(2011/07) July 2011

crayon: the belly cast looks cool!!! i think i will consider getting one too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re ur colleague problem...hmm, very tough one...can't think of how you can tell her anything, so only way seems to be to avoid her as much as possible? are u able to carry a small cloth/ hanky around and spray it with a nice smell, so can sniff that instead??


Lizzie> u have the "upload attachment" button below? just click on that and attach [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if not i'll pm u my email! hee thx thx

waiting for dh to come pick me up from work...zzz.. ours is wkend car so he can only start 'moving' at 7pm..zzz

Coopie: heehee he never told me the reason leh. I think hes just being an excited FTB heehee! He stared at the quinny for quite long, then started to wipe the stroller ;-) just melts my heart ;-)

audrey/ crayon: I got smell the hair oil before, honestly its not tat bad.. its only horrible when it mixes with personal body smell.. so i think all boils down to hygiene prob?

I contacted the agency PEM for CL.. Was recommended by my hubby's boss.. I heard many horror stories of free-lance CL with bad service so we decided to get one from agency instead.. At least if there's anything wrong, we can ask for an immediate change or a compensation.

A representative from the agency will be coming to my place for a meet-up and "interview" this Sunday.. Will update u all about it :D

nana-mum> please keep me updated on your findings on e CL. i hv yet to find one. most impt is how much is it? if unhappy wif e current CL, can we change immediately?

lizzie: ic..weird. but think u didnt activate yr pm as well. nvm la! no worries! =) but the act of yr dh to the stroller is totally heart melting..awww

Hi, morning ladies. though get to sleep for six hours, i am wide awake now! argg..


babytoh is a girl who sells maternity wear online. Feimei introduce de. Her BP link is here: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/4944886.html?1294804946. You can look at her maternity wear here: http://picasaweb.google.com/babytoh.ox. currently her BP is close le, but she got ready stocks so go to the maternity ready stock and pm/email her if you are interested in the goods.


i think is you who mentioned you found small hairs on belly and also a line from belly button to the chest, I have that as well!!!! The line is superb obvious lor..


For freelance CL, if they are really bad and not performing, i saw from forummers that they usually ask them to go home and pay them prorated on the no of days they worked.


Girls, do you know where i can view most of the various strollers? hehe.. I saw a few at Spring Maternity Suntec about 10 designs, but thinking if there is a place i can see more designs.. haha.. Maclaren looks nice. =)Can't wait for coming monday to know bb gender and starts shopping. We can arrange shopping sprees together.. haha.. It will be fun!

Parentcraft Course

Also, i went down to Mount A yesterday to book our childcare education course and also applied for the Ladies card. The parentcraft nurses there are really nice! =) We will be starting our parentcraft course in April. There are six classes in total and will end somewhere in late May, just in time i think. =p


One of the CL i called before, called me yesterday, her name is Er Mei and i think she is not booked yet, she is one of the recommended in the forum. You girls can try to contact her.

Actually, i am scared that bb will come out earlier or if i do c-sect, edd will be earlier but my CL only completes her assignment in late June, thus maybe this is one of the worry if you engage freelance. I heard PEM is not bad and there are several nanny not bad, try googling them for reviews.


Girls, have not checked for yoga classes in north area and will do it today.


I felt like cutting my hair short! I have pimples on my chests and back and i am thinking it will be easier for me to manage during confinement period as well as we cant wash hair mah.. So, i am still thinking!! It has been so long since i have my hair short.

Morning ladies!

Re: Yoga

I wanted to sign up for classes at Como Shabhala but till now couldn't find the time to. Those interested may want to check it out. I read good reviews about this place. http://www.singapore.comoshambhala.bz/

Re: Hair

I rather keep mine long than short. At least when it's long I can just tie it all up. Anyway I look like a mushroom head with short hair!!!! Oh another thing, my MIL and HB say cant cut hair till cross 3rd tri. Superstitions again...dunno the reason. My friends were speculating that my MIL afraid that will snip away the little 'chit-chit' of potential bb boy!


Perhaps u can try wearing a cardi or shawl in office esp when you're near her. Then can pretend it's cold and hold it close to your nose when she's beside u. Or prepare some form of sweets and suck on it so that the taste can overpower her smell? As for the pantry, place an air-freshener there? Or is that too obvious...

Morning!! On my way to TMC gynae appt.. This is it. Moment I'm waiting for. Past two nights been dreaming that it's a girl. Maybe I really really wanted a baby girl that's y the dream. Haha..

After appt going jb for my mani pedi n then home to finish my pineapple tarts baking. I too need to cut my hair n color it. Wonder I hv time for it tmr.. Hmm

hi..... yest nite wake uo pee & cant sleep well ;( start thinking today can get to see little birdied or ang ku kueh??? lollzzz... hoping both both lo. i so greedy...


thanks for sharing the link!!

i have both long hair and short hair before..

long hair for years since teenage then i cut my hair short to those bod hair style when it is in fashion...and i kept that short hairstyle for 2 years plus..

i just cut it again last year and now keeping it long again..

overall i like both lah.but long hair is more convenient in the sense that if you feel hot or want a slight change, you can bun it up, tie it up, whereas short hair need to be blown dry, if not will have messy curl outs..and when they rest at your shoulders or slightly above shoulder and you can neither tie nor bun, it's kinda frustrating..


i ate MCD fillet o fish yest too!!! but i didnt get to see your post and headed off from work early..i think most prob is dory fish [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dremas are sometimes true!

i remember the first month when we were planning for bb, i dreamt that i exclaimed out (in my dreams still) "IM PREGNANT!! yeah"

i told my hubby he was dissapointed coz he says dreams are opposite..but true enuff that month i conceived!!

my MIL says is 'tai meng' baby dream...heheheh

suying, yours is twins meh?

y can hope for both??

i reali suspect mine is girl leh..although still early to tell

but i feel im ROUNDER...duno isit the annmum milk powder makes me put on weight or wat

my friends say if conceive a boy, from back view the mummy will have no change de, only front view with extra big tummy

Haha.. It's a boy!! Gynae confirm 400%.. a very very active boy cos he was flexing his arms n legs, pulling umbilical cord etc.

