(2011/07) July 2011

Star Night,

Dr Loh didn't change my EDD till now. In fact he'll still ask me what's the EDD he told me previously to record down! Maybe he think since it's twins so he's not so concerned abt giving me the EDD. At my previous appt, I waited more than 3 hrs for him. Later found out that he was in delivery doing a natural twin delivery and the 2nd baby took a long time to appear. So he was stuck for a long time in the delivery suite.

blue skies,

Cos mine are twins so thinking cloth diapers will be more economical. From the advice from other multiples mummies, seems like initially all use disposable first cos new borns pee often apparently. After that then switch to cloth diapers. I'm not engaging CL. Only have my mum to help out. I'll probably engage a maid too.


I also eating a lot of spicy food. Spicy, sweet and sour food gives me the appetite generally. Fruits wise, try to take strawberries and blueberries. These are good for us now.

So envy those of you who know the gender already. I'm coming 18wks and still don't know mine! Have to wait till end of this month for my next appointment detailed scan. Hopefully babies cooperate and open their legs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


blue_skies, wa.. cool! i will be going for gynae visit when week 14+.. tomorrow week 13 liao.. hurray!!!

dear all, tdy have been a glutton.. morning ate fried beehoon, lunch ate overnight spaggetti, now tea break eat curry pie and a cup of soya milk! yummy...also snack in between too..jialat..

nana, can eat potato.. i have been eating potato non stop...

Lizzie, my next appt on 31 Jan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mayb, will somehw meet u during one of e visits..since we r having e same doc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkyrose, me too, deprived of instant noodles, bt my hubby let me have it once in a while, cos i dun reali have e appetite in almost everything!

nana mum: wah ur fren must be the very unlucky type.. or the bb is very manly. I never see mothers with rudolph nose having girls...

pillow4: now 15weeks liao.. i went Woody 2 weeks ago he say nothing btw legs.. but he ask me dont go shopping yet.. I suspect cos his scanner abit old.. DH hoping tat old scanner never pick up the birdie properly.. so we have to wait till end of the mth for the next scan to confirm.. by then abt 17-18 weeks should be confirmed liao...


If I declare World War 3 tmr, it means I have #2 as boy; If I declare World Peace tmr, it means I have a girl!! LOL! haha..


On top of that, now sons less stick to home ler..Just imagine so many of us complain about MIL.. We will be MIL in the future, hehe, daughters are the ones who take care of parents nowadays..


Ok, thank u for the advice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u made it all sound not as bad as I imagined.. Before that i was thinking cannot eat rice then eat what! Hahahaa

Now as I am reflecting on my diet, I realise that i have been eating food that hv high sugar content.. And I ate HUGE portions..

I have only gained about 1kg so far (but already wk16!!) and i think the concern about not gaining much made eat more and more and more.. Sigh.. Must closely monitor the quantity and quality of food intake liao.. And discipline!!!!


Sorry ...don't mean to pour cold water or anything but I had an extremely bad experience under Dr Woodworth. You don't need to suspect....his scanner IS really old and out-dated frankly. If there's anything emergency (touch wood) that need urgent scanning, it's better to go direct to the hospital if need be.

noted syrah, been eating strawberriesit as my fruits supply. dunno whether will overdose or not haha.

px22, nvm we wait till my scan see whether rudolph=boy haha. then maybe i will declare civil war first...

maelyn, hope u will declare world peace k?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i also prefer gal. cos even now my two bro only bother abt gf and wife. esp the youngest one. he literally like forget abt my mum though they staying with my parents. din even give allowance and my mum still gotta help him feed his wife and upcoming bb. hai...only me the one helping mum now and then and remind them to help or do stuff for mum.

side-tracked a little.... mummies, just remembered abt the gathering. shall we fix a date first? somewhere after cny? so we can lo hei oso. at least we hv smtg to look forward to... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cant wait to meet all of you!!! maybe we will arrange somewhere at town so more convenient for all.

yes, nana!!! even with diabetic, they live as normal ppl...jus les sugar in their food intake...nothing much special, still need/can eat mah...but for me...i never touch soft drink for many yrs...i m a water pail...i can drink lots of plain water.....

ya...i oso did not gain much wt during 1st tri...ard 1kg...but somehow the sugar might go to bb n cos bb to grow big faster...i oso scared of that...that's y every scan, i ask gynae if bb size acceptable range...he will say no worry....bb in gd size...then i m more relieved...esp now...bb start to eat what we eat...soo be more careful on the sugar content in ur food...some fruits oso high in sugar contents, do take note...if u realli got nothing to drink, buy those holicks...(tat one that wong li-ling advertising)25% less sugar n got most nutrients...esp folic acid...n it taste nice...whenever hungry...drink one cup...u will feel warm n wun snack too much!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope u dun find mi loh-soh....hahaaha....

pillow> when is ur next scan??? rem to update us...cos i oso hving red n BIG nose...super oily...for my skin...super duper dry...even i apply moisturizer...doesn't help...till my col notice how come my hands soo DRY!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my vote will be fri after work cos sat, usually will do hse work n since now can walk more, will need to go n hunt for bb things...before i cannot walk again in the last tri.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Not loh-soh at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for the advice!

