(2011/07) July 2011

Wendy/Audrey - I love eggs too any type of eggs... Going to cook scramble eggs for myself...

Cactusnah - Not recommended to go or massage nw, esp u dun know them well...

So envious that some already know the gender, can start shopping and looking around for names... Was thinking if i should make a trip down to my gynae for flu consultation and than ask to scan to try my luck...



how many weeks are u?

according to gynae, normally if boy, very much confirmed.

if gal, still need to wait for a few more rounds.

I am holding on to my shopping.

now only shop for myself! clothes to wear when preggy...some clothes i used 2 yrs back v worn out, cos lend to my sis too.

xinyue> ya mannn...i never tink it had been good!!! DH said my co annouced big big that co is doing good...got how much earning...then how come no bonuse, no increment??? i tell him he still dun get the idea...show public that they r doing good mah...if say anything bad...no trust fr public...then co will close door lol...no matter how bad the co is doing...still hv to say to public that it's doing good,...very good somemore!!! Right???

haha...Feimei...i like it = *pui*...all those stup*d bosses....yes make full use of all ur MC/hospital leave...no point loh to slog for such a com...ya lah maybe com not doing gd...but at least give some token as form of appreciation ba

feimei> mine big bank also.. making good profits but they tell u bad year, CEO say must have 1 billion euro in savings so tats coming out from bonus also.. Our bonus gonna be super horrible also.. i heard my team mates this team bonus always get less than civil servants.. whoever said bankers are all well-paid??

feimei > ya lor.. but do u all have recreational activities/trainings/workshops for staff? if have additional for this yr, might means really doing good.. but for some reasons dun give bonus

sunshine> no need ker qi...stuPIG Boss!!!! *pui*...*puiiiii*...

px> i heard ur side oso gg to 'ka-cha' abit...not sure if it's true!!! at least u got hope leh...lesser than civil servants...better than me...NOTHING...at least u hv abit to buy..bb cot, stroller...shld be enuff for all these stuffs bahhh!!! that's wat DH saying...they tell the whole world they making $$$ dan this morning annoucement saying...very very bad yr for the co...WTF is this??? they jus wan to cover up n dun wan public to loose confident in them...thats y say make $$ la...haiz~~~Sianz~~~wish u luck for ur Bonus!!!

xinyue> i was suppose to go hk for 2wks training when i jus joined in 2008 but that time they told me co not doing good...soo all oversea training got freezed!!! then after 1 yr, 2yrs passed...big boss say i here for 2yrs liao...sooo no need got for training lol...ha...i meant to me..i m ok lol...no big deal lol...but our training or workshop...all done online de...soo dun tink need to spend any $$$ bahhh

px> i tink front-office ppl like traders, sales person will get pay for bonus cos they are the revenue generator mah...if dun pay them...they throw letter ahhh...hahahhaa...

audrey> ur frenx sooo lucky!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i m always very sway de~~~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] always join the wrong timing...when happy times already over!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Px22 - i also now coconut hair taking me a while to get used to my aunty xiao wan zi look ..

cactusnah - massages can enjoy later lah.. now more impt to make sure no one massages u e wrong way hehehe..

oh dear how come ppl bluff their staff i tot good leh how come yday news say ppl doin more to retain staff .. lucky i still okie lah .. i m in govt .. :p

but mc leave.. hav been reasons for e poor bonus everywhere lah ..

Audrey DEN DEN DEN DEN like announcement making sound mah .. hahaha ya those r v common names .. my son's name also becoming common ..

stylo - oops i tot u wanted Allysa as ur bb's name.. but boy cannot ba .. :p well discuss more with hubby ba i m sure can come to terms having disagreements only meant both of u want e best for ur child only each person's best is not e same..

cheer up girls it's Fri!

feimei > Ok.. me curious ah.. I heard that normally for banks, bonus is announced in mar? how come urs so early u know already?

ya, traders, risk management ppl all high high bonuses.

feimei, no bonus at all?????

im dependin on my pathetic 4 weeks bonus (note hor, 4 weeks is lesser than 1 month's) on baby stuffs

and they are dragging it till 31st then pay out


7 months!?

definitely not local banks like dbs and uob right?

isit julius baer or wat?!

madness that probably explains the crowd at LV and gucci boutiques

xinyue> no leh...my co change fr dec to jan...never into mar before...we dun follow finanical yr...my co financial yr ending in dec de~~~

Kimifin - went for my last scan at 12+ wks... BB had legs crossed all the time so was not able to see...

Feimei - mine too no bonus, although per qtr xxx million net earnings but still never meet target... So no payout to staff [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

crystal> totally nothing for me this yr...lucky hv been saving up for bb...haiz~~~now depend on mthly to save more lol...

lynn> nvm la...dun think too much...our bunny will bring us luck for next yr...Huat ahhh~~~soo we mus buy cny toto n 4d~~~hahahahaha....

Feimei - I am at bugis! I found them!! Initially I tot the largest size can't fit my boobies... They do! Wee! Love u girl!

gals...dun know why alway when abt my gyne visit...i will hv nightmares ar...yesterday dreamt menses come...so many blood...so scare is it a bad omen

crystal - im also nt very sure my first time... only know that gynae mentioned that cannot tell during the last scan as bb crossing legs...

suying - waiting to hear ur update...

sunshinebb - stay positive dun think too much...

feimei - yes of cause but abit still have hope... dun buy totally no chance...

