(2011/10) Oct 2011

wow mummies so actively here...

talking about OSCAR, what is that? I know some sort of measurement from ultrasound. any blood need to be taken? im afraid of needles...

my 2nd appt will be my 10th weeks. wonder if my gynae will tell me more and says it's optional..


thanks for the info. I dunno if it's neccessary to take the oscar test. hope my gynae will advise me.

i order Curry Chicken Bread!

Thanks kittiepp!

All mummies got good appetite today!


Your curry bread sounds yummy! Is it the golden pillow?

Tabbyz, me and hubs decided not to do it because...

1. We have decided to keep the baby no matter what.

2. We feel that the test is inaccurate.

3. It is expensive

4. If baby really has DS, it will be obvious during detailed scanning at 20weeks, so we will still have time to make preparations to welcome a special child if he/she is intend special.

yes esther, from golden pillow.

but too bad, I have no appetite to eat today.

now drinking 100plus... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Speaking of curry, I really like the toast box's curry chicken with their thick toast bread. So delicious! But cannot eat till too full.. Will have ms after that. :p

Do you ladies find that your taste buds become very 重口味 these days? I tend to want to eat savoury food because most other food I eat, I find them tasteless... Now my breakfast is made up of peng kueh (the glutinous rice inside one) with LOTS of chilli... today and tomorrow got curry puffs... Very sinful!

And I used to only eat toast with coffee for breakfast!


Try to eat some food no matter how. I think my saliva is drooling while I m typing. Haha! Curry chicken so yummy!


Buy and eat abit? The rest give your hubby... Haha! I always eat abit and the rest will ask hubby finish up. He's gonna be fat v soon!

tabbyz, we aso nvr did the test for our #1 & has jz decided too dat we will nvr do for tis #2 too.. cos reasons more or less the same wif the rest mummies.. it's our baby & we will keep it regardless.. abortion is a big no no for us.. plus if amniocentesis test is required, a risk of MC plus it cost bout $700 frm my doc..

so it realy depends on individual couples tots/decisions

Wow morninghugs! Your Peng kueh makes me drool! Missing soon kueh! Yummy!

Yeah! My macdonald is here already! Be back later!

#2, same as u..craving for sour/spicy stuff.. so had sour&spicy soup, plus the vinger xiao cai @dian tai feng tis aftnn lunch.. feeling soooo gd!


ya will eat little.

waiting for their delivery to come... around 7-8pm... today just like wanna vomit but nothing one... just the sound only

starry, tenzero: I guess mine's a tad more towards the spicy and salty part... sour, not yet haha... I actually bought a bottle of garlic chilli just to go with my peng kueh because I didn't like the taste of the sweet sauce all of a sudden! And now, the curry puff craze... listening to esther's Macdonalds and McSpicy makes me want to eat too!!! Argh!!

#2 haha.. i aso jz went to buy tom yam instant mee hoon.. drooling..

morninghugs, yes yes.. aft reading bout mcspicy, mayonnaise... i aso feel like eating it.. aso miss egg mayo sandwich.. double drooling again.. haha prob call for delivery tonite supper if good appetite

tenzero: I had got hubby to drive out to buy fries last night... AFTER my dinner... I cannot imagine his reaction if I tell him I want the same junk food again tonight! :p

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's betta dat we can eat than no appetite or puke..

ladies, i need some urgent help from part time domestic helper ..as mine cant make it this week.

do u hv any to recommend ? am looking at 10/hr

tenzero: That's what I told hubby! I said, at this stage, I eat junk food better than don't eat any food because no appetite/ queasiness... He no choice but to accept this hahaha...

Muffin: Tiptop is yummy!!! Been AGES since I last had one because I don't stay in AMK! Now the next best I can find is actually 1A curry puff...

I still cant have my curry puff [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

no mood to go out all day. my curry chicken bread just arrived.. haha hope my appetite is here

Hi mummies..

