Minidiary, girl or boy, they will start all their cuteness and silly stuff at around 2- 4yo!!
Verre, I still prefer oil though the cream is nice

This is an organic brand, so no worries about chemicals and stuff.
Esther, it's good to start searching now cos the new maid also need time to get used to your routine. Also, if the maid is not good, you still got time to change before baby arrives....
Sung, I have lumpy breasts. I had to remove a lump when I was 18yo. And because of the surgery, I always get blocked ducts.
I survived total breastfeeding for 18mths with the lumpy boobs.
What the lactation consultant taught me was to massage daily with warm compress. I bought a breast heating pad (donut shape) which you can heat up in microwave or heat up with boiling water. Then apply to warm up the boobs and massage out the blocked ducts.
Another way is to use hot water during shower to spray on the boobs, then massage everyday when you shower.
Or you can fill a milk bottle with hot water, then roll on your boobs to massage out the blocked ducts. All methods worked for me but most convenient is the first 2.
I did take a lot of fenugreek (cooked into soups) during my confinement to increase milk flow.
If the milk keeps flowing out, there's lesser blocked ducts.
Also, you must pump until EMPTY so that the blocked ducts won't form. Pump and massage until totally empty. I normally do this during the last pump of the day before I sleep so that my boobs are more comfy for the night
If it becomes a habit to massage & pump until empty, the lumps shouldn't be a problem.
I only had 2 episodes of very bad blocked ducts that I could not massage out at home (cos too busy at work then nvr empty out my boobs). And I went to find Mrs Wong (lactation consultant at TMC). She got her lactation nurses to apply warm compress and massage out the lumps for me. Then remind me to empty my boobs to prevent it from happening.
It is possible to total breastfeed if you are determined.