(2011/07) July 2011

Gynae - just to share, if you are looking for a very meticulous gynae, you can try Dr HK Ho from Mt Alvernia. I saw him during my first preg, seeing him now too. He's very careful, and his stitches are really good. But price a bit on the high side lah.

I remember during one of my visits before I gave birth to my first child, I asked Dr Ho whether we can give birth without cutting below (episiotomy), he said we Asian women are not built like Caucasian women. (Maybe not as stretchable or large as them down below?) If we don't cut, we will tear like crazy and once we are torn up badly, he cannot stitch it up nicely. So he said have to cut. But actually during childbirth, cannot feel the cut lah. I delivered natural without epidural and it was okay.



U've mail!


Now u mention strawberries smoothie, Im thinking of making some for myself. Btw I don't use the blender. What I use is those stick type of processor. Just dump the fruits n milk into a plastic container, stick in the blender n drink. Easy to wash too since it's just washing the stick type.

harlowww mummies,

been a long long time since I was able to log in. If you all have gathering on the 18th can someone please email me? my email add is [email protected] i wanna join all of you and chit chat!

still at 11 weeks now and feeling the usual MS and merlion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

good nighty all ~ gonna have an early night now that my school has started and need to rest early [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


This is my second pregnancy. My first was with Michele lee from amk and it was a wonderful experience. Reason why I changed Gynae is because Michele was on maternity leave plus we shifted to bukit panjang. For me I can close one eye on the lousy equipment. After all it was a cheap package. I just didn't like the way be brushed off things when I tried to explain to him my condition. No taking of weight at every visit which I think is crucial ESP when I lost so much weight from morning sickness. I gave up and go kk myself oneday and was detected that I was dehydrated and had to be put on drip and hospitalized.


Oh! But I don't have the stick kind.. Is the stick processor able to blend ice?

I found many recipes for strawberry smoothies! Best to use strawberries that r frozen :D

blue skies, grapfruit will be too acidic for preggie esp now in 2nd tri, bb is absorbing wat mummy eating...soo too acidic not too good for bb too!


Nope mine is plastic version so can't blend ice. Anyway all the fruits n milk are already cold so I dont add ice and it's cold already.


Oh no... That's terrible. Yea he really just brushes a lot of issues away. Oh i heard of Dr Lee too n that she's on maternity leave. U can see Dr Michelle Lee's dad. He has a clinic in Orchard.

how often can we drink avocado milk??? Since so many gd pts on avocado...i try to make an effort to drink often!!!

Syrah - thanks for ur mail...

Feimei - u did online shopping for urself? Care to share the site? I dun know if will grow much till CNY i'm in my wk13 nw... Another 3 more wks to go...

OMG... DH family just called reunion dinner this Saturday... Have not told my PIL that I'm preggy... Are the elderly really that gd at telling... At a lost nw if to share with them...

Any MTB here bought the doppler(not sure if correct spelling) to hear bb heartbeat at Hm... Is it harmful, was thinking if I should get 1 so no need to wait for gynae appt to feel the connection with bb...

hi mummies, i am back from my seoul garden dinner to satisfy my beef craving. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the whole meal i just eat beef!!!!! haha. and ice kacang with gula melaka.

re gathering - all are welcome for the gathering! the more the merrier! so shall we set the date at 18th feb at novena sq? we will decide where to eat when it nearer to date... and i will take attendance somewhere near end jan. cos i scared most mummies not online on early feb. then as and when ppl wanna join i just add in. just got a feeling that we gg to book the whole restaurant. haha

lynn> yea, i lazy to go shopping n source for clothing n those maternity shop very ex leh...no pt buying leh...so i got to the BP site...they oways got offer there...$20+ for blouse n dress...to me, design ok lol....the blouse i bot is a nursing blouse...can wear during nursing as well leh...hahahhaa...my frenx n col suggest wear dress will be better cos more breathable for bb...

here is where i bot from:


I have organized my last bp for ladies wear (F & Plus Size), winter wear & bags before CNY. Goods should reach me by 3rd week of this month provided no delay from supplier so still in time for CNY. Feel free to view if you are interested.

Thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My BP Link - http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/4944886.html?1293865372

My Site - http://picasaweb.google.com/babytoh.ox

Best Regards,


lynn, i am also thinking of getting doppler le. u know where to get? cos everytime gotta wait one mth then listen very 'tong ku'. i asked gp 2 days ago, he laughed at me and asked me y i wanna buy. how much isit?

this is the nursing bloiuse:


pillow> u go to the link, u can see more...i saw alot ppl ordering fr her...thats y i test test water 1st...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but not sure too big for u gals anot leh...i m those big structure type...soo bigger for mi its ok worr....

wendy> u can go to her bp link n post ur order there, she will reply u....u buying?

pillow> hahahaha....i tink here interest u more than ur work horr.... :p

hehe.. i saw several ones that i am interested! haha.. the dresses just one size? I will look again tomorrow and email her. haha..

hello all.. anyone still up so late of the night?

haven't got time to log in for a while.. have been very busy at work.. boss just came over from Japan to have meeting with us..

wao.. so many thread for these 2 days..

I will be flying a lot in the next few weeks.. going for holiday this Friday.. then after return.. will be going to Japan for business trip..

At first.. I wasn't very worry abt the Japan trip.. in fact.. quite looking forward for it.. till some colleage scare me.. cold weather, slippery road, flu.. blah blah.. then I get a bit concern..

Today.. talk directly to my boss who just arrived from Japan yesterday.. he said.. weather is cold (ard 7 degree C).. no slippery road.. no snow.. not many have flu in office so far.. I told my boss.. I stay in UK for a long time.. 7 degree C is nothing for me.. haha..

So I feel more relief on going for this business trip.. even discuss with my husband.. he is quite ok as long as not many flu in Tokyo and office..

In fact, my boss is more concern of me being on the plane.. enclose area.. but I told him I am flying off this Friday.. he laugh.. but he remind me to put on a mask on the plane just in case.. haha.. very caring.. even ask me.. take cab to and fro between hotel and office when I get there.. and claim from boss.. v. kind

Please pray for me, gals, for save journey..

(now the only person at home that reject me from going.. is NOT my MIL.. NOT my husband.. but my 2.5 years old boy.. )

I asked him.. "can mami go Japan?" his answer is.. "no no no no no" with the little finger left right left right action.. haha..

haha.. obviously.. a few of you are still awake.. I wrote the long message and after I check and post.. there are a few more post up.. haha..

hi chujie, good luck for your trip. Do take care in foreign country. Bring more sweaters along since you never know you might have a different "weather" tolerance now. =)

it is feimei lor.. sent the link at this time.. and now i keep looking at pretty clothes.. haa!

Thanks Wendy.. I will keep that in mind.. and I think I will go to GP to get some safty medicine just in case.. hehe.. not easy to see doc if fall sick in Japan.. play safe..

ya.. i think you should pack all the common medicine. I love Japan, been going there for annual business trip and i think i gonna miss this year one. You be in Tokyo? Dun shop too much! Hehe.

take care, chujie! have a safe n good trip to n fro... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] PRay for U!!!

wendy> there's size shown in the pic...arga ur size lol...

haha.. may not shop much.. cuz still dun feel like walking too much.. in fact.. I scare I will be eating too much.. now appetite starting to resume.. but I will skip sashimi and raw fish sushi.. hehe.. in fact.. their traditional type of cooked food are very nice too.. my Japanese colleague always like to bring me for their local store to eat.. quite special compare to the well known Japanese food.. haha

thanks feimei.. and your pray too..

