(2011/07) July 2011

syrah - haha .. but my am platter didnt taste nice.. cos the hashbrown is cold, the biscuit not crispy.. the chicken is soggy, only thing nice is my MILO and egg.. =(

Crystal - I saw at kaki bukit selling at around 600+, not exceeding 700, maybe its the older version de? I m not sure cos i didnt do research for quinny.. Liz bought and posted the Quinny, she mentioned its about 1200 for retail =D



I'm sharing my confinement story and thought that I could recommend my CL- her name is meiling. She's helping me right now and not sure if she is avail to help you during your confinement period. She is with i-kare agency. www.i-kare.com.sg

Her duties includes taking full-charge of my twin babies and their feeding schedule (which I am 100% latching on). She is also very quick in doing her chores and practices high expectation in cleanliness and practices hygienic habits. She cooks great confinement meals which I had never had during my first confinement and had great skills with my infants. I have no problems with her and extended her services.

Next, I want to talk about is the agecny. i-kare, i heard of their exlclusive nannies before....they have integrity to delivery what they promise... which I am very glad. She promised she'll recommend a great help. After experiencing a bad confinement in my earlier confinemetn period, i entirely let her manage. I've engaged their service thru a recommendation in this forum too when i was confirmed pregnant with twins... I hope to let mummies needing extra help have another option. Getting a great help is matter of going to the right source.

I'm currently a active mum in the forum but thought to register for a new username for this recommendation. You may send any private message to me about this recommendation.

*not an advertisment and recommending with no commision.

hmm dun b envious of ppl who hav gd appetite.. hehe.. for my 1st bb i was vomitting thru too.. but i told myself it jus means it's a strong pregnancy n bb is fine.. n yes eventualli it'll end..

some beliefs are tat ur pregnancy is tough ur bb is easier to care for.. so far i tink quite true in my case..

now i m still vomitting.. but i take comfort in e same pursue.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

if not in too big a hurry might wanna wait for taka bb fair.. mayb March can get stroller there too i tink they supply from bb hypermart :p

I am finally well aft a few days sick....

Re massage lady: u all start to book already.. Me nt yet. Was thinking of using the previous massage lady but dunno where her no already..

Stroller: wants to get a stroller but not sure wat brand is gd as stroller for #1 was a present fr hubby fam.. Nt really tat gd..

Sitting in salon now.

Decided to rebond hair instead of perm, easier to manage.

Any occasions, will just curl hair myself.

Think I gotta sit here for 3-4 hours.

Luckily swallowed a bak Chang and a mos burger.

Morning went for facial.

After doing hair will go shopping.

Today is 'tai tai' day.


I wanted to perm my hair too.. Asked my MIL as she is a hairdresser (for aunties - haha!), she said better dun as got chemical..

Luckily she told me 1 week after delivery, i can wash hair wiz hot water.. Soooo happy!


No need to be envious lah.

You can take a day leave and pamper yourself also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Though gynae gave the ok to chemical treatment on hair, I reminded my hairdresser not to let he chemicals touh my scalp. Cos I really buay tahan the messy hair, like auntie.


My a.m platter was all nice and warm. However i took a long time to finish all of it. It's my first time trying it. Didn't turn out as nice as I expected it to. And not surprisingly, till now I'm not hungry though it's past lunch time. I still prefer Mac breakfast though. My beloved egg Mcmuffin.

This thread is really moving fast... Took me a while to read all archive to catch up...

Im down down with flu which is terrible as alot of medicine we cannot eat nw... All MTB out there take care k cause is really spreading everywhere... I prob caught the bug fm office as immune system is nw lower and alot of ppl falling sick too... Below is today rpt on the flu suituation... Do take care CNY coming and all... Feels horrible to be sick...

Jan 21, 2011

Coughs, cold, fever at epidemic level

By Salma Khalik

Unusually large numbers of people are falling ill with sore throats, the common cold, fever and diarrhoea.

UNUSUALLY large numbers of people are falling ill with sore throats, the common cold, fever and diarrhoea - numbers large enough to classify the infections as an epidemic.

Last week, polyclinics saw more than 20,000 patients with such problems - an indication that the infections have passed the epidemic threshold and are now spreading rapidly in the community.

Polyclinics see roughly 20 per cent of primary care patients, so the Ministry of Health (MOH) uses its patient numbers to gauge the level of infectious illnesses in the country.

When the numbers at polyclinics top 17,032 cases a week in the case of acute respiratory infections (ARI), it is severe enough to be classified as an epidemic.

Last week, 18,377 patients turned up at polyclinics with ARI, a term used to cover a range of infections such as the common cold, influenza, bronchitis and pneumonia. This is almost 1,000 cases more a day than the norm.

In fact, the number of such patients at polyclinics jumped from 2,842 a day the previous week to 3,341 last week.

hehe jas ya my luxurious tai tai day will start 1 Feb .. n then e week after CNY .. but with a tyrant in e house hard to break free n b tai tai ..

but i will say not goin to work is still best lah.. :p

but dunno wat i wanna do also coz i already did my hair last week .. :p

readin Lynn's report i realise ya a lot of ppl sick .. i also not so good but i came to office to spread germs hahaha :p

pile on water! n take ur vitamins .. rest well n u shld b okie..

i tink there r still meddy safe for preggies but mostly drowsy .. for me i tink rest is e best!

