(2011/10) Oct 2011

hi jas, congrats on dun feel nausea anymore! I hope I will be like you!! haha, me going towards 8th week, but still on medication daily + no appetite. Glad can see heartbeat le. hehe.


Had a bad time just now. Was initally happily back home from Mothercare after getting my Avent pump. Who knows when parking car, a stupid uncle suddenly knock hard on my window and shouted loudly at me. I startled and was in real shock. Rem my mum told me pregnant cannot get startled, not good for baby. Don't know how true is it. Now so worry abt my baby.

Ysd went to Mothercare in the evening. Good deals are all snapped up. Purposely went early morning today and managed to get my pump. Avent manual pump cheap deal at $39, snapped up within 1/2 hr. Scary.


I had one sarong from Mums in mind. Now my boy is coming to 2yrs and I still can't figure out how to use. Eventually gave up. But I see my sis-in-law using and it is really good when breast feeding, can use the tail cloth to cover up. Hmm, need to practise using before my #2 pop up.

Wondering is it safe to consume mango, mangosteen and durians? I realised after eating mango, my stomach seems weird and had slight cramp in the morning. Don't kw is it due to mango or uterus expanding. Have been craving for fruits.


glad that you don't have nausea anymore. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


why did the uncle shout at you?? so rude!


I was at my hb's workplace parking car so that uncle was trying to tell me they are going to do unloading later. Can say nicely lor but he shouted real loud. Sorry for ranting, was so angry with him[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

By the way, which part of JW are you staying. I am staying at St 64. Are you nearby?


I find it useful to get those strollers that u can open n close using just one hand. So that u can carry ur bb in 1 hand and open/close using the other hand. Very useful feature if u r going out with ur bb alone. Dun rush when choosing a stroller. Get one that u r comfortable with, lightweight and easy to control. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

heya all, is it normal to have quite a bit of discharge at this point in time? discharge is slight yellow, but almost white.


rant all you want. haha! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i stay very near pioneer mrt, st 61. you are nearer to JP right?


discharge is normal. but if greenish, got smell and itchy, then maybe got infection so have to keep it clean down there.


Mango - I didn't have problem with that

Mangosteen - Din try when I was last pregnant. But I think better not take as it belongs to the 'cooling' fruit group.

Durian - this fruit hor.. Will make ur bb grow real big if u take too much due to the high sugar content. I kena warn by my gynae to stop taking durian after my #1 put on 500g within 2 weeks while I was preggy with her.

Other than the above my gynae advise not to take watermelon, pineapple (pineapple tart oso no no) and papaya.


same as me, i also have the MIM sarong and still haven't figured out how to use it properly. always feel like got so much excess cloth and my girl don't like to be in it.


my girl's stroller also capella, very siong and bulky! my mum chose this stroller, so till this very day, i'm always nagging at her for choosing this bulky stroller. might consider getting the maclaren twin when #2 comes along.

hi starry, thanks. so coincidental, before i moved to sengkang, i stayed with my parents at JW st 61 also. blk 64X. hehe. in fact i go there quite frequently also.

Ben Ben, my gynae told me that I can eat ALL fruits! hmm.. So I've been eating watermelon and papaya but not pineapple because my mom advised me not to.. How come the gynaes are telling us different things!


I thought durians at last trimester then no good. Didn't know eating now will also cause bb to grow big. I think I better stop eating.


I dun even have a chance to put my boy in. I dun even kw how to tie on myself first, haha.

I saw there are double stroller like bigger child sitting on top and younger below. Quite cool. Don't kw whether good or not.


I live nearer to JP. Keke, next time can bring our kid to Safra amaze[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i follow the instructions once to tie the knot, and even that i don't know whether i tie properly. so i just store the sling like that, with the knot already tied. haha. really have to go watch the cd again. yes, i also saw the double stroller one up one down, but i'm not sure of the brand, have to go check it out. my main concern is whether can collapse and fit into car boot. i'll update here if i get more info.


my gynae says just eat all things in moderation, except raw fish and soft cheese...

Tabbyz, my gynae did mention that "if u believe in old wives tales...then cannot take watermelon, pineapple and papaya" hahaha. And no cold drinks too!! I gave him that "u want me to die" face when he say that. Keke.

I did ask my friend abt the fruits and food to avoid. She agree with my gynae. Bcos watermelon too cooling, papaya is yellow based fruit so might cause bb to get jaundice, pineapple is bcos of it's certain acidic content which is harmful to bb. Some other food she say should avoid r yellow noodles and bittergourd. I follow these strictly during my last pregnancy. So #1 din have colic or jaundice problems.

