(2011/07) July 2011

Hi jgwee, yes. I stayed with MIL. I told my boss already as well cos i am working solo in APJ thus she needs time to plan ahead. =) I am feeling so sick last week that i told half day MC, and i felt my boss will understand early pregnancy well. She is kind enough to allow me to work from home if i am too tired. So telling her early, is good and i got all the support from work i need now.


PX22, wait till 5 mths? u sure can wait? shld tell earlier, then at least they can take care of you too. esp when u meet them looking so tired.

i will tell parents and PIL once confirm heartbeat. so i can be queen for longer period. *grin* cos after approx 7 mths of being a queen, i will be "slave" for the rest of my life...

But i tot there is the supersition on not telling during first trimester? Hahah true also 5mths most prob everyone can see.. Having a hard time keeping it, cos i use to smoke and i quit once i was positive, and now I have to find excuses when my colleagues asking me for smokes.. zzzzz

Wendy, phew! so i'm not the only one with skin breaking out! :p

ET2008 - yes! I have sore breasts most of the day, and bloated tummy too!

All the best to all the mommies out here, and to those going to their first gynae visit soon! We'll be fine ya?

if really there's a gathering after our 1st tri, even if in the north, i'll try my best to go up! :D

wendy, only 7 months (if you tell close ones after confirm heartbeat). so must fully utilize our privilege. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Px22, i mean just telling my parents and PIL and my godma. just close ones. i will only announce when my stomach begin to show after 1st tri. but dun have to wait too long before my stomach show - at the rate i am gobbling up food.

oh ya, Wendy, thanks for sharing the video link! it's great! Very clear and interesting.. really miraculous how the baby forms.

hi pillow4, yes. I only tell my close ones like both side parents, boss and hubby plus a few best friends. I think we need alot of support and encouragement from them. Thus, i dun mind sharing with close ones. Yes, it is best not to disclose during 1st tri but i think it is fine to share with close ones? Especially, we need them and i am staying with MIL, just in case anything happened and they know what is going on at hme. I have a hard time keeping it a secret with close ones.. Haha..

Hi rosegal, yes.. it is so amazing how baby form!

px22, i stay at cashew too! short distance to the park. r u nearer to the bpcc? i haven't shortlisted a gynae yet. Dr Adrian seems ok. Not sure if our house area got any gd gynaes? otherwise i dun mind going to TMC. My sis in law has 4 kids and she chose Dr Paul Sng.

pillow4, i haven't told anyone yet. same like u. my DH is soooo eager to let his family know but i stopped him. almost everyday since i was tested positive, he's asking me whether he can announce. haha...

Sogo: Dr Adrian has a clinic in CCK, was thinking of going to that one. Its near the MRT station

And I stay near to Pending LRT that side...

sogo, ur hubby so funny. btw what is DH? paiseh.

wendy, close ones should be ok because they will be the one that can watch out for u.

btw, anyone knows whether we can do some brisk walking and carry some light weight to exercise? need to tone up before i put on the extras. can we swim too? breast stroke?

px22, he has a clinic there at Lot 1 area? one of my friends is staying at pending too. but she's not pregnant. hehe

pillow4, DH = Darling Husband or Darling Hubby. sometimes i wanted to just say yes to allow him to tell his parents. My in laws have been hinting me to have a baby for many mths ah...

hihi all!

im a mother of one boy who will turn 3 yrs old this dec.

i live at admiralty..rite next to the chinese clinic near the market in fact.

been ttc-ing for no 2 since early this year.

got bfp in june and early july i lost it.

this time round, today im at CD35 and there is still no sign of the evil witch yet.

still havent test cos afraid if get bfp..so crossing my fingers and just waiting now..hehe

Yes sogo- his add:

Blk 304 Choa Chu Kang Ave 4

#01-653 S(680304)

Read from other threads tat first timers no need apptm.. Just walk in will do

px22, thanx for the add. will visit him next mon 15 nov [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when r u going?

lynzi, get rid of the evil witch. dun let it come near u... take care.

jgwee, ttc = trying to conceive. not sure abt bfp though.

Wow!! So many of u staying in north.. Ya man!! No mood to work hence I'm on mc Tdy.. But still have to face the reality Tom!! If only we all can dun work till first tri is over!! That will be great isn't it??


bfp == big fat positive(on pregnancy test kit)


Yes, I have decided to go for Dr. Henry. My first appointment is set on 27th Nov.


for My #1, I took milk throughout the whole 9 months of pregnancy.

I have also not yet annouce my good news.. planning to announce it when past 1st trimester. Now, I kept the news in between my close friends and my parents. HB side still dunno yet.. My colleagues also dunno yet.. usually i let my collagues to discover themselves when my tummy is showing.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow, this thread is really exciting!

