(2011/10) Oct 2011

Hi mummies,

I'm gg to be due in Aug and have one extra BN Elancyl Stretchmark Prevention cream to let go at $25 (UP $47.30)

please email [email protected] to deal.



hi morninghugs, why is it like this? Did you ask if it's common? I tot the OSCAR scan is to know what are the possibilities of DS?

Gosh, then I'm abit worried le. My % for DS is 1 : 800+ during OSCAR test. I never know this could be changed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Being preggie is really worrying.

Little_bb : I've been coughing more than a month Liao. Now still coughing. Tried a number of cough mixtures and two antibiotics, still not good. Dunno how??

Morninghugs: have ur gynae comment on ur results yet?


I can usually kill a cough or runny nose without meds by taking a combination of these:

fresh lemon and manuka honey umf 15+ drink lukewarm or cool, not hot 2-3x a day

Sambucol 10ml

Redoxon half tab 1x a day

Aircon temp about 25 degrees

Open all windows during the day to air the house

Lots of water

I have not taken anti biotics in 10 years.

You might want to check if you ac needs to be thoroughly cleaned, sometimes the filters are very dirty and are circulating pollutants in your room. hope this helps

Winny: I don't know why too. i guess at the end of the day, the Oscar's test is still just a screening test and it's not conclusive. The CVS or amniotic test is still the conclusive one. Yah, now I really feel that being pregnant is a long process where we never stop worrying [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Babystarlet: My gynae told me to go for the scan first then go back to see her if anything is wrong. Sigh.

Royal: I hope so too... *prays*

Pigeon at Cheong Choon cheaper.... I bot at expo liao then drop by CC to buy bb clothes then realize its cheaper there.... zzzzz

dear gilera,

i was told by my tcm, who is also a nutritionist, to avoid certain food if want Mummy and BB to be fair, dunno if its true but i try to avoid.

meaning avoid Onions and Spring Onions, take more antioxidant foods like Tomatos and so on.

also take more Vitamin C fruits, avoid taking oranges too often as it might cause phelgm to our babies later.

dunno if its true, i jus avoid, although v troublesome to pick out the Spring Onions one by one in my food whenever i forget to tell them to put. hahaaa

for oranges, i still eat but maybe like 1 a week or every 2 weeks, usually i take strawberry/kiwis/apples/grapes.

on breakrule days, i eat lychees and rambutans but control the amount as not sure if can eat regularly or not hahaaa

Oh man, I also bought the pigeon sterilizer set at $188.

Was lucky as my friend told me that she can pass me her Quinny stroller frame. So I got myself a Maxi-cosi car seat at expo for $254 which can attach to the Quinny stroller frame and double-act as a parent-facing stroller.

My cousin told me Medela breast pump is very good but still hesitated to make any decision even though they were going at 20% discount at expo today. Eyeing on the double pumps that has 2phase technology (stimulation & suction), soft rubber pump material & run on 12watts but it's an expensive investment at $754 before disc.

Double pump that doesn't have 2phase technology (only suction, no stimulation & massaging) comes with a hard pump material, runs on 3watts, is selling cheaper at $305.60 before disc. However the lady this model is more recommended for latch-on mummies who need occasional use to relieve the extra milk after feeding, not for expressing mummies to use on constant basis due to a weaker motor.

Any advice?

Aiyo, how to know whether we want to latch-on or express now? I think express is better as we can know how much exactly are our babies drinking. Although latch-on can stimulate intimacy, I believe there are many other ways to be intimate with your child eg. massaging.

My cousin says must buy double pump as the other side will leak milk when we pump one side.

alot of people ask me to get double pump also but in the end i chose to get the Swing.

Cause i will not be sure if my nipples will be sore later.

If while breast-feeding and milk leaks on the other side, i'm planning to breast feed on 1 side and pump on the other side at the same time, if can tahan the pain (if any) hahaaa

the Swing and Freestyle can stimulate our breast to encourage more milk also but Freestyle is too ex.

US sets on ebay are really cheap, i was tempted to get the Swing from ebay but due to the warranty, my hub told me to get directly from expo.

The bundle was cheaper at Taka last week with additional 10% for Taka card (which i dont hv)

But Expo bundle comes with a Breastfeeding book from Mt A which i went thru briefly at home and find it very informative to help mothers to understand more about breastfeeding.

So overall, i think its a good deal lar as I'm not sure when will Medela be hving promo again.

morninghugs: hope everything is fine ..

gilera: my underarms are darker from pre-pregnancy - cause of hormonal changes ..

re: breastpump

I chose Avent single electric breastpump for its convenience - 1)it can convert to manual 2)I just need to bring the bottle attached to the part .. Have wanted to get the twin electric; almost paid for it when I realized that I have to bring 2 pumps out which was rather inconvenient .. Is true that the other breast will leak milk when we are feeding/expressing from one side of our breast .. The best way I learnt from my friends was to block the other nipple with our fingers while feeding/expressing ..


my OSCAR test show thick NT but low risk for blood test and my gynae ask me to take a step at a time n go for a detailed scan done by specialist ie to do detailed scan at wk 18 instead of wk 20. during e detailed scan my bb's neck is slightly over by borderline but no other abnormalities seen..

