(2011/10) Oct 2011

Hello devil,

Congrats. Don't worry about the baby stuff. U can actually call the Chinatown store at Cheong Choon to order your stuff. I recall someone mention if u hit a certain amt think it's 250 or 300 they will deliver. Quite easy to hit if u have not bought the supplies.

Hi jojobar, thanks baby is 3kg... Yeah, I have 5 mins interval contractions but never admit to tmc directly, went to see dr ang at his clinic at 4pm first, then went back home to bath and pack my stuffs..

Hi pofy,

Thanks... You have the website address? Can order online?t

I bought most if the items, but some baby stuffs not bought yet, like baby pampers, bath foam, etc...


Good to hear ur great shopping trip! My belly too big. These days can't walk for long so it's jus work n HME for me. Sigh

Need bc then can fill up form? Thanks for the info. I guess I will not be able to get it done while at hospital since the Chinese name need elders to decide. I heard we have 14 days to get the name n bc settled.

Mummies delivering at Tmc. Doc got ask u what pd we want to examine bb when bb is born? I have no idea of any pd so I said I will find out. Any recommendations?


Still got time don't worry. I read u can do some squatting. It can help bring on labour.

Me still working. Now only worried is waterbag burst on mrt or at work. Will be very embarrassing. Sigh. Work not fully handed over. The perm gal my boss hired quit n now another new gal come so I hve to re-teach n at the same time do the aftu work. I hope bb can last till full term then it will give me another week as I m already in my 39 week. Sigh

In case I don't get to visit the forum today, I jus want to wish all mummies a quick, smooth, safe n happy delivery! And thank you for accompanying me on this wonderful journey to-date and all the generous offers n advices. greatly appreciated n a big thank you!

After waiting for so many months we finally get to meet our little one in person!

Happy wishes for the day!


I don't think got website but got tel number 65323855. They sell all kinds of stuff like bb clothes n cot or pram stuff. U can call n ask. But usually call after 2 pm. If not u can go online to Ntuc or cold storage or carrefour. They sell diapers etc n bb stuff too. For the Chinatown store the last time I went I saw pigeon diapers only. Not sure if they sell other brands. I know Nepia diapers n goon diapers got online store. In the forum also got people selling other brand like merries n good etc fr japan it seems. But Ntuc might be cheaper n thy deliver. Don't stress yeah. Yes order by phone or online. Bb n urself more important. Jus be happy!

good morning mummies! what cold rainy weather lately just perfect for confinement! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pofy, alright today's the day for you! do keep us posted and share birth story. need any help just feel free to ask! My elder boy's PD is Dr Ang Ai Tin cos that time i also dunno who to choose. had heard nasty reviews about her but i find her not bad cos her immunization package is really good (jabs every month from birth-18mo). the only thing i don't like is she hard-sells formula when i wanna breastfeed as much as i can.

gilera, i'm now trying raspberry leaf tea (had some tightening i think, last night got clear discharge and i got scared so stopped at 1 packet), rubbed tummy in circular motion, carrying my 12kg elder boy and walk alot. hopefully these work.

congrats Devil! don't worry about stuffs we don't need much at the hospital. saw NTUC fairprice has an online store and prices are good.

hello mummies,

no lah. today not D-day for me yet.

i hope not cos i have alot of work to hand over to the 2nd new gal. my gynae visit tomorrow lah.

i hope i don't pop today.

i just wanted to pen down my thanks to everyone and cheer every one on because once i reach office i won't have access already.

sorry, if i gave the false impression. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so paisei.hahaha.

Hi pofy,

I am also delivering at TMC, edd on 26 Oct. This is my 2nd child and no.1 was also delivered at TMC.

For the pd, my no. 1 was Dr Ong Eng Keow. He is really good and so very popular at TMC. However he has moved to Mt Alvernia already. But I found out we can still have him as pd when our baby is born as he can come over to TMC. But for followup visits, we will need to go to Mt Alvernia.

Hi luv,

I have also heard bad reviews of Ang Ai Tin and personally encountered her rudeness and found her rather arrogant at an event before. Hence I refused to choose her for my no 2 even though Dr Ong already left TMC.

Thanks pofy... I will call and ask... And wish u all the best and wish u a fast and smooth delivery... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pofy: full term is 37 weeks so u're way past that! kudos for working til you pop. i dun think i can stand it much longer but my job needs me to stand and walk a lot so itz such a painful experience. esp when the pressure is getting more and more on my groin and pubic area.

ur doctor is not gonna induce you anytime?

pofy, icic but since your bb is past 37 weeks it's safe for you to deliver anytime. hope your handover work will be done quickly and smoothly.

mummyfaith, i also want to change PD to someone else; preferably near our home but hb objected. have struck a compromise: we'll go back to her clinic for jabs only.

