(2011/07) July 2011

we can bath before we discharge, right? those mummies w #1 or #2 liao..did u gals bath before u discharged????



after 2 weeks then bath ah?

but i will be doing massage for 1 week leh!

whole body oil and hair also oily!

i will die!!!!!!!!!!!

i can only tolerate for 3 days..MAX

someone posted the quinny stroller that faces the mummy..who is that mummy har?

i wana ask how much is that? looks very pretty

whr you bought it?

crystal/wendy> yea...my CL told me, if i can tahan...2wks will be good enuff but of cos throughout the two wks...not totally dun bath...she will prepare herbs n let u wipe ur body...soo at least not that bad lol...at least we clean ourselves up...

Hi feimei, yes.. CL will prepare herbs to bath.. hehe.. Can better than cannot bath! Mine says will prepare twice in a day, one in afternoon and one at night.


I won't be able to tolerate not bathing. My mum will be doing confinement for me. She won't stop me from bathing for sure as she told me before she sneaked in a shower when my grandma went out last time. Hehe! But yes I'll use the herb bath to shower no matter what. Even use that water to wash hair.


for my 1 mth confinement, total i bath two times oli (with 2 weeks interval).. but everyday got clean body lah... so far so good.. no aching etc...

but that x was in Sep weather still ok leh.. this time round is JUN/JUL! think weather damn HOT....

wendy> my CL say the herbs water is for wiping leh...not bathing leh....hahahaa...becos just a pail...dun tink will be enuff for me to bath...hahahaa...i m wasteful of water during bath lol... =P

syrah> yea...usually if mum doing confinement for u...they usually wun stop u fr bathing becos they been through soo they will understand lol...hahahhaa....

wendy, mayb do 2nd week after delivery hor!

i wanted to do first week..abit siao right? scali the wound stll pain i go press..

feimei then my hair how? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so oily

i bath twice everyday now de leh!!!

u ask me 2 weeks dont bath hair i will die liao..

they say got one shop in chinatown can buy all herbs, it's beside the temple..the very big temple at chinatown..somewhr ajacent to maxwell market

jgwee> Wowww....salute to U!!! u really can tahan through!!! Good Job!!! even if weather how good...i cannot tahan leh...cos i will hv the feeling of being soo dirty n smelly!!! of cos if can clean/wipe body....at least not soo bad lah...but i guess i will make sure i wipe thoroughly till the water turn black...hahahahhaa...*soo gross* =P


syrah, wendy, feimei

yest i was on phone with my mom and i told her i wana bath.. she say "of coz need bath lah! but make sure you bath with boiled water, so no more air inside..use the herbs bath..canot add additional unboiled water from the shower"

jul seldom rain right?

coupled with the incense burning smell for those hungry ghosts duno will i have headache or not

Hi feimei, yes. wiping haha!!

Hi crystal, ya lor.. cos i think first week will hurt? I dun know but i know c -sect can do only after 1 mth to be safe.. hehe..

u know hor for those malay massage , my friend told me to get a unwanted mattress so can throw away after that

coz the lady will use oil to massage..will stain the mattress!! OMG

i dont have old mattress only 1 brand new one..but i will buy those disaposable plastic table cloth (those for parties use) and wrap it around the mattress.hahaha my fren say i siao..coz will be very uncomfy..

gona buy towel to cover my pillow when i sleep coz my hair wil be dirty

gona buy towel cover the part where i sleep on my bed coz my body will smell of herbs

gona buy a hankerchief to wipe myself!! YUCKS

crystal> hair ahhh....cannot wash lol...maybe wipe oso lol....hahahahaa...i oso tinking of 'ka-cha' my hair short ard that time...haiz~~~i got oily scalpe...sure die one...hair will drop more... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my CL say the herbs can buy at any chinese medical hall de...no need go all the way to chinatown bahhh....

ya wendy,

c-sect cannot do imediately! the wound wil crack!

