(2011/10) Oct 2011

Winny, gt wat u mean, yesterday my bb cling to me like leech. I put her down after she sleeps, less than 15 mins

Woke up crying like no tomoro so ve to carry her. Carried her for almost 4 hrs straight... Dun nod is it cause of the injection... Bt fortunately she has no fever.


Carried for 4 hours? OMG! That day I carried my bb for almost 1 hr as trying to coax her and my arm and back ache so badly. My bb is 6kg now.

My bb took rotavirus and 5-in-1 just now. Later midnight I'll wake up to take her temp. Quite worried.


again my pd encourages me to give more water since weather is hot. Told her I m giving my bb 40-60ml a day and she said I could do abit more.


my bb drinking 170ml every 4-5 hours now but my pd says 170ml is on the high side. Usually bb her age drinks abt 150ml. My bb is 3 mths 1 week.

Winny: My baby is 3 mths n 1 day. She weights at 6.12kg bt she is 63cm. Hw tall is ur baby?

I went to 3 PD before but all are against me giving her water... Hmmm...

My daughter is drinking 100ml every 3-4hrs, sometimes she can't even finish, m abit worried as it is on the low side. Bt then she is growing n gaining weight so I juz let her be.

Can I check if ur bb is sucking his fingers? My son recently love to put his fingers ino his mouth to suck. I sometimes put a pacifier to prevent him from doing so.

How to prevent him from suckin his fingers?is it normal?

Hi rejoy28, if ur bb is gaining weight I don't think there's any prob. My bb drinking more than yours and she's 6.04kg at 61cm. Keke..

She didnt get any fever or other effects. Phew! According to my pd, only 5-10% of bb will get fever.

Hi forever21, my bb is also sucking her both hands but I doubt there's anyway to prevent it. I just try to make sure I clean my bb's hands.

Hi, I got a question about the rotavirus vaccine. My bb is 3.5mths now.

We just changed doctor (we now go to a nearer clinic). While at the clinic last week, I asked about Rotavirus vaccine. My doc said that the first dose was supposed to be taken at 6 weeks, which we didn't take because our previous PD didn't inform us. And now that bb is more than 3months old, doc said that the vaccine may not work even if we were to take it now. Hence we only took the 5in1 jab last week (will take pnemococcal jab this coming Monday).

Any mummies can share on what their docs tell them about Rotavirus vaccine? Is it really too late for my bb to take his first dose at this age?

Hi! No leh. According to the vaccine schedule, bb take 1 dose of rotavirus from 2.5 mths to 3 mths. My fren's bb had it at 2.5 mths and my bb at 3mths 1 week.


I went to Jurong west st 81 blk 824 but only find one Indian provision shop in the basement. It does not sell any milk powder... Is the address correct?

Just brought my baby for 6 in 1 jabs today..

His wt: 7.45kg, ht: 69cm- 3 months 1 day old.

The doc suggest us to bring baby back next week for rotavirus and prevenar cos he vomitted a bit of his milk just now..

Mummies do you feed milk before the rotavirus or after? Cos doc say if baby vomit after that..they can't give again..

Hi quizzer, my bb had her milk b4 her vaccine then after vaccine too when she's hungry. What is prevenar vaccine? I don't see it in my vaccine chart.

Hi Coco

Apologize, i din realized the typo error, should be block 814. It's a chinese provision shop, the shop close at around 9pm daily.


how to determine if its modified 6in1? my jabs are at polyclinic, they never mention about modified 6in1, only got 5in1 and 6in1 (which apparently is the same medicine as 5in1 just that skip one mth)


have a qn to ask abt baby feet - r ur babies still wearing booties/socks or can barefoot? mine outgrow booties and yet socks cos those tight rubber marks at the calves, any advice on what i should do?

Hi creamdonut, according to the chart given by my pd modified 6-in-1 will have 2 jabs of 5-in-1 and the 3rd jab 6-in-1.


My bb still wear socks and booties (i try to buy those bigger ones) for bedtime as I'm worried she might be cold at night. Daytime she's barefooted.

For sock I pulled the stretched them as much as possible before I wear them on my bb. The marks I think is normal as long as it's not tight. Even us adults when we wear socks we would get the marks.

Rejoy28, r u latching or bottle feeding ur bb? My bb's intake is abt the same as urs if I bottle feed. He is taking around 100ml every 3-4 hrs. Sometimes 80 sometimes 120. Very difficult to gauge. My boy is ard 7 kg. he's 15 weeks now.

PD says based on his weight he can take up to 150ml. PD suspects that he's drinking more when latch on as he tends to throw up milk more often after latch compared to bottle.

I'm going back to work on wed. I'm afraid that he will be taking less milk if feed from bottle.

Socks: I still let my daughter wear socks day n night as her foot tends to be cold. I also wondering when can I stop wearing socks for her at home.

