(2011/10) Oct 2011

mine is at gynea clinic 11am! so i guess i dont need to queue and wait v long [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]mine is $90 only. Oscar was $300. also done at clinic


Fantastar, for me Chinese calendar accurate but not sure bout rice counting.. Can I count now even though knowing the gender already? Haha


My scan is tomolo. For those who know the gender, may I ask whether you all tried the Shettles method and its accuracy?

Just for curiousity...

i did my DS ytd!!! Finally... know tt it's a girl!!!

Minidiary, can help me to update the table. Thks!

Little bb, i was down with pro-long bad cought when i was ard 11wks preg... tried a few cough syrup and antibotics but the cough simply refused to go away for gd. Until my gynea prescribed me with a much stronger antibotics when i am in my 2nd tri.. i nv heard tt tis is a norm in pregnancy leh..

koi, the chinese calendar is accurate but the rice counting doesnt seem so for tis pregnancy.. dunno whether is it bcos i did it too early.. i did it when i juz know i was preg and all 3 tries come out to be 'BOY"..


I am exactly the same age and conceive month as you. Next week going for my detail scan, if the same I will let u know too..


i asked my gynae, he said better not do anything major, unless really no choice but then up to the dentist if he is confidence enough to do.

Gilera, I was told by friends not to do massage on shoulder and neck. Wisdom tooth extraction if operation, the dentist will use a lot of strength to drill the tooth up.

my chinese predictor also correct and somehow my brain got synched to think that mine is boy from start..haha

Hazel> Me! attending TMC Wong Boi Boi's classes starting in July.

creamdonut: I guess cause they are bulky items, so mayb some mummies dont have enough storage space (E.g. staying w in-laws) ba.. she told me can start buying the small items though.. anywayz, i bought a 5-in-1 cot at the MH Fair yesterday @ Bobo House, it's a Daily Special and they will be delivering in Sep.. ^5, I thought it's good to prepare early too, in case i dont feel well at the later stage & dont taste my hubby's taste.. Opps! =P

fantastar: Congrats! heh.. Did u buy anything at MH Fair today?

gilera: Cant comment much on the promo as we are first time parents & it's our first fair.. excited so we bought quite abit of stuffs there, fr baby carriers, cloth diapers, bumper playmat, bottles to the baby cot.. all of it on promo packages which they claim cant be found outside.. Philips there too.. When I asked if the price is comparable to the Philips Sale, a lady told me it's the same.. not sure if it's true.. can check out the daily promo pdf that fantastar sent! just change the date to that day's date..

Gilera: I also had wisdom tooth pain during my 3rd mtg. Gynae said depends on where the doctor is doing the extraction - hospital or clinic, and also how complicated is the process. Sounded like not advisable. In the end I just endured the pain for a week and it went away

My detailed scan went very smoothly yesterday, completed in about 25min. Baby was cooperative I guess.

Seeing baby thru the scans each time makes feel very happy and assured.

I'm putting on about 1kg every 3 weeks, about 7kg gain so far. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But baby weighs about 313gm thru the detailed Scan yesterday. Doctor says this weight is normal as baby shd weigh about 10% of full term weight on 20th week. Wau lao! This means I'm putting on all the rest. What's happening? I dun snack, dun eat a lot of carbo, basically dun eat a a lot. I guess it's because I dun move

Mommies...detailed scan is for what? Gynae arranged for mine to be done on 23rd June @ NUH. Is it just to find out the gender of the BB?

I also have indigestion and it feels really terrible. I do not what to do just feel like lying on the bed and sleep. :D

Karen> I'm taking on sat at amk hub, at least there is more convenient.

Winny> from what I know its to measure the baby's growth and check the heart and organs etc. From DS can should be able to tell the gender if your gynae has not let you know.

I had bad bloating during my first tri so I know its really terrible feeling. Everyday bloated, cannot eat. I drink ginger tea and gassy drink to help burp out the gas..

Karen> my thought too about my baby only 341g and I increased 4.5kg. out of it, 3.5kg from last 4 weeks I almost fell off from the weighing scale when I saw the number..lol..must be my feasting during babymoon :/

Thanks mummies for the comforting reasons for weight gain.