my sil did almost immediately end up introduce air into body from that wound..now tummy still big..and many mistaken her for preg

wendy> if wound heal in fast speed...after c-sect, 2wks ltr can massage ler...soo u mus be good...not to walk too much n let the wound heal quickly lol...

feimei i also got oily scalpe..like if i one day never wash hair, my top part will be slightly oily...duno y some girls out there can wash hair once only every 2 days..but when they walk past me i can smell their scalp even though i see they have pretty faces...abit gross.

need help on strollers.

cannot decide between maclaren and quinny

also, is there a kind of car seat which is detachable from stroller?

so u simple take from car and put it on the stroler and vice versa

My mum say can bath lah she say wash hair also can as long u close all window use herb to boil the shower water she say bath the most 15 min shld be k....hair must be blow dry ...she give birth 4of us nv hear she complain body aching lah

Last time is constipation now is loose stool... When can return normal lah

Crystal > both my pregnancy very diff. #1 ate like tiger #2 like rabbit. Means I was carnivore last time n now herbivores. Lol

But tummy shape still the same. Sharp so I still retain the 'waist'.

Skin condition no change fr normal. Yet to hv red Jacky nose though. But will hv after 3rd tri bah. Lolz

Feimei, will b havoc lo. My elder one, then my nephew then this upcoming one!! All 2 yrs apart.. They're so going to tear down grandma's hse. Haha

crystal> i oso need to wash hair daily...haiz~~when dates nearer, c how bahhh...dun stress w all these 1st...hahahhaa...saw that stroller before...but tink quite ex lol...u can see from kaki bukit that store...they hv all kind of stroller.....

sunshine> i oso heard got ppl bathing lah...but i tink realli up to individual bahh... :D dun grumble...we r going into the better stage...soo after sometimes loose stool...u will be normal...dun tink too much la!!!!

my ah ma says.. mebbe first few days cannot bathe, after tt... can use boiled water to bathe...

Anyway hahah I hope my Kao Biore Powder Wipes will 'tahan' me throughout whatever confinement tortures necessary!

i hv a question for you mommies,

i contacted a CL whom i like, n the phone conversation went really well. bt she's 60 this year. would you girls choose someone younger who has more energy?

regarding massaging,

after hearing u gals talking abt e massage lady, i also wanted to hv mine done after pregnancy. but my hb told me one of his cousins who had hers done ended up having cancer in her wombs. not sure whether it really causes this kinda problems but its really freak me out.

Re: herb bath

I did mini-confinement before and I used the herb bath water to shower and wash hair. I bought those packet herbs from hock hua. Then dumped into a tub of hot water (i mix boiling water + really hot water from storage heater tank). The tub is like those baby bath tub so it's a full tub and that's sufficient for me to shower and wash my long hair. In fact it takes ages for it to cool down sufficiently to bath so I'll prepare it first thing in the morning so that by around 11am, will be just nice temperature to shower with.

stylomilo> wow she does seems a bit old. not sure she is ok doing all the 'tough' jobs for you but i believed she is a very very experienced lady which is good for you in a way too. btw where you manage to find a CL? do you have other CL can recommend me?

stylomilo> wat have you heard abt e good part of massaging? i only know it helps us to slim down faster. yeah i feel scared after hearing this. so i dun know to do or not to do.

another thing i heard abt is the baby's names. alot of parents go for fortune teller to choose a good name for their child. but it might not turn out to be good.


Previously my ML is 70 years old and she's as strong as a bull. She uses so much energy that I had to ask her to be lighter. so 60 years old is not a prob at all.

crystal> my colleague bought the Maxi Cosi Mila Travel System.. He say he like it becos (1) car seat detachable (2) baby can face daddy n mummy (3) sturdy (4) can use as normal stroller when he bcomes a toddler.. but baby car seat can only use until 1 yr old then have to get new one.. very expensive wor

ooh PX22

i was reading your post and feel, wah good leh, wah anoteh rpoint also good,

until i read the seat can only be used till 1 year old..sian

very hungry now, wana eat rosti sausage from a western food cafe later!!


