(2011/07) July 2011

wendy, sure...sure...we shall share our shopping list!!! Mine already ask me go n source for those ppl who make rice wine...can start order fr them lol... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thou i give her my trust too, i scare she fly me aeroplane...hahahaa...but siew ling told me if got any issue, can always refer to her, she can help!!! U so lucky, gt her!!!

Ohhh...u gg for c-section?? Did u tell siew ling??? Becos mine got ask me if i go natural or c-sect...

coopie, i got a whole bag of cloth napkin fr my frenx n if CL not washing then maybe 1st mth use diaper lol...2nd mth dan change, day time use cloth n nite use diaper....


ST, tks for the info on journal. i almost forgot abt that. ok will go n get it this week.

crayon, really so bad? then i think i also dun buy liao. everyday ask dh to sing can liao haha.tks for telling me. helped me save a lot!

hi feimei, she didnt say anything about c-sect. Hehe.. i am still thinking wor.. I hope siew ling is okay as well as i am based on forummers review and dun have any close one use her before.. cross fingers our CL will be fine. hehe..

any first time mummy thinking of c-sect as well?

Wendy - I'm also a first time mummy thinking of c-sect... As DH planning to get "Shi Fu" prob to choose timing and name... As this is both sides first grandchild... Also to prevent any double pain or double cost...

I have a colleague who deliver 2 yrs ago was having natural and after that had to do emergency c-sect and cost was almost 3 times original estimate bill @ TCM cost close to 10k...

feimei, my mum do rice wine. she already prepared for me dozens of bottles cos i only like hers. i used to steal to drink when she prepared for my aunties confinement. but she is not a CL la. haha. if u want i can ask her whether she can do some more (cos my bro wife giving birth in jan and i dunno whether is it very troublesome to do). cos i remembered last time i went back home she was selling wines to her frens. i wonder when di my mum become wine seller!

pillow> realli ahhh...can...can...ask ur mum selling how much then i chk w my CL how many bottles to get....wat is it use for during confinement??? Cooking or jus drink like tat??? Pai sey...i dun realli noe except noe tat ppl use for cooking... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]

wendy> ya...we pray for each other!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Lynn, It happened to both of my aunties having double "cuts". My pain threshold is not that high and i also feel that i might end up like them.. haha.. Recently, my hubby's friend waited for several hours in pain for delivery, but end up also go c-sect. My hubby is supportive as well but i will seek my gynae and then depends on bb condition den decide. Hehe.. My mum also keep asking me to go c-sect haha.. she say last time no choice, now got choice.

Dear All,

I want to sell my 5 months old Medela Freestyle Breastpump. Item is a US set, not a local set. Information about the set is as follows as its bought from the same seller in Ebay.


I still have the box packaging and I will provide all the items listed in the ad. Will throw in 2 X Medela SoftFit Breastshield (Brand new) as that has direct contact with my body and therefore its not hygenic to provide my used ones. The SoftFit Breastshield looks like the item below:


Item still in great condition and battery life is as good as new. Used for 3 months only and then keep in storage.. Selling for only $300.

Interested parties, please sms me at 97421248 or email me at [email protected]

Self collection at Suntec during work hours or Jurong West or Bukit Panjang after work hours.

Want To Sell: My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow (Used)

Dear All,

I am looking to sell My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow. Used less than 10 times only. Item still in original packaging as per the picture below


Bought at $81.40 as per the picture with the price tag on packaging


Selling at $50 only.

Interested parties, please sms me at 97421248 or email me at [email protected]

Self collection at Suntec during work hours or Jurong West or Bukit Panjang after work hours.

feimei, it is norm used for cooking. i am so tempted to ask my mum to cook some confinement food for me, she said i crazy. cos i craving for the rice wine. alcoholic ah me. haha. anyway i just asked my mum. she said hor, if u really can drink u can actually drink up to one bottle a day! i got a shock hearing that cos that must be me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if u not a "drinker" or norm cook dry confinement food then only need few bottles. she said now she dun have enuf cos her frens been taking from her. now she even have to do again for my bro wife. haha. but she said if u want, can do cos we in jul. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u check with ur CL and see how many bottles u want. cos i am bringing in fr jb. can only bring in one bottle at at time. scared kena checked. haha. so if u want 30 bottles, i gotta go in 30 weeks. haha. faints... i dun think u need that much la

pillow > I am fine... hehe..

