(2011/10) Oct 2011

benben, esther,

i still eat soft boiled eggs! only eat those from ya kun and toastbox. figured that since they get fresh eggs every day and nv keep 'old stock', i just eat. :p and i eat everything, even medium rare steak. if there is sashimi i will also indulge a bit. haha! the only thing i avoid is alcohol. }


KWXY, 6wk should be ok if can see heartbeat.

If you can't get a 2nd opinion, I would say NOT to go for D&C yet. I know of mummies who wait for natural miscarriage to occur (heavy bleeding) before going for D&C. And there are some of them, end up the baby survived and their babies are 2yo now.

kwxy > Oh dear. But I thought if you can see the heartbeat, the baby should be ok. Don't worry too much. We will pray for you. Do update us.


hang on there. don make decision so fast.

ya it's better to look for other gynae for second opinion.. Don cry dear *Hugs Hugs*


HUGS! Don't cry don't cry! Anyone with you right now? Stay calm. Breath well and stay calm! Don't cry okay. Everything will be fine. See what Dr Ang says later.

minidiary> ya, I didn't do the v-scan. Br Ben did ask me if i want to do after I did the u/sound, at that point feel abit paisay then i think he sensed it so he say he is not worried cos the watersac is nice and round so ask me to go back 2 weeks later (which is this sat) to check up and also measure to know edd. I should smack my own head, if i done v-scan then can save me the worrying now :/

esther> yup been avoiding since i found out i'm preg, the irony is the morning I did the test I still went Ya Kun to have half boiled egg..haha..this time round u/sound still cannot see heartbeat or measure then i definitely will do the v-scan. the wild thinking is driving me nuts.


oh dear.. i'm so sorry to hear that. *hugs hugs*! really hope that baby will be okay. i know it's heartbreaking for you but keep talking to baby and pray for a miracle. glad that you are seeking 2nd opinion. keep us updated okay?

rabbit bb,

haha ya lo, let me smack ur head! Actually I find Dr Ben did the most comfortable vscan... haha compares to 2 previous female gynae i've done before...so rough! you don have nausea, so good...envy envy...


it's a big progress from last week, u managed to see the heartbeat, don't understand why the dr will say this... it's good that you're seeking a 2nd opinion now, don't cry... hugz, and don't make any decisions now.


what's the measurement of the bb?

i also scan heartbeat in 6th week, but from real counting it's actually 9th weeks pregnant. but Dr Ben didnt say anything about smaller baby, he just based on what he saw on the screen and measurement to predict it's 6th weeks. i think got heartbeat is a very steady aredi... be positive!

minidiary> i should double smack my head cos actually 2 weeks later should be today but that day I backside itchy say I want to go on a Sat (so I no need to rush to work in the morning today) so now I have to worry extra 2 days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] actually many pple say got MS is means good progress so its going well for you, don't envy me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hubby is with me. I just cannot control my emotions. When I see the heartbeat I'm so happy!! But doc simply shook his head and said bb too small! He said bb grow very fast in one week....when he asked me to take out the bb next week, I almost breakdown.


did he tell u the measurement? there may be some degree of error as u/s scan measurements are estimates. your baby may be on the smaller side but that doesn't mean it's not healthy. having a heartbeat is very good news already! hope dr lawrence ang and give you a clearer answer and good news as well.


i also smack my own head la.. suppose i see him this Friday but that time never know HK trip postpone, so schedule next Monday. if not, maybe this Friday im free from duphaston aredi... ish ish...

KWXY, don't get upset. Cos my baby was 0.34cm when I was in Week 7 (but the machine says week 6). End up, when I went back 2 weeks later, baby is estimated to be week 9 (based on my calculations), not week 8 (based the machine's prediction).

Don't worry so much. If your baby is small, mine is smaller but I'm in week 10 already! So as long as no bleeding, no bad cramps, just ignore what the gynae say and rest well. Think happy thoughts and talk to baby.

<3 We are all supporting you & the little one inside you :D

I also dun feel like working now, but one salary how to survive...? Still have lot more to pay for check up etc..

I'm feeling so frustrated at work today.. Issit really cos of hormone change?

Amici, yes got heard before preg woman best not to get startled.. Btw why he shout at u?

KWXY - *Hugs hugs* babe.

Can't believe what I read! I think is absurd. Good that you are seeing another gynae now. Praying for you!


NO NO!! Don't do D&C!! I oso had the same problem when I was week 6 last week! Mine was even worst whereby my gynea can rarely detect the hearbeat and my water sac is long instead of round!! So we waited until this week and did a v-scan and viola! the heartbeat is strong and water sac round!

Don't cry. Hear what Dr Ang tells you later. Think positive!


so missing ya kun toast with soft boil eggs and bread. *Slurp*

But, I am very rational.. haha


You really steady! Haha! Heard people says if taking sashimi from reputable restaurants should be safe.


don't worry ya. Sometimes gynae or the equipment gave wrong assessment. Ask as many questions you are worried as possible. This will put your mind at ease.


not steady, it's 'tam chiak'! hahaha!! my gf also had sashimi during pregnancy, but from reputable restaurants. not those takeaway types. of course if can control then avoid best lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if buay tahan, then sneak a few slices it's okay. hee hee!!