Congrats Devil!!

And think I read somewhere gamma has popped also rite.. Congrats tamms!!!

Luv, me too only jabs go back to Ang Ai Tin same HB likes their package. We also signed up the package for my elder one..


Congrats n rest well!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I had my 35wk appt yest. And gynae said my baby at 2.7kg is heavy too. Dum worry too much lah.. As long baby is healthy, should be fine.


I have d same crotch/groin area pain like u do. I have difficulty turning from one side to another when lying down.


The PD u are talking abt is quite weird. I thot normally we are encouraged to bfeed for at least d 1st 6mths. How come she's hardselling u milk formula?

missy, not all pd are pro bf I think it's a challenge to find 1 who's supportive. Kept suggesting nan pro ha cos of some allergies my elder boy had but turned out not true. When I told her I still bf beyond 1 year she like v surprised.

So exciting. So many mummies starting to pop Liao.

Dunno if it's just my imagination, but I feel that my baby is lower Liao. Wonder if baby is engaged.

I have 1 more week of work. Feeling both excited and worried. Worried Coz alot if work not done which will affect my work appraisal. Excited that tml my maid will arrive, next wk can start renovating my new hse, then can prepare to move after I pop.


Had very bad frequent migraine lately. Checked with Gynae n was told to go to TMC outpatient to check blood pressure + Hypocount but... When I reached TMC, gynae changed his mind n was told to go labour ward. Monitored on CTG, contraction was at 6 mins interval. Baby was in breech position n the next moment I was off my way to Emergency Ceasarian under GA. Everything happened so fast n drowsy.

Yes! Baby Boy was borned at 35 weeks weight 2.94Kg

Have a safe delivery mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm 37wks now, bb is 3.2kg Lol

Doc never say anything

I'm w Adrian Woodworth

Btw, y need to drink raspberry leaf tea?? For early labour??!!??

Thanks mummies..

Congrats huggsss... Have a good rest... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wish all mummies a safe and smooth deliveries... Going back home to start my moo moo business today...


Congrats! great to know all went well tat is the most important. Have a good rest!


Hope u manage to solve the bb supplies tiny issue. Today bring bb home liao! So happy for u! Jia you!


Yup pass my 37 weeks. Officially on 38 to 39 weeks. Today see gynae then see how. I wish to finish up handover today. Even if can't I might still as doc to see if can give me q few days of HL to rest at home next week n maybe I only go in for one or 2 days?? If I keep going to work they keep depending on me to do the stuff. At the current pace I shd hve nothing on hand but my desk is piled up wif work. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hardly look like I m going off anytime.


I see gynae today. I hope no need to induce co's I prefer bb come naturally. I heard induce painful? N also cost more. I m on tight budget lah. If poss jus epi n natural. Hope bb good let me finish up work, have a good weekend n arrive late next week. His edd is 2 oct. I happen to like tat date very much. Haha! Have to work co's I want to maximise my ML after delivery at one go. No choice. It's tough wif the big belly but I endure. Walk super slow n I try to ignore all the rude stares n whispers n also rude comments fr strangers. Sigh


Thanks for recommendation. I will inform gyane today I want dr ONG. Easier to go Mt A actually co's their shuttle bus service is better than Tmc. Only problem is my ckup after birth is at Tmc n bb will be mt a. But then most important is the pd is good! I don't know any so thanks for recommending. Save me some brain cells! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for encouragement! Yours will b soon too. 6 oct is just 2 weeks away! I m very happy for all of us. Jus want bb to arrive safe n sound. Looking forward to the day I can carry bb home in my arms. For me also old already. Waited so many years before we got this little bundle of joy. Can't wait to meet him in person! Hahaha.

Not quite sure abt price different for bb seeing PD & polyclinic. I just bring bb to nearest polyclinic for checkup & jabs. Feel that it is convenient as I can choose to go on Sat therefore no need to take leave on weekdays to bring bb for jabs. Mine colleague do bring bb to PD in KKH but the appt is only on weekday.

good morning mummies, TGIF! do try and rest well over the weekends. we'll sure need that!

sweetsnow, alot people also commented my tummy is lower and definitely engaged. i was so happy until gynae told me he's not and showed me how to feel bb's head. if can feel 1 small hard lump around the bikini line means not engaged. if engaged, can't feel anything. this morning i felt, still there at 38w1d. oh well looks like a 2nd c-section for me but i expected the result lah. try and take it easy during reno don't overstrain yourself.

huggsss, wow congrats! hope you and your bb are doing fine and take care of yourself!

tasha, heard from other mummies drinking raspberry leaf tea will help to kickstart labour naturally but no guarantees whether it works. can also drink after delivery to help the womb to shrink back to original size faster.