Went for my routine chk up over wkend n showed my gynae the result n letter by specialist which suggest amnio thou no abnormalities seen. My gynae say it's ok jus leave it since nthg seen shld be ok n my blood test is ok too cos she reiteriate tat thick NT doesnt mean anything..

When so did my scan she says bb is active so shld be ok jus stay happy n pray hard [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thou bb's a little small but still growing...

im staying postitive till e day my lil' one is out... so dun worry too much n we shall stay happy so we'll have a happy bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes my underarms seems darker too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] im rather into sleevless tops so really dread it... was thinking can i use those whitening for underarms now..

morning mummies,

had a bad start since boarding the train, no one gave up seat, i was struggling to carry my textbook & bag. & the auntie was very inconsiderate to even push me to get to the pole. T,T

i hope my trip after work & school will be better.

very exhausted from taking the train..

i am so envy to those who have went my detailed scan... i finally can countdown to mine as well, 8 more days !!!!... i can see how's my bb doing.

Snuppy, I'm also counting down to my detailed scan on 13 jun!!

Getting more sianz at work... Being stress by my numbers n bosses as I'm in the sales line.... Super sianz....can't wait for maternity to start!!

Breast pump, I intend to get the freestyle from one of the mummies here she's selling the US set.

sigh, today is a bad start for me too, woke up feeling so super bloated and my tummy sort of bloated to become quite hard. not much appetite for breakfast also. sian. hope its not MS coming back.

morning mummies!

looks like a lot of us went shopping this weekend.

just wondering: how often do those in the 21st-22nd weeks of pregnancy feel their baby moving throughout the day? mine is quite inconsistent, and i'm a bit worried...

On latching and pumping - I am a big fan of latching on baby. Feels really nice to hold him close and watch him suckle. Beats staring at the pump and watching the milk level [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For mummies using single pumps, can use milk savers on the other breast to catch any leakage. But the thing is when we go back to work, double pumps are more efficient - imagine one side takes 20mins, two sides will take you 40mins!

hi mummycoccyx, i do not usually feel the baby throughout the whole day, like urs, quite inconsistent. haha. think for nw still ok to be inconsistent, only till 7th mth then have to be consistently like 10 moves in an hr like that ...

Dear morninghugs, like all other mommies I'm telling myself to stay positive too!!

My pregnancy is not totally smooth but being pregnant is the most optimistic thing that could happen to me. I'm hoping the best and staying positive. Also, try not to think much too. Take a step at a time.

All Mommies Jia You!!

genesis28, cherylden,

actually the remaining 4-5 months are rather not long away nor short,

hahaha just that I find it rather exciting as the days pass by, cos don't know when will we deliver? will it be on the actual edd or ?

i just hope my bb be good & don't clashes with my examination dates, hahah

snuppy (bighungrybear)

You are still able to take exam? Wow really good leh, I hardly have the energy to last till 4pm, and walking home is like a long journey.


i don't wish to defer my studies again, hence brace myself up and telling bb to be hardworking for this period of time. hahah sounds funny as it is, but nowadays when i am seriously tired or not focusing in class, i will tell bb to be guai give me the energy "li liang" to finish the entire lesson. hahaha

Hi mummycox. I can't feel baby's movements all the time too and i am in my 21 weeks. I supposed when I am busy in office, i don't pay so much attention to my tummy as much. Typically i can feel baby more after meal times, maybe surge in sugar to the placenta haha?

hi mummycox, leeoh, cheryl,

im about 21wk 4day now, in fact last few days i already can feel movement especially at night when i'm lying on my bed watching tv, timings are 10am+, sometimes 3pm+, sometimes 6pm+, then between 12-2am strong, i think my girl is an owl :p

Actually they move everyday just that we r busy with our own stuffs that we do not feel the movements, if u find time to lie down for like 30mins or so, talk to bb, sometimes will move v slightly or will even kick u :D

Slowly observe movements, by 23weeks should be able to feel more constant already

Hi mummies, I am back from the hospital! BB is cleared from the 20th week scan, finally! On Saturday, I was really downcast with the NT measurement, and on top of that I didn't clear my dipstick test because they found protein in my urine. So had to send urine for a more detail lab test to see if it's UTI or some kidney problem. Can you imagine how worried I was?

Today I went back and got another more experienced sonographer to do the NT measurement. She was very patient though BB was not cooperative (again!!) but she took time to wait for BB to shift to a good position before she took a few measurements to ensure accuracy of results. Last Sat NT measurement was 6mm (borderline), and today after few rounds of measurements, NT measured 4.8mm! What a huge difference!

Anyway, the sonographer patiently explained and assured us that she took a few rounds of measurements to be more accurate. When I went to my gynae with the updated report, she said today I have a more experienced sonographer and that I should be assured BB is more or less fine! Furthermore, she received my urine lab test results which cleared me from any proteins in the urine, and she explained that the dipstick test is not a totally accurate test but this lab report shows I am fine!

