(2011/07) July 2011

pinky: i think someone here asked what fish they use for those slice fish soup. I think its batang fish slices. Think its one of the mercury fishes that we shld try to avoid...

not sure abt fried fish tho :eek:

mdmkhoo.. that's right.. it is just a prepaid scheme.. not 600 but 480.. will charge to credit card direct after used up..

last time they have fixed payment package.. but already stopped..

chujie > oic my frd blow big the amt... haha... oh is $480... oh is direct charge to CC... my frd also use CC to pay at first y she ask me to lend her cash say she need to pay the package... haiz..

pillow.... i gt very simple mee sua. add pork mince only. haha.... even can add in egg, fish ball & some veg ;)

pillow> not big spender lah...ok nia~~~ =P

mdmkhoo> ur DH is easy contented ahhh...mine very picky on food...mus hv 3dish, 1soup....hahaha...sometimes i oso cooked till sianz....dunnu wat to cook...he cannot repeat dish often...haiz~~~


I think the fine by cc is nothing new already.. That's why you either pick a cc near your workplace, or make sure you are able to go back in time.

Hi mummies

Gong Xi Fa Cai to all!

I'm going for a detailed ultrasound scan tomorrow. Hope all goes well.

Cooking with mince pork

If you add one egg to your mince pork and mix it together then add pepper, the mince pork will be softer and very fragrant [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Just to share, there's this place where you can place order or buy really fresh frozen seafood. It's called Lighthouse Harbour at Level B1 of White Sands Shopping Centre (Pasir Ris MRT). My dad ordered a red garoupa from there for our CNY dinner and it was really fresh, good enough for steaming.

suying, wow so simple ok tonight i go and try. buy minced pork fr ntuc... no need salt/seasoning?

feimei, but they nvr call me le... haha..

mdmkhoo.. I think first payment can be cash or credit card.. but you need to give the credit card information in order for them to charge once the credit used up.

mdmkhoo.. I like my gynae.. that's why I am still with KK.. she is a very caring person.. and her response out of the usual hospital time is fast too..

hihi... i bought mince pork & fish ball to add in my mee sua. will add in an egg too ;) cooking for DH to eat too.. hope is simple & tasty. maybe if u wanna add a bit of ikan bilis cube or maybe a bit light soya sauce. normally gt taste i wont add anythings... lucky i buy things to cook. today MIL cook the pork intestines makes mi wanna to puke when i smell it... yuckss...

Just woke up from a long nap and the threads have gone to the next page already!

Mdm khoo,

My gynae only offer packages from 5th month onwards..

I am so glad that I can finally sign package liao.. I think the amount I paid for the visits so far already exceeded the package price..

I dunno what to eat for dinner... Feel like eating mee sua after reading all the mee sua here.. But I am very particular about food so by the time I thaw the ingredients and cook the soup stock, bb will be crying for hunger inside liao! Hehe..

Recently i have been boiling anchovies with heads removed, carrot and dried scallop for my soup base.. I even cook them with brown rice porridge and the soup will be very sweet!! Dunno whether i should go n cook it now.. Then put mee sua in with all the frozen prawns, meat and assorted balls I still have in my freezer... Yummy!!

For minced meat, u can add abit of sesame oil, pepper and light soy sauce to season [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I lurve the fragance from the sesame oil~~

I gt no patient to wait for the food to thaw fr freezer, guess hv to eat out again n can onli cook tmr if i rem to bring down my cod fish out fr freezer tmr morning!!!

I usually steam my cod fish w ginger slices n tomatoes, sometimes with wolfberry!!!

nana> u very 'kang hu' leh...all gd stuffs in ur food!!! Usually if i cook for myself, will be simple, onli if hub is eating, i hv to prepare more things becos he like emporer mouth...not tasty, he dun eat!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wow Mdm Khoo, I love you deep deep with all your receipes. I totally dunno how to cook at all. This thread is geeting so much fun and excitment. I was happy to see the receipes posted man.

yes... nana.... my mince pork i added pepper & light soya sauce only ;) very full nw ;)

feimei, u so funny... emperor mouth.. haha.

karen, i was thrilled when mdmkhoo posted the recipes too. i same like u. totally dunno how to cook. even rice oso failed sometimes..i learnt a lot fr this thread.

pillow> ya...he is like tat...he dun eat his mum cooking but at least be eat mine but mus suit his emporer golden mouth!!!!

One easy recipe for u: if tire of steam minced pork w dong cai...i will put the minced meat on top of tofu n steam it...be it egg tofu or normal sq tofu...n pour abit of light soy sauce on each slice of tofu n steam it...its healthy, my emporer likes it!!!

Minced meat patty: chop some chestnut, carrot and mixed into minced meat n add some seasoning ( i used the maggi 'hao-chi' seasoning), add some cornflr, mix the ingredients well n pan fry it...till golden color...if u dun wan to eat too dry, make some sauce by using like light soy sauce n pour over the patty...my emporer another will eat dish!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mdmkhoo: Yr hb can look forward to nice home cooked food from next week onwards once u become a homemaker. Those dishes that u cooked today are my childhood fav till today. I can finish a big bowl of rice juz with the steamed meat patty dish alone.

If mummies here crave for "home cooked" style porridge, can go to Old market hawker located towards the end near rhe Dakota MRT. There's a Taiwanese porridge store that sell really hot and fresh dishes and serve with unlimited helpings of the sweet potato porridge that's piping hot. Average price per dish is abt $4-$6 only.

Feimei: Thanks for the info on the mphosis sale. Will b on leave till V day, shall pop by this fri to see if I can grab anything.

Dear all, please beware of CL auntie Meijie. Her contacts are 93500170(sg), +60165181278 & +60125841293. She is not fit to be CL and claimed that she has worked as CL for more than 10 years. I am sharing here so as to cautious future mother not to face the bad experience I have, more important is the harm done to the new-born baby.