Haha, I've also not told anyone yet.. i'm a private tutor so no colleagues to face heh.. but i used to be a sch teacher and i meet up with my ex colleagues v often.. not sure whether to tell or not cos they're v close friends of mine and they know i've been ttc for five years now..

dear lynzi, all the best! yes, stay away from all forms of smoke if possible.. for me, i'm trying my best to abstain from coffee. So far, no craving yet! but i've had one milk tea.. i read that actually one cup a day is still ok.. not sure...anyone knows?

today i was quite concerned that my doc prescribed me aspirin, which is not what doctors will usually prescribe. but i'm glad i finally got to speak to him later tonite when he called, and he explained it's to thin the blood so that the baby will be able to get the nutrients.. he's giving me this medicine in view of my previous mis... so i guess i will trust him and God to take care of it.

rest well everyone!

My MS just started today.. Feel so breathless and nausea.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Take lots of rest july baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take care!

hi rosegal, do take care. I was given folic acid after my 1st visit. Can't wait for second visit on coming Monday.

Take care babes.

Thanks Wendy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Also, sogo, sorry i missed your last post..

last post in the archive somehow missed it..

I'll ask dr Chang when I see him next ,but that will be like 23rd nov, if you don't mind waiting. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As for thermometer, yes, i think i just threw 7 bucks down the drain with a digital one from my shop n save. Just bought today, used once and now doesn't work.. sigh, will go try get a replacement tmw.

Gd night everyone! Sweet dreams!

hi am new here - took digital preg test twice and both positive[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] according to those ovulation calendar things...edd meant to be july so here i am! (think that's the only acronym i understand so far) so glad to see many people in the same shoes as me...and i live in the north too! going to see doc soon to confirm things, please wish me luck/say a prayer!

oops just realised i posted wrongly.

I havent test cos scared got a bfn instead.

For those who are new, here are some of the common acronyms.

Bfp- big fat positive

bfn- big fat negative

ttc- trying to conceive

evil witch, af (auntie flow)- menses/ period

fa- folic acid

ok ladies, im going to test later after my bfast.

If yes then im seeing Dr Adrian Tan at tmc..very comfortable with him as he helped me a lot during my last m/c.

wendy: so far Im good..just having backaches and I feel bloated and this morning, I felt nauseas upon seeing and smelling nasi lemak. I used to be able to eat it :eek:

Hi.. how's everyone today?

same as Lizzie... my tummy beri beri bloated! so uncomfortable... cannot sleep well, gets up at 3.30am last night... and managed to slp awhile ard 5+++ den 6++ wake up again... Zzzz

Jgwee: Im actually releasing a lot of gas. anyone know if Is this normal?

luckily i am able to sleep thru the night... heehee in fact from 10pm to 7am! hubby says I slept like a baby LOL

Jgwee: Im SO glad im not alone! :p On normal days, I release at a normal rate lol but now its somehow more! My hubby commented [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Poor hubby lol!

Sianz, now im at work....

Btw, jgwee, how far along are you and when was your LMP.

Lizzie... I think I'm 6 weeks ... LMP is 28.09.10. Will b gng for 1st appt this sat. Hope can hear heartbeat and hope everything is FINE. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning everyone... I am seeing brownish cervical mucus today.. is this normal? no cramps though.. *very worried*

Hi bubbles, good luck!

Hi Lizzie, me also having backache, doctor did mentioned " something pressed on something" and it will ease after several weeks. I am so bloated and also i looked like i am 3 months pregnant leh! Anyone looks the same?

ya wendy.. when the tummy is bloated... u just look like 3 mths preg! haha

dun knw when will the bloated thingy go off! so uncomfortable!


We got the same LMP date, please update when you back from scan...I can't wait for my scan.. which is on 19/11 next fri

Daph, u r at bp too! great! px22 is at pending rd, i'm at cashew.

jgwee, thought it's the 7th week now? since your last LMP is 28 sep? try to wear not so tight pants/skirt, then will not feel uncomfortable.

rosegal, no prob. just keep us posted [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bubbles, welcome and congrats on being a july mummy!

jgwee: my LMP is 04/10/2010. So I should be around 4wks to 5 wks ? :p

Wendy: as it is, I already look pregnant cos I am not skinny heehee! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ET2008: my first appt is also on 19/11 ;) I am SO excited! Totally cant wait.

By the way, Maybe you guys are interested in going for a seminar, thats gonna be held 20th Nov.


I got my tickets le. Hurry up for the Early Birds if u are interested! I asked the Sistic lady if Im allowed to bring my husband. She wasnt sure but Im dragging him along anyway ;)

hi gals,

just report to work today. this am too tired cant wake up so took am leave. and sleep till 10am. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

to all the new mummies, welcome!

jgwee, update us when u finish ur 1st appt. excited to know what is going on...

wendy, normally we shld be able to hear heartbeat ard week 6. but some to play safe, gynae may ask u to go only ard 7-8 weeks.


hi hi all!

such a busy morning at work.

coupled with bad headache so its not making things any better.

i have been getting backaches for 2 nites also..sigh.

keep telling myself its all worth it..hehe.

i finally tested and got a clear line..yippee!!


my LMP is 5 oct so i should be in my 5th week now.

booked appointment with my gynae for this thursday.

he said he better see me and scan for sac before he can allow me to go for my kl trip on friday.

he said he will prescribe for me duphaston too based on my previous history.

yah feeling bloated and full of gas is common.

and im feeling extra hungry nowadays too.

i always have my dry crackers and plastic bag near me just in case..hehe.

