(2011/10) Oct 2011

okay i will drop by to BrownRice Paradise.

You're like big organic lovers! haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Genesis... hmmm... my gynae wants me to put on as much weight as I can... In my entire life, my heaviest was 50kg... that was just before I delivered my boy...

So I don't really bother about what biscuit it is... I jsut eat whatever is at home (usually those kiddy biscuits lah).

1D1R, same here, super nausea but can't vomit. Sigh. And worse it keeps me awake till wee hours. Me going towards 8 th week only.

#2, thanks very much for your sharing! wow, i knew you tbf your boy but din know you have lumpy breasts too. i always wondered if tbf is possible for us mummies with lumpy breasts coz my breast doc said very prone to blocked ducts as the lumps will tend to press on the milk ducts causing blockage [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my doc din rec me to take out the lumps coz said will have again as likely due to hormonal changes. so i hv been living with lumps (can feel, like little finger head size) in both breasts since my late teens.

i only managed to partial bf my #1 for 15 mths, then he self-wean himself. am hoping if possible to tbf my #2 for at least 18 mths [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee you made me feel so encouraged! oh i did massage with a hot stone i got from my malay breast massage lady daily at least once, and did hot shower with manual expressing out of bm during my bathe. it does helps but i still ended up having to seek my massage lady help at least 1-2 times a mth for bad blockages that i can't remove. the weird thing is i almost never encountered engorgement? it's never like my whole breasts will become rock solid/hard like engorgement but i will have a hard lump on one corner/side of the breasts that hurts like hell and that can't be expressed out. latching does helps best but my #1 tends to be very impatient when i get blockage coz flow is very slow and he wun latch, he will bite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] realised too that my prob is made worst coz i have slow milk flow. whenever i pump, need to spend more than 30mins before my bm starts to flow quickly and i can get more than 40ml, else for first 20-30 mins, only pathetic 40ml from both sides. then suddenly after 30mins will shoot up to over 100ml. so i guess my slow milk flow does not help...

thank you very much again! you have encouraged me! hopefully i can do tbf like you too, this time round [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

p/s can you share with me where to get the fenugreek seeds? i'm staying at SK so if you get it from around PG area, i can pop by to get too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i want to try out this time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Week 10 arrives! There's Mothercare sale at Harboufront, is it too early to get stuff? Or what neccessities I should get?


Glad to hear that your itch in under control [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am oso suffering from the same gagging experience. The urge will be especially strong when I smell rubbish or poo. Sometimes the smell and sight of raw meat makes me wants to puke too!! But I still need to hang on everyday to change my gal's diaper and cook her lunch..sighz...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I will be going for my checkup tomorrow, hopefully the session will go well. I am rather worried as gynae told me that my water sac long instead of round shape last week and he can't really detech the bb's heartbeat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I am also looking at VBAC. I am Christian and had read up Supernatural childbirth & God's plan for pregnancy. Actually I don't really feel much pain during my 9hrs of labour without epidural. The pain I hated was when my gynae broke my water bag and when nurses check my cervix for dilation.

#2 on the way,

How long does it take for iherb to ship to S'pore? I am thinking of ordering some supplements for my son.


There are some things worth to get at the sale. I am thinking of getting extra Avent bottles and breast pump as it's quite cheap. Go to their website for their daily specials.

gilera: i tot there was already a mothercare sale last wk or so? heard a lot of mummies went to q early early to grab the daily specials, hahahah

Hi ladies, i have Clarins Huile Treatment oil for anti-stretchmark to let go.

I too kiasu and bought TOO MANY, & realised I use too slow. Retail is S$80. I can let go at S$55. Bgt from DFS, not fr dubious cosmetic shop. I hv 3 unused bottles to let go. Do a simple google, u will see many gd reviews abt this prodt. pm me or email to <[email protected]> if you are interested.

First-cum-First serve!

Thanks for your time!


iherb usually takes 7-9 days to reach SG, but these days, I find that singpost is REALLY slow so it might take longer.


