(2011/10) Oct 2011

hi minidiary, i think i going to sign up with stemcord, they just got accredited with some dunno what certification which is better than cordlife. so i guess i will go with stemcord. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Baby movements: i felt my bb's movements since week 17! Then they were very slight flutterings... it's been 3 + weeks now and the movements are still pretty light flutters (hardly can call them kicks yet), but I can see my tummy move, as if bb's knocking from inside! My hubby can also feel the movements now when I ask him to put his hands on my tummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Initially I only notice the movements at night, when I am more settled and the surroundings are quiet. Now I can feel them all through the day!

The other Medela model I was talking abt is the one that Bliss_ling had just posted. It's selling $754 in SG.

Bliss_ling: what's your review on using this model? Motor seems to be attached to the bag, whereas Freestyle motor is really small. Does it mean I must bring that black bag out with me as well?

wow... I'm still feeling slight slight flutterings only and not as frequent as you gals... Looks like you gals have more active babies ah

Pray&Love: Me! i signed up with cordlife during the fair! Don't have freebies, just a $410 discount off their usual price if you do a yearly plan. Is $250 per year considered ex?

Happymomo: No sure how much it costs usually, but the following was what was quoted during the MOtherhood fair:

If you do an annual plan, it will be $250 per year (subjected to further GST and changes in yearly premium) on top of a first time payment of $1190 (processing fees, operational costs, doctor's handling fees, lab tests etc).

A 10-yr-plan will cost $3190 upfront, with first payment starting in the 11th year at $250 per year (subject to GST and changes in premium)

A 21-yr-plan will cost $5190 upfront. No payment required till the child turns 21, and price locked in as that regardless of GST and changes in yearly premium.

creamdonut: Yup, $250 is for annual payment till child turns 21. This is subjected to GST and changes in annual premium (each co. has the right to make price adjustments every 5 yrs).

Hi Karen

I think some ppl do both to up their milk supply quickly - the theory is that the more demand, the more supply. So if you can 'trick' your body to think that the demand is very high, it will naturally produce more milk.

As for whether everyone will have milk, I would say yes! Else how does nature ensure the survival of the babies? The crux of the matter is how "determined" you are to breastfeed. When I just had my #1, my initial supply was very low... nothing came out when i pumped and baby was crying for milk almost every hour. It was to the extent that Mrs Wong Boi Boi told me to give up or to take pills to increase the supply. I was so upset that I cried there and then at the lactation consultation room. (by the way, i don't like Mrs Wong at all - she is not patient and doesn't seem to care much. Only very nice towards the ang mos)

I did take the pills for a week. And subsequently i just kept latching baby every time he asked for it, don't care whether it is 3 hourly or not. Gave up pumping as well cos' I waas not responding to pumps. Eventually my milk supply built up and I BF him for 4 months [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Sold away my pump though. When I went back to work, i hand-express - primitive but works for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morninghugs, thank you very much for the update... it seem to me not very cheap wor.. goodness

Creamdonut, thanks thanks, I will look into it and take a look at the different model. I have yet to study abt the breast pump. But most friends are using Medela..

That time previous fair is 5050 for 21years then FBI member get additional voucher like 100dollars... So I sian and didn't sign up during motherhood fair

miffy & Creamdonut: Sorry for the many questions. I've read the above thread posted by creamdonut.

Did you buy warranty? Does freestyle comes with the cooler bag like Pump In Style series? If not, how much will one cost if we buy separately?

yeah...so abit disappointed lor..any lastly didnt sign up.. haha.. if im not wrong, if u sign up the 21 yrs plan like got $200dollars capitaland voucher. previously, my first time to enquire bout this and it was still early to sign up..so thought sign up the next fair which is motherhood fair.. but more Exp and no voucher... so cant make up my mind liao...

plus im not singaporean, cannot deduct from CDA acc. gotta pay $5k plus for 21yrs plan... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


can share the plan and price that stemcord?

Karen Yeo,

sure... i will inform u all once I want to buy Medela freestyle from the mummy and see who wanna join also...

