(2011/07) July 2011

Hi Mummies..... during my 1st preg... i use Galenic Elancyl stretch mark cream... it's gd leh.. any ppl got lobang .. let mi knw


jgwee, tks for the concern. i am ok, just couldnt get up fr bed. too tired. then tell myself since preg so good excuse to sleep in ans waste half day leave. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the stretch mark cream good ah? can cure existing marks? i have some on my thigh. then i oso plan to use on my tummy soon. how soon can we use? no side effects? i will keep a lookout on the promo. any promo will post it here.

lynzi, congrats! at least no more suspension.

pillow4, i use it during my 1st preg... so far i dun hv any marks at all... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jgwee, maybe you belong to the lucky one. i heard that sometimes it is genetic. if ur mum has it most prob u will have it. and my mum have it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so am trying to do whatever i can to prevent it.

anyway, do u have any idea whether can we eat fruits with the skin on or do we have to peel it?

my mum's and sis marks are horrible! hahahaha

does it matters whether to peel or not to peel fruits skin? i just ate an apple with skin leh.... hee hee

hi gals

I'm new, tested positive using home kits over the wkend, will only see gynae on 23 Nov though as that's the earliest appt. Excited but keep reminding myself to be happy and hopeful, dont count the chick before hatching. Other than blocked nose (lots of mucus) & some crampings, i don't really hv much symptoms too. Will look at the tested kits once a while just to assure myself :p

jgwee, u r so fortunate! no stretch marks! wanna buy that too! hehe.. btw when shd we apply it? on a daily basis?

sogo.. for my 1st preg.. i apply it every day after shower ... i think ard 7-8 weeks i started applying liao.. (can't reali rem leh)

Eh I got a lot of stretch marks from my first pregnancy leh! I guess its genetic, thats what my gynae told me.. I did apply stretch marks cream which was recommended by my SIL. She said her friend used it and find it very good.. Erm.. does not work on me lor.. coz my mum has it too..


I just join the 2011/06 thread yesterday but I think the progession and discussion here suits me better. My Doc said my EDD is 26 Jun but since I am used to having irregular menses, I counted tha my EDD should be in early July.

I have already went for 2 ultrasound scan. One last week and another one yesterday.

Congrats to Lynn and Lynzi! welcome to the gang here :D

Hey Lizzie thanks for the link to the channelnewsasia talk! sounds good! i wanted to learn more esp about natural delivery.... i've just called sistic, and they said one ticket per patron, so i've booked two tickets.

In any case, the website says early bird rate (till tmw) is $11, but actually it's $10.

i booked thru phone so another $0.20.

talking about symptoms... gas doesn't affect me that badly haha, cuz usually it's my hub that has the prob! so now he gets to have a lil' taste of what I always go thru! haha, i'm so mean..

but really, what affects me more is the semi wanna get flu kinda state.. anyone with similar prob? and always wanna sneeze...

jgwee, cos they said cannot eat raw food ma. fruits skin are norm sprayed with insecticide. that is y i dunno oso. if that is the case, we cant eat raw salad then? any advise mummies???

hmmm guess i will start to buy the cream that u recommend this weeked and start applying. kiasu.

lynn, congrats! ya i also dare not be too hopeful but we must stay positive.

serene, welcome! so for your 1st scan what can u see? wat abt 2nd scan? curious..

rosegal, actually for me the week before i tested, i actually had a little flu, cough n fever. went to see doc but din take the med. scared. i think it is individual cos my galfren also will get very sickly just before she found out that she is preg. maybe you shld build up your immune. take more vit c? that is what i am doing when i sensed flu is coming. i am very prone to flu.


I also like to look at the test kit once a while... just throw away yesterday.

I take pictures of it... I think I am crazy.

et2008, u not crazy la. i also took pics of it when i tested. but i threw it on that day itself. now looking at the pics taken, not so nice. maybe shld test again and teake a nicer pic. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] crazy crazy..


i used the clarins stretchmark cream for my no 1.

Works well for me.



How are u?

Must be in your 5th mth now rite?

Know the baby's gender already?


im still going to go on with my trip unless my visit to the gynae this thursday is not favourable and he firbid me to go.

Other than that, all has been booked so will go if all is well.

To think with my no 1 i didnt even realised i strike bfp and i went for a 10 hour roadtrip to and fro..hehe

To All:

LOL I kiasu. did 3 home kits LOL cos I thought maybe the first test expired or what (clear positive). 2nd result was a faint line hee. 3rd one was also a clear positive! then Dr confirmed it and I have another test. I think I will keep all of it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rosegirl: Are you dragging your hubby too? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lizzie: I still have my test kit too.. and also took pics of it..

