(2011/07) July 2011

lizzie, i also in the same position as u. woke at 1230aa, 330am, 5am... then this am cant wake up.

in the end, went to see doc hoping to get mc so can sleep more. but after tested positive (yeah) she quickly wanna recommend me to do all the gynae scan. the moment i said i already made a gynae appt, she is like... "oh, ok". then die die dun give me mc. said preg no mc one.

so now thinking whether shld go back to work or take leave. haha.


lizzie, btw i only wake up feeling very hungry. but now i cant stand fried food. i used to love fried bee hoon for bfast especially. ytd went to buy, smell the oil feel like puking, even though i dun have ms. then just now walk past fried bee hoon stall, eyes big big. but the moment i smell, i am put off by it..


Your female doc very stingy. Mc also dun wanna give. Thought nowadays the GP are more liberal. Maybe because you never take up her offer. Haha. If you can go work, try to. Save your leave for next time. Still have another 8 months of pregnancy to go!

daph, ya lor. it is not as if she need to pay money for that. ya i think it is cos i nvr take up her offer. decided not to go cos hb said will come back and company me. later go cafe read books or have high tea. nvm. next time can ask gynae give mc.

hi to all mummies, i've been confirmed preg by my GP ystd... ^^V

bt havin bad morning sickness... expected due date shld b 8th jul ^^V

lets share all our preg journey here ^^

Ugh....I feel so nauseas [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

And I just reached work. I just wanna go home


Haha ok. Next time when bb is out will be worst! Coz wake up so many times at night for feeding. Evenmore don't feel like working. Haha. But you'll have 4 months maternity leave? I don't have leave coz I'm self employed! haha.

I also starting to feel disgusted with food court smell. But still tolerable.

hi gals,

anyone knows if going on a trip on the first trimester is ok?

I think the docs dun encourage, but any reason why?

Issit due to the air pressure or the walking or??

I have booked for my trip this weekend way before i found out i'm preg.

So still in a dilemma if i should go ahead.

daph, worst come to worst take no pay leave. ya, 4 mths leave. self-employed even better. how i wish i am. I am ok working in the afternoon. i just cant wake up so early in the am cos of the lack of sleep. i dun even mind working late. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes, mine still tolerable too. not the vomit type. just disgusted. so now can only eat soupy stuff or restaurant. poor hb, gg to be poor soon. haha.

starry, u are not really encouraged to go on 1st tri. cos it is still not stable. if u take plane, there will be gravity pull and pressure and such. not good. if u walk too much also not good. if can, postpone till after u cleared 1st tri.

hi starry, my doctor is fine with me travelling but only to countries that are not too far away. He just say needs to be very careful and not dont exert too much. I guess cos 1st tri is an unstable stage and ask us to avoid as much as possible with lots of rest.

Hi girls, i am feeling so bad with nausea/dizziness since yesterday. My concentration very low and it is very hard for me to work as well. =( I just wished for Friday to come.. My efficiency level is so low nowadays!


that doc really nonsense leh.

just cos u dont want to engage her as your gynae.

with my gp its easy to get mc especially when he knows that person is preggy.

my gynae even better..everytime come he will say..u need mc? 2 days? 3 days? sometimes i dont want but he insisted as he said i looked tired and should rest more..haha.


actually its not advisable to travel in first tri especially going by air.

but maybe u want to play safe like me and see gynae for an tai yao med first and getting the all clear from gynae before leaving.

congrats to those who just tested +ve!


Think it's ok? During my first preg, I went Bangkok during first trimester. This time round I went Taiwan two weeks ago just when I conceived. My previous Gynae said it was ok to travel. But if you have no peace about traveling then don't.


Self employed don't work no money le. Haha. I'm a piano teacher, cannot always cancel lesson also right? Plus they can't stop lesson for four months also. Wish I had four months maternity break. The last time I went back to work one and a half month after I delivered [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yes gynae gave me an tai yao yest when i told her i'm going Japan this weekend.

But i'm still worried, though this is my #3. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]


actually i thought it should be alrite too, but the thing is, based on my LMP, i'm supposed to be 8weeks now, but yest went to scan and gynae couldn't see anything!

This is so worrying.........

So she took my bloodtest, hopefully everything's ok.

But my cycle is kinda erratic, can be as short as 23days and as long as 47days!


i dropped out after Grade 7, no determination.


got an earful from my parents for wasting money. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies,

I got food poisoning the night before yesterday and yet i thought it was bad MS. Threw up 8 times throughout the whole night and next morning which is yesterday, i went to see gynae for the 1st time @ Tampines (Singapore Women's Clinic) Gynae confirmed my pregnancy. Bb is 6 weeks old. LMP is on 28 Sept so EDD should be 6th July.