Can you imagine how worried I have been for the past 2 days and how within an hour today everything seems to have cleared up and ended up positively! Now I really know what it means when my colleagues say once you are pregnant, you never stop worrying!

Creamdonut, rabbit_bb, royal, winny, fantastar, Thank you for your reassuring words [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Let us all jiayou in our pregnancy journey together!

bubblygeekypig: What do you mean by BB active so should be okay? Do you mean to say that if BB is not normal (e.g. DS), activity will be lesser? Sorry if I misunderstand...

hi mummies,

Baby Movement: I felt it since 20weeks.. till now.. everytime i almost wake up, or before sleep...watching tv, and when letting him listen to babyplus. Amazing feeling!

Birdnest: Im eating the LHK concentrate birdnest... 2 teaspoon a day, early morning and before sleep. Will ask my mum to buy dried birdnest this month... so eat only twice a month...

Breastpump: will Medela Freestyle buy from US... maybe in July... heard about SGD$430-450 only... here selling very exp!

cream donut: lolx.. actually i also feel tired so i had breaks inbtw, sit on the chairs to rest.. also walked slower than the elderly! =P

snuppy: gambate! v. pei fu that you still have the energy to study!! hope we will all meet more considerate ppl on e bus/train.. will also be going for my detailed scan nxt wk! *excited*

leeoh: i guess cos we are absorbed at work so not so sensitive to bb's movement.. there's once i was put on bed rest for few days so i was more aware of the contractions and told the doc that i felt more "painful" & was scared my condition worsen.. in the end, doc just smiled im feeling more contractions because i had shifted my focus (zuo bo at hme).. =)

morninghugs: glad that everything is fine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

minidiary: are u going w the spree with the same lady i got my Medela Freestyle from? u mean u r buying in July?

Karen: go with sprees, it's really much cheaper than to buy in SG.. my Medela Freestyle is half of that selling in SG..

there's one mummy in our Oct forum is selling the Medela Freestyle too. forget who liao. maybe i will get from her. She said order in July, get in it Aug...

good morning mummies......

i felt my bb movement more constant now.... guess the past few weeks i thought it's juz itchness of the skin is actually bb movement... juz now i cant confirm.... so interesting....

Till now, I have not feel any movements..Maybe I too fat..so cant feel anything..:-(

Minidiary - is that lady name Regine? I may want to get from her too..waiting for July..

hi mummies,

thanks for sharing about baby movements! just when i got worried, she started kicking quite a bit from late morning til now. to reassure me i hope!

minidiary: u use babyplus? i saw that being sold at the expo but din buy. i am letting my little girl listen to mozart through headphones haha.

i'm thankful for this forum where we can all share. itz been a funny week. last week, one of my hubby's ex colleagues just informed us she got miscarriage, then my fren who just got married said she's preggers but is really unhappy as it is unplanned, then my colleague who got chicken pox first month of pregnancy going to get termination. feel a bit overwhelmed by all the news!

anyhow, i just hope all of us stay positive and happy as the days go by!

snuppy (bighungrybear)

Very very good! Is good that u have the determination. : ) Very happy for you too! At least can achieve something by end of this year. I do hope to be like you too!! But meanwhile you can try to catch some rest in btw.

Jia you!

morninghugs: so glad & happy to hear that everything is alright for baby & you =D

bighungrybear: jia you jia you!!

i just started to feel the 'quickening' sensation over the weekend =D it was incredible!!


my gynae jus mention bb active shld be ok n if not bb wont be so active.. i remb previously she mention active bb shld be ok.. so i would presume tat active means healthy bb?

Ya it's reina... Haha waiting to order from her...

Mummy coccyx.. Ya I'm using baby plus... Bought at $175 from eBay.. Just started last week only which is 21weeks... Should start at 18weeks... But still not too late.

Anyone ign up cord life? Went to the motherhood fair thought to sign up but lastly I did not... Because the previous fair I went... The price is cheaper and comes with free vouchers.. The recent one, no voucher and slightly exp. Dunno why...

miffy: u got ur Medela Freestyle thru a spree too? Got any difference in the warranty between the US and local set? Where to replace or repair if spoil?

Any particular reason why everyone only talking about the Freestyle model under Medela? There's also another model under Medela, also double pumps, 2phase technology, except not free style. The motor seems to be in a black bag. This model in SG is cheaper by $250 compared to freestyle in SG.

Minidiary: If u found the person going for a spree, let us know so that we can order together?

So those who have got a pump or intending to get one, does it mean that you guys have decided to go for expressing method? Is getting a breastpump really necessary? What if we can't produce milk? My mum says that she did not breastfeed me cos she has very little. My cousin on the other hand says that we WILL DEFINITELY have milk and the supply will not stop unless we stop.

I'm trying to convince my husband that it is necessary to buy before delivery.


#1 Pray&Love (minidiary)

Check with you, roughly what is the monthly fees or yearly fees we have to pay for cord life?

Any mummies already signed with cord life?