I found her on smh, under 'good nanny to recommend'. i called almost every CL on the list, bt most of them fully booked, till i spoke to this lady which i like her over the phone. my colleague did gave me 2 CLs which she used before, you want? i PM u.

regarding massaging, my mum told me tat the massage lady that did for my aunt, managed to expel 'dirty/leftoever blood' from her body.

i not so mi xin kind, may nt go to fortune teller too, but i'm hvg probs choosing a name cos can nvr agree w DH.

Daph> thanks for sharing your experience. i feel much at ease now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stylomilo> regarding tat CL, why dun u meet up wif her first before decide? talking on e phone is not 100% accurate i guess since CL is very impt to us.

for my baby's name, i think i will leave it to e old people. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

janice> i'm mtg her next mth when she comes over for confinement assignment. if i dun confirm nw n she's taken later, i really jialart then.

oh modisch,

now i ate like tiger..although got MS previously, i stil got appetite to eat de..

but contrary to yours, my waist is gone le..can see fats bulging out abit from waist or waist thickening..now i also duno is fat or preg process...hack care liao.

i dont have any change in face, except rounder..

very curious the gender ...duno wait till when then know


sorry you have the add for kaki bukit?

i have no idea at all

ya i see how it goes..if i can tahan more than 3 days..then i ask the malay lady come 2nd week..so i tong first week then 2nd week she come massage i can bath liao


tellme about it, my DH also cannot agreee to wat i want

for bb boy we will name him ethan..we both like lah

for bb girl i want allysa and he says this name sounds like a bitch! faintz

Wendy can u share Er Mei's contact thanks .. :p i also sourcing for CL..

Heard PEM is recommended for agency..

Wendy .. for stroller i shopped at Mothercare harbourfront a lot of strollers.. i got my quinny from there 2 yrs back.. e salesman quite helpful.. i also know of bb hypermart n bb kingdom at ubi.. both hav their share of strollers...

sunshine> no wrong being grumpy as we r all like that now...but dun keep reminding urself on the bad things mah...hv to move on...if tink of not good thing...bb will be affect by ur mood lolz...soo tink happy side... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal> i forgot wehre i put the add but mummies here did mentioned the sotre name...i onli know the building is Shun Li building...they hv big banner hanging out of the windows...fr a distance u can see ler...

stylomilo> oh ic. yeah you right. why dun u call her and tell her tat you most likely would like to hire her as your CL. but will confirm after meeting up wif her. ask her to stay available for you.

modisch: Congrats! so u will be the queen at home!

Just recover from fever,sore throat. Still having slight flu. ytd was to weak to online.

have book my CL, havent call for the massage lady

Hey wendy, hehe.. Sure. Aunty Er Mei : telephone number is +60126076520(malaysia hp) or 82615608(singapore hp).

Thanks for the info on stroller. =)

Address for Baby Hypermart and Baby Kingdom, they are just walking distance from each other.

Baby'S Hyperstore. 69 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 Shun Li Ind Park, 417947

Baby's Kingdom See Seng Enterprises Pte Ltd. 83, Kaki Bukit Avenue 1, #01-00, Shun Li Industrial Park, Singapore 417954

I've been to both and i like Baby hyperstore more coz there's more selection and the service is better - my personal opinion. The aunties at Baby kingdom abit rude and keeps following me and hubby around.

I'm so envious of those with good appetite. i'm still puking like mad and i have super weird food aversions. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] My baby doesn't even take chicken. i ate some ystd coz i'm greedy and end up puking the whole day.

Hi mummies, im a Nov 10 mum. My gal has outgrown her newborn n 0-3 mths clothes. I feel very wasted to throw as some worn less than 5 times. Do pm me if interested. Abt 20 pcs.

