parking for 1 car which they did not have before. The postnatal food is good, the food quality has improved. There is also in room check out which is a great value added service. I stayed in the newly renovated room. Overall the experience is much better than before.

Here's my story

Felt one real contraction at 11pm and there was heavy pink discharge soon after. Man U was playing Chelsea so we decided to watch the match and wait at home for the contractions to build up, after all my first labour took 10 hrs so we were expecting something in the range of 5-6hrs. At 1215 the contractions started to get more painful so we woke the parents up, hb took a shower and we left home at about 110. By then contractions were 5min apart, hb was very relaxed and told me to take it easy. When we got to mt.e contractions were 2min apart and they had no ready delivery suite so I had to sit and wait along the corridor while the midwives cleared a room. Finally got in, changed, did a urine sample in between the 30s pause in contractions, climbed up on the bed.

That was when my water broke, ve found that I was 8-9cm dilated, so NO epidural, only gas. Suddenly felt the baby's head crowning and the urge to push! Midwives were shouting Don't push! Doctor's almost here! But no choice my body is pushing baby out on it's own. After 1 slow push, baby tumbled out! Dr arrived in time to deliver the placenta.

Felt really on top of the world after this experience, it was such a positive labour and delivery. I expected no epidural to be really painful, but with the speed things were going, the pain is really quite bearable. Baby was delivered at 2am, 3 hrs after the first contraction.

Jojobar,,,,actually the fair was quite disappointing, only a few stalls, more for toddlers

I went cause I got nothing to do at home as hub working

Im consider v active preggy hahaa im still driving around and walking alot, running errands with slight panting of course

and when ppl ask, they were v surprise that im giving birth in 2weeks time

Genesis, wk 35 ...2.5kg is good.. Same as me

My bb wk 37.. is 3.2kg now hehe

Hope my bb not too late cause i dont want 4kg LOL

Sweetsnow, maybe u can try to eat more but choose less sweet and low carbo food.

More veggie, less rice, potatoes, white bread

Can choose


Genesis, my bb Oso 2.5kg at 35 weeks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Next appointment is on 1st Oct. Hope bb not too big

Tamms, Congrats. Ur labour v fast!

Hi Tasha,

We are the same pattern, I am rolled off from my highly stress project due to my near pre term labour in mid august. Even gynae clear me for bck to work, client insist I roll off as they think is health and safety issue. So far, back at office not doing much.

This week is f1 and I refuse to go in due to traffic hence have been out to orchard, ikea, great world city for shopping, massage and facial. I find it more relaxing than staying t home looking after my 3 year old. My mum look after my #1 for me after hs pre nursery class.

The sales have been nice, alway offer to carry the loot o the car. But I drive from building o building as I become bigger and panting more. I am at week 35 now, baby weighing 3 kg...I drove from taka to paragon as I now find walking across is too far... .lol....

But hor, I drove to the day I deliver for #1. Basically, I trust myself more than the reckless taxi driver these day.

I also worry abt baby size as he is already 3.1 at week 35. So I thunk I will want to pop at week 37 or 38.... I will go for daily foot reflex to expedite the labour....


Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear you have a good experience in mt e. I had a good one three years back too, hope that they maintain their standard.

Did they offer head massage as stated in their website ? How was the celebrationary dinner ? And did they provide romper set for baby when baby go home ?

congrats tamms!

my next appt is this wed, hope bb can wt up to 3kg @ 38wk.

so far no engagement, wondering is it normal? or shld i walk more....


I've the following items for sale. 

1. Babysafe sling (used only once) dark blue colour $30

2. Baby Bjorn carrier synergy (dark blue) seldom use $150

Interested can PM me. 


Everything on the website was offered, but I did not know that head massage was complimentary, a lady came offering massage but she did not mention it was complimentary. She came across as trying to sell package so I declined the service. Everything else was great! I thought that the postnatal menu was better than the food offered for celebratory dinner. All the nurses were really good, even the aunties serving meals were a friendly bunch. Yes romper set was given, it came in a nice Tiffany blue box with white ribbon. The going home bag is also better than 3 years ago.