I shall go buy Holicks later :D

Really hope that bb will be healthy.

My aunts n grandma have diabetes.. My mum always asked me to watch my diet and not drink too much sweet stuff but I never really bother coz I think it won't happen to me.. So I don't dare to tell my mum now.. Hehe.. Hope and hope and hope that my blood test on saturday will b better

pillow: not true abt boys not sticking leh. DH is soooooo filial it gets on my nerves sometimes. He's been solving his brother and father's gambling debts for so many times I wish he can jus heck it... and giving in to his mum n grandma's unreasonable demands all the time.. Everytime i get pissed off i keep telling myself "DH is filial.. so bb will also follow daddy in future".. arbo I would have blown my top..

syrah: serious ah? share ur exp wat happened at Woody's? other than his clinic very run-down I always reason very excellent comments about him wor...

nana> dun worry, u will be ok! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my mum got diabetic, thats y i sure noe i will got it too....sooner or ltr thing....dun think too much to giv urself stress...jus be more concern on the food u eat...sometimes i oso can't help to eat junk food...but as long u can control ur intake limit...there's nothing wrong lol...still can eat as u like...! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so u visiting gynae this sat??? doing scan??? can know gender lol???

feimei, will update u. my scan still far... 1st feb. wait till neck long.

i also vote fri after work. but i am also ok with sat/sun for tea/buffet. haha... we will see what the others think.


Yeahh my gynae appt is this sat !!! :D

I hope that i can know the gender then can shop for some bb stuff after that~~~!! the thought of it makes me very very very happy~~

I dunno all of a sudden have craving for kimchi ramen and chicken pies... This is gonna be my dinner and supper for the day... Yeah !!!

Nowadays really got to eat supper if not in the middle of the night will get really hungry and wake up to throw up bile juice... Any one out there with similar experiences or am I just greedy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pillow - Im all game for our first gathering and many more to come before and after we pop !!! Been chatting here since Novemeber and at last we going to meet up...

Town or Novena i suppose will be a gd place... Town as in convenient, Novena cause I heard there are lots of kids stuff there to look around [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh nana, forgot to mention, dun becos of blood sugar high n dun eat...if hungry, realli mus eat becos blood sugar can go high n can go low too...if u really hungry liao...dun wait ahhh...hv one sweet or choc...if ur sugar go low (hypo), u will black out...ok, wats symptons on hypo before u got black out, u feel giddy, suddenly very weak, sudden headache, quickly pop in something sweet... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

becos i only eat breakfast in office so fr wake up to office is like ard 2hrs...soo now my bag sure got sweet...becos throughout the night, sleeping, no eat...soo wake up do this, do that...sure will go hungry faster...so once i feel not right in mrt, i pop one sweet 1st, to 'tong' me till office lol...rem leh...esp we now hv bunny inside...be more careful!!!


Okie! I will bring sweets to my classroom then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yesterday I was so busy that I only had breakfastat 1230.. Was very giddy and weak.. Luckily didn't faint..

feimei: me too... before preggy, if i stand on bus for too long will totally black out and faint.. very scary. To curb this i also make sure I keep eating sweets on the bus.. really works.. no more fainting spells

feimei, ok must update us hor.

px22, really ah? then i must try eating sweets too cos i also hv the faintin spells till i must squat down...

seems like everyone vote for fri night... and novena. the place with bb thingy is united sq right? ok ok then we can go shopping too... lets wait for few more votes till tmr then we chop chop confirm. yeah, so happy gg to meet all of u..

px, nana> thats becos blood sugar going down hill lol...soo something sweet will help to push up ur blood sugar to a level...soo such incident...dun play play horr...can be serious worr...low blood sugar meaning ur body cannot produce energy to support u anymore thus the last stage is black out.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

px> dun over-dose of sweets leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but if go novena...by the time we eat n chit-chat...we can help those shop to close doors liao...hahahhaha....


I swear never to go back to Woody. It was a really traumatic experience. I rather not post here as there r some ladies who do see him n I don't want to affect them. I'll pm u my experience instead. For others' benefit, if yours is a normal pregnancy with no hiccups, I do understand his fees r affordable n stitching skills pretty good. But if there's uncertainty at any point, do get 2nd opinion immed.

Oooo... All of u having a gathering? Do u mind if I join all of u?

hahah feimei no worries.. I dont take bus liao.. Even if I don't faint in the bus I always get squashed near the driver.. scared when he E-brake I fly out of the wind screen... so dont take bus, no need to eat sweets anymore lol

now also dont dare to take too much sugar.. cos i heard of one case of preggy with gestational diabetes, need to inject herself with dunno insuline or wat everyday... wah i very afraid of needles thats y I opt to give birth natural w/o epi.. more afraid of the epi needle than anything..


