(2011/10) Oct 2011

Hi creamdonut,

My Bb also starting to outgrown botties.starting him on socks too.like the rest I ask my maid to losses the rubber part by placing some empty fat bottles inside the socks.

Hi sweet snow

I also have the cloth sling,I bought MIM then baby didn't like it.When he grew slightly bigger and I successfully mange to put him inside the sling w/o him crying I find that not very gd for his back cos he was all curled up. I know what you mean by waste $.I bought the bjourn carrier recently and we all loved it.(myself,husband,baby and my mum).haha!i bought second hand as afraid buy already Bb don't like.Hope it helps!

Anyone haven cut Bb hair yet?my Bb is 3 mths old and we haven cut his hair yet as nurse advise to do so later at 4 mths when Bb head is harder. But recently I realise Bb have been dropping hair.His pillow has alot of fine hair.anyone can advise?

Forever81: i read that it is advisable to cut your baby's hair as soon as the first month reaches as firstly, there's a layer of fetal fat in the hair that would cause bacteria growth. Almost all babies have cradle cap, which is a form of dandruff. So by shaving the hair, it would be easier for us to take care of the head and prevent cradle cap from increasing!

I think If u don't cut the hair, it'll slowly fall out in patches. So maybe you can bring the baby to a professional barber who specializes in it to cut! And they actually look super cute after that! :)

hello mummies, my baby has been passing motion only once a week since she is 2 mths old. She is now 3.5 mths. Brought her to PD and she said that baby got anterior anus. Anyone heard of that? And she is referring me to a PD surgeon for further checks. Am super worried, so young need to see surgeon!! Anyone has similar experience?

forever 81,

My baby judt turned 3 months a few days ago..his hair have been dropping for quite q while already..it's forming like a railway track behind his head..so ugly..will bring him to shave bald as soon as he turn 4 months old.


To prevent those marks..like winny said..i will also pull the elastic band of the sock before i ley baby wear..if not you can don't pull up so high..so it won't be so tight and leave marks on the calf there..i noticed the infant teacher like to fold ( 1 time) his sock a little? i don't know is it done purposely to prevent the sock from cutting into the leg leaving marks?


Saw your reply that you are going to return back to work soon..so have you started to train baby to be bottled feed? If you did not keep bm..baby will have no choice but to accept fm..although it will be tougher for baby to face so many changes at one time..bottle feed..and drink fm..

don't worry..baby adapt very fast one..


Thanks. Not convinient for me n only one can. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Based on winny 's estimate,I need at least 4 cans to last slightly one month. I intend to buy all 4 tins before I start work so that I have less to handle.


I found medical hall in woodlands selling 39 per tin. I intend to stock up this sat. Can't buy without my hubby ad I can't carry so many tins with baby in pram.


Thanks. I did not store. Till now I latch direct n I have been enjoying it. So does baby I hope. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] partly because mine is a manual hand pump. By the time I pump it will be faster to latch. Bottle feed have. I tried jojobar 's suggestion of feeding fm when out sometimes n night feeds some times I pump out so tat my hubby can feed baby n bond with him. I think he is OK with bottle but my worry is suddenly introduce all fm. So these few days I try to mix some fm into the feeds.hopefully by Monday I can change all to fm.

Mrs chun

My baby has all along poop only once a week. Checked with of before he says it's normal for BM baby. same as wat MnM's pd says. U want to check with another pd? I will are my pd again tis Fri I will ask him again.


thanks. I being emotional. I know no choice have to go back just sad. Guess I will get over it once the act is done. I also worry I cry on Monday. Sigh. I also worry watr will happen at infant care if he cries alot. These days when I m not in his line of sight he will cry. Sigh

Forever 81

I did not shave bb hair n dun intend to. He also dropped alot of hair. I check with pd. It's normal. Hormones are settling. I also check online n says same as pd.

Hi creamdonut I found Tollyjoy's booties and mittens quite big. Got it at ntuc. U might want to take a look. I bought 3 pairs for my girl as the rest of her booties/mittens are too small.

Hi sweetsnow, I had the cloth sling but I simply can't get my girl to enjoy it so I gave up. I bought Manduca carrier. So far so good. She'll struggle a little at first but after that ok.