Was having brown discharge since this morning.. and cramping so kiasu went to see gynae near the office. Gave me a jab and put me on duphaston cos its a sign of weak pregnancy... The nurse say the crappier u feel, more MS, more bloating, more hunger, the better cos it shows that the pregnancy hormones is strong and baby is strong too...

Can see sac and yolk.. dr says can see heartbeat if do vag scan but he doesnt think its necessary too. At least rule out etopic pregnancy.. *phew* big load off my mind

LOL this is so cute - i also wanted to keep the test kits but in the end threw them all away..

Lizzie- yes, i already booked a ticket for my hubby- he's got no choice! haha, no la, but i think it's good for him to know more about this too.. at least they know more about it.. more prepared..knowledge is power! haha.. hopefully will not bore him to death or somehting!

pillow 4 - i guess peeling the skin is a precaution...but i thought a lot of fruits we take, e.g. apples, grapes.. a lot of nutrients also come from the skin... maybe you can ask the doc on your next visit.. i'm thinking of compiling a whole list of questions to ask the doc on my visit.. so i don't have to wonder, wonder, wonder..

also, as for my flu... actually it's partly cos i used to be prone to flu and sinus.. but haven't been getting it much since i started doing part time work.. but after a potluck halloween party (didn't know i was preggie then) i got a sore throat.. developed into inflammation n finally saw doc.. then i remember specifically askg the doc to give me medicine that won't interfere with me ttc, must be God cos I didn't know it then.. cos otherwise she'd have given normal antibiotics..

it's just that i wonder if sneezing will affect.. cos i have quite a sensitive nose.. to dust etc..

wah, last night, i had a whole bowl of rice with korean bbq beef (food court sets), but didn't feel full!! so i bought some chicken macaroni soup, thinking i could have it for supper a couple of hours later... who'd have thought, i didn't even have to wait! went home, felt like eating again, and finished the whole thing! (i thought i could share with hubby)

but luckily today i feel less like eating.. otherwise i'd be worried about my weight at this stage!

px 22 - you're right - one load off your mind! try not to think about it so much ya? need lots of rest :D stay cool and happy!

lizzie, i think maybe it will smell. since its urine?

rosegal, ya hor. maybe i shld have a lost ready before i see doc on next tue. then i can share with u all what i found out.

rosegal: thanks! very worrying cos i had a m/c before.. and I have medical conditions so previously gynae told me my chances of conceiving are half of normal women..

Lizzie: gynae said as long as its like normal menstrual cramps its fine. Anything more severe with brownish CM or even spotting- should see a gynae immediately.... if yours is faint cramps then it should be fine. Prob your coming from your intestines due to all the gas =)

hi girls, me also took photo of my test kit that time.. haha.. Can't believe it. I can't wait to hear bb heartbeat so i could rest my mind..

Hi mummies

I'm a 2nd time mum. But it still feels like 1st time preg.. haa.. I only confirm my suspection this morning via home test kit coz i miss my menses for 8 days and my body start feeling weird 2 days ago..

Though this preg kinda planned, but when i felt the bloatness, nausuae feeling.. was thinking Y i led myself in such torture again.. My 1st pregancy is quite tedious; morning sickness everyday, oversized heavy tummy.. haizz....

Can i check which gynae ur visiting now? I'm previously with DrSim @ TMC, but thought its kinda inconvenient there. (Difficult parking, no direct bus) So tot of changing. Anyone visiting Gynae from KK?

And last week i just paid deposit for hongkong trip which i look so forward then. But So regreting now! Hope i can manage this trip.

hello,i am new to this forum. i 've been married for 7 years,no baby yet.i plan to do ivf in singapore. i was recommended to dr. christopher chen. is he a good doctor for ivf? please share with me if any of you had experienced with him, thanks

hey... so glad i'm not the only one who did more than 1 test & kept the test kits :p HB is laughing when i showed him the kits. I guess i shld be taking pic of them soon. I don't know how i can last the long wait till my appt 2 wks later. I will be away for business trip for 1 wk next wk. Got to be real careful & take things slowly, walk slowly n cover less areas in this trip.

hi rosegal,I hv same thing, blocked nose with lots of mucus, even though i feel i hv already recovered from my earlier flu & sore throat. Apparently i read online this is one of the sign of pregnancy. My nose is much better today, though still hv to blow nose every few hrs.

hi berrycarrot, u r nt alone. i will be going away 1 wk biz, follow by 3D2N bintan & thereafter US in Feb next yr. All planned n booked. All i can do is fingers crossed that i'm ok to fly in Feb. HB & I want to hv a long trip before we hv little ones in the hm.

Hello Mummy,

I have opened unused MEDELA SWING (USA set) offering at $$150.

Kindly PM me if interested.

What's in the Box

Two each of collection containers and lids, one container stand, one valve, three membranes, one SoftFit breast shield, a carrying bag, Breastfeeding Information Guide, tubing, AC adapter, battery power option, neck/shoulder strap and Instruction Manual.