My mum had intend to hire one CL for me I told her my MIL food not ediable and she is dirty...

My DH at first scold me why waste $ to hire CL can ask his mum to do only yesterday he found out the shock of his life...

My MIL sian of her now i dun cook liao so nobody use kitchen liao mah last few weeks she off on weekends she go cook DH ask her to clean up after cooking she say she got... but i been sensitive to bad smell i told DH why my kitchen this few weeks so smelly the yesterday i trance to smell i found that my rice cooker my slow cooker and the wall behind all got mouldy i show DH so pissed off sia... coz everytime we ask her did u clean she say she does she hide the dirty part...

feimei, forgot to tell u if u dare u can actually sip a small cup every day too.

coopie, ya. cos after we give birth our body is very "liang" so we need to "bu" back our health else will be very weak. shld be ok for bf ba cos my mum has been doing for many of her own sisters and they were breastfeeding. even my cousins... and i intend to bf too... and i love drinking it...


I have the following to let go, almost brand new as seldom used . Pls PM me if interested

1. Ameda Lactaline Dual Pump at $300 (retail $388)

2. Baby Bjorn Synergy (Air Mesh Material) in Dark Blue at $200 (retail $289)

3. Capella S705 stroller (2010 model, Blue color) at $250 (retail $329)

4. My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow at $50 (retail $81)

5. Bumbo (yellow color) with play tray at $45 (retail $79.90)

omg, mdmkhoo that is so yucky. if i were u i rather spend money on CL. phew luckily my mum doing mine, else i need to fork out so much...

Pillow! The rice wine sounds yummy!! U say somemore ur mother will be flooded with orders from all of us and u gotta go jb every weekend hahaha.

Mdm khoo, aiyoh but in a way thats good, so can get CL now hopefully? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mdmkhoo, then u better faster book ur CL! haha.. then she has no excuse to do for u.

coopie, ya lor. thats y dare not take too much orders. else i will be stuck in jb every weekend. hopefully no drinkers here like me haha. my actually dun really sell de. she just do when fren recommend. not really a regular seller la. haha. her frens found when they came to the hse and smelll the wine. then they addicted so every now and then they will ask my mum do. and i also intend to drink once in a while after my confinement. heard that it will strengthen ur body. i cant wait for confinement though many dread it. haha

Mdmkhoo, thats great! Better book soon if u havent already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how u going to tell ur MIL tho, will she be very angry/ hurt, or u dont care hehe.

Actually my MIL told me she is going make the rice wine for me for confnement... i will dare not drink it lor... first she never make before second she so dirty the rice wine sure will turn sour one coz this type fermatation need to be very clean...

Pillow, how nice to have sthg to look forward to at confinement! I'm really dreading mine. Have a bit of "auntie phobia", hate to be nagged so hope my CL wont be that kind or i will die. I also cannot eat the same thing everyday for a month, hope she will have some imagination in her cooking!

pillow> ok, shld nt be soo many bottle bahhh...i dun realli like the smell but use for cooking, i ok worr!!! Thanks U in adv! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] buy u drink when we meet up!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mdmkhoo> went to chk up last sat?? Noe bb gender liao??? Tell us...

coopie> u haven book ur CL??? Those gd one in wendy's list all gt booked already leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

feimei, then maybe just bottles enuf. no prob. dun need to treat la. we help each other ma. u just tell me when ur CL tell u so i can asked my mum to do first. store the longer the better. i asked my mum to make mine liao. kiasu haha

pillow > hehe... ya now i am safe frm her

feimei > nope my appt is this weekend dear but i postpond to next week coz this week working will announce next week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pillow> ur mum must charge lah...even few bottles also must charge...the effort n material cost n the skills...hahahaa...for U...u sure dun charge me ur 'car-horse-fee', so buy u drink lah...u drinker, no alcohol...hahaha...

