(2011/10) Oct 2011

Can I check with breastfeeding mommies, how many bottles do we need? Say we want (if can) to pump out after we go back to work? And what is the recommended ML bottle to buy for such use now? Thinking of buying the medela bottle (5oz & 8oz) to use with the breastpump they comes in 3's - which is weird cos if we pump dually, comes in 2's or 4's is better, isn't it? :p or is the storage bags better?

tamms> no lei, never cross my mind to use reusable pads, I think i will still use disposable for pad



Ya there are only a few boutiques in SG like Taka and Raffles City. Didn't know Phuket also has. I think I must be crazy then to spend so much $..


do u mean tat for those reuseable diapers need to change e outer as well as insert once they poo/pee?? oh no then i've got tons to wash... anyway think for 1st mth i'll use e disposable type then c how it goes..


forget to mentioned tat my gynae also gave me calcium pills.. but im going for routine chk up this wkend not sure will i be getting e same thing


dun think i'll use reuseable pads since i noe some places selling those pads at a cheap price moreover we cant really touch water during 1st mth right.. dun think anyone will wash for me quite disgusting for others to wash ur 'blood' compare to bb's poo leh..


yes I never thought about it either and I'm terrible lazy about doing laundry, but sometimes even with disposables we still need to wash the stains off right? Was thinking of MAYBE giving these a try post partum... but will still be a long way off, last time my menses came back only after 8 months post delivery. If the same, that will be 1 year from now!


well not touch water is for that 1 month only, what about after confinement when you have to wash your baby's and your own laundry?

bighungrybear: which outlet did you enquire? i called up tampines outlet; the principal told me to go down to register .. so hubby and me planning to go for the tour and register this friday ..

My gynae still give me the calcium pills, multi-vitamins & fish oil.... but i dun eat everyday... afraid to take so much pills daily.... i'll eat alternate days...

Ginn> I have no choice, my hub "forcefeed" me everyday..haha..he say baby thio brain and bones need to grow. So he will prepare water for me every morning and night. So no choice, anyway I'm kinda used to it cos I take supplement before my preg too :p

Karen> ya I saw the price at the fair before even during discount its not cheap. you really bought alot, so sweet the birdy one. too bad mine boy, cannot dress up :/

tamms> I agree with bubblygeekypig..i think abit err. and need to hang up to dry..haha..so paiseh.

bubblygeekypig> I also will use disposable for a start, just that frd gg USA so if its cheaper to buy there and in long run got saving I dun mind trying.

fantastar/Snuppy> you gals mean infantcare? some centre dun entertain until we are at least 8 months. I called before..no standard practice it seems

rabbit_bb: yup; we are referring to infant care .. different centers got different practice .. learning vision at my workplace - can register for enrolment when we are 6 months pregnant .. pcf sparkletots near my house - can go down and register now .. they are only open for registration, and it depends whether there are vacancies then .. i am going to be a bit kiasu and register at both centers, in case there is no vacancies ..

winny: have not try it out, but going to use that for baby ..

hi ladies. I'm feeling soooo tired. Setting off to KL soon and whole night didn't sleep well. Hope later can rest in the hotel cos next few days are going to be super packed.


I won't use washable sani pads. Very icks for me. :p find baby poo more acceptable than blood. Lol!


I used the Pupsik pouch almost everyday for my babe from birth till ard 4mths plus. After that stopped cos my shoulder wouldn't withstand her weight anymore. It's really very convenient when out. Baby can sleep inside and u can go handsfree. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good Morning mummies!

starry: haha~ yeh cos me & my frens tried to visit e shop one day during lunch & it's closed! being first time parent, was too excited so went to the shop yesterday.. & u r right! haha~ it's really better to go there when u know what you want.. e lady, Auntie Winnie is v. helpful (the way I saw her serve & she's not e hard selling type).. but she told me it's too early for me to buy e big items now, so ask me look ard more & come back ard Aug.. got a item list fr her though (no price tag).. yeh! Im also a 3R person! Go green! heh..

have a good trip! =)

fantastar: Thanks for the promo phamplet! r u also going today?


dun think i'll use disposable pads agree wif Starry that bb's poo is more acceptable than blood.. maybe becos as parents it is expected of us to clean up our bb's poo...

ytd my hubby was asking his mum if it's better to use re-washable diapers his mum mention bb's poo quite diff to wash and need to change lotsa times for newborns.. probably becos previously cloth diapers was used but i wonder now tat we have this microfibre or other type of material will it be better or e same... now hubby is thinking twice..

morning mummies,

anyone suffering from painful heels or have had similar experience before? not sure if its my shoes or what. been feeling the pain since yesterday. gets better when i lift my legs up at night, but starts to get painful when i stand and walk again this morning.

im also thinking of using cloth diapers, but maybe just once or twice in the day. one colleague mentioned that its good to air baby's butt. cloth diaper will be comfortable on baby too.

My hubby wants diapers to make our lives easier... but also thinking bout cloth diapers leh... hmmm....

haha my mummy wants cloth diapers.. i tink its very troublesome to wash. but since she is taking care of bb, then up to her loh... hahaha.. at night then wear diapers.. just that i dunno if shd use the traditional cloth ones with big safety pin or the modern ones like moo moo kow..


my mum insists want to use traditional one... give up fighting with her.. so just let her be since she's taking care the baby till Jan. After that, i will use those modern cloth diaper and disposable one... hahaha

My gal use diaper since born. No hassles in washing. Luckily Mil nv say want use cloth diaper.

THese few days wake up so early, 3+, 4+, 5+ am and couldn't slp back. At office keep yawning... dunno y kip waking up so early. Not for toilet break, not hungry also.. Haiz!