I put on 11kg in my prev preg, lost only 3+ kg after delivery. I was so hungry during the bf days that I didn't lose weight. So its not true for everyone that you'll lose weight while breastfeeding. Most books fail to mention that you end up eating a lot! It was only at 8m post delivery when my girl started eating more solids and I decided to wear a girdle during working hours that I really started losing weight. Got back to pre preg weight about 1 year.

For snacks, I have organic raw almonds or a cup of warm milk. Actually snacking is how most ladies put on weight, so be mindful of what you eat and how much you eat. Try to wear a girdle for as long as possible post delivery, it really helped me.

good morning mummies!

starry, verre & genesis28, ok slimming centres will hate me for this :p it can be done believe it but needs lots of discipline. Eating for 2 is not a gd idea. All we need is maybe an extra piece of fruit or serving of veggies. Low GI food is to die for. Loading on carbs, sweets n soft drinks are nono due to my g. diabetes. Water is extremely impt.

We can give in to our cravings during 1st tri but from 2nd tri onwards gynae advised me to control my diet cos of my g. diabetes. Just dun control so much until you feel weak. Tat's not enuf carbs n not gd for u n unborn bb.

The results showed. I was 58kg, by the end 68kg, upon discharge 55kg, 6 weeks post until now 51kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] kid was 3.19kg at birth and looking gd. yeah I'm going for the class. V excited abt it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


genesis28, when hungry I snacked on salted cashew nuts lately but shd b eating fruits. Ahh, heck it I'm a foodie :p


1d1r, 50kg at your heaviest? And you've so much breast milk, wow I'm envious!


creamdonut, oh dear do take care and drink lots of water.

Sung, I removed the lump cos it was quite big and we did not know what it was (cancerous or not). So decided to remove and send it for testing. Turns out, it's just a fibrous lump - which means will hv even more of those appearing now and then.

Actually sometimes I get hubby to help with the lumps cos certain position of the lump, I just can't massage it myself. So hubby will help to massage it. I normally massage then pump out with manual pump cos it's more effective. Manual expressing too messy for me :p

#2, not sure if it's coz i dun know how to use the manual pump (got an avent one that i subsquently sold off) or it doesn't work for me. hee using manual pump, i can't seem to pump any drop of bm out haha. yeah manual expressing is messy, squirts everywhere so safest to only do in shower area :p i'm still doing ultrasound for my lumps every half-yearly to ensure that they r just fibrous. guess got to keep doing. thanks again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies, good morning!


wow, you were really disciplined, babe! i had to succumb to cravings that's why put on so much. this time round i will TRY to control and make more healthy choices. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for sharing! btw, will gestational diabetes repeat itself this time round? i really hope not!


envious of you weight! so small size. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


are you better today?

i'm having such good appetite now that i am scared about later. sigh.. i hate afternoons now.

oh, you know what my girl did yesterday?? she was having her noon nap in my parents' room and somehow managed to roll out of the mattress onto the floor and rolled/slide under the bed!! my mum heard some noises so went to check on her. but it was quiet when she went in and saw baby gone! she was shocked and started searching then realized she was quietly 'hiding' under the bed. maybe wanna chat with the dust bunnies down there. lol!! anyway my mum had to reach in and drag her out by her legs and had a good laugh at her after that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


kids are like that. even with 2 single mattress, they still can roll out on to the floor. I think is because there is no border to block them.

starry > I remember once I was sleeping alone with my son on the bed. Suddenly I was awake by my nightmare as I dreamt that my son fell off the bed. And true enough, when I openned my eyes, he was really on the floor liao... I got a shock of my life...

Good morning ladies!

I've been feeling terrible since Saturday. Full attack of the week 9 nausea. No vomiting yet cos I've been trying to hold it back. Have been experiencing cramps at my lower abdomen too.