Amici, for durians I think eat in moderation unless there r diabetic history in ur family.

Ben Ben, hahahaha! I also gave my gynae the "u want me to die" look when he told me not to take chocolate ice-cream because of the caffeine content in choclates.. I don't mind giving up coffee because I'm not addicted to it, but chocolate ice-cream is like my favourite dessert!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

redgin, I think we can't eat any raw meat. Not aware of soft cheese.. Sigh, so many restrictions.. WO REN!

Redgin, amici,

I think the strollers that you are refering to are Phil and Ted's strollers? http://philandteds.com/en/products/push. Personnaly, I find that the toddler seat (the rear seat) position is not suitable. To me, there is a safety issue due to the lower level of the toddler seat, whereby the toddler can easily touch the rear wheels and the ground with their hands.

Mothercare does carry "Phil and Teds" strollers. You can go there to take a look if you are still interested.

Ben Ben

Thanks! I think must be quite ex, have to go and take a look first. but i'm already quite sold with the maclaren twin techno. haha. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tabbyz, no chocolate ice cream too?? Oh dear... I just had 2 nites of chocolate ice cream!! Don't care ah... they are my fav dessert too!! :p

Raw meat like sashimi is a no no bcos of the high food contamination risk involved. I have a friend who took loads of sashimi when she was preggy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wow! I am overwhelmed with work today! Boss said I looked PALE. Ask me if I am really ok...

Anyways, take all food in moderation ya. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gynae told me I can eat anything, westerners still eat sashimi and all fruits. BUT, if you are the traditional type, you might want to avoid watermelon, wintermelon and pineapple.

Haha! Funny gynae, but, he spot on. I am the traditional type. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyways, mummies do take note. Please make sure your pork (if you are taking, is well cook)

It contains bacteria if its not well cook. The same goes for hard boiled eggs. Contains salmonella if not well cook.


To me, it is the luxury range. Price starting from 900+ if I remember correctly...


I oso cannot figure out how to use the sarong and my gal seems to be uncomfortable in it. So end up I bought a Baby Bjorn Synergy. It served me very well in stroller-unfriendly places and holiday trips. At least my gal can see the front and I dun get any aches after carrying her in it for 4-5 hours.

ben ben, yah I also gave in to my cravings on Monday night.. Felt so guilty after that.. Hahaha..

esther, can we only eat hard boiled eggs now? I am still taking eggs with soft yolk.. Uh oh..


I am not sure if we are able to take the soft yolk, though I craved for it like mad! (Think nasi lemak) You are seeing your gynae tmr right? Pls ask your gynae about it.

I read that raw eggs may be tainted with salmonella, a bacterium that can cause fever and diarrhoea. So, being kiasu, I only eat well cook hard boil eggs and fry ones.

Hope I don't scare anyone here... I am a kiasu mummy...

hello ladies,

im so tired. not taking my lunch also because no appetite and nausea. anyone skip lunch before?

today just like a sick patient on bed, no energy at all... pls help me! like losing battle

esther, yah I will ask my gynae tomorrow. Hee.. Already compiled a list of questions for her!

Pray&Love, I skipped dinner two nights back. I read that not eating well during the first trimester is normal and alright. Bb only needs proper nutrition from second trimester onwards. Your hormones must be working really hard today and you are feeling it! Don't worry and rest well!!


That's the one I'm talking about. Saw at Mothercare. You are right. Didn't think of that. And 1 thing I don't like is the big wheels. Realised those convertible stroller which can fit infant chair mostly comes in big wheels. Having said that, it still look cool to me.


really? i thought cannot don eat...

how i wish someone can spoon feed me right nw.

just nw suddenly in tears because don feel like what am i before and feeling like sick patient only... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ben Ben,

delicious right? With pepper and dark soya sauce goes with bread. *Slurp*

But,let's tolerate for a while. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


don't be in tears. I am also like a sick patient, my face is still super pale despite I put alittle blusher. I am back to work now, can't walk too much, and got to ask people ta bao lunch for me. Worse, I forgot to take my duphaston just now! *&^%$$^*&^

I am on 3times duphaston a day. Even drinking plain water I also feels like puking. Last time toss and turn, wake up from nightmare, dry throat. Feeling so bad. Feels like resigning from my job and rest well at home, but I can't. *sigh*

REN REN REN! We can do it. Cheer up ya ;)


Aiyoh... must be your hormone causing the mood swing. I also skipped a meal or two in the past weeks. If not take some Milo or milk? At least to prevent you from getting gastric?


duphaston also make me thirsty also... haih REN REN REN... dunno when only can stop this Duphaston. Dr Ben asks u to take till next visit? when's ur next appt with him?