MnM: I bottle feed her in the day and latch her at night ever since she is born. She is 6.12kg n ard 12+ weeks. Nowadays, she doesn want to drink her milk, hard time making her finish her bottle of 100ml milk. I ask my frens, they say cld be due to taking injection, any mummies facing the same pro after injection?


My daughter is pooing inconsistently. Sometimes once a day, sometimes twice, sometimes thrice. MIL says her intestine is cold, any mummies experience the same? I ve checked with the PD, she says tt is ok as she is on full breast milk bt still kind of worried, cause prior to pooing everyday, she can dun poo for like 4-5 days


I still let my BB wear booties at hm n out as his feet tend to he cold.


My BB usually take 70-100 of my EBM every 2-3 hourly but if we go out he tend to refuse milk more thou sometimes at hm he also didn't wan milk as often. Recently he's also v inconsistent sometimes wan milk 1.5hr later sometimes aft 3 hr still dun wan..


My BB can dun poo for up to a wk. But when he does it's still watery n he's also on full BM..


have you guys started on food for your child yet? anyone knows what is the best kind of food to start them on? I have started him on apple puree, he's turning 5 mths next week. Is it alright?


I faced the problem some time back n i checked with pd. he says its normal becos bb shd be around 10 kg at one year old and becos our baby has reach the mark near that, bb's body is adjusting own intake. He says they only need to put on another 3 kg to reach 10kg within 8 months so milk intake will adjust accordingly by their own body plus he says dont forget at 6 months we start introduce food so tat will help push weight towards 10kg. My baby can go without milk for 4 to 5 hours after a full 30min latch these days. Hope this helps.


Mine still on regular 5-6 days cycle. I worry when i switch to fm this coming mon when i go back to work his poo cycle will be worse.do i have to tell infant care to feed him water or they will take initiatiive to do so?


I also worry my bb dont want bottle. I tired a few times express but he keep pushing the bottle teat out. But if i latch he will drink. I also facing some problems myself. I can bear to leave baby. Sigh. These few days i cry easily when i think about placing him in infant care. At times i feel lost and dun know what to do with myself. Sigh

Conersion fr bm to fm

Can any mummy advise me how to do it? I got the pill fr gynae. She says one eat cannot feed. Do i have to replace one fm with one bm feed to transition or is it ok just to stop and replace all feeds with fm?


I have not started as my bb still below 4 months. Pd told me to wait till 6 months before intro food and he mention to start with rice cereal. No mention of fruits?


I feed before vaccine but he stil puked out the dosage of oral vaccine. I heartpain. I ask nurse she say cannpt refeed but i stil have to pay. Sigh


I m also using this brand. Is it ok to buy fr medical hall. I worry supply source. Ntuc sells at 42.80, very expensive. Wonder if there is any bulk purchase. There is one in this forum but she dont have nan1 ha only nan2ha. Is ur bb on full fm now? How long can one tin last. I need to buy and prepare to stock up cos i start work on mon.

I don't think infant care would feed bb with water if you do not tell them. Better tell them what u want them to do and try to feed warm water.

My bb poo inconsistently too. Record was 6 days. PD says its normal for breastfeeding baby as they absorb the milk very well. As long as the poo is watery it's ok.

Tomorrow will return to work. Sigh. Will miss waking up with bb in the morning and playing with him in the afternoon

winny: then it seems like mine is modified 6in1... if its normal 6in1 how are the jabs like?


sigh, i kana scolded everytime let bb wear socks. ppl will cm and say me, say there is no blood circulation, say bb very pitiful the thigh so pain etc etc. i hear until very fed up

nnicole: nope, i read quite a few websites all say its too early for semi solids now so i shall wait till 6mths which is the recommended age.


I just introduce fm to my baby last week..i replace 1 bm to fm for a week..seeing that he doesn't have any poo problem..yesterday i told the infant care teacher to replace another bm feed to fm feed..will still monitor and replace slowly until he finish all frozen ebm in the fridge.. doc told me..to change slowly if not very traumatic to baby esp from bm to fm..rem to stock up enough bm for the transition..

Your baby puke out the oral rotavirus..very hard to gauge how much is still left in your baby? If take the 2nd dose few months later..will it still have the immunity effect or not?


prevenar just another name of Pneumococcal vaccine..it's optional jab..heard this is a very painful jab for baby to take..my doc told me this jab can be paid by medisave..anyone let baby jab this already?


I let my baby wear socks all the times even when he's sleeping..i notice baby feets tend to be cold even if they are not in air con room..

i let my elder son wear sock until he turn about 7 months..and ocassionally when we go air con places..


I panic now. I don't have much milk supply. I didn't store. How??? I lost. Don't know how to proceed. I go work on Monday,no time to replacement one milk feed to cm slowly. How??? I very scared now.