Any MTB here born in the yr of dog? my colleagues mentioned that if MTB fm this yr and preggy nw very "heng" in the coming Rabbit yr...

audrey> u soo fast...cheong down to bugis??? hahahaha...u get those behind got rubber type??? i keep looing at it ytd...keep tinking wan to buy anot....but in the end din buy cos dun tink i will wear to work la...soo if onli buy for cny...abit wasted lol...soo din buy!!! u bot which one?? i like those in checks design...like those ming guo days...where the gals cut the china doll hair...cycle to study...(u get what i meant???)

Girls, finally weekends are here and of cos, this is the only weekend i wished it pass faster cos Monday is my appointment! hehe..

suying, cant wait to hear from you too! Are you celebrating? haha!

Sunshinebb, you will be fine k!!

audrey: think ur fren bluff one ba? 2 yrs ago was lehman bro's collapse. That time banking world was a mess I slogged till 3am every night, yet even promotees got pay freeze, and sales/traders alot tio pok.. And ur fren still get 7mth bonus?

Feimei: yes my side forever pok pple.. outsource to cheaper countries ma, but pay peanuts = get monkeys.. They very "straight" one, got prob dun solve one, jus throw back to u.. end up more work to do..

And no they not afraid sales pple throw letter.. In fact I just saw 2 top sales person + 1 structurer + 1 trader tio pok in dec.. so no need pay them bonus, which is 10% of their sales/trading profit for the year.. Very scary, if ur access pass is disabled and u cant get in the office u know u r screwed.. "smelly" right?


Bb keep u in suspense lah!

My scan, doc seemed to scan from butt view. We c got no stick but duno if hidden. Nex scan on Val day!

I wil go alone cos is glucose test. Must watch diet this time. Last time failed n retest cos my breakfast was cake for the week!

px> ya mannn~~we in sa-mer sa-mer environment lah...cut cost n out source to those vomit blood ppl to do...they create shit n throw back to us...jus a bunch of idoits!!!!!they can throw back...i oso know how to throw back lol...we play 'bo-la' lol...c when music stop...shit at whose side...soo far heng la...when music stop...shit at their side...soo they hv to 'eat'...hahahhahaa...they wan to play such game...i accompany them!!!!

Feimei I know what u mean..

I try to squeeze into that.. Cannot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ESP red checks.. So goon du.. So cute...

But they can't fit my boobies.. I got the red floral one the mannequin is wearing ... And black de.. Each 39.90

Got those silky ones at 29.90

But I can't wear..

Bhg got promo, every 50$ spend u get $5 voucher


I buy bras, undies.. Dress all in all 250.. So 25$ voucher.. :D

hahah feimei, my side is sooo bad, u need to write dummy guide, and they will allocate an amt of time taken to do the piece of job. All their staff not supposed to do more than 8hrs of work daily. So there was this incident when we passed a report for them to run, it takes us 30mins daily, but they charging us one full headcount.. Siao ah take 8 hrs to run the report??? In the end it came back to us..

I'm also not so sure on this Chinese Calander thingy... Anyone here heard of this before? Not sure hw true...

I just take info with a pinch of salt... And keep my fingers crossed that is true [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The wkend is here... Let's all enjoy !!!

DOG – Excellent year

General: There are 4 good stars and 4 bad stars

This is a very good year for you so just enjoy the year as the lucky stars in the year will bring you some very good fortune !!!

Career is very rewarding and smooth and you would get praises from bosses and may even win an award.

Money & Work:

Money luck is very good. You may strike a huge windfall provided you don’t attend weddings, funerals etc as these can take away your good fortune.

If there is a good job offer, it is time to change.

You may also change boss this year. Be prepared.

There is a promotion in sight.


Your health is generally good however do take care by exercising and sleeping early. You may need to go for your body massages or foot massages at least once in two weeks.

This can help your blood to circulate better and to have more energy and a clearer mind.

Love & family:

If married, there are happy times ahead. Keep the family going by going on a family trip once or twice a year. Holidays can make a family closer.

If single, wedding bells are coming, however do not spend too much.

xinyue/wendy> me too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] wish my bb is a boy too. i m keeping my fingers cross when scan later at 16week although e chance is beri beri slim. somehow i m still hoping lor...

jas> i got so much white hair. face so ugly wif pimples pop and hair also ugly. dun know how to go thru e cny.

wendy/lynn> even me staying at home also feeling sick. has been having migraine for days, in e end realize my body is overly-heaty. dun dare to see doc or gynae coz gynae's clinic always so packed. how to walk in w/o any appt? sure wait very long. hate e waiting.

stylomilo> hey i got it, thanks alot. so this ur first baby boy??

kimifin> wow thanks for your great info on e drypers. is it all guardians? can we buy and keep so early?? will it turn yellow or something?

feimei> but financial industry can earn like crazy lor.. so envy.

crystal> mine also legs bent at week 11 and gynae said its 60% gal. like tat one mah??

janice> earn like crazy is those front office ppl...ppl like use pick shit one...pay is Still....like u got n turn those bubbles ball...i m those tat u need jus 20cents to turn for the balls whereas u use $1 to turn for bigger balls r those ppl w gd earnings!!!!


sure?? me born in the year of dog leh...

looks like there are a couple of doggies here... but i going celebrate my bday at hm this year le... cos confinement... hee...

Lynn..me me..i born in the yr of dog..keke..so happi to see tis..in fact hor,i strike 4d twice (small

Amt) after knowing im pregnant..bt after tat 2 times..seems quiet now..hahah..

Nvm,will buy again each week try my luck..keke..

Looks like alot doggies here..huat ahhhhh...


janice> yes...tats y i say, even no bonus n increment (expected) but no disappointment lah cos they still pay for all my maternity expenses!!!! Tats y i will claim every single cents!!!