Ben Ben,

if ok to skip some meal, ok then i no worry much. i try to drink yogurt drinks now... my tingkat lunch is here but i really no energy to boil porridge or cook rice. and no appetite to eat the dishes at all... so sad


Are u trying to tempt me with those descriptions??!!! *read no evil* :p


I know how u feel now.. I skipped a few dinner last week too. Simply not interested at the sight of the food (tingkat too). Juz take some nutritious drink and eat when u feel better.

hello mommies~

Prettymums> ditto. such a drag ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

minidiary> no you are not a patient, cheer up. no appetite then just drink milo if you can. i think its ok to skip a meal or two (but not too often and consecutively). I skip some meals too when I have no appetite, if lunch no appetite I share something with my colleague. For dinner I try to take a a little or whatever I can (due to bloated stomach).

tabbyz and esther> ya, I heard soft boiled is not so good cos of the bacteria in raw food like in sashimi too. So i've been avoiding my fave half boiled egg :/

So far I have sore breast (when i wake up), bloated stomach (not so serious now compared to two weeks ago), lost of appetite and fatigue (cannot wake up in the morning -__-) I do not have the other ms other mom mentioned and I'm so worried. Just feels weird and like things are not progressing. Now I'm finger crossing for my check up this Sat. hope can see heartbeat this time round via u/san. otherwise no choice I gotta do v-scan liao.

Hope everything is fine for all mommies and myself.

tabbyz, I agree with Ben Ben's suggestion. The heavyweight stroller is sold as it takes up too much space. But not heartpain abt it cos it was a gift from my mum. Heh~

amici & redgin, my sarong is from born and bond but prefer moms in mind (MIM) as they have the pictures on how to wear our bb. The back support is wider than my current one. Using it is not easy. I struggled many times too but with the help of a friend and the MIM pictures, it's easy. you can do it too.

Durians is ok. I'm not sure abt the rest.

Cherylden, dun worry white/yellow discharge is normal. Maybe you are heaty. Do drink more water if you are concerned.

re: food I don’t take shark's fin, sushi/sashimi, pineapples, food not well cooked, raw & soft boiled eggs, watermelon and licorice drink. The rest should be ok.

minidiary, eat abit abit. maybe a fruit, or your fav tidbit. you need to have the energy.


I am preggy with #2 and I am a SAHM [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pls help to update ur list. Thanks!


I think I got to take till I sees Dr Tham, which will be next Wednesday. Hopefully, pray hard by then my blood clot will be gone. When will u be seeing him again?

I am doing my countdown. My edd is 23 oct, and I am already planning to go on maternity leave from 1 oct 2011! Will return to work on 2nd Jan! Woohoo! So I am left with 6 mths plus of working!

pray&love: thks for the update: my edd is 18th oct and i am a FTWM [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 1st baby.

anyone has problem with low sugar? i checked my sugar and it is pretty low (low normal) in between meals so i'm snacking a lot leading to weight gain. sigh.

and sleep has been terrible, although i'm sleeping much more. i am just super exhausted the whole day....just looking fwd to end of the work day where i can go home and stone and feel more "evening" sickness.

never knew pregnancy is soooooo debilitating. i am extra empathetic to all working pregnant mothers now. only thing is there is no baby bump so most don't know yet so sometimes it's hard to gain sympathy. ha.


this is ur no #1 or no #2? wanna update in my list. I will see him next Monday... 14th March! hopefully he can asks me to stop duphaston lorrr.. sien with it.


okay updated!


okay I try to eat strawberries later.


i dunno that u havent see the heartbeat. i see heartbeat when 6w with Dr Ben but thru vscan. Maybe u should vscan this time round. so good ur appt so near! i wish to see him asap...


it's better to avoid since we know of feels its harmful. It's always to be on the safe side ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also have sore breast, bloated stomach and fatigue. I think symptoms differs with everyone. Go to see your gynae with a full bladder prior the scan. If not, go for V-scan. It's not really scary, I did once when I was abt 5 weeks plus.


Mummies, I finished my Appt with my gynae and the result not good.

I saw bb heartbeat and even saw yolk in sac, last week I only saw a empty sac. Doc told me that bb growth very slow and bb heartbeat could stop anytime in next 1-2 weeks. Doc suggest I do a d&c next week!!

I asked him why, becoz my bb is smaller than a normal bb. I should be 6 weeks. I kept telling him I saw the heartbeat and yet he is still asking to prepare for the worse.

I waste no time and called dr Benjamin tham but he is on half day and now I am at sunplaza waiting to see dr Lawrence Ang.

I cried non stop and I'm very scared now.