First, she got no sense of hygiene at all. She got long fingernails and kept on dropping her hair. U can see hairs almost everywhere. baby bath basin, towels, feeding towels etc.

Second, her cooking skills sucks as the food got no taste at all. Think her taste buds got issue as she got to eat at least 3 chilli paties every meal. She don't know how to cook confinement food to help the mother to release the wind or reducing the tummy.

Third, she like to deny things even if she got caught. e.g. use baby clothing pail to soak her clothes.

Fourth, she is not automatic in doing housework like vacuum and mopping floor. Got to instruct her to do.

Fifth, she do things at her own convenience with no consideration of the baby and mother's welfare. She can wash her clothes when the baby is awake, leaving the baby alone.

Sixth, she dunno how to operate equipment such as warmers, steriliser etc.

Last of all and the most important point, she told me she don't want to work anymore when I told her to do her work seriously after spotting her not cleaning my baby hygienely and allowing shit to be on my girl's pussy.

Feel free to msg me if u want to know more and happened to have booked her in advance. Pls think thrice to confirm her as ur CL

Gd morning mummies, want to ask something:. Anyone encounter pain at breasts?? My both breast are very pain.. When i was pregnant with #1, i also feel pain at breasts.. Was told that the breast is producing milk by my sis.. But my friend nv exp this.. The pain is as though there is bruises but there isn't.. Anyone exp this too? Is there anything to relieve the pain??

My baby is doing a great job in helping me get seats on the trains heh! I feel like i look fat wif a round tummy but i guess i really look preggers bah?

My headache is irritating me ;( neckache also. How are u guys?

Morning all,

my son is gg to full time childcare soon, anyone got a list of wat to prepare? He will be 16 mths by then.

He still relies on FM to nap and may need 1-2 naps per day and not toilet train. Though he can tell us poopoo time.

feimei, haha ok will try your emperor dishes... so funny.

hmmm i think during our gathering we shld bring our dh photos, so at least when we talk abt them we can imagine how they behave. haha...

rachel, i am sorry to hear that. And I am sure the mummies here will benefit from your stories. ya, we shld share such things so that it wont happened to future mummies. hmmm, maybe u shld open a new thread on "blacklisted CL" so that other ppl who has the sme experiences can share too...

baby, mine is more of poking with needles type. not everyday. maybe 1 week twice..

got a call from my gynae nurse jus now...my DS change to 2nd of mar ler...23rd feb all fully booked.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haiz~~~one wk ltr to see bb...soo sianZ liao....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

feimei, nvm. by then ur bb will be bigger can do more stunts to show off to u... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pillow> by then will be 21wks lol...Hmmm~~~no wonder today mood soo bad...forgot to bring my jab needle...no choice hv to skip my breakfast jab....Arrghhh~~~

baby> ask ur hubby to help u massage. mine feels like Bruce Lee boxed them ten thousand times.. feels much better after the massage.. DH usually concentrates on the upper boobs part.. tats where the muscles ache the most

feimei... funny la u. describe yr DH as emperor mouth. at least dis can prove dat yr cooking skill is gd & suits him. i shld try yr dish egg tofu wif pork mince N oso mince meat patty ;) i nv try b4 sounds nice & simple ;) i gt to write down the recepi liao ;) thanks gal

feimei... y can like dat change appt wan meh?? thought is being book eariler. i thought mine was the latest dtd nw yrs is even more late?? anyway is ok... u can see precious having more pattern to show off ;)

lucky my DH easy to handle. cos i more chosy dan him when he wanted cook. i will tell him i wanna eat wat. DH is better in cooking dan mi lo. haha.. ;)

Rachel.. thanks for sharing. Dis CL sounds very bad. lucky my mum willingly to help up ;)

Baby20... maybe u can call & check wif yr gyne to get a peace of mind. cos i encounter only during my 1st tri.

Lizzie... dis means yr tummy starts showing. congrats ;) Mi yest oso feeling headache on & off. suffering. today im feeling better. hope u too getting well too ;)


items to bring:

1) 2 sets change of clothes (1 uniform for afternoon after bath, 1 set spare home clothes)

2) towel

3) mattress cover (may have to buy mattress if dun have)

4) milk bottle & 1 serving of milk powder

5) comb/brush

6) diapers

7) water bottle

all has to be put into ziplock bags... mattress cover, milk bottle, milk dispenser and water bottle has to be labelled w his name...

dats all i can think of... u may wan to add anything else as u deem fit... eg small pillow or bolster to aid him to sleep, or anything dat can make him feel secure...

suying> he is la...he keep saying he very 'ching cai' one...but if the food he dun like...he will turn away...like that where got 'ching cai'??? how bb wun be like him otherwise i 'peng-sang'.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tink my nurse book earlier but all slot full, maybe she wait till now...c if got ppl drop out anot, then i can slot in lol...tink no one drop out bahhh...till now then she inform me...haiz~~~sian lol...one more wk to drag on... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] when is urs?


u got heard that if being the youngest toddler there will be bullied?

anyway, i thk i m more anxious than my hub or son!

feimei... mine is 26th feb lo. so mi counting down. cos anxious to knw gender liao.... so envy most mummies here knw the gender le ;) hw abt u ??



it depends on the kids there... not all centres r the same... my boy was the youngest in his previous sch oso... he was not exactly bullied... juz dat the other kid is naughtier... it depends on timing of enrollment oso... my boy was enrolled quite late... so he was not exactly very close to the other kids... they tend to cut him off sometimes... ur son is enrolled quite young think shldnt be a prob... dun worry abt him being bullied... wat u shld be worried abt is whether the teachers r able to look after him properly anot...