For medela Freestyle bought from USA should comes with these things:-

What’s Included

* Attractive tote bag

* 2 replacement bra adapters - universal

* 2 replacement bra adapters - hook & eye

* Support belt & extension

* 2 - 24 mm SoftFit™ breastshields

* 2 breastshield bodies; 2 membranes; 2 back caps

* 1 set of tubing

* 4 - 5 oz breastmilk bottles, lids & travel cap

* Wide base slow flow nipple

* Rechargeable lithium-ion battery

* Power cord & charger

* Contoured ice pack

* Removable cooler carrier

* Instructions & quick start card

* Breastfeeding Information Guide

Found this great swaddle product at mothercare, selling $19.90, less 15% now. Was originally looking at ergo coccoon but it was much more expensive at $39. Mums who are looking for a swaddle that is diaper change friendly and cool can try this out.

I used to swaddle with blanket but my gal could escape quite easily. Plus, wrapping in blankets without aircon gave her a heat rash. Hoping that this product is as miraculous as it looks.

For mums who are wondering what swaddling is, its to keep baby bundled and cozy and to prevent the startle reflex, aka arms flailing when they sleep. It mimics the womb environment. Swaddling helps baby keep calm and helps baby to sleep longer.


i was at the motherhood fair, didn't check out cordlife cause i was worried they will hardsell me moreover my hub was also not around to make decisions, i only went there for shopping purposes.

5k+ is really ex, wow, we can use CDA funds to pay? if using cash, we will really be spending alot of $, imagine hospital charges, buying baby stuffs, etc etc etc...

Wonder if there's anymore fairs so that i can find out more about promotions of Stemcord and Cordlife.


u recommend the swaddlepod? selling at mothercare? i just ordered from Amazon some swaddle wrap but the brand is Swaddleme.. not sure is it good though, want to use it at night in the aircon room.


alot of items in Medela Freestyle.. so complicated to understand it.. hahaha


there will be another baby fair in July. They don really hardsell. I went to enquire twice, and they dont hardsell and asked me to think about it and given me some brochures...

Im PR, so if really want to sign up the 21yrs plan, need to pay $5k plus... can do credit card installments for 2 years... Im thinking about 10years plan now instead 21yrs...

*Baby movement:

I felt it since 20wks, now the feeling is more& more obvious, really very EXCITED! I found that my little Prince is more active at night time leh! maybe he like to sleep at day time :p

My 2 yrs old girl like to kiss & talking to her little didi, I asked her to hear from my tummy whether she can hear didi to call her “jie jie” or not, then she will answer with a very excited action that “Oh, 叫姐姐阿” haa..haa..so cute!

minidiary> I also no idea what is what..haha..when we buy it then can pass to hubby to fix it up..LOL

creamdonut> no idea lei, i got this off the official medela website. I asked my frd to buy for me but no idea can find thou..when I get it i update u :p

from what I read from the bp spree - mybreastpump website, medela is phrasing out the softshield and replacing with personalfit in spring 2011 for freestyle..is personalfit the hard one?

Yeah... I'm still lazy to figure out what is membrane...what is shield... Tubing... I only know how to buy baby clothes... The most easy one!

hi mommies! I'm having a bad bad day. My customer caused me to miss my coach back to SG! Supposed to take 4.30pm Aeroline coach now gotta wait till 6.45pm for next one. Damn upset!

Re: medela freestyle

It's really a very worthy investment. You will love this pump when your baby doesn't latch as well as you hoped or have bad engorgement in the middle of the night. No need to buy local sets with warranty cos not worth the price at all. Buy US set makes more sense and there very low probability that you will have problems with the pump. This pump really saved my sanity on several occasions during confinement when I was engorged and painful!

Cream donut,

US set comes with soft shields only and they are M-sized ones by default.


You will be back soon. Have a safe journey! 6.45pm coach very late reaching sg... Do take some rest in the coach ok!


The breastpump is actually very idiot-proof. Only need to sterilize 4 parts - funnel/shied (where breasts go into), membrane (the flat yellow rubber thing), cap (covers membrane) and main pump body (attach funnel to bottle). That's it. Very very simple and easy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Assemble once and you'll know liao.