mdmkhoo> hahahhaa...too gan chiong for u mah...already gt one mummy here know thd gender ler...i will open up another column for gender soon...guess u will be next to know cos i still got two wks to my next scan...oso dunnu lil bunny wan to let me c anot...

feimei, oh dun worry. my mum will just take the cost price. she dun earn. she do is cos she likes to cook. haha. as for me, no need to treat drinks la. just abalone will do... cos i am craving for one now... hahahaha

rice wine > my mom used to bring over 3bottles of rice wine and 3 bottles of sesame oil from malaysia too. hard to find home made rice wine in SG cos rarely ppl will make it here. rather buy from store but heard home made type more 'potent' and original and when used for cooking will be more 'yummy' too..

woke up at this hr to drink horlick..finally my acidic tummy is getting better can feel hunger. hopefully it stays this way

All the rice wine talk has made me very hungry... Nw crave for braised chicken sesame oil... Anyone know if we can add rice wine to our food nw for cooking purpose?

I still have a bottle which DH grandma did for me... DH Hakka so their family do prepare rice wine once in a while... Guess when his family knows I should have my rice wine supply settled for confinement I hope... Keeping my fingers crossed...


Can bring rice wine over from msia ar? I have left over a few bottles of rice wine since my last confinement, and my mum plans to make some grape wine and I was thinking how to bring it to SG. Hmm.. won't kena check at custom? My DH kiasi ler, say scared kena check and by law its illegal? or just tell those ICa ppl"Oh, this is for personal use, see I am pregnant, getting ready for confinement!" lol!


I used about 4-5 bottles of wine during my last confinement. My CL just hentam and whack alot of wine in her cooking LOL!

Mdm Khoo,

Hi! So u r here! Was wondering where u disappear to. Alamak your MIL still the same ah. What do u intend to do when she wants to help out with caring for the baby in future? I can't imagine letting her feed the baby!

pillow> hahahaha...abalone ahhh...Woow...'wei kou bu xiao' horrr...!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maelyn> Hmmm~~~but after confinement when u r on ur own, do we still need to cook with the rice wine??? cos dun tink DH will eat cos he scare of heaty...he easily get sore throat, gum pain when too much heaty food.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

rainy day....soo shiok to sleep but hv to slog to work...hahahaha...

sunshine> did u went praying last wkend??

i actually 'stop' drinking the powder milk....dun hv the urge to drink compare to starting...but gynae said, drink or dun drink doesn't matter la...since we taking the vits n ensure the food we ate is healthy....nutrients to bb shld be good....powder milk is jus additional...but i will still force myself to start again bahhh...otherwise the whole tin wasted...

syrah, thanks I am fine, going to wk 16 in 2 days time! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am still seeing Dr Loh since he knows my history and I am lazy to change to another gynae. Are you also seeing him since you are having twins?

jas, just to update u on the pillow I bought ytd. I bought it from Kiddy Palace in Marina Sq ytd, cost me $31 after 10% discount from the member card. It comes with 2 beanie bags at each end, joined with a pc of cloth. So far, I still can't tell whether it's effective anot cos my tummy's still not very big. Furthermore, I realised after I woke up, I am back to the back sleeping position...


hihi Feimei...yes went to pray at guan yin temple...draw qian n it is a shang shang qian...it say luck is on my side, evil is remove

haha is it very superstitious??? but i think the guan yin temple is very zun and accurate...actually i leave my ex com due to some evil ppl stir problem...now they r all gone n my ex boss knew...who is trustworthy

also pray for my coming Fri oscar scan

i hate milk now...feel tht the nutrient all come to me instead of beanie...m looking so fat now imagine i put on abt 7kg...sob sob