Anyway now that you gals r pregnant, what do you normally do during ur free time? I'm finding my life rather boring and depressing as I mostly spend my free time with my hubby watching TV, DVDs, online animae and movies at cinemas. Seems like pregnancy kinda crippled the options we have. Can't cycle, can't swim, can't drink etc.. I tried to go for a overseas trip to a resort during my 1st trimester but the trip was also kinda boring as I was very careful not to do much exciting stuff like swimming, snorkeling, massage etc other than eating and shopping. I feel bad for my husband too since he also refrained fr doing all those stuffs not to make me feels felt out.. I'm Feeling really depressed now... 19 weeks to go.. Wat do u all do to make urself feels better?

Jinnous-I had stopped taking the chinese medicine currently taking Duro Tuss cough syrup only.Had tried soak my feet on hot water before sleep,had tried rubbing my soles with menthol oil or tiger balm but all dun seems to work.Haiz dun know what to do...

Hey mummies regarding Wong Boi Boi classes,i need to go down TMC personally to register?I am thinking to attend her class at AMK hub.

Karen- seems for the more active ppl it could be boring after preg. Still can swim n go for walks. I played wii until arm sore bit had to refrain from jumping / was playing badminton n tennis la.

Spend more time reading abt bb online n mags n books too. Rushed for the on going sales at taka n philips last 2 weeks.

Spring clean house etc. Still alot of preparation work to do for bb arrival.

Tummy is super bulging! Top half protrudes more than bottom half. Belly button not flat though. Will all buttons flatten out for everyone? Is the bb still below navel? Last scan at 20wks detailed scan was below navel. Tummy is way jutting out than boobs.

Registration done online via TMC site.

Hb n gfs said class not a must since during hospital stay can attend courses. Else books By Wong BB n preg apps videos Also v informative.

Gilera: no la, my hubby and I are not the active type to begin with. But it's sadder when our options are even lesser now. I used to love chilling out with wine, drinking coffee, doing massage and swimming. But none of these i can do now. I guess I'm just sicked of watching shows - overdosed to be accurate.

Anyway baby is no longer below navel now. They should be turning around 360degree. Our upper tummy is big becos all our organs are being pushed upwards including our stomach. Tat's explains why we bloat easily. Our bladder stays below the baby however, tat's also explains our weaker bladder.

For those of you who are still experiencing indigestion or bloatedness, this is something that I do to help relieve:

Bring some water to boil.

Add in a few slices of Ginger

Continue to simmer for another 10-15min

Remove from fire and add sugar/honey and few drops of lemon according to individual taste

hope this helps you gals too!

Gilera: you are so hardworking! Pregnant still do spring cleaning! Enjoyable meh?!


no problem swimming, I still swim about 20 laps 3 times a month and go for long walks. I used to run very regularly, that's the only thing that I've stopped doing.


Chinese calendar is accurate for my #1 and #2 and all of my friends, so I highly recommend to use this method. However, it is not 100% but based on informal survey, I think its about 85% right. Can combine with Shettles to give yourself a boost, which is what I did.

went for my ds at 21 weeks, dr says bb is chubby, over 450g!!! I hope this doesn't mean that baby will be 4.5kg at birth!!! Weight gain is 5.5kg so far.

hey mummies,

do check out the motherhood fair at expo this weekend!

ordered a baby cot (a collapsable type with wheels which my hubby loved. size not too big which can fit our master bedroom and be wheeled around) and 5 piece bedding set, swaddle clot and some mittens and booties. also some cotton nursing bras at offer prices.

we couldn't decide on the car seat and pram tho' so i think that'll come later. the price ranges for these items is so great so i better do some research first.

still at work...2 more hours to go and it's raining heavily!!

have a good weekend everyone!

{Rabbit] Do you know if it's ok to start only around 25-26 weeks? i wanna sign up for her class also but June's fully booked. scary... which day are u starting urs?

Karen, I'm abt 18-19 weeks now and tummy getting bigger. I still suffer from daily morning sickness.

At least your hubby allows you to go for overseas trip. Mine simply said no because he's worried.

I even suggested KL so I do not have to take flight but still he would like to be on the safer side. So...mine's worse. Kekeke..

But one thing that's really good is I do not have to do housework at all and I can "command" him to do things for me. Wahahaha!!

For exercise, it's me who is lazy. Actually swimming and stroll is ok.

hi gilera, u r really hardworking. My frens gave me so many books but i just keep them in the shelf. :p

Hazel> I am starting on 23 July cos I want weekend and Wong BB class before that is fully booked, its my Week 27 actually so I will finish the class in week 32.

Little bb> you can go TMC and book/pay online.