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I won't be able to join u all here anymore. Doc just confirmed that my Preg is failing. Will schedule d&c somewhere this week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

all of u take good care n I m sure ur beanies will stick to u!

Don't worry abt me. I m mentally prepared [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all, have not been in the forum for a few days cos not feeling well. my diar came back and the nausea worsen so i just slept through my days... sigh... does anyone else have diar during their pregnancy?

yan: sorry to hear abt ur loss. do take care and rest well during this period...


I am so sorry to hear that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] *hugs hugs* please take care and try again in a couple of months. Can PM me too if u just wanna chat.


Didn't encounter before leh. U also take care cos diarrhea can cause dehydration. Pregnant dehydrate can cause uterus to contract so do drink more water. Is it food poisoning??


Sorry to hear about that. Do take good care and rest well. You will need lots of rest. Do take tonics and you need more nutrients.

starry: ya i dehydrated leh. lips crack even. argh, i din noe will affect uterus! now i feel so guilty!!

no leh, its not food poisoning. its jus diar only, no vomit though the nausea is bad fm the pregnancy.

wow...the thread really ran fast! so many pages of archive!

Yan, do take care and dun think too much. Have sufficient rest and take more tonics to let your body recover.

mummies with #1 & #2 do still carry them? I'm still carrying my #1 bo pianz coz gotta bring him to IFC and back home. By right can we carry them? I thought our stomach still small still can carry eh...unless we become very big then not advisable??


That was what my gynae told me. If keep having diarrhea or vomit till get dehydrated will affect blood flow to the uterus. During later part of pregnancy will be even more dangerous if amniotic fluid not replenished so must be wary. Keep drinking water ok? Drink till u don't feel thirsty then it's considered dehydrating yourself. Sounds awful lah, but just do it for baby's sake. Hope u will be well after a night's rest. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I was advised not to carry but how not to?? Had to go fetch my girl from mum's place cos hubby working late. Just be careful don't strain any muscles bah. I have spotting so gynae also cautioned me try not to carry anything more than 5kg as much as possible.

starry: omg, now i'm so scared [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i even stopped duphaston for weeks already loh.


why you so naughty stop duphaston ar? im still 2x daily till now. even nausea also take... must drink 2 ltrs water daily leh for the amniotic fluid...


Im so sorry to hear that. Please do take care of yourself well and rest for a period. hope you stay positively... hugs

Yan: I'm sure all our thoughts are with you. Please take care!

Hi Mummies to be! Can I find out does anyone have recommendation for KK gynae? Was told to go there due to my hypertension..Dr. Woodworth said I'm at risk of premature delivery ):

minidiary: ya i stopped cos dr ben says i should stop after i felt super nausea n got admitted to hospital. I did try to take it back when I felt better days later, but the diar came back and stuff so I stopped again... I duno whether I got take until 2L a day anot, crap. But drinking too much water makes me burpy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my GP gave me lopermide (or someting like tt) for my diar. but the thing is i dun undst how cm i keep having diar. it comes once i stop the charcoal pills so i sort of get diar every 3 to 4 days. n its cfm not food poisoning, so i duno wats wrong with me... its certainly not common amongst e gals here, so its quite worrying loh.


oscar is optional. you and your husband have to decide if you want to carry on with your pregnancy if the results are not favourable. If you have already decided that you will keep the baby no matter what, then do not do the oscar. Save yourself the stress and dilemma



I had diar a few days after conception, and maybe 3 times in the last few weeks. In my last pregnancy, my tummy was more sensitive when I ate chilli, so even if I ate a normal portion of chilli with my chicken rice, I would get terrible cramps and hv diar. Strange. You can try keeping track of your diet with a food journal, pen down everything that you have eaten or drank throughout the day. If your diar is not caused by food poisoning, then maybe it could be something else that you've been eating and you are only now becoming more sensitive to it. if this is the case, the same ingredient will show up on the days you have diar. hope that helps...