Hi mummies,

For those who are still considering what kind of insurance to get for your newborn, i believe the first one should be the hospitalisation plan. As a mother of three, there is this plan called myshield, underwritten by Aviva, which provide free hospitalisation plan for your child if both you and your spouse are covered under this plan.

Premiums are deducted from medisave and i thought it's quite beneficial for all parents since it will be given free for your child (up to a max of 4 children).

For more information, please do PM me. I would also like to be upfront here. Yes, I am an insurance agent but as a mother of three, this plan can really help u save a fair bit over the long run.

If any mummies are considering getting a whole life plan(with cash value) for your darlings, with just a mere $2 a day, we can provide a $150K coverage for your child. This is one of the cheapest in the market too. Do PM me if you want more information.


My BB also havent cut his hair n he's 4mths next wk as he doesn't have much hair but I notice earlier on he does drop some fine hair.. dun think I'll cut it as well..


Yes I'm looking fwd to having my own place cos i can have my own space n when it comes to discipline my BB in near future it'll be easier as well but hb remind me tat over here at least there's someone to entertain BB when we r bz but when we move out everything have to settle our own.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi all,

Thanks for your advise on bb hair. My husband and I decided to shave my son's hair soon. Can any mummies suggest any good barber? Is baby spa a good place to go cut?

bubblygeekypig: Yes, that is part and parcel of being a mother. Sigh. cause they have to be constantly entertained all the time! sometimes they require so much of your attention that you cant get anything done in between! But its all worth it at the end of the day when they smile at you! i dont know if you guys do this, but whem i look at him sleep at times, i wonder what did i do good in my past life to deserve such a cute monster like him?:)

forever81: Hmm, i think Taimaobi is quite good as they are quite professional. I engaged their services previously and they were all very gentle with my baby which i think is very important!so I ended up doing 4 taimaobis(for the different families) and an umbilical cord stamp with them. :)


Your bb has so much hair to do 4 brushes? I thought my bb hair quite alot but end up only enough to do 1 brush.

I agree that Taimaobi staff are experience and gentle on bb, but I must warn that their prices are not gentle on our pocket.

They charge for everything like engrave words got different charge, different material different charge etc. I did 1 brush put in a frame and a normal crystal stamp, cost me $500+

sweetsnow: yeah! cause i wanted to do more, so i distributed the hair for 4 diferent brushes instead of putting it all into one brush! yeah, the prices are not low, but i gotta say there are not that "expensive" too. Well, i guess hand crafted items are def more expensive and if it will last, its $$ well spent!:)

When did you do yours for your baby? first month?

hi mummies,

For those who have PM me, i have already replied all. Anyone who is interested to find out more on getting free hospitalisation plan for your child, do PM me. Thanks.


Yeap, did it when bb was 1 month old. She can even slp when the lady shave her hair. Indeed is 一分钱一分货,the final products are exquisite.


If bb have fever after vaccination, do you give bb anything else other than the meds the doc gave? Like 羚羊or anything? My bb's fever keep fluctuating, started last nIght. Will the next 5-in-1 jab cause fever too?


I can't exactly Remb when my BB poo once a wk but i think it's when i prolong his feeding hrs when he's 2 mth old. Cos ge used to ve hourly feed then i slowly prolong his feed..


Haha my BB can be rather cranky at times if he's jus making noise not too bad but he can cry till as if he's being abused.. but of cos he's more playful n talkative now so sometimes will entertain him n he'll laugh or smile at.me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's like a love hate relationship wahaha!

Sweetsnow: yeah. I did mine at one month too! Yes, it's really good memories. Yes, my baby had fever too! But don't feed those kinda stuff. My in laws wanted to feed those but I dint want to. But they fed my son pao sheng or something claiming it'll prevent fever but he still had it. Just continue feeding him paracetamol and put on the cool aid. It'll help and it'll go away in a day or so.

Bubblygeekypig: ah, that's babies for us. It's a love and hate relationship for me too! But he's so cute I cannot bear to get mad at him though he's so naughty sometimes!

Hi, any mummies leave their baby at infant centre? Can share your experience / feeling?

My baby started his day at the centre since ytd & I was allowed to stay around for observation during the first 3 days. I find the teachers quite rough & not attentive. Now i feel so heart pain leaving him there, but got no choice as nobody can help to look after. Any mummies face similar problem with their infant centre?

My bb didn ve any fever when she has her first injection when she is 3 mths old, hopefully it stay tt way.