I hope those are all normal symptoms. Can't wait to see bb again on Thursday!

luv, you lost 13kg in the hospital?! 68kg to 55kg when you discharge? How did you do that???


everyday i get heart attacks from her! one moment it's her flipping, the next moment it's her sleeping face down at night. wah... skally i go into early labour in October from all the scares. lol!!


he fell onto the floor from bed?! poor boy!! must have hurt a lot. did he cry badly??

starry, no lah i just want myself and my kid to be healthy. just very suay to kena g. diabetes. gynae assured me if i stick to my current diet and not gain so much wt during 2nd tri, i can face the possibility of not injecting insulin, no more pricking of fingers *ouch!* and best of all, no more unnecessary trips to my diabetic specialist who charges $100 per visit and chit chat for <10 min!

i lost count how many times my kid fell off the family bed. but now he is tall enough to somehow move backwards, extending his legs to the floor and run away happily. guess kids do learn how not to suffer pain.


i must use u as inspiration then, to be more healthy this pregnancy! i don't want to have a swimming float around my tummy post-partum. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sometimes i'd think babies/toddlers don't feel pain?? my girl will hit her head when she rolls off the mattress and yet still can smile at me. when she roti prata flip here and there during diaper change and i smack her thigh, she also doesn't flinch! in fact i think she enjoys it 'cos she smiles and assume i am playing with her. -_-!!

hello mummies,

early morning 7am eat mcd breakfast then continued sleep again after duphaston. afternoon sickness sure come very soon... i cant wait for 2nd trimester to come...faster pls!

tabbyz, it's due to the extreme diet food i ate during my 3rd tri cos i gained 9kg by 2nd tri.

Daily intake...

Drinks: Water and Milo kosong for breakfast

Fruits: 1 piece honeydew. 1 piece papaya to replace my desire for soft drinks and sweets

Breakfast: 1 piece breakfast ham, 2 pieces low GI wholemeal bread, a spread of low fat cheese and 1 cup Milo kosong wif 4 teaspoons.

Lunch: white fish soup w milk w/o soya sauce and less beehoon, fried shallots are taken out replaced with spring onions.

Dinner: pork+chicken+mushroom soup, lotus root pork rib soup or peanut soup w pork rib with half a bowl of white rice. i tried to eat brown rice whenever possible.

i gained 1kg by the time kid's born.

bb weight 3.19kg +

placenta 1kg +

amniotic fluid 1kg +

increased blood volume 2kg +

uterine enlargement 1kg +

fluid in maternal tissue 2kg +

possible weight loss due to controlled diet 3kg

i think this is my breakdown of 13kg weight loss upon delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i am also mentally prepared for AS.. at this rate i can lose weight liao..


your diet is very healthy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya i think my weight back to normal again, before hit 53.5kg during the 6th weeks. now back to 52kg aredi... i try my best to eat little during lunch but drag until 4pm only can eat little...

i can eat alot fruits only. guess not enuf calcium, protein and iron for me.

starry, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when i was diabetic and working full-time, my choice of outside foods were really limited. worse, it was during the CNY period where it was a real temptation to me. i kept a log book of all the details of what i ate, the amt of insulin injected and my glucose levels.

the foods i wrote above were the ones i ate the most often. lazy to look for other "safe food" choices :p


it's okay to not meet your dietary requirements for now, just try to eat as normally as you can. when in 2nd tri and baby grows faster, you can catch up on calcium, iron etc. by then your appetite will be better also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] don't go OD yourself on vit and mineral pills right. waste $$ only. haha!


no eat vit and mineral, just FA, duphaston and vit b6 given by my gynae. now im entering week 9... hopefully AS will be gone soon le... my week 8 so super nausea and vomit sometimes although not much. abit regret to order tingkat because my AS come on the first day of tingkat... haha


really healthy your diet! And you are really dicipline. I'm so craving for KFC chicken dunno why...trying to control but keep thinking then in the end i end up with whip potato!

Hope that I can control and maintain my weight for #2 this time round as i'm experienced liao.... my #1 I gained 18kg (from 55 to 73kg) and baby is 3.24kg. when back to see gynae a month later was a disgusting 64kg...

sigh genesis28, if i were not diabetic i'd have gorged on food like nobody biz. during my 1st tri last time i put dunno how many spoons Milo, creamer and sugar. bread was my 1st love. every single night i'd crave for MCD fish burger upsize change drink to iced Milo. and no exercise. chwee kueh, chee cheong fun, fried chicken wings... yum yum :p that was how i gained my 4kg during 1st tri.