I was so worried that the food poisoning will harm my bb but glad everything turn out ok..

All the best to all mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wendy, my doc just now advised me not to go dentist. but i guess norm procedure is ok. i went just 2 weeks ago. 1 week once for scaling and filling. and that careless dentist accidently spurt some blue liquid gel into my throat. so bitter. hope it is ok. told my gp this am, and she just gave the nonchalent look. and said, well too bad. we cant change anything now. just wait and see. i know la, but at least she shld put it in a better way. now made me even more worried. maybe before u go, tell the dentist u are preg, then they will take precaution. i told them, and even took one x-ray cos i supposed need to do root canal treatment. now put on hold. gg to see gynae next tue and ask him whhether ok to go ahead. else gotta tahan til give birth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

lynzi, where is your doc? maybe u can share. then i can chagnge to your doc. cos i have a lot of mc. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

daph, ya hor. i thought u open shop. but i intend to go back to work after 2 months. then slowly space out my maternity leave. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hopefully can slim down by then.

jgwee, maybe i can tog with my kid. cos i am grade zero. think daph will vomit blood when she teach me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

july_baby, i just went to see doc just now. my LMP and EDD is exactly same as you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and there is 2 more mummies here oso same LMP as us. hee.

hi pillow4, Okay, i will check with my gynae on coming Monday. Mine is a root canal tooth which i did a few years ago and it seems like it is rocking away now?! Sob and the gums around that area is swollen.

Hi July_baby, congrats!

wendy, ya better check. i think it is the medicine they give after the treatment (if i dun remember wrongly). the treatment itself is ok. if u can tahan pain, then dun take medicine.

mummies, just to clear some doubts here. my gp said it is safe to eat the skin of the fruits. just make sure that it is cleaned.


Keep it up! Haha!


I think I was very ambitious and disciplined in terms of music. So I survived through diploma and degree. Haha!


Sure thing! Though I have a #1 who is 15 months old, I also never really expose him to piano. Just that sometimes he will crawl to the piano, stood up, and 'play' by himself.


Don't worry about bb. There's seriously nothing you can do abt it. For me, though I may sound calm, sometimes I do have doubts myself too. But always remind myself that I'm entrusting this bb to God [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry - congrats too! and same as what Daph said, i think it's very impt that we keep ourselves as calm and happy as possible, cos our emotions will affect our bbs as well :D

Last night i slept happily thinking that God's in control and taking care of us. :D

pillow - yes, ur doc is really stingy.. must chnage!

hi all,

i read somewhere that pregnant ladies are more prone to gum problems. so must take care! try to use those soft toothbrush and not those too hard ones, otherwise u'll feel alot of pain when brushing!

soo yi, congrats and welcome here! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

july baby, hope u r ok.. what food did u eat the night before that made u puke 8 times? certainly not a gd feeling.

july baby,

must take care of yourself ok.

food poisoning during pregnancy is no joke leh.


my gp is at sembawang mrt..Dr Liau..very nice doc..all the kids like him.

my gynae is Dr Adrian Tan at ACJ Clinic at tmc.


so good to be musically inclined.

i can only play the flute from my school band days..haha.

my son is now in MYC..i just happily enrolled him in...dont know if he will want to learn the organ or not after that.

lynzi - *wave wave* yeah.. 5 mths now.. we have come so far... i believe u would too! Still have yet to confirm gender.. guess very soon can confirm at next visit (",) Must rmbr to take care in KL oki (",)

Wow, this thread is moving to fast!

I did an v ultrasound and the doc took the 1st picture of my baby[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am at 5weeks 1 day today ...

hello all mummies...

i m not new here as i m from dec 2010 thread but got m/c in May, so i hv not been here for quite awhile....

but i tested +ive last wk and went to c my gynae today @ SGH....can only see the sac today as based on my LMP which is 2nd Oct, still too early to see the lil dot....will be seeing him again in 2wks times, by then shld be able to see the 'lil sweet pea'....thot is early stage, still very impt in our food in-take n take good care of ourselves (learn from past experience!)

so here i m in this thread as my EDD will be 9th Jul. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi starry, I am going to Jpn this wkend too! It's for business and i am traveling alone. I hv nt seen doc either & my cycle is quite irregular so i could be between 5 to 7 wks. Actually prior to self test, i did a lot of things which preggie ladies shld avoid. I moved house and did all the boxes move/unpack, climb up & down, had house warming & drank some alcohol (thank god it's v low alcohol %). This is my first time, and i do get worried after knowing that i could be pregnant. But well, just be extra careful & slow down the traveling esp walking. Take rest if u feel tired, also take note of the list of food we can't eat now. *pity sashimi*

not to worried, i hv cols who discovered they were pregnant while on business trip too. ;)

thnks for the welcome gers...