I did cut or shave my bb hair since she is born, she is also not dropping hair, hopefully she wun drop hair...

Any mummies gt any glass bottles to spare? I run out of it again bt mil prefer mi to use glass bottles to keep the BM as she feels more safe. The only pro is tt I keep running out of it n I ve like 50 bottles in the freezer.


How long will the fever from the jab last? It's been 1day. Her fever comes n goes. Can go as high as 40degree in minutes n down in minutes.

Sweetsnow: doctors normally advise if it still reaches 40 degrees on e second day, to bring back to check. So maybe u can observe today and see how it goes. If u stil feel very uneasy in e afternoon, just brin her to the doc. I mean, sure. It's a waste of money and e doc will most prob tell u t do what u are doing to make e fever subside now but at least it makes u more at ease when a doc tells u this. Most of e time I feel Tt we mothers are paying docs more to feel at ease. Hang in there! It always gets worse before it gets better.

Thanks sweetsnow and nnicole! Have decided to go to TAIMAOBI too.Hope I can control my mysel,f when making decision so that I won't burn a hole. :p

Have anyone did the hand and feet mould for their bb?Anyone tried the shop at KKH - Best Imprezzione?


Thanks. Luckily her fever comes down fast else I'll b v worried abt her 40degree fever. I just hope it stop coming back.

So true abt paying the doc to get a peace of mind. Past few times I go, I end up feeling I waste $ paying the doc. Haha, but I can slp better after that :p

forever81: hahah. its tough to control when it comes to our babies isnt it? nope. dint try it. i do not know what kind of clay they actually use for the babies so i dont intend to expose him to it, and my boy loves to suck his fingers. so better not. hahah.

sweetsnow: as long as it drops, dont worry too much about it. but who am i to say this? i rushed my baby straight to kk cause he contracted cough and flu and had fever at about 4 mths. made me worried sick. and in e end, all e doc did was prescribe the same thing as the gp. hahahah. yes, its a waste of money, but it gives us a peace of mind. i think most mothers are wasting such money like us too! hahahaha.

Hi forever81, I did the hand and foot print for my bb when she's few days old. They take abt 1 month to make it and I paid abt 400.

forever81: u can buy those diy kit sold at kiddy palace, mothercare etc. so after u imprint the leg and hands, u can also write something on it or add extra decoration (like beads or hair, hahaha).

Went back to work for 3 days already. The 1st day was super hectic. Packed with meetings and I can only use the only available 30 min to pump at noon. Dun even have time for lunch.

Bb is also with MIL for 3 days already. He's behaving exactly the same. Not a single sign of unhappiness. I'm happy that he adapts well. But also feel sad for myself that he doesn't miss me. He's not excited or happy to see me at the end of the day. Only after we bring him home at night then he starts to play, smile and talk in his own language with us. At least I get to see his smile and hear his laughter at the end of the day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrschun, my bb starts to poo only once every few days from week 8 onwards. He used to poo several times a days since birth. Read on Internet that it's normal for BF baby to change bowel movement from week 8 onwards.


My baby is in infant since 10 weeks old..now he has been there for coming close to 4 weeks already..so far so good for him..he has adapted to the environment there quite well..i like the place there too..i feel it more cosy than at our own houe..maybe because it's a new center..we are comfortable with the teachers there..i don't know if they are rough with my baby or not..cos i never really see how they handle my baby..but i know we are not so gentle with baby..cos my baby like to play rough..

How rough are they with your baby? If it's not too bad..maybe we can don't worry too much..baby is not as fragile as what we thought? Try to spaek to them regarding your concern if you feel this is very important to you? Speak to them more..it helps to re assure you more and worry less..what is the ratio of one teacher to babies?

did they ignore your baby?


you can get those glass bottles from the hospital..they will give if you ask for it..but don't go during their busy times..they won't have time to entertain? try go in the evening?

i got them from mount A hosp nursery..were you the mummy who i gave those glass bottles to?


I have some glass bottles to spare. I have PM u. Please check.

Thanks ;)


Btw, my EDD is around October 2011. Can add me into October's Facebook if there is any?

I would like to share information with u mummies too.

Thanks ;)

Hi Quizzer

Your baby is in new center, does that mean there are not many babies there? For ours, currently they have 4 teachers to 13 babies including mine, supposed to have 5 teachers but 1 teacher was on 1 week MC. Their max can takes up to 15 babies.