Haha hopefully I will know how to figure out when I buy it... Ya a lot good reviews on medela freestyle.. Will get it soon! So much things to buy now... Need to think bout pram, sterilizer, warmer, playpen, rocker... Think that's about it...

you will when the time comes! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm in the coach now. Think will be midnight by the time reach SG. I am really very drained out with all the work from last Friday till today. Everyday slept at 1am-2am and wake up at 8am. Super shagged out now not to mention missing my babe horribly. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I hate to travel for work. Gonna tell my boss I'm not going HK next month.

Wah...pity you. Should send some others colleague than a pregnant lady ma.. I thought u taking flight... Why get u take coach?

Hello mummies,

How's everyone doing? Went for detail scan last sat n it's a boy, pls update for mi ya..

Any mummies experience leg cramps so far? I had it for past few days, feel like chopping off my legs!

Take care mummies n enjoy the 2nd trimester n we r halfway thru the journey.. Keke...

minidiary: can update my baby's gender - boy .. thanks =D

starrymommy: coach from which part of malaysia? remember to wriggle your toes and change position every now and then .. hope it will not be too late when you reached singapore ..

ver: so far, i managed to 'escape' from leg cramps a couple of times .. remember to lift your legs on a pillow at times, for better blood circulation ..

I think reina ever shared that if we want to buy medela in bulk, she can negotiate for a beta price, I facebook her n ask her.. Now i m quite keen to have #3 cos I feel that two kids are abit lonely n so I shd invest in one

creamdonut, the spare parts are available in singapore..

My colleague ask me to get medela PIS, more strength she said but heavier and bulkier.. I think I might get PIS cos I was using it for my 1st pregnancy.. I fb reina, wait for her to join us here


Swaddleme and swaddlepod are from the same company, swaddlepod is the newer product. I have not used swaddleme but my sis who used it said her daughter could escape! I like it that with the pod, I can check and change baby easily, without having to unwrap baby's arms, and that the fabric is thin cos my daughter had a heat rash from the swaddling. I intend for baby to sleep without ac for at least the first month.

hi MTB, i have a 2nd hand Kate Spade Classic Noel Henry Baby Bag in dkchocolat to sell..used for 2 months only, condition 95%...selling @ SGD 230, self collection..

interested, pls call me @ 91112839

Hi gals

Sorry for MIA for sometime. I was sick and now busy with training.

Anyway, understand you gals want to buy freestyle. To quote u gals with the price, just wondering when you all intend to buy as it depends on the rates and other factors too.

Hey reina, sorry to bother u..

I want to get PIS.. I dont mind waiting for the other gals to firm up their orders.. Take in my order first okie.. Now good time to buy cos usd is weak n sing is strong right?


No worries. I would recommend to buy now cos now is very low.

I like PIS too. I am using that too. I just ordered the stock and will be here around end of June. U want this batch? If yes, I will reserve for u

Okie, i dont mind get first.. if not my heart itchy itchy de and will keep thinking of my "missing" breastpump...

Let me know how much and the tt details... Thanks ah!

Just let you gals know, if you are interested in any items ony website, do let me know. Will give more discounts for fellow Oct mummies. Hehe...

I recently brought a quite a few new items like baby slings and diaper bags and others. I do have grobags too...

Hey Reina,

take care ya...

btw I email you to order the Freestyle. Btw in your opinion which one is better? the PIS or freestyle? wat is the pros and cons?

Thanks Minidiary,

arrghh didnt know got more bb fair in July, then i bought breatpump early from motherhood hahaa...

really tempted in US sets but bought in sg for warranty issue, cause i heard Medela sometimes milk will jam also

Swing is only about $200 from US while i paid $350+ from the expo.

btw: initially i wanted to use disposable diapers, but when i saw bumwear, i was fascinated by how pretty and easy to wash, hope i don't get lazy. but if really can reduce rashes and make my bb more comfy, i don't mind trying

tasha, i had medela swing too.. i so silly, last time bought at kiddy palace... still got the price tag on the box, think i dont want to see how much issit la.. heartpain

PIS suction is stronger than freestyle but bulkier and much heavier.. if i recall correctly on the feeling, freestyle more comfortable but PIS i think more suitable for me...


Roxanne&Prettymums, may i knw wat is PIS?

Actually i used the Medela Single Deluxe™ Breastpump 2 yr ago, but don't knw now still can use or not cos can't testing..haa..haa..

