(2011/07) July 2011

gd am mummies....

can i check anybody encounter. suan tong (酸痛) at our wombs"meimei" there. i have dis feeling. could it be bb expanding or etc??? very uncomfortable & suffering. some more having toothache & headache on & off ;(


Nana mum...me 2 drinking Dom when TTC...think is very gd...whole body warm warm de very gd to slp n will continue to drink when confinement..

but if we gg to breastfeed can drink...later bb high high...LOL


I dunno how to cook confinement food with rice wine ler.. hehe.. so i stop taking rice wine after confinement, thats why left alot. After confinement I continue to take dom instead.

Nana mum,

I also took DOM during my confinement, but drink before i sleep every day, didnt cook food with DOM. I guess should be the same effect, to "bu" our body..

yes suying...me me sometime will hv this feeling but oni for a while...tht why i nv bother...thinking maybe i walk too much...when enough rest...dun hv the feeling liao


wendy, i had an emergency c-sect for my last delivery and took a long time to recover... dun dare to exert too much and cant carry heavy weights for a very long time... i would have gone for natural if i could... recovery time shorter... pain once n for all... c-sect very pain for very long some more... got chance to get gastric oso... i would encourage natural if u can...

maelyn, dunno oso. am taking a risk. pray hard dun kena check. lucky i am doing my confinement in jb.

sunshinebb, i am also a milk drinker before preg. now i dun like. and few days ago when dh found out that i hv not been drinking milk. keep forcing me to drink. every night he will mix 1 spoon of milk into horlicks to get me accustomed to it. hai. btw how many weeks are u now? i also put on 4 kg liao. sob sob...

feimei, i am taking risk for u le. hahahaha. joking la. anyway, after ur confinement it is best if u drink once in a while. ur dh no need to take if he dun want. just cook small portion. it will help in your health. i intend to do that.

nana-mum, rice wine is better. more nutri and the alcohol content all dissipate after u cook. so safe to take during bf.and much cheaper le. haha.

ya lor...ur hubby same with mine...everyday nag n nag...force me to drink milk...me 2 also milk lover but aft pregg milk taste funny

me wk 12 liao...u???

Regarding drinking wine... My colleagues mentioned that if breastfeeding bb cannot drink DOM or wine direct have to cook first cause of the alchol % will go to our breastmilk...

Any MTB out there can help to confirm on this?


during my last 2 confinements, my CL boiled soup for me using black chix, herbs + DOM.

She said the alcohol content is not high as the DOM has already been boiled and some alcohol evaporated already.

Jas - But hw about drinking direct? After cooking should be ok... Im confused...

Hard time thinking what to eat for lunch... Funny taste in my mouth again today...

Star Night,

You're 2 weeks behind me. I'm 18 weeks in a couple of days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Trying to find where all the familiar names disappear to. Not many in June. So your EDD should be 1st week of Jul then. Mine's 19 June. So now I'm mentally preparing for end May but hoping must hold as long as possible to full term. I'm sticking with Dr Loh since it's twins. Definitely easier and must be prepared in case of NICU!

My mum and aunties told me cannot drink dom or wine direct when breastfeeding too.. Need to cook first. That is why if mummies r breastfeeding even the occasional red/white wine or alcohol should b avoided...

I bought a few bottles of whites and was still drinking them in the first few weeks before I knew I was pregnant.. I am planning to breastfeeding for at least 6mths.. So no more wine for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


At the breastfeeding workshop that I just attended, the lactation consultant said that drink only after pumping or latching. So that in between feeds will be at least 2 hrs. By then the alcohol would have left the system. If it's wine used in cooking then it's ok anytime is fine since cooking will evaporate the alcohol.

For those coffee lovers, she said it's ok to drink coffee while breastfeeding. A cup or so is fine. No need to wait 2 hrs before BF too.

pillow4 & sunshinebb,

I'm a milk lover myself but couldn't touch it at all during 1st tri too. Even at 14 weeks, I couldn't really stomach much. Then I realise if it's not such a strong milk taste i'm ok with it. Used to take Magnolia but now switch to Farmhouse. Generally the low fat ones will not be as strong tasting as the fresh ones.

syrah, so i am in a way still norm. haha. i thought i will hv no prob drinking milk since i was a milk lover. boy was i wrong! haha...

If any mummies got any question on breastfeeding, I can help to ask. I am attending the breastfeeding workshop organized by BMSG(Breastfeeding Mother Support Group) these few weeks.

will be heading down to chinatown that side...shld be eating at hong lim temp hawker...cos my col gg to bring me to the shop that sell bb stuffs...

thanks sunshine... think is normal. so long no spotting can liao. makes mi woli & suffering lo ;(

some more today my turn out to buy lunch with my kelics for everybody. lucky i dun need carry so much things ;)

today i bought burger king for lunch ;) hope i can finish it ;)

Suying...ur coll dun know u pregg???

my office cleaner auntie ask me today whether m i pregg cos she say can see a small bump...i just told her no lah put on weight...then she dare not ask further LOL

pillow n other MTBS...so gd think me is 1 of the latest to due...end of july is a long wait...sian

m super hungry now...dun know wht to eat...

sunshine... they knw ya. most of them knw le. cos i cross 2nd tri le. so whoever ask dan i jus say lo. otherwise i wont say.

like my big boss he knw dunno thru who. cos our office moving in feb he say til so nice. when moving office there is a lots of knocking & etc... so ask mi take leave. to stay away. so niao lo.... ;(

sunshine... hw many weeks r u le?? i oso gt little tummy le... hopefully CNY still nt so obvious. but my buddy say my face look round liao... woli lo....


