good morning mummies!
starry, verre & genesis28, ok slimming centres will hate me for this

it can be done believe it but needs lots of discipline. Eating for 2 is not a gd idea. All we need is maybe an extra piece of fruit or serving of veggies. Low GI food is to die for. Loading on carbs, sweets n soft drinks are nono due to my g. diabetes. Water is extremely impt.
We can give in to our cravings during 1st tri but from 2nd tri onwards gynae advised me to control my diet cos of my g. diabetes. Just dun control so much until you feel weak. Tat's not enuf carbs n not gd for u n unborn bb.
The results showed. I was 58kg, by the end 68kg, upon discharge 55kg, 6 weeks post until now 51kg [IMG=] kid was 3.19kg at birth and looking gd. yeah I'm going for the class. V excited abt it [IMG=]
genesis28, when hungry I snacked on salted cashew nuts lately but shd b eating fruits. Ahh, heck it I'm a foodie
1d1r, 50kg at your heaviest? And you've so much breast milk, wow I'm envious!
creamdonut, oh dear do take care and drink lots of water.