Hi tams,

Seem like things have improve better since 3 years back. So I no need to bring the going home clothes for bb then....what was in the going home bag ? I cannot even remember what was inside 3 years ago....

Well, I will skip the celebrationary dinner and take the cocktail then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at least my guests can munch on the pastry and sandwichesvand fruits [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Took us many years to get this bb. Along the journey we lost one too. N with my age of near 40, I think we won't be able to try for another one. So this one is especially precious for us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wish I was more lucky in the past but it jus didn't work out. Anyhow I m very thankful for this little bundle of joy n carrying till full term 40 weeks has been a wonderful experience. Haha ignoring my super big tummy n loads of uncomfortable aches n pains [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Still better to bring your own going home clothes for baby, must wash before wearing. More things than before but the bag design has changed, not the silly cutesy blue and white cartoon, it's a silver bag now, at least more presentable to take out.


Walk lots. Basically lots of light exercise. I delivered at 38w but didn't do anything unusual to kick start labour. I stopped swimming at 35w already cos no time.


No epi. U r brave. I cant. Wif jus doc doing ve

Ck I felt painful. My tolerance level for pain seems

So embarrassing. Sigh. Trying not to

Think abt it n try to deal wif it when it happens. But congrats! N thanks for sharing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi pofy,

Understand why you want to carry the baby till full term so that you can enjoy the process. For me, it took me very long to conceive my number 1. By the time, I deliver #1, I was already in mid 30s. Surprising we conceive #2 naturally and easily three years later. Hence I am also near pushing into 40 soon. Hence also want to enjoy the process as much,but to be honest, this pregnancy is harder than the last one. Hence I know it is my last pregnancy but the uncomforted and pain is too much for me. Hence I secretly hope to pop soon. Anyway, love the feeling of bf my baby.... I hope I can do it again this time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]....

Dear Jojobar...

Since u drive like me, u better put a large absorable towel in the car? but i think u more experience cause u got #1 already, i'm 1st time mummy LOL... I was advise to put towel in my car in case water bag burst. LOL

Dear Pofy, oic, now i understand y its so precious, i already consider conceive late (am 34 this yr) cause i didn't do any planning and no urgency to have 1 until my mum started nagging. So we tried for 1, was quite lucky that I conceived in 3 months after being v "hard working"

Strangly dunno y married for so many yrs didnt get preggy until mum nag. I think we really v lazy. V little activities in bed. So the "sperm didn't managed to meet the egg" :p

Now i plan to have a 2nd one later but if can't conceive again within the next 3 yrs, i will stop trying.

Now my hub and me also abit stress cause we r v used to being TWO for so many years, now its gonna be THREE v soon... LOL

Hey mummies,

I remember reading someone selling padded nursing bras, who ah? Can give me the link?

cause those i hv on hand are non padded

I want to order? still in time before i pop? LOL

Hi Tasha,

Large towel? Nope, don't have that... Know tons of friends and colleague who drive till they pop, but no one give me that advise... But this current car have quite a lot of stuff due to my no 1, if needed, think can dig out one towel or blanket.

Tasha no need ti stress, my number 1 came after 5 years of marriage and 7 years of courtship. TO be honest, to have a baby is a lfe changing moment for me. But if I will to look back, I can.'t imagine my life without my #1... since you already 34, I think younare more settle and ready mentally prepared for the baby arrival.


Every woman's experience is different, and every pregnancy is different. For #1 I had a 10hr labour and asked for epi after 5hrs. For #2 the labour progressed quickly so I didn't really feel the suffering as did the first time. In fact I felt that the labour pains were not very painful, just a very bad tummy ache! Breast engorgement pain to me is worse than labour pain!


u r up on night shift w new bb in tow?