Baby is > 100mm now with 100g in weight. Is length is above avg. N fr now till 40 weeks I can put on another 12kg. Lol

haha.. crystal. no la... mi nt twins. but i greedy. hw i wish gt a boy & a gal. so can close shop in a shorter time ;) very maotun both sex i oso wan. haha... hopefully little precious coperate & open big enough for mi & DH to see. feel so itchy wan start to shop. lolzzz

crystal: Heehee I saw the MCD ad for the double fillet o fish then i start droooling le... :p Shld be dory fish hor?? :p

Hmmm I really cant wait till 25th Jan le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Im very excited but there's nothing I can do till then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

modish, congrats on ur boy.... again.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hahaha!! So many second time mummies with #1 boy having boys again! Recently I'm into buying clothes for #1, not wasted mah.#2 can wear!


Boy also gd. Guess your house will be war zone next time too with 2 boys!


I saw kfc breakfast on your FB n now I'm sitting in kfc eating their breakfast! And now u ladies talking abt Mac fillet, I also feel like eating! Argh!!!

Hihi morning

Nightmare again...dreamt tht my menses came so scare then my gyne phone, no matter hv I try cannot get thru....

Congrats Modisch... Dun know mine next wk gyne visit can see anot


Me 2 very greedy...dun know which 1 better


Hahaha! Can't lah.. My appetite is still not fantastic. Usually aft Mac breakfast, I can don't even eat lunch. I don't find myself eating a lot but weight is def increasing!

LOL syrah, im expecting one and im eating like im expecting triplets lor ;(

Yesterday night, at about 11:30pm, suddenly so hungry. I ate 2 slices of Nutella with bread, then not enough. Ate another slice with peanut butter spread...


LOL im gonna get scolded by my gynae le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ya lo... sunshine... maybe #1 so hope for more ;)

syrah.... u can make it... lollzz


Wow! That's really good appetite!


I'm already taking my time to finish this a.m platter. Babies r very fickle minded. See what want what. I see others eating something n I'll feel like eating it. But when I really eat it, it's just ok. Stomach will stop growling n feel full. Very noti! Hopefully they won't monkey see monkey do next time when they r born!

haha... syrah... so cute.... really can imgine twins wearing same doing the same thing ;) envu envy


Hehe.. Maybe. But they give me the signal by stomach growling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oops I just realize belatedly. R u referring to yourself? No la. U r not greedy. If your body is demanding it, it must be needed sustenance too.

Hb & I still planning not to use pacifiers as we were both addicted to it when we were young. Dunno if we will finally cave in if both start crying away.

Hi Px22, you can start to book your parenting course! Mount A only charge one week before or on lesson itself i think. They booked me on my credit card. Some parenting courses need early booking esp those favourites one as there is class limit.

Hi crystal, i am still thinking should i cut short.

Girls, i have booked my prenatal yoga and it will be a one to one private class with a certified yoga instructor, she has studio of her own as well. Each class is an hour and per class is $90. As i can claim $450 from my company, decided to get a private one as i cant find any prenatal yoga in north area and i really dislike to travel down all the way to town area for lesson. There is no package and i am thinking of doing yoga once every two weeks. My first class starts next friday, see how it goes. =)


congrats!!!! my hubby wish for a boy, if mine is boy jiu hao le!!

since yours is a boy hor, can share with us your body changes and any symtoms on having a boy? like rounder or wat?


yest i realli ate the MCD double fish fillet with the CNY sauce de! was enjoying my dinner at 5.30pm!! very hunrgy at that time...cfm dory fish lah. dont eat batang (king mackeral) can liao..and i took 2 servings of that lo..sigh

syrah, go have it for lunch today!

it was good..i changed drink to ice milo since cant take coke

talking about that i suddenly craving for that COKE!!!ARGH

syrah, i also have that exact symtoms, yest after lunch i saw my colleague munching on apple pie..i got very strong craving..so i told myself nvm wait till evening time i oder MCD delivery...so i took a cab home and order on my way..FORGOT TO ORDER APPLE PIE!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so i called my husband to ask him buy after his OT..but by 8pm i told him i dont want already..hahaha feel full and no more cravings

i gained 1.6kg in my first trim!!!

today my whole office know liao i guess..coz one of my male director ask me, so "paul or pauline?"

guess no need to anounce liao lo..everyone heard

Dear all,

can we eat pineapple tarts har?? i wana eat leh!!!

congrates, modisch!!! can save some $$ lol...since #2 can use #1 things.... :D zach will be happy that he will hv a didi to play with lol...dan u got less disturbance from them...they can play themselves gg forward!!!


if you tihnk u look good in short then by all means go cut it

or if you feel during confinement you dont wana bath then go cut it.

for me i die die wana bath..probably 2-3 days after discahrged at home...coz my massage lady will use oil to massage the head de..can u imagine i sleep with that oil?!