Wendy - Yap resting at hm right nw... Loading on vitamin C as well as water...

Need lots of rest which pity at the moment is not really possible, working to squeeze as much as possible...

Audrey - u got me craving for BK breakfast... If im feeling better tomorrow will go have it...

Lynn - thanks for the readings!

For once I am glad I have piles instead of flu..

I m a sucker for eggs.. Now BK add items at a separate charge =D

Lynn get well soon then u can hav BK v soon .. tml hopefully u r well .. otherw might make it worse .. :p but cravings win all huh?

aiyoh poor thing .. i also squeezing myself for last leg b4 CNY so i tink i know wat u mean ..

Audrey we r both suckers for eggs i love eggs .. :p

Jas: Wah say, u really tai-tai life today lei. Hmm...i miss my massage session. Will be going Batam tmr and my trip includes a free massage session but i cannot utilize it lei. Wonder if i can tell them to be gentle and go for it:p

xinyue> don't be like that... i like girls more. mayb u r hvg a boy afterall.

janice> email you the CL contacts liao. hope u r able to find a good one.

crystal_cloud> i like ethan n elijah, bt my dh doesn't like. allysa is a nice name n the spelling is nice too. sometimes i dunno what's up in their heads. what i like he doesn't like, wat he likes, i think it's crap... haha

haiz~~~a sianZ day for me!!!! jus annouced this morning...no Bonus for IT...what a crap!!! realli slog like hell for the whole yr n this is what we get...this not worse...the worse is: No Increment somemore!!! WTF....no mood to work!!! hv to tightened waist line n save more for bb...

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] worse then govt sector!!!


Pls take care rest well k

Oh Feimei

Ur co so jialat 2?? Same like mine present 1...really loh no mood to work liao... Will u consider to chg job aft u give birth?

sunshine> this is one thing bad lah...but they pay for my maternity...if i can find another one paying maternity too, i sure to leave...*pui* dun even give a damn....hahahaha....soooo i tell my DH....resolution this year at work is: Utilized all my MC/hospital leave...come in late...leave on the dot...hahahaa...

oh dear how come no bonus! economy doin well!!!!

govt giving bonus not a lot but still giving ..

@stylo.. i tink Allysa is a nice n unique name not v common at least [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wendy> i'm hvg a boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] allysa is wat crystal_cloud likes. i like it too. we r both grunting abt disagreeing DH [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stylomilo > thanks... think i have to look on bright side.. so long baby comes out normal and healthy, ok already.


good to have a early weekend of taitai day!

me booked for hair a few weeks bk, but was late for appt n need to wait...so end up, wont be trimming even my hair, cos no time now too.

have to wait til march, maybe when #1 goes cc, then i take leave n go fo quick cut.

busy for the past few wks at wk, so miss bb and cant wait to b home.

Stylo: Orrr...have to guai guai and dun massage. Wo ren...Hee...was hoping someone here to tell me go for it:p

Breakfast: All the breakfast talk makes me crave for KFC porridge. Arghh...and i'm leaving early in the morning tomorrow. Hoepfully can grab a bowl of the KFC porridge with lots and lotsa pepper from Harbour front before i board the ferry. *drooling liao*

AHHH... 1 day gotta do so manay reports plus hafta process 1 stack of invoice today!!! make me headache~~~ any remedy for headaches other than taking panadol?

When I tot that giving an english name for boys are tough, realised that gers name even tougher!

a lot of nice names already being used n very common among frens...

There's a promotion by drypers now,

bring the wrapper of any other brand (more than 24 pcs) and buy 1 get 1 free for the large pack.

Only at guardian.

xinyue> exactly, that's the right spirit[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at first i was disappointed when i found out the sex too. bt i kan kai already... as long as he's healthy i'm happy.

cactusnah> come back n do it in sin lah. i'm hvg a pre-natal massage next week at cuppage plaza. will let u know if good or not. in the meantime, enjoy your trip!

can perm but chemicals cannot touch scalp, that means cannot dye hair? aiyah i jus cut a coconut hair style.. short hair at ears, with bangs.. i still want to dye so i dont look so "gong gong"...

Kim - talking about common names, I've seen a trend naming baby boys Jayden/Ayden/Aiden/Aden among my friends and relatives.. difference is just the variation for "Jayden" ...

px22 > i also coconut hair style. layered hair touching my shoulders with bangs.. someone said i look like a china doll. zzz

wendy> economic good??? financial industry still like hving tsuinami....u noe...barcap is chopping n so is jpm....sooo...dun expect much too!!!


the 2nd one is my #1 name

I like jay chou, but dun wan to name so direct!

also cant find better names which we like.

stylomilo > thanks..

feimei > since when is economy good? seems to me that 1) the revenues from the 2 casinos is pushing the economy up 2) election is coming. So have to give pic that economy is good.

xinyue> mine not touching shoulder.. mine is straight cut and at the ear.. super short. i look like a very old student.. my boss say he tot I am intern with another team..


px22 > should be glad in a way.. ur boss indirectly saying u look young (assuming that interns are normally students)..