Hi! Mummies, anyone is going to the Motherhood Exhibition tomorrow afternoon? Me thinking to go in late afternoon tomorrow :)

fantastar/rabbit bb,

Oh i went down to ntuc my first skool 2 weeks ago, n the principal said cos my area not much bb enrolled for the infant care (amk block 601), their principal suan lai very friendly n doesnt look like principal.. hence ask me to return for registration during late dec. but i guess i will go ask when can i register during nov :p. also kiasu scare no place.

as for sparkletots.. planning to go next week see their environment first.. then compare with my first skool. but their fee cheaper by $94++ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope their environment is just as good as MFS..


snuppy> once register they guarantee a space or still under waiting list? You sending ur bb there after ML? Cos I'm looking out for one but will only send when 9months - 12months..once register need to pay fee already?

I condemn the pj shop where I bought from yesterday. Today lug the pjs back to change size or replace for other stuff, rude lady refused. Will nv buy from her again, so stubborn.

The skirt too short n side of skirt even shorter.

Can't even change for other things when size can't fit. Both old woman so stubborn n rude to budge. V ruin my lunchtime for both days.

rabbit bb:

my side block 601 ang mo kio my first skool very ulu hence there is still vacanciess..they asked me to return 1-2 months b4 delivery for registration.

they will put u to waiting list if there is no vacancy.

Register first but payment wise will start when you start putting your bb there.

but u can use your CDA to deduct,

I'm putting there after my maternity leave, prolly around feb 2012.

but if you're only putting bb ard 9 months plus big.. i think they will advise you to come back when approaching.

maybe you go down and see see, listen to what they can provide/cater to you first.

Hi mummies

You ladies got me interested in the cloth diapers too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But mine is #2 already so the reuseability not so high anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi minidiary, please help me update #35 in the list. I am having a girl too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear Mummies,

I am a Feb Mum. I have a head snuggler to let go, blue in colour. Only let my baby tried once at home willing to let go at SGD20. Self Collect at Tampines or Choa Chu Kang. If interested, pls sms me at 96960320


If I see a GP for indigestion, what will she give. Will it help? take instant noodles late last night then went to bed. feel like vominting in the middle of the night, feel nausous with instant noodles whole day. any suggestion?

Hi Starry, this Pupsik pouch looks like the new native baby sling my fren introduced.

From the wen Pupsik pouch looks kind of short. Is it troublesome when u take out the sling? Do you have to carry baby out first?


she still infuriate me say after birth slim down can wear.

Purpose was for now n confinement.

I feel cheated spend 2days of lunchtime head there!



i have problem like this also. but i don't go GP for it (although you can! GP will give you meds). i either take a bit of Eno or gaviscon. helps a lot. and try not to eat after 8pm? 'cos digestion will slow down. plus pregnancy, it can be quite terrible.


actually it is of just the right length for me and my babe. just make sure you get the size for your weight. i took the M-size which is for 45-60kg i think.. just nice! and yes, have to take baby out first before you remove sling. another way is to bend low over the bed such that baby (still in pouch) touches the bed and remove the sling totally then carry baby out. i did this when she was too little and went in very 'deep' into the pouch and i was kinda jelly-handed about 'digging' her out. :p not sure if you understand what i mean. but once she got a little bigger, it's a lot easier and faster getting her in and out of it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

creamdonut> If i remember correctly I also paid $400+ during oscar scan, that day i went detail scan the nurse told me no payment needed. you mean they sent u the bill via post?

winny> i had indigestion during 1st tri and the gynar gave me Aromag which I only took once cos it taste too horrible. Otherwise you can try ginger tea, it helps ease.

Hi mummies,i am from the nov thread..Will like to ask mummies here whether anyone encounter coughing badly for nearly a month? I had been coughing for nearly a month. and currently i am in my week 16.At first it starts with only cough during the night when i lay down to sleep then it became day and night cough with some white phelgm.At night i cannot lay down and cough as my lower tummy will be very painful so i have to sit up and cough till i breathless,my cough is like barking cough.Throat always so itchy so have to cough it out.Now i am so afraid to sleep at night.Had drank Sedilix DM Linctus cough syrup prescribe by my gynae and had taken some chinese power medicine from a chinese sinseh and currently taking Duro Tuss cough linctus.Heard that its one of pregnancy symptoms and will go away after week 20.Please kindly advise if anyone exoerience that.Thanks..

good morning mummies, TGIF!

re: cloth diapers I'd love to use them as I heard bb will learn how to toilet train faster cos they know the meaning of wetness. But with #1 kena UTI at 5.5 mths cos of unhygienic caregivers, it's gonna b disposables all the way till 2.5yo-4yo.

hello mrs chong, my phlegm cough has also come back lately due to catching it from #1. I had it for 1-2 mths during 1st tri and found drinking pi pa gao and lots of water helps. Rest is v impt too. HTHs.

Hi Little bb, dun think its good to mix western and chinese med together leh. White phelgm and nite cough sounds like cold cough. Try soaking your feet in warm water for 10 mins before sleep? Some say rub soles of feet with Vicks Rub. Not sure if it works though.


e pram n cot seems cheaper n cot comes in a package wif pillow, bloster, blankets n some other stuff thrown in as well. some even have diff promo on diff days. generally i would say is cheaper but i came out empty handed as we r staying wif in-laws so only have a room to oursleves his mum think tat it's too early to buy + space constraint so hand up we jus did our research...

by e time we went on to c all e rest of e nursing wear n bb wear it's almost closing so didnt get to really buy those as well...

congrats fantastar and wnnie for knowing the gender. SO happy for u all. can proceed to shopping craze liao! hahaha.

I still countdown to my detailed scan in 2 weeks' time