Devil, hope you enjoy your confinement. lucky you weather is cooling lately, last night was so super duper cold [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pofy, work is never ending. work keep piling up at your desk i think it's good to let go. don't need to care about other people, your own health and safety are more important!

Hi Mummies,

anyone of you are planning to store your baby's cord blood with Cordlife? if you need a referral, you can PM me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] They are having a discount currently and on top of that, they are giving away $100 Mothercare vouchers till the end of Sept.

Hi mummies-to-be!

I have For Sale: 6months preloved Medela Pump In Style Advanced (PISA) & Breastmilk Storage Bottles.

Locally bought US complete set with local power plug. See photo for included accessories. Full Set Photo Bought for S$599 on 24/02/2011. Receipt Photo Used for 6months, warranty for another 6months. Selling $400, or $410 with the storage bottles shown below. Also for sale: Medela Breastmilk Freezing & Storage Bottles. 12 x 80ml BPA-free bottles with lid. Bought for S$40, selling $20. Storage Bottles Photo

Interested parties, please leave PM or SMS @ 987 six one 872.

Thanks for viewing!

Hi mummies

Had my checkup today at 36 weeks 5 days. Baby is lower and almost engaged. 1cm dilation. Doctor says likely early within the next 2 weeks. I was still hoping to hold out till 40 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Am I the only one wishing to carry baby longer heehee? Think better start packing my hospital bag.

Hi mummies! Congrats to all who have delivered... Seems like many sept babies!

Leeoh: I guess each baby have their own timing but the longer it is the more pains for mummies and the bigger bb is! Dunno whether will be harder to come out ESP for small sized pole like me.

Fell sick again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] just hope to get well quickly before it's my turn to deliver!! At least the week has come to an end. Last week of work for me next week!!


I am for one hoping to hold baby till week 36 to 37 to pop. I am week 35 yesterday. But unfortunately gynae is travelling from 1 st to 8 th oct so I have to hold till week 38 leh.....

My pd is dr Kenny ee from kinder clinic at paragon. The last time, I deliver #1 he was around to check on him almost immediately. So far, he is fantastic and my #1 get along with him well. I alway use his name to get my son to take med [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. We also call him on non office hour if my boy fever run high for advise and help. So will continue to engage him as the pd for #2.

Anyone here delivering in mt e ? Both my gynae and pd clinic is near mt e, hence it is easier for them to assess to hospital, that why we chosen mt e.

Oh regarding coconut, is it only fresh one will work har? I am having difficulties getting coconuts from market. I am now eating hot coconut sago cream (serve in coconut), will if have the same cleansing effect har?

Jojo: coconut can easily get it from Ntuc, sing song & those supermarket.

Leeoh: I wish to carry till week 40. But guess no chance. Tml gonna see dr. Mostly will Kanna induce out Liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks all for the coconut advise. I will get from Jason super mart during my next gynae visit which is next Friday. Eat once a week enuff ?


I am also delivering at mt e. My doc is Ann Tan at paragon. Heard that now we can claim carpark.. not sure how true...

Gonna see baby tmr at 38th week! Can wait to deliver soon! Pelvic hurts like crazy!

Hi Wendy

Nice to meet you. Ann tan is my gynae back up. She is a very good gynae as well. My last delivery, she help to do the post delivery check up for me when gynae flew off after he deliver my no 1.

Yes, if you sign up on the mt e maternity package you can get free parking. In fact, they also throw in head massage and celebrationary meal. What is nice is that if u stay single ward, they do bedside discharge now. No need to go downstair to take number and pay. I was admitted in aug due to pre term symptom, I really appreciate the bed side discharge.

Hey, if I pop in two weeks time and you pop in two weeks time as week 40, we might meet !

Hi Jojobar,

What is the maternity package? I have done my pre-admission, is that the one? I am taking single ward. Wow things have changed...my no1 was delivered 4 years ago..how old is your No1?

I hope to pop next week! hahah... can hardly walk and baby is already 3.5kg...

Hi Wendy,

My no 1 is born in 2008 aug at mt e as well. He is 3 year old now.

I want to pop earlier as well but have a wedding to attend first oct and after that gynae away. Same here, walking is hard for me as well. The baby weigh 3.1 kg on Wednesday as of week 35.

I suppose all delivery will be on maternity package. Ya, the new items in the packagevis the head massage, parking and bedside discharge. I rem I have to bring bb going home clothes 3 year back, now they provide romper set.

Also mt e now provide wireless which they never have in the past

You can see the benefits of the package in this link


The celebrationary meal is there since 3 years ago but this time, we can choose either dinner or cocktail reception whichnis more pastry stuff.