I find them rough in coaxing babies to sleep, they will cover theirs eyes with pillow/bolster & pat them. Their patting are quite harsh, I heard babies cried numerous times but they just continue patting. After babies fall asleep, they will not remove the pillow, I'm so worried of suffocate accident. Not just that, i also find them quite unattentive, there were few occasions when my baby was crying & screaming so badly but the teachers just continue talking. I did a video that time & his cried lasted more than 2 mins before a teacher walk over to check on him. I ever saw a baby stepped onto another baby's back. That poor baby can't walk yet & was blocking the older baby way so he just stepped on her back to get over to the other side. The teachers did not saw this incident.

After staying with him in the center for 2 days, I feel so heartpain leaving him there. Sometimes I'm wondering if I'm over-protective?

Nov mummy

The infant care that u sent ur bb got 2 separate areas for those walking n those bb who are not mobile yet? U can highlight those incident to the principal n inform ur bb main caregiver how u wan her to handle ur bb.

My son is also in infant care since 12 weeks , I couldn't bear to place him there , like u was with him for 3 days but as time passed by u will get used to it , as we can't afford to stop working n look after him.

If u think that the IFC is not gd u can find another one. Is ur IFC pte operated?

Hi Libra_bb

Your infant center has separate areas to divide the babies accordingly to their mobility? Mine don't have, all babies are at the same area playing together. My son is only 15 weeks therefore he's on the rocker most of the time, the other babies esp those learning to walk love to hold onto the rocker and sometimes they will shake the rocker & my baby inside will get a shock by the sudden rock. I wish they can separate them. My son was enrolled under ntuc operated infant center.

I did highlighting my concerns to the teachers but not sure if they can follow as I think there are too many babies for them to handle. Now I'm considering to switch him to another center, hopefully can find one that I can trust.

Hi Winny - thanks! I went to do it yesterday. now have to choose a baby photo to put together with the mould. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi sweetsnow and nnicole-went to cut bb hair yesterday at Tianmaobi, did 1 brush put in a frame and a normal crystal stamp. Keke! Really hard to control $$, esp when my hubby let me make all the decisions.

Btw when bb shave bald, do we need to apply anything (oil or powder) on their botak head? Last night my son have been crying very badly every 3 hrs,not sure if it's cos of his botak head or other reasons.

hello mummies, long time no login. hope all of you are doing fine and bbs are doing well, sleeping thru the nite.

novmummy, my bb's at IFC Bukit Batok since 13 weeks old. so far i like the way they tend to the bbs. my bb hardly cried when brought in/out. there is a separate area for younger/older ones. minus points are the aircon is too cold, aggravate his eczema. he started to have phlegm too but otherwise his poo, pee ok and milk intake not bad. oh dear, older bbs up to 18mths can get v rough and active and may injure the young ones. i'd switch centre if in your shoes.


There is 2 separted play area..one section is for those baby..another section is opened up for infant learning to walk.. this center is open in jan..enrollemnt still haven't pick up yet..still 2 baby to 3 teachers including my baby..recently my son's little classmate is hopitalised so left him in the center only..

4 teaches to 13 babies seems a little over crowded to me..in my elder son's previous 2 cc..they also have infant care section..everyday i walk pass ..i notice there always at least 2 teacher..max 3-5 babies/ walking infant..i don't know is it those parents came to pick up early? but the nos..is always around the same..i think this nos..is managable and babies seems to be happier with sufficient attention..


How do you sterilize your pump parts at work? Use hot water to pour over? Do you bring detergent to wash?

I'm going back to work this comIng week le. Sadness.

Family planning

Any of you thinking of having a second kid? When do

U think is a good age gap between the 2 kids? I googled and it seems that the best time to get preg again is 18-24mths after the earlier birth. Any of you have/intend to get preg within 1yr of the earlier kid?


Forever81: does your boy have cradle cap? It's like baby dandruff. If yes, put some olive oil on his scalp. Don't worry about it.. Monitor him more awhile more? Maybe not used to it.

Luvagape: I would love to be added. Is it okay?

Sweetsnow: yes, I'm thinking of having another one but 4 years later. I chose 4 years cause he would b more independent and would be able to know that's his sister. And from my own personal experience, they can take the impt exams together! Like one o levels one psle. Hahahha