Tamms> you swim breaststroke? haha I was at the pool in Phuket and I dare not kick so hard so in the end just soak in the pool.

I am also feeling crippled. Used to travel for short trips almost every month. But now hubby dont allow at all. And i work from home. so past few months i have been "doing nothing" at home. Watch tv, play games..

And my 2 girls are quite big now. Hence they entertain themselves. Dont need me to "play" with them too.

Really v v bored [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sorry to disturb.

Just wondering if any mummies are keen in baby wraps and bean sprout pillows


PM me if interested

Have a nice day!


my breaststroke is terrible! I only use breaststroke to warm down at the end. I'm better at front crawl aka freestyle

re-useable pads:

A lady selling these at the motherhood expo, I bought 2pc washable panty liners to try out. Offer is 20% off at the expo. Not sure that I want to convert to re-useables full time in the future cos of the hassle of packing and storing soiled pads, but will try it for home use when my cycle comes round again. For now will just start with pantyliner. For mummies who are considering:


Dear Mummies,

Everytime i log in here, i had to read a few days at a time :D

Sorry to hear some mummies has MS coming back from 21weeks onwards.

I must be quite lucky i do not hv MS since day 1, only puke gastric juice if i cant eat in time during 1st tri, i ate 4 full meals during 1st tri, and dropped to 2 meals during 2nd tri, overall im about 22wks soon and my tummy is still very small, look like 3mths or some people dont even know im preggy

As for food, i only control the Liang stuffs like Watermelon, Pineapple, Beansprouts etcetc, i still eat whatever I like including ocassional salmon sushi, thai curry, tom yam soup and so on, cant take spicy food meh?? What is the reason??

Also my hub is the most shun you of my life, he doesnt control what i eat and encourages me to watch Vampires or ghost movies ocassionally too! I like horror shows much, wont get nightmares, will have effect on BB or mother? So far when i know if show too violent or horror i will walk away cause not sure can watch or not v sianz!!

Wanna watch Xmen too but my friends say cannot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

As for OScar test, we also paid 400+ for 1 bloodtest

And 2 scans at TCM

Cheers!! Tasha

13wks and 20wks

Early evening mummies!

creamdonut: haha~ my poor hubby has to carry most of the stuffs lor, including e 9.5kg bumper playmat.. luckily my mum was also w us for half the journey back.. some more no cab! had to take train/bus! abit KS lah.. wanna settle as much as we can.. bought some nursing bras/tops at Spring Maternity too (got 20-70% off) but limited sizes for some clothes..

i saw there's 20% discount off most Pigeon items.. but dunno if the sterliser is there as we were focusing on other items..

Re: Things to do while preggy

was happily doing light exercise after 1st trimester.. but am to refrain from exercise (& also hsework) after the 4th mth! On the brighter side, i have more time to do some preggy reading, my scrapbook, cross-stitch for our lil' girl.. oso to clear out some of the things to mk way for her stuffs! =)

Creamdodnut, e pigeon sterilizer set s going at $188 as it is bundle with a bottle/food warmer n a few other items. Not sure whether worth it or nit as I already bought a multiple-sterilizer at og at 125.

Hi mummies,

Went for my 20th Week detailed scan today and got to know mine's a bb boy! I should be very excited, but sonographer told me my bb's neck fold measurement today is a borderline case for possible DS. Am very disturbed by this and I have been feeling down since this morning.

I did the Oscars scan and blood test in my 13th week and everything's normal and I was put in the low risk range (1 in > 12000).

Now I have to go back to do another round of scan on Monday to confirm the neck fold thickness as the person in charge of doing that today was not in.

Hubby has been reassuring me it's okay and that things will be fine. But I am still worried [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Sigh, just want to ventilate here.

morninghugs> Ya, don't stress too much, like your hub say..will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I went to Expo too..bought the puku mittens, nursing bras, parklon playmat, disposable breastpad and signed up for the prulink from prudential..alot of parent stock up on diapers so wonder if its really good buy.

Wow still hv prudential booth at expo? I'm from Prudential also. Also intending to buy PruFIRST Gift since more than 18 weeks then can apply. Just gotten my EDD letter fr gynae which I need for the PruFIRST gift and confinement lady application.

Will be heading down to expo tmr too! Hope to Catch good deals!


exercise is fine, just use common sense, etc no contact or high impact sports. I did a swim time trial at 5wks knowing I was expecting. Think the most important thing is to know your limits.