Two-Phase Expression Technology

The Swing features two-phase expression technology, an advanced pumping pattern that mimics a baby's natural nursing rhythm. This system works in two modes: the simulation mode and the expression mode. The simulation mode simulates your baby's initial rapid sucking to start your milk flowing, while the expression mode simulates your baby's slower, deeper suckling to express your milk gently yet efficiently. These modes work together to make pumping a quick and painless process.


Hi mega suliba,

I'm not sure you're in the right forum group, but anyway i thought i could share my experience with you..

i've been married eight years (got married quite early so now i'm 33), and also no children yet. Had a m/s five years back when i was 28, but been ttc ever since. about two years ago through some friend's recommendation, my husband and i went to see dr christopher chen - centre for fertility.

dr chen is obviously very reputed, there's always a long long queue, his clinic is v crowded and you can see pple still waiting to see him at 9pm plus.. The wait is like 2 hrs long each time.

of course, the charges aren't low as well.. When my husband n i first went, cos of my phobia of doing vaginal scan, the doc said, "ok, we'll check your hubby first", and so they did tests on him, found out he had low percentage of gd viable sperms.. and was recommended a laparoscopy surgery. it was a one day outpatient surgery, but still, a surgery, and it was a few thousand dollars.

anyway, after the surgery, the doc did a review, but claimed that the quality of the sperm didn't really seem to improve extremely significantly..

so anyway we were kind of not knowing what to do after that, then we went to another doctor recommended by another friend.. dr lc chang from tmc. this time, we showed him the lab tests/ reports/ figures from dr christopher chen, and dr chang actually told us that my husband's viable sperm count was not actually below the average healthy male to begin with!! he also insinuated that it might not have been a necessary surgery at all! it was really quite upsetting.. anyway this doc helped me somewhat overcome my phobia of vaginal scans (to a great degree at least) and i'm also happy to report that now i'm expecting - just 5 wks 5 days now.. i would really attribute it to God.

anyway, then my friend also told me that because of dr christopher chen, her neice (her sister's little girl) was born with a cleft palate. (Dr chen had apparently prescribed some medication for the sister, but the sister told him she was ttc that month, so the medicine may not be suitable, but dr chen said it was fine..) I don't really know the details clearly, but according to my friend, really he was attributed to the baby's unfortunate situation.

so.. you might wanna check out with others first before you go see him..

anyway don't be discouraged ya, maybe find out from others first?

hope this helps!


thanks! i'm feeling better now! Hope you will too!

pillow 4 : Yes, that'd be great! we can share what we found out on the lists! :D

berry carrot : congrats to you! :D

Wide awake now girls! I cant sleep... Feeling hungry and craving for fried food and its now 2:20am [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

morning rose [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I didnt get fried food but i ate bread with peanut butter at 3am LOL then I could sleep a bit...hehehe

But i woke up at 5plus, feeling nauseas..

oooo good... keep urself bz... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wat u working as?

mi so far still ok... but still beri bloated...after brkfast even worst...

Lizzie: me too~ woke up at 5 this morning wanting to throw up.. I think i am going to lose weight in first tri.. everything i smell makes me puke. Had dinner with my colleagues last night (boss treat) and the prawns, scallop and crab make me puked... When I went home and watched tv, all the images of food made me even sicker.. And I used to be a huge eater before I was pregnant haha.. Guess they say you change totally when preggers- thats true...

morning ladies!

feeling so hungry this morning too. Normally a light breakfast person but i had 2 cups of cereals this morning (2nd cup just 15min ago) & i'm feeling hungry again now. Need to start stocking up food at home & work place since i'm nt a snack person usually.

Good morning, ladies!

This is my 1st child. During the 1st scan, Gynae unable to see anything clearly hence scehduled another one fo me a week later which was the just past Monday. The 2nd scan on Monday showed a very small 6mm dot hence Gynae said I can rest assured that the baby is in the correct position. At the same time, he also checked that there is not other growth such as cysts around the area.

Based on my LMP, I should be in my Week 7 now but my cycle is a 35-day one instead of the usual 28-day hence I calculated that I am probably only in my Week 5.

My third appointment will be on 29 Nov. Hopefully by then I can hear the baby's heartbeat.


morning ladies!

horrible morning for me today.

to start with, i was feeling giddy when i left house. then dont know whay today the train interval were so long..6 mins apart.

when i boarded, the train was so full and i had to stand. as the journey went, i felt worse and worse.

luckily i decided to stop at toa payoh to rest first. by then im already seeing stars. i sat down on the bench and vomit and vomit. luckily, i got a plastic bag on standy with me just in case.

after i rested fro awhile then i continued my journey to cityhall.

arghh..if this happens every day then jialat ah.