Don't know what for do. don't know about the immunity part but nurse just ask me to continue for next dose. I so heartpain when he puked out.both me n nurse unexpected. I stare at puke puddle for a while before I react n she say dun know how much he took so cannot refeed but I still got to pay. Sob!


Thank u. Very expensive. Tat means I need about 4 cans a month if take into account increased milk feed. The tin says 3-4 months is 180ml but my bb also can't drink so much. I try before 150ml also waste.


I also let bb wear socK's n yes even my mil says I cut off blood circulation to bbs. I just ignore. Sick of all these comments. If socks not tight will drop off lah.


My bb took the p jab u mentioned already. He took it the same day he took the jab for 5-in 1 n also the oral vaccine. Ended up with fever n loose stools for 2 days but we dun know which vaccine caused the side effect Co's he took 3 together.

Quizzer, my bb took the prevenar last sat. The nurse warned us that the jab is very painful and most babies will scream. But my bb only cried for 2-3 seconds and stopped. Maybe he has high threshold for pain.


Good luck tomorrow for returning to work. Next Mon my turn. I also very sad. Can't bear to separate from baby.


U also stadying work right?

quizzer: does ur bb have those tight rubber marks after wearing the socks? or is there any special type of socks to wear that does not have the marks?

pofy: ya man. then she keep pulling the socks all the way to the ankles, which cause the socks to keep falling out. then i wear back n she will pull agn. make the socks dangle all the way like the feet got 20cm like that.

For the vaccination, other than fever, will the injected area hurt? My bb just got her jabs today with rotavirus. Not yet fever, but when I touch her legs, she get tensed up n cry. Can I apply cream to the area?

Hi pofy, yes I'm going back to work on next wed. Feel sad but then also happy la. I m so bored at home.


when I switched from Bm to fm, I also did it gradually. But I did it faster la. Morn / noon Bm then night/midnight fm for 1 week then more fm the following week.

Oh and the adv on the tin, my pd ask me to ignore. I gave my bb 170ml and sometimes she can't finish and at times she vomited. Pd says bb her age (3mths) drink abt 150ml.

Hi sweetsnow, my rotavirus vaccine is taken orally. So there's no pain. For the 6-1 jab, I don't think my bb feel painful as I touched the area she didn't cry.


What is this jab for? My pd didn't ask me leh.


why don't you let bb wear booties then since ur mil concern abt the marks? For me, my bb's socks are mostly until ankle above but not to the thighs and the marks not very deep la. I keep pulling the elastic part before I wear them on bb.

1st day back to work tdy.. yawn.. MIL super stress as she mention to hb ytd tat my bb is real naughty always crying.. she was complaining to FIL n say wanna put BB in infant care when my hb came hm ytd n overheard.. hb told his mum even BB in infantcare caretaker over there will also ignore BB cries n moreover this few mths I take care most of time so his mum dun really noe BB's 'pattern' yet.. Hai..

bubblygeekypic: think ur mil juz has to get use to it and has the will to take care of the bb. no matter wat is still own grandchild, last resort then throw to infant care.

pofy: thank you, think it is very normal for u to feel this way esp u are the main caretaker, i cried in the morning on my first day of work, really cant bear as she can smile, coo n play with me in the morning. Even till now, i can feel the heart pain when i leave in the morning for work esp when she smiles at me.

think u can only console urself that u ve to work so that he has a better way of life in future.

hey, thank you both for the reply! I guess it all differs as many websites ive seen said to start. This is so so confusing. But ive just started him on that and he seems to take it well, and it's only once a day, so i shall observe him further.

anyway,bubblygeekypig, dont worry! everything will work out well once they get used to it. In fact, they will spoil him/her so much. and i totally agree with rejoy28, it is very very tough to go back to work when you see ur baby smiling so happily at you early in the morning. but it's all for the greater cause. It's so expensive to raise a child in Singapore!

Rejoy & nnicole

My BB is usually sleepy in e morn so I'll jus change diaper n dreamfeed him in e morn then i go prepare myself while he's sleeping Haha! Jus scare he might be cranky n cry then v headache.. think it'll be worse once we move out of MIL place cos need

to coax him n bring to MIL place b4 out to work!


Well, the perks of it is that, you have your own home and trust me when i say that, no matter how the relation is between your in laws and you, there will be a time when your views differ,esp to educating. and i am already facing such a problem when my boy's only like coming 5 mths?

well, mothers always have to make the sacrifices. so yes! it will be a very different experience for you! but most babies like going out(according to what i heard from my friends and my own experience) so he might be too in awe with everything going around that he will forget to fuss!


winny: oh, i meant calves, not thighs. the socks up to the calves, below knee, so the rubber marks are there. i already stretch the socks before using, bt they still leave marks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bb outgrow booties already, when wear booties the "L" corner of the booties is actually at the sole instead of at the end of the feet/ankle.