Kwxy, if got heartbeat I dun see any reason y d&c.. Pls seek 2nd opinion n hang in there.. Jia you!! Maybe request do v scan which I think is more acurate cos early pregnancy.

Hugs n pat pat on ur shoulder!


Even if I wan to eat soft boiled eggs and medium-rara steaks, I also cannot lor. I will have a pair of eagle eyes (Hubby'seyes hehehe) staring at me if I were to order them. sighz...

This time round he even added PEANUTS to the no-no list! Bcos my SIL told us that peanuts might trigger ezcema in bb. My #1 have infant ezcema so this time round, peanuts are out too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Machine is machine will have fault at times. Pls don't do D&C, there will be miracle and believe in your baby. Be strong[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I was parking and he wants to do unloading. But that is not even an unloading lot, it's a season parking lot. I think he is some superior in charge of foreign workers so he is always shouting away. If I'm not pregnant, I wouldn't be so angry[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i had to convince my hubby abt medium rare steak also. i googled and found articles on it and even showed him other forums where pregnant mummies had medium rare steak and their babies were all fine! that's why he lets me eat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not sure about peanuts though. do a search and see if that's true?

Ben Ben

i remember my #1 i also ate alot of peanuts and my #1 have quite bad ezcema when she was 1 month old, so this time round, strictly no peanuts for me. i think this is true.


I had medium rare steak, fresh oyster and sashimi when I was preg with #1 and baby turn out fine. I think take in moderation and from reputable restaurants. But that shows your hb is concern about you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I don't take peanut as I google and found it can cause allergy such as rashes, asthma etc. Especially my hb has childhood asthma so scare baby high allergy.


I am not really a fan of steaks... so I can still REN. I can still take sukiyaki as alternative for nice beef :p


Orh... then i have to psycho myself that peanut is EVIL. hahaha

Amici, take deep breath n sayang tummy tell bb dun be scared.. Hehe.. I also get vy irritated when e dog at home bark out of sudden.. Btw U see if next poo got green color or not.. :p hehe

Starry, u still eat soft boil egg? I also feel like eating arrgh! Now I dun even dare to eat egg mayo n my fav ham [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ben Ben,

yes, peanuts is out. I understand that if our hubby/ us/ #1 bb has enzeyma, asthma, it is best that we avoid peanuts.

Peanuts is very poisonous to me. I cannot take peanuts as my face will broke out. if you have pimples, you will get very bad pus on your zits.

Bad for elderly also, so I always stop my parents from popping peanuts. Bad for their joints.

Conclusion: Peanuts is bad.


You are also one adventurous babe! Haha! I didn't get the chance to eat any raw oysters then. Wah now that u mention it, kind of feel like having. :p Actually just take in moderation is fine. Don't OD on anything.


Those eggs they use are all fresh ones. U can tell by how tall the yolks stand and how thick and 'fluffy' looking the whites are. If the whole egg is flat and watery (ever seen before from those coffeeshops) then don't take. Flat and watery eggs mean they have been ard for a long time. Think I'll have them for breakfast tmr. Cannot resist them.


Oh ya, egg mayo can eat bah. I had normal mayo on burgers and sandwiches. Just be sure that the products come from clean restaurants, bakeries etc. I also ate ham. Didn't know cannot eat till too late, eat a lot of ham sandwiches already. :p

been awhile since i logged in..

kwxy, hugs.. pls seek 2 & more opinions.. be positive since there is heartbeat! dont cry.. jiayou


Haha, you so funny. You reminded me of my my mum's old wives tale that bb if scare scare will have green poo.


Wow, can see you really like eggs from the way you can differentiate fresh and non fresh. Rem, take in moderation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

been having terrible time..will vomit aft 1/2 to 1 hours of eating my meals.. tos vomit big big time one.. so sick of it! aft vomitting, will get super hungry within 2 hours.. arghh... hate nite time cos cant sleep well if hungry..

No worries, I've done my research on Mayo too. If come from those selling at supermarket is fine. Those places making egg mayo sandwiches usually buy their mayo in big can and comes from a reputable brand that supermarkets are selling too. However, ham, hotdog, sausages etc better don't eat too much. Not healthy.


where have u been?

im on and off nausea also. terrible!

today no energy and skip lunch by just eating fruits and yogurt drinks.

pray&love, trying to rest as much as i can... very tired lately too wif all the vomitting... plus taking care of my active girl... big time tired!

my girl very funny & cute.. whenever i ran to the toilet & having the loud vomit sound.. she will say "aiyo, mummy vomit" very loud then come & pat my back or ask me to walk slowly out of toilet...

i nvr realy skip mayo...still eating burgers wif mayo & sandwiches too...

pray&love, hi5 leh..me too having been tiking bout delifrance for few days... jz last nite told my hubby have not been to delifrance for bout 4 or 5 yrs liao..

few days ago, i bought my girl to play water in pool.. me really sotong & forgotten dat im preggy & paddle my legs hard in the water to show my girl how to swim... so when i was out of the pool.. i had very strong painful cramps, making me so worried...then my mum quickly made me hot milo and luckily cramps no more...



so cute your girl girl.. i also wish someone accompany me when i vomit but im home alone. no one give me courage words after vomit. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

last month, went for my 1st appt saw TMC got Delifrance so then Im hunger for that. but till now, no energy to go out makan makan yet. haihhh...

