(2011/07) July 2011

yaya: I was 15 weeks when they could tell the gender of the baby. Plus the baby also open legs, so it was very obvious [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

syrah: I used disposables for my first child. Attempted to use cloth diapers, gave up after 2 days, too stressful with all the changing and feeding, especially if you are doing it yourself. I didn't have any confinement lady, only got my mum to help out. Better prepare disposables just in case u change your mind.



no lah.... my 1st 2 are boys, #3 dunno yet.

but if #3 also boy, i'm not going for #4 man!

i'm closing factory after #3!!


nana> dun worry too much....it maybe the pregnancy homones that cos the blood sugar high...i m on insulin jab daily, before my meals...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]becos if blood sugar high, bb will tend to grow big faster...dun eat too sweet stuffs...try to avoid ice-cream...cakes...even choc...i ate dark choc...which is less sweet...soo to mi...everything less sugar...rice will cause high sugar as well...cos rice is carbo mah...hv to really reduce ur sweet bud lol...

pillow> becos milo is coco powder...oso sweet in certain extend...if i will to drink, i oways frink milo-kosong...it will taste abit sweet too...

pillow, lunch only a little cos cant eat much... but i tend to eat a lot of fruits since preggy... then juz now collick cant finish her fruits so i finish for her loh...

hello mummies...hope evryone is doing fine

now that most of us start 2nd tri or are at end of 1st tri, hv u all break the news to ur whole family n colleagues?

i duno how to break it to my colleagues leh...hehaha

Hi all MTBs,

I am new here, n ve been following this thread quite closely. Being a first time mum, really leave me clueless on a lot of things, thanks all of you for sharing so much info here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so decided to join all of u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I m into my 12 weeks now, just did my OSCAR scan yesterday n doc say tt I m in the low risk group, phew.. so envy tt most of MTBs here have passed the MS stage, i m still feeling it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hopefully will be over soon.

xw, very healthy wor... i am still trying to force myself to eat fruits... hai. good that u eating more fruits. that shld be the way...

pinkyrose, no need to break. when u walk like preggers they will auto ask u then u just say yes lor. or when ur bump shows. like mine. i dun go ard telling ppl unless they ask.

Hi MTBs,

I went for first trimester screening yesterday and the result is not v.gd. Only got a ratio of 1:180 and the cut off ratio is supposed to be at least 1:300. The physical scan on the foetus was ok with nasal bone seen and neck thickness of 2.3mm. But the overall adjusted risk came out to only 1:180. So now, i'm scheduled to do amnio test in early Feb. Sigh...so worried. Any mummies here went thru amnio test before? Any advise. TIA.

nana - dun worry too much, my colleague was also like u... Its most prob just hormones... just try to control ur sugar intake...

Yvet - Welcome here...

cactusnah, y dun seek second opinion? think another mum here also same case u. then second time she did, hers was like 1:16k lor! so no need to do the amino test

Mummies,, i need advice.. I was intending to find a part-time job/temp job aft i go for my check-up this thurs.. As of today i sjld be 13 wks 1 day already.. As hubby is the only one working and there are some financial issus.. Is it advisable to find nw? Is it possible to get a job when preggie? I hv a 20 mths old son.. So if i get a job, i hv to send him to mum's plc everyday.. Pls advise!!

blueskies, jas,

2 boys really tornadoes, huh? Me scared scared, #1 already boy, hopefully #2 is girl. I am in 15th week now, tmr going to see gynae, hopefully BB will open legs big big to show mummy Ang Ku Kueh! Hehe..

pinkyrose....dun need to say...they will know sooner or later de...

welcome: yvet

cuctsunah: dun worry shld be ok de...how u consider to retest??? understand Audrey(if not wrong) went for retest and the result turn out gd...cos amnio test carry certain % risk of MC

Dr told me the result is 90% accurate. I'm not sure who/where to go for 2nd opinion lei. Not sure if Audrey went bk to the same place or did she do the retest somewhere else. It's never ending worry for this 2nd bb...

does anyone has red nose ah? like rudolph type. i realised that i been having it. and oilier than before. till collegues asked whether am i having flu. haha. i din even realise till they asked. isit norm?

pillow...so cute!!! ur hubby surname = ANG???

baby...think u can give it a try...cos my sec sch gf got a job when she alrdy 5mth...so it really depend on the employer.

Maelyn,blueskies n jas

really ar...boy =tornadoes??? haha cos me hope to see stick


one boy still ok, 2 will be tornadoes already.


for both my boys i dun have rudolph nose leh....

think it depends on individuals.

cuctsunah - mayb can try a rescan or go to another gynae to review... I remember seeing in another thread that a MTB original gyane also tell her the same thing and when she went for 2nd opinion to consult another gyane she was told not to worry bb is just fine...

