(2011/07) July 2011

wendy, tks for yr encouragement[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Janice, yeah lor 1st child at 37, old liao factory closing sn...

feimei, cheer up... think of the coming maternity leave. I wish can b like Janice, stay at hm b taitai. all these years of working v tired liao.


feimei> yeah can understand your disappointment. maybe you are exceptional? dun think so much ba.

stylomilo> me also old liao, also closing old factory. ur hb ok wif 1 kid?

"other ppl's green is always greener"

Btw, just asking if anyone is a Taoist/Buddhist?

I have been religiously "visiting" 注生娘娘" since I was 4 weeks pregnant every week..

She is in charge of smooth pregnancy and labour =D

Dun mean to sound auntie lah...

I went to seek blessing after my previous loss, 1 cycle b4 the current one... And I got it..

See some of u here hasn't been smooth..

Perhaps can try paying her a visit?

Just 上香, 添油 can le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Paiseh ah

just tot of sharing cos today is my no lesson day and therefore my prayer day + shopping day..

Hasn't been so religious b4..

audrey, very true... i prayed to her when i was TTC-ing, n i was told i will have a lunar 6th mth bb... ta-da... and now i make it a pt to pray to her everyday before i go hm... hee... cos there is a stature of her in my MIL hse... hee...


Thk major guardian as long as got sell drypers.

If dun open, shd b ok.

U buy xs now.

New born can poo up to ten times, hav to keep lookout to prevent rash.

janice, diapers usually has expiry date of 3yrs later from manufacturing date... but i personally dun like drypers... cos it uses sticky tape de... can stick on bb if u r not careful... n i m very clumsy de... hee... would prefer pampers, mamy poko or huggies...

my migraine attack again!! sian..must be the super hot weather.

i told my nanny i m expecting boy, she said expected cos the more we want girl, we wil not get it..wonder is it the reason y she has 5 girls n 1 prince. haha...sh ask me to try again. even hb ask me to try for #3..if yes, means cannot stop working? arrgghhh

Hi mummies... back from KKH. today at private suit. waiting time 45mins. more cosy ;) Clinic D waiting time might be longer a bit if we r lucky ;) bad news is today gyne say im very sweet. i so shy & laugh. who knws he say sweet til very over limit. so paisei lo... he is pointing to my suager leverl extrem high ;( say retake BT jus nw & will take BT again on my detail scan so i gt to fast. pray hard my sugar level drop. i gt to control from today.

Hmm.... cant see anything yet. my precious nt cooperate ;( the leg is curl. funny is i mistake & look oppsite way. cos the leg is curl & i thought dat is bb head. N bb head i thought is bb butt. my gyne laugh at mi... so pai sei... he say bb curl the leg dun wan show. So he say cant gv any gender in case the feet we thought is birdie ;) so funny.... so gt to wait for next visit end of feb ;)

Yes yes Audrey...my mum told me to pray 注生娘娘 n I believe 2 due previous MC so hope to pray for smooth pregg this time... but ho my house the temple thr dun hv her stature...whr can I go pray???

audrey> did u went to 竹林寺 to pray??? I went there to pray too!!! Hahahhaha....i din go on regular basis, maybe twice a mth on sun...the funni part....when we go...will wan to rain...when reached there...very heavy pour after pray, no rain!!!! Hahahaa...but 竹林寺 one is 送子观音 leh....

Sunshine - I very extreme de

I stay Bukit batok, but I go all the way down to havelock road de 天公temple to pray..

Maybe ask mummy lor, this type of things mum knows best [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh.. sunshine.. where u stay. my mum oso wan bring mi pray 注生娘娘 too. but have nt go yet. near my mum place there is a temple have this godness. i have pray bugis lady goddness oo ;) to 求平安。。 so far i have finally gain 1kg during 2nd tri ;) have get sort throat lozgen & constipation from gyne as well. he advise normal panadol can be taken too. he have given mi fish oil & dunno wat vitamins too. therefore folid acid i can put aside ;)

Hi all mummies, do all of u know gender of bb already? I went check up cos am 16weeks. Bb in hiding position so cant really tell gender. Doc say likely gal cos scan from bum but cant really see anything. Maybe i'll have a bb gal!! Happy but mix feelings cos gal always end up daddy's girl!

Audrey... My mum say she not quite sure...haha

Suying I stay tampines Feimei shld know the big temple thr near her sec sch...dun hv the stature...so far I ONI go Waterloo guan yin temple to pray


The CL that I will be booking also charges $2100. Will be meeting her this Sunday. Eh.. Actually got cheaper ones at $1800.. But I can't find any cheaper than that.

sunshine> dun tink east area hv the goddness!!! I know katong gt one old temple...when i was young, my mum like to bring me there cos ah ma living nearby...but i forgot got the goddness anot...tmr i gg back tamp, i ask my gu gu if she rem hv anot...update u again...ahhhh....wait~~~i noe!!! U noe ubi that 'cheng huang miao'? Beside the polis station??? If i rem, shld hv leh...the temple call 'gu cai ba cheng huang miao' very popular one....i oways go there pray 'tai sui'...becos jurong this cheng huang miao gt zhu shen niang niang, so i tink tat side shld hv...drop by tmr or sun to look c...u take 65 or 22 or 8 fr tamp....u noe the stretch of ubi industrial??? After the industrial, drop at the bus stop infront of Aztech building....the temple jus beside....try there!!!


anyone of u experience heartburn b4?

how does it feel like?

pain or juz uncomfort?

i suspect i have heartburn after meals but not too sure...

pls adv... TIA...

sunshine> u mus walk all the way into the alter n look for the goddness....becos fr entrance, u can't c the name cos too dark....