2nd tri must be the CNY reunion dinners (i'd 6 in all) and gained 5kg without exercise. gynae took a look at my weight gain book and screamed at me "why did you gain so much weight?!" he was really fierce, kept scolding me upside down until i was shocked to the core. his nurse said he was in a v bad mood that day. but still i his patient mah. i paid good $$ to see him kena scolded until like that.

but he means well. i'm still at my diabetic diet except for some occasional pampering. last week i'd MCD fish burger with green tea n fries (no upsize). instead of fruits i try to buy yogurt. it works. i hardly fell sick for 2 years.

hello mummies...i eat small meals too...im afraid to gain a lot weight and end up im not able to shed them!!

No meal after 10pm...although im get hungry easily...but i will only drink my anmum or mamil mama...quite filling too...then go to slp...

Before pregnant...im at 50kg...i think i gain a little...got to check again tmr when i see my gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey mummies!

Are there any air fresheners in your house? I read that it is not good for preggies! Being kiasu, I dumped all my air fresherners at home! No idea what types it means, I dumped e solid ones, liquid ones and charcoal ones.



weight gain - i gained 23kgs for my #1! but managed to lose it all, so it's possible to shed them. but the recommended weight gain is 12-15kgs, so am determined to stick to it this time.


i also heard of that, but my hb's car always got air freshener when i was pregnant for #1. :p

luv, admire your perserverence to stick to such a healthy diet!

Pray&Love, I can't wait for 2nd trimester to come too.. Really cannot stand being nauseous the whole day.. I want my appetite back!!

KWXY, I'm also very afraid to put on a lot of weight! I'm aiming at max 10kg. Hopefully I can manage that!

esther, never heard of air fresheners being harmful for us.. My mom also never say anything about that.. Maybe I'll check with my gynae on Thursday.


I paranoid siah! Hubby stunned when I told him I dumped all air fresheners! Just worried because I have it everywhere in e house...


Pls ask your gynae! Mine is next wed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

minidiary - i feel the same way as you. Nausea in the morning, in the afternooon, at night. Doesnt matter if I have eaten or not, it just comes.

The worse is that my injection site is becoming inflamed. Sitting down or lying down is uncomfortable. Really dread the twice-a-week injections.

Esther - really? I didn't that. Can you share the article or where u read it from?


I also want my appetite back, previously in week4-week6 hungry non stop... I can eat alot. now little little lo... no energy also.


ur injection when only can stop? you are brave enuf, for me... i will be very scare and nervous for injections,maybe more stress. ya, why not call pregnancy sickness instead? i still feel it comes more in the morning and afternoon... then on and off at night... super sian!


I can't agree enough with you. Feel so sick all the time, don't feel preggers, just feel really sick.

My injections are to continue till end of first trimester. Asked dr if can stop cos both sides swollen and inflamed, and he said no.

Pray&Love, happyenough, I also feel more sick than pregnant. Was complaining to my mom yesterday that I felt like I was being tortured.

How come you need injections twice a week???

tabbyz, I know exactly how you feel. Really feel horrible most of the time..

I was bleeding in Week 6. So I was put on duphaston 3x a day, progesteron injections twice a week and weekly consultations.


Read from here:


Health risk to fetus

A developing fetus is growing constantly and can be exposed to undesirable elements even when in the mother's womb. This exposure can lead to immediate or long-term health concerns.

A study published in PubMed.gov confirmed that their does exist a relationship between child cancers and leukemia with exposure to areas with VOC uses. It is suspected the mother inhales these elements while pregnant and unknowingly passes them along to her developing fetus.


oh no.. must be tough for you.. I was on Duphaston last week. Supposed to be a two weeks course but I stopped after one week cos it made by nausea worse. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Has your bb stabilized after the pills and injections? The weekly consultations must be costing you a bomb! *hugs*



thanks for the link. Now I am paranoid - gonna dump air fresheners at home.

But you know what's the worse? Those people who smoke everywhere. I am constantly trying to dodge all these irresponsible people who walk and smoke at the same time. They just blow in your face.