I will be seeing my gynae after back from holiday next week.. I think when I see the baby grow healthily.. I will feel more confident for this trip..

btw.. won't be able to log on at all from Friday till next Thursday.. you all enjoy the chat.. I will enjoy my beach and sun with my little boy.. haha..

chujie, have a safe journey. ya we haven sleep, tks to feimei posting her bp link at this hour. till now i am surfing for dresses instead of doing my work. i dunno what am i gg to show my boss tmr. hopefully tonight while i sleep there is some fairies helping me to finish up.

thanks pillow..

last 2 days I was so busy and last night I also need to rush off my schedule plan for my boss to review today.. but I fell asleep with my son while I put him to bed.. haha.. so this morning.. rush to finish it before the meeting.. lucky he approved it without much questions.. haha..

pillow> hahahaha....after surfing the dress...u got more idea for ur work lol.... :p

wenndy> do cater for further expansion in mths time worr...hahahhaha...i tink her nursing blouse quite worth it as compare if u gg to get fr shopping mall...

yaya> u r one of her customer wor...ya...i was quite surprized that the material quite good leh...i expected such price, shld be those clothes that bugis village selling but i m wrong lol...the dress...even got lining inside n the material quite good... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei.. I was lucky.. during my 1st preg.. the dolly clothes was a trend.. so I can get very cheap and beggy clothes easily.. and when wearing at the beginning.. no one know I was preg.. haha.. they tot I just following the trend.. so now I can used those clothes again.. although not the trend now.. but I am really preg.. haha..

In fact.. I feel some nursing clothes can be used as maternity clothes too.. and later can use for nursing.. so worth to buy now.. I usually get from spring / cloud 9 (at suntec)

feimei.. I think I like the nursing top AA5711 grey.. very trendy..can even wear to work I think.. and AA5632 grey.. very cute leh.. haha.. Maybe I also will place the order.. some of my nursing clothes are getting old.. hehe..

Feimei - thanks for the link got us nw all excited and gear up shopping...

Chujie - take care for ur trip, remember to keep urself hydrated during the flt...

Pillow - no issue for 18 feb gathering... Looking fwd to seeing u all...

blue_skies, "high five" Dr Ho is also my doc for my first child, my 2 ops for ovarian cyst and now my second. He is a very experience doc which makes me feel safe in his hands; though his charges is really on the high side. Also, I delivered the same manner as you too! I must say that his stitching is good cos after the epidural worn off, i didn't feel any pain and still can walk here walk there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gd morning gals!

this thread is really moving fast... :p

wow wow, got gathering in feb. I hope to join in too! But then, hv to ciao after dinner cos i need to take my night jab... so i've to miss the shopping fun w u gals... looking 4ward to seeing all of u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ohh btw, i've got the reply from MCYS. But as expected, the person who replied nvr cfm dat w.e.f. 1st Jul 2011, no CDA. Guess we can only wait for Govt to mention before the crucial day (Election!).. :p

Here's the reply in full:

We refer to your e-mail dated 09 Jan 11.

2 A child is eligible for the enhanced 2008 Baby Bonus Scheme if he or she is:

a. Born on or after 17 August 2008;

b. A Singapore Citizen;

c. A child born alive to the mother (i.e. as long as the child is not a stillbirth); and

d. The mother is lawfully married to the child’s father.

3 If your child meets all the above criteria, he/she will be considered for the Baby Bonus. The Baby Bonus Scheme consists of 2 parts - cash gift and co-savings in the Children Development Account (CDA).

4 All children who satisfy the criteria per para 2 will be eligible for both the cash gift and CDA.

5 More details on the Baby Bonus Scheme can be found on our website at http://www.babybonus.gov.sg or by calling the Baby Bonus hotline at 1800 253 7707.


feimei: Maybe use just a bit of grapefruit? And mix with others fruits? Plums, guava & honeydew are nice too. But to blend guava, need to use those with metal blade otherwise I think cannot blend properly.

chujie: Nice to have caring boss [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My boss actually "banned" me travelling after I told him I was expecting. Was supposed to be travelling every 2 mths or so to Vietnam for projects but we visit areas with lots sick pple so he said it's no go for me! Now desk bound until I deliver... Take care and enjoy the food!