Wow u can tahan staying up so late!!! Sigh I old liao.. now for me if the kopi session lasts until 1 am, its like a VERY RARE and special treat!

Hahah I already took some nutella sandwich :p :p

Hi all MTBs,

this thread moves really fast. I'm expecting my first child on 20 Jul. Any MTBs in the west? saw my active bb this week, no idea boy or girl. plan to deliver at nuh, any mtbs delivering there? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Marty [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My EDD is 18 July just a few days before urs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but I live in the east~

Just went to see the doc and she says she THINKS mine's a bunnyboy... but heee we won't know for SURE until a few weeks time!I even read of those who were wrongly diagnosed even at weeks 20 and all too :p

I'm delivering at TMC.

TMC is quite popular I think. a lot of my colleagues delivered at TMC. The other favourite is Mount A. Are the diagnoses at this stage very accurate? I heard they check the angle or something liddat?



U power! Can stay out till so late. Now that preggie if I stay out late, I'll be aching all over the next day n super tired. No more energy left for revelry.

Audrey - u really are a night owl... My energy snaps at around 11 pm... Used to be able to play mj overnight and all... No longer able to keep late nights even at work...

At my gynae nw awaiting my turn... Almost argue with the nurse here...

Nurse: flu u should go to ur GP, no need to come here.

Me: my company doc refuse to give me med ask me to visit gynae.

Nurse: u can go to any other GP.

Me: My package here include consultation just need to pay for med, makes no sense for me to visit another GP... so angry... (sad not the usual nurse, this one is a part time, get mad also not much use... Just need to vent my anger)


if your CL happen to have an assignment these few mths, u can meet her, and she might wan u to foot deposit.

about the deposit thg..

my hub tot is CL give us, cos we wont run away, but they will, since how to find them in msa?

Am so excited. Pre register at gleneagles already for delivery. Due date still remains on 3rd july. Anyone planning to deliver same hospital?

Hi Mummy-to-be!

I have 6 packs of Similac Mum to let go at $10.

Will be giving away the below as free gift:

- 2 pc $3 voucher for purchasing similac mum

- Soothing music for baby in your stomach

- ABC learning CD for your toddler next time

- Sample size nipple cream, stretch mark cream, etc

Take away the above in a nice purple fabric bag!

Contact [email protected]


hui/syrah/lynn - hehe.. beeen a really night hour all along.. b4 preggy, can even dun sleep for one night.. just to finsih my work de..

P Marty - I'll me delivering in KK (most prob), my Edd is 11 July =D Welcome

Hi mummies,

sorry to disturb your thread but I have a used Quinny Zapp 3 wheeler stroller(red colour) and a Maxi-cosi Cabrio Fix Infant carrier(red colour) to let go at a lower price either as a set or seperately.

Please PM me if you are interested.

Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Audrey - I suppose ppl getting ready for CNY... very quiet day out here... This thread seems to be always more active on weekdays... Family commitments on weekends...

Audrey - yap woke up to use the toilet and also eat something... Just finish a small bottle of meji milk... Nw trying to get back to slp...

The 2nd trimester for me so far is just like the 1st... Lack of slp.... Faint... Sometimes I wonder hw I function at work being so slp deprived...

P Marty: I juz had my 1st consultation at NUH... Most likely i'll be choosing NUH for my delivery... R u still deciding too? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lynn: e 'missy' so notti ah... did u tell ur gynae? hehee...

gals: Can we take bak kut teh? Do u think it'll contain herbs dat we cant take? i've been craving for it since yday morning... :p

ixoral: I've oredi bought mine thru my auntie in US since she'll be coming home in a few days' time... maybe u can share w coopie if she wants? sorrie ah... :p

i saw e price on a local web, it's abt S$80 for one box, quite ex... dunno whether they hv the bundle offer... u can ask e shop. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Audrey - amazing that you can be up so late. I just knock out at 9 every nite. DH complaining that he has so little time with me already cause I sleep so much!

Lynn - my 1st tri was similar to yours. feel faint mornings esp in the train, then have to wake up twice a nite to go toilet. But so far 2nd tri, not much problems anymore... Hope it goes away soon for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crayon_mami - I'm not sure about bak kut teh, but in moderation, I think can rite? And yes, I'm going to deliver at NUH cause it is nearer to my place, easier for relative to visit


btw, i'm having reunion dinner on my mum side today, anyone know if we can take loh hei? loh hei without the fish is not loh hei... its like char quay teow without 'ham' [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

