I agree everytime I watch Channel 425 on Baby Story it scares me.
Just watched one episode where there was one mummy who keeps screaming and another one very calm and her delivery seems easier. So I tell myself I must not freak out and be stress on that day. But I think easier said and done.
Regarding Epidural:
Have been reading a book - K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Series) Guide to Pregnancy.
One chapter talks about the different stages of delivery process. And it is mentioned that Epidural can slow down contraction process hence won't be given too early. They show pictures how epidural is injected through a tube that's inserted into our lower spine area to numb our lower body.. very scary.
Through the book I learnt some interesting facts about our baby now that we are approaching end of 2nd trimester:
1. Some mummies will start experiencing backache due to increasing weight of fetus. Wearing a pregnancy support girdle and swimming may help.
2. Sleeping on our back constricts blood and oxygen circulation in the major vein supplying nutrients to your baby and also adds weight on our intestines. Best position to sleep is lying on our sides (left is ultimately preferred, but either sides is fine).. no mentioning of why Left Side is preferred.
3. Mummies become forgetful(yes in my husband complains) but this is temporary and will disappear after pregnancy. (Phew! [IMG=] )
4. Time of rapid growth for baby:
At the end of 5th month, fetus is about 20-30cm, 225-450gm
At the end of 6th month, fetus is about 28-35cm, 680gm
5. Baby has fingerprints now and fingernails have grown to the tip of fingers.
6. Baby sleeps and wakes up at regular interval
7. Baby has began practicing breathing now and may even be sucking its thumb
8. Baby's skin is red and wrinkled
9. Eyelids began to part and eyes are open at 26 weeks. Twins can even see each other and hold hands (Wow!! [IMG=] )
10. Baby can now share our emotions. When your pregnancy is cluttered with emotional stress (esp last 3 mths), we will have a higher risk of having a child who is anxious and becomes a difficult sleeper when born.
At this point, I told my husband don't upset me ah...haha [IMG=]
11. Chemical compounds cross the placenta to join the amniotic fluid to provide fetus with tastes and odours.
Whenever I tell my hubby that I wanna eat something because the baby wanna eat, he always say it's my excuse as I am the only one enjoying the food, not the baby. Last night when I showed him the book that says "You are not the only one enjoying your favourite foods and drinks while pregnant. in 2nd trimester, baby starts to taste and smell what I ingest."...he got nothing to say....Yeah!
12. Ear structure is complete at 24 weeks and fetal listening begins. Our own voices is particularly more powerful as it is transmitted to the womb through our body, compared to outside sounds.