Sudden rain n thunder woke me n am super alert now

waiting for bb to arrive- now wk 39 liao,#1.... when will he decide to come out. Hopefully soon but not NOW as heavy rain la. Hb dun wish to induce. Checkup is on Tuesday see wat option Gynae says.

How is life w nb? U hv cl to help u out?

Hw involved do u let ur maids be in taking care of nb?

Only bring bb to u, change diapers or no touch bb just wash n prepare bottles?

Bottles: do we need wash w bb dish detergent followed by sterilizing them?

There's no point to let maid take night shift since bb need mommies to feed right. Presently maid sleep ard 9pm!

Hi all

Im 37 weeks now. Im first time on this thread and i need help!

Having really bad insomnia thats why still online now. Didnt have this when I was having my first boy 5 years ago...

gilera, i will add u now, u need to accept my fren's invitation before i can put u to the group.. mine name is roxanne yap

think charmaine kuan has added u a few weeks ago to her frens list, did u get it?

Hi Tamms. Congrats! Your delivery sounds really smooth-sailing and you are such a brave mummy to do it with epi. I hope i can tahan too... really dreading the needle to the spine. Thinking about it sends goose pimples up my arms [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I am also having trouble sleeping - every night I will wake up to pee and after that I can't sleep back. Will end up lying there for at least an hour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Pelvic pain is also getting unbearable, especially when I tried to get up after sitting or lying down.

Hi gilera, yes preferably wash the bottles with baby bottle wash before sterilsing.

Tamms, congrats!! Your birth story is sooo fast.

Can add me to the oct fb group also? Thanks!

[email protected]

Breastfeeding is worst than giving birth... It's a long term work... But worth it for baby...

Wish all mummies a smooth and fast delivery... And join the moo moo club soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello jojobar,

sigh. i am thankful for this one. wish i could have more but i guess in life things don't always go the way we want. i am thankful for what i have already. i m looking forward to breastfeeding actually. hahaha. altho i heard its hardwork. i hope i get the chance to do it right. even if its just for a few short months before i go back to work. i am in my 39-40th week. doc say if by end of sep no signs will induce. haha. perhaps baby likes to stay inside too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

let's just all work hard and do our best.


yes, it has all along been just the 2 of us. i am looking forward to how the baby will disrupt of years of comfortable pattern/lifestyle. bound to be loads of bickering. hahaha. i would expect since we have gotten into a comfortable routine. now that there is a new member, i assume he will demand for his fair share of attention and our time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just hope both me and hubby are patient enough with him and with one another.


thanks for encouragement. i will have to wait for baby to decide when he wants to arrive and then share my birth story. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i hope he comes naturally too. not looking forward to induce. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


hello. manage to solve the tingkat issue already?


how are you doing as new mummy? i wish to join the moo moo club too. haha. hope u manage to solve the baby supplies issue.

jia you all mummies.

Hi Pofy,

you never know what life will bring. I basically sold & give away everything my #1 grown out of. Cos i am not sure if i will be able to conceive #2 a not (based on my fertility issue). However I conceive #2 naturually pretty quickly, hence you really never know.....Children are god gift [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i truely believe in that ...for all you know, you might have a second one soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

devil, done!

pofy, i going for new baby this time and take the full 28 days lunch n dinner.. dun want trouble my hb to taobao or mil to cook at times for me... sbi got 20% discount..

i ordered a trial meal for this wednesday dinner.. see portion big or not.. after that i going to place order for the actual thing liao..

i am going to pop soon i think, today 36w2d, last thursday i got cramps at night, 2 painful ones in 1 hr follow by 6-7 painless one in another hour then i too tired n fell asleep... during sleep can still feel the cramps.. my gynae says i am alrady 1-2 cm dilated n so i am now on 1 week's medication to delay the bb from coming out.. hope bb can come out in week 37...