starry - i act jus came back frm japan ystd... prior to tat i din knw i was preg & i even took rides in disneyland & disneysea.. i tink most impt is to b xtra careful, rest wen u nid to rest & b careful of ur food intake.. most impt is stay warm cos i caught a cold wen i was there

Hi welcum all July mummies... Keep on posting n updating... Those mummies gng on trip.. Do take good care of urself.. 1st trimester is v tiring... Dun work too hard rest well...


wah, travelling alone.

which industry you working in?

yes a pity we can't drink alcohol and eat sashimi now.

I used to party and drink like a fish .....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]

But after giving birth to my #1, i stopped all the nonsense.

heloo audrey...thanks!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

where is ur gynae?

welcome all july mummies! yes, indeed, may God's protection be upon all the travelling mommies here, to give safe journey!

wah.. i was joking to my hubby, dunno whether growing a baby or another stomach, i keep eating! and the strange thing is, after having one whole meal, i don't feel like very full, i feel just satisfied... VERY weird for me..

and sometimes, so tired, can just lie on bed n like 'knock out'


gd that u can eat well but do take note of the carbo n sugar lvl of the food u in-take...try to break down into small portion but more meals...at least u wun get 'over-dose' with too much carbo or sugar in each meal.... :D

lynzi, dr liau in the mrt station or sun plaza? tat will be my gp if i lazy to go all the way to kkh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

audrey, congrats! must be so excited to see the scan right? hee, cant wait for mine.

anyway, hb just called my parents n MIL n my godma abt the news. cos i smsed my male boss to inform him so i can have some leeway in work. so need to be fair to parents. need to tell them today lor. fingers crossed.

yes, like what u all said. really leave it to god now.

feimei, congrats and welcome

thanks, pillow4!!! :D

i haven told my dad, (mum passed away ler)...maybe after 2nd visit to gynae then tell him bahh....hinted MIL on mon but don't know she catch me...hahahahaha...but SIL catch my hint...maybe she will 'broadcast' for me....let's see how...

intent to tell my boss tmr...but he already given me tons of work... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sian~~~

hey pillow

you shd change a gp.. usually preggy quite easy take mc one!!

i cannot take oily and fried stuff too!! makes me feel like puking.. i'm quite upset that i cannot enjoy food now!! can only take soupy stuff.. so miserable!!

i'm counting down to end of first trimester man!!

feimei, thanks for your advice - yes gd advice, i'll try my best to not gobble like oink oink

i also can't stand oily/fried stuff, and like soupy stuff, but i sorta been that way b4 preggie, so that's not really changed.. just that now, i seem to be able to take in more carbo really..

and i can also see how my intake of water affects my bowels (sorry hope i'm not grossing anyone out). it's like yesterday, i was just recollecting (cos i know we're supposed to drink at least 8 cups of water a day) and i thought, hmm, last night i might not have made the 8 cups, but i thought i felt okay.. but this morn, the bowels is so dry. usually i won't really have this prob at all, plus i'm a coffee addict, everyday at least one cup, so it's weird now i'm totally not takg coffee, or tea, or anything with diuretics, so water in body should be more right? but yep, can really feel the need for water nowadays too.. today i woke up almost like i was gonna get sore throat kinda feeling.. so quickly downed two cups of water, then okay.

audrey - missed ur post - congrats!! must be so nice to see ur first scan! i don't know how i'll react for mine! hope i don't cry!

pillow- ur hb so good - my hb is like the keeper of secrets here- dun wanna let me tell my parents, haha.. but i know he had gd intentions [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei - so cute- how did you hint?? thinking of an interesting way to hint to my parents too.. in two weeks' time.. hopefully can keep the secret till then! so far i've just told 2 pple - 2 gd friends. i wanted to tell one more but just found out she had left for holidays so shall wait a week till she returns heh..

now it's holiday season so as a tutor i don't have to really see students/ parents, but i have some upcoming assignments n i really don't know whether i should take them.. i can't continue with them the whole year anyway right.. what do you think?



i went KK thru poly clinic ref for my 1st trimester b4 deciding on a gynea with a package price =D

The reason to why i went KK thru polyclinic is.. its super cheap.. imagine my ultrasound + consultation only $25 and I paid for less than an hour of parking there .. =p

Imagine how "long" my Q is..

tsk tsk...