Actually I dunno why pple gave good comments on woody. I think reason being they' ve never been with other gynaes. Honestly, I'm with him in this pregnancy and I don't really like him too. Coz I find that he takes things lightly. If he's my Gynae I can't confide in him who else can I go to? But since I've got package with him I'll just close one eye and trust God.

px> ahhh...nice, so nw u got ahmed to send/fetch u fr work lol!!! Good!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sad to say, tats wat i m doing now...b4 preggie, i on oral med but since preggie, can eat oral med cos it will go into bb so now i got to do the insulin jab on the tummy before meal....once food is infront of me, i need to jab n after jab, i need to eat liao, cannot wait cos the insulin will act very fast if i dun eat within 5-10mins, i will black out!!! The insulin is to act on the food the food tat u eat so tat ur blood sugar will not go high high up!!! Do u noe tat the peak of blood sugar is during the time we eating!!! Tats the purpose of the jab...not to let blood sugar shoot up!!! Oso, eat too fast, blood sugar wi oso shoot up becos u eating too fast, ur sys cannot quickly breakdown the food n thus cos the blood sugar count to be high lol [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no scare la...i everyday poke myself....fingers to take my own blood sugar, tummy for the jab...daily routine leh :p

pillow> but if most mummies wan to shop then we can head for novena lol but since we 1st meeting sure alot to tok mah...by the time we done, shop all closing ler!!!


You've mail! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I totally agree with u! If they've seen other gynaes before n tried out their scan machines n seen the clinics, they will realize it's such a totally different experience!

In my quest to be healthy, I just went to buy a blender so that I can make smoothies for breakfast and snacks!!

I also got a wholemeal loaf :D

nana> no sugar in ur smoothies worrr...oso be careful on the fruits u using!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Regarding adrian woodworth, my cousin took him as her gynae & she had no prob with him till she gave birth.. Only thing is he do thing super fast.. So she prepare qns to ask before seeing him.. His package is cheap.. I thought of changing my gynae to him initially due to financial but decided to stay put to joycelyn wong due to history..even though her fees are ex but i am confident n feel comfortable with her..

U all planning a gatheting?? Can i join?


I am not sure which fruits r safe.. Better nt put bananas right? Which fruits would u suggest? :D

I bought strawberries and I have apples and an avocado in my fridge.

Feimei & Nana-mum,

Don't take del Monte bananas. Those r cooling. Take local bananas instead. It's those small ones from Malaysia. Avocado is good as it's a fatty fruit which helps baby to put on weight now. All berries r good for us now.

I myself blend banana with avocado n milk to make my smoothies. Delicious!

nana> banana can use la but not too freq n if use, use half onli worrr...apple, pear, strawberry r safe...organe oso can...i seldom drink smooties leh cos to me, its sweet!!! No water-melon, actually i ate papaya but tat time when i at a&e, the nurse told me dun eat papaya, she jus say same as y cannot eat melon...maybe u wan to ask ur gynae! Oh...another one, kiwi oso gd!!!

For the 1st time, i try avocado milk fr fruit stall today!!! Hmmm~~~taste not as bad as i hv thot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe becos mix with milk tats y taste better???

Syrah - Can PM me on ur experience with Woody... Have colleague with him nw but she seriously having second thoughts...

xinyue> my order arrived!!! The material quite gd quality worrr...very surprise leh!!! Esp the dress i bot...nice, can wear for cny lol....

Grapefruits are low in sugar, should be good. Kiwis too, very rich in Vit C.

Btw if anyone believes in traditional chinese medicine, I went to see a TCM and was told papaya is very good in removing toxins from the body, as well as mandarin oranges (eat in moderation) - in particular the white husk is very good in preventing heart disease so don't strip your orange clean when eating it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] This applies only to mandarin orange, and not the sunkist or naval oranges.

Hope those mummies with morning sickness get better soon. If you really cannot tahan, your gynae may be able to give you something to keep the fluids and food down. I went to see my gynae after I was like a merlion non stop for 2 days until I couldn't stand straight coz my stomach muscle hurt like mad.

Food wise, my favourite is sushi (all the cooked stuff) and soft cheese.



I made avocado smoothie!! I added milk and vanilla flavor protein powder.. And a bit of the yummy hse honey (supposed to safe for diabetes?)It tastes great!! Am still sipping it now :D

Yup with the milk it taste good, can bring out the flavour of avocado. U can feel the creaminess of the avocado right?

Tmr morning I am going to make strawberry smoothie!! But my blender quite noisy..will sound like i am revving the engine of a motorbike in my house at 630am tmr!! Hahhaa