I think she has already given birth to a healthy bb...

Sunshinebb - Lets hope that we will be able to see gender during our scan this Friday...


Oh Really? Should be ang kong kia har? Me not good in Hokkien, but I saw the Ang Ku kueh term being used in the thread here, so I just reuse, :p


I think depends on your bb bah, but 'generally' boys are more active, adventurous and playful, Gals 'generally' are more caring and mature. Just imagine boys likes to play balls, whereas gals play dolls..

Anyway, regardless boys or gals, BB are still so cute!!

px22, i thought big nose then boy? nvr heard of rudolph nose le. and oily somemore.

sunshinebb, ya his surname is Ang. Maybe that is why i have red nose... cos proof that i am having his "red" kid. haha...

maelyn, ang kong kia is gal, ang kong kong is boy. the term ang ku kueh is also started by me when we were discussing abt name. that is the name for my #3! haha...

px22, think true leh... my collick has a rudolph nose and she is having a boy!!!

the other 2 no rudolph nose both having girls...

>> pinkyrose, I m seeing Dr Irene Chua at KKH

>> pillow4, yup, reali, anything under the sun! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jas: the theory is, expecting boy doesn't necessarily have big/rudolph/oily nose, but having a big/rudolph/oily nose will definitely mean its a boy! Tat's wat happened to my cousin in law, colleagues and frens...

ahhh i also wish i got horribly rudolph nose now... although DH say he will still love bb if its a girl but i can sense the disappointment when Woody say "nothing btw the legs"...

px22, really ah? then i must check everyday to see whether isit just a few days thingy or wat... i will update and see whether it is true. hopefully when i go for my scan on 1st feb bb can let us see liao. px22, u know ur gender liao ah? confirm gal ah? u how many weeks?

Lizzie..itzit!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my EDD is originally on 26 Jul, shift to 18 Jul, bt Dr Chua say tt she will still keep the 1st EDD at this moment..

Hi mummies..

I just woke up from a nap..thanks for all the concern..

Still worrying.. I think I can only stop worrying or might start another round of worrying after gynae visit this sat..

I stopped drinking ribena for a few weeks liao.. Now fav drink is plain filtered water from my home.. But I have to stop all the ice-cream, biscuits, instant noodles and my must-have rice, bananas?


Can eat potatoes? I am super hungry now but don't dare to eat anything [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi all,

I'm new here too! been reading thru randomly but didnt wanna join in until my preg is stable.

I just had my OSCAR yest and the result was good.

I'm with DR Yvonne Chan at TMC, EDD is around 21 July.

Nice to be part of the group! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nanamum- i hv been wanting to eat maggi/cup noodles for the longest time but no one in office or at home allow me to do it...till i dreamt of all the flavours of maggi noodles...

so deprived

and ive been eating unhealthily too..a lot of fried and spicy food...

i dun like fruits n milk

but once in a while i force myself...

i scared bb unhealthy

nana, everything still can eat...dun restrict jus rem, not in big portion...small or med portion...liek ur rice...if u taking one bowl, reduce to 3/4 bowl bahhh.....all the sweet pastry, pls reduce or if can, take once in a while jus to make urself happi....but mus know when to Stop ahhh...i dun realli take bananas...becos it's one of the high sugar content fruit...if u wan to take...not daily...maybe twice in a wk, n eat intake is half of it...slowly lah...maybe jus becos today ur homones 'disturb' u...thats y blood sugar reading is high...but before ur next checkup, u may wan to start practicing all the above to c if the next reading is high anot lol....i m taking my reading b4 n after all my meals n send my readings to my gynae to see if my control is ok...sometime i go into hypo (very low sugar)...sometimes i m ok...

dun stress urself too much, life still the same, jus need to be more discipline...

pinkyrose, i also same. been eating a lot of salty and spicy food. even bfast. and i dun drink milk and take fruits.. same same.

sunshinebb, maelyn: The house is never quiet when my boy is awake. You will constantly hear him emptying his toys from boxes (they must clatter all over the floor), running around the house, opening the fridge to look for something to eat, or riding one of his cars / trucks around the house. He's coming to 3 and learning to talk so it's non-stop BBC :D

pillow- hi5...now i feel guilty liao

but those are the only food i can swallow

and cold drinks some more

*smack forehead*

everyday i tell myself to eat healthily but when i see healthy food, i wanna puke



pinkyrose/pillow, me oso... been eating spicy, sour stuff, potato chips and lots of chocolates... dun drink milk oso... no fish, little meat tho plenty of fruits... cos i suffer from bad bloatness and indigestion... so plenty of fruits n yogurt make me feel better...