It's completely normal. I was so worried initially too. Can't touch milk & fish which i love. Was worried babies not getting enough nutrients cos I was losing weight too. So i started popping my muli-vits at week 10 just in case. Even till now, my appetite can be really erratic.

sunshinebb & syrah, i am on mc today. so later gg to cook porridge and fry fish to eat cos i cant eat steam fish. cant stand the smell. i also scared, so now force myself to eat fried fish at least. but i love salted fish le. my mum ask her fren to buy this expensive salted fish fr kuantan. wow, sometimes i just take out from the fridge and pinch a bit to eat. funny how i cant stand fish smell but love smell of salted fish.

mummies.. I am worried

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]I am having migraine today so I went to my GP to get mc and med.. Then doc suspects I might be diabetic coz I am always thirsty despite drinking more than 3litres of water everyday.. I am practically addicted to my filtered water now and going to toilet alot.. The dehydration could be causing my migraine

He did a blood test for me and the result is not so good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] normal is 7 and mine is 10.8!!

He wrote a memo for my gynae to bring to the clinic when I go for my scan this sat............ Another blood test to b done...

He mentioned insulin injection everyday if the result still not good.. Feel like crying while waiting for my med now

oh suying..they know still ask u to go buy lunch for them??? so noti

me wk 12..but tummy very obvious the shape can see is pregg cos is firm 1...think cos old auntie hv exp once c will know

Syrah n pillow...me still ok lah...can smell, eat fried or steam fish...no problem but i prefer fried 1 more tasty

Oh no nana mum...then must control ur sugar in take liao...me 2 b4 pregg due to work stress also hv abit of high blood...therefore hv to control my temper


Oh u r not feeling well? Do rest more. I spent practically 4 weeks doing bedrest in 1st tri alone. Btw, sleeping helps the baby to grow faster too!

Don't take too much salted fish too. Really high in salt levels. I still don't like cod but i'm back in love with threadfin. So i try to cook threadfin porridge most of the time now.

Btw, anyone going for the Abbott's congress? I tried to register just now but their ticketing system is down. Cant be fully booked already rt??

ya lo... bo pian ya... 1mth once gt to take turns buy lunch.

sunshine.. wow... 12 weeks. le. fast oso. all of us is quite near. aunty indeed exp. lo. lollzz.... next time round she ask u u cant deny liao ;)

syrah, Dr Loh changed my EDD from 2 July to 29 June after seeing me last week. Btw I find that Dr Loh's always so busy & when I saw him last wk, he doesn't seem to have time for me as he was paged to go to the delivery suite once he stepped into the room. Sigh...I guess I just have to bear with it since he's so popular...

first few months i also scared to eat fish but i tried to eat some when my mum cooks.As for milk i tried to drink few days per cup. i tried before HL, Marigold in the end i drink Meiji. It will not make mi vomit or felt my tongue dry after drinking.

My MIL have ordered the rice wine for mi. She said that must order fast if not no stock.

nana-mum, u drink ribena everyday isit? must cut down on sugar.

syrah, when i stand stationary for abt 5-10mins i will feel light headed or nauseas. so get mc fr doc to rest cos dh scared. i wanna go to the congress too but dh cant make it so cant go lor. dun wanna go alone le.

suying, no one sympatise with u and help u do the routine buy meh? at least when my colleagues found she will ask me what i wanna tapao everyday. has not been to foodcourt or eat wit colleagues for very long unless they go IMM haha.

starnight... u refering to Dr Loh SF @ KKH??? If u r refering to him. He is always busy. Cos he really popular. so long as everything is ok & fine i dun mind see him jus awhile only rather dan waiting so long when he go for patient delivery ya ;)

pillow... no ya.... i go wif colleagues to buy lunch. N dis will be once in a mth job only. cos we r buying for 40 - 50 ppl ya. we have timetable to take turns lo. if is too heavy my partner will assist to take the food so i will be taking those light weight wan. therefore hopefully times goes by my tummy bigger i can excuse from buying & i could chose wat to eat.. lollzz

simone, u there? I juz put down my name for waiting list at Little Skool House at ocbc centre....if u got a place there, our babies will be classmates [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, any 2nd time mummies opting for noatural birth after they had c-sect? Im opting for it! wana try natural as c-sect too painful but my gynae there's a 0.6% of wound rupture.

alicia, try dilute the ribena. then shld be ok. too much glucose is not good. cos our system are not meant to digest so much glucose at any one time. so i norm dilute mine. once in a while drink thick one or the packet type which is super thick. now i am drinking one. haha..

blue skies

i have 2 boys, now expecting #3.

yes i agree, tornadoes!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wa..so fast all like know the gender..

just ate wang wang xue bing.. v v nice to my tastebud! hehee

nana... relax. dun be sad. jus start to control. i believe result will turn out to be gd when u go for yr next gyne visit.

i was advise by my fren too. if i keep drinking milo. some more is heaty + sugar level is high. cos i drink at least 3 times a day. she remind mi to control as if get diabetic is nt gd. cos i oso like to eat fried/ sweet & salty food which is unhealthy. hopefully my next visit to gyne everything will be fine ;)

xw, wow u sure can eat like me! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

suying, sugar level in milo also high? die liao la. then what to drink?

pillow nt sure ya... cos i always drink milo thick thick plus a bit milk. some more 1 day i drink so many cups. my fren say rather drink more fresh milk dan milo. becos fresh milk gt high calcium is gd for bb. N milo is heaty, sugar level need control.


suying, hmmm think i hv no choice but to force myself to drink milk lor.

hai, even though i am on mc. i still gotta do up a proposal for FY2011. and i super no mood to do. rather write on tis thread. haha

