(2011/07) July 2011

sunshinebb, so long ah? no package? then will be expensive?

I think NUH better le.. heehe.. not sure y.. just the feeling lor..

liz, my tummy line not really darken.. still faint line.

pipi, sometimes i cant make out whether is it the milk or the dry skin -.-''

pinkyrose - Yup, the veins ard my breast is so prominent.. My hubby keep pointin it out.. =P

Modisch - Mine at TMC oso.. Dr Wong.. Package muz pay all in cash?? Tot some thru Medisave?

lizzie, pay upfront first then claim fr medisave after delivery.

c-sect is $1.8K and if i choose date n time it is double the charge.

ctg scan, etc is separate.. i tink my#2 delivery will come up to nearly $10K!!!

sunshine: i would really love to stay on w KK, but it's a pity dat my KK gynae doesn't specialise in my med condition. DH n I feel it's safer to hv all my docs under the same hospital, rather than hvg me continue to act as the middlewoman who brings over doc's letters to update KK.. Actually I hvn cancelled my detailed scan and next appt w KK... 'bu she de'... haha...

crayon > Thanks.. just hope baby is ok inside. not much excitement for gender already.

sunshine > my initial visits was once per week (from wk 6 to wk 8). after that, one visit every 4 weeks. I already started my package.. so still ok ba.. just hope no need to pay extra can already.

very ex, the visits and vits.. always get the feeling that I kenna fleeced, wedding kenna fleeced, now also like kenna fleeced.

crayon > I rather have swiss standard. free or heavily subsidized medical fees for life, free or heavily subsidized education till tertiary level. and of course, cheaper housing..

xinyue> u oso not much excitment on bb gender ler...hahahaha...as long as bb doing fine inside...is more impt than any other excitment... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i dun hv the line leh n my belly button, keep getting smaller but not popping out...but my tummy becum hairy...but the hair is transparent de...like those on my arm...u can feel the hair is there but cannot see de....

feimei > ya.. I am more worried about baby's development.. Since wk 16, my gynae stopped giving me folic acid, vits and fish oil. He started me on iron already.. wonder does it affect baby's development.. and I have been lazy. only ate black chicken essence once. my relative boiled for me de..

cannot stand the smell of fish (fried or steam) so totally avoided it. cannot really stand the smell of meat earlier on, so also totally avoided it.. zzz

feimei > Hehe.. hi^5. My belly button keep getting smaller and but still can trap dirt.. Stomach also became hairer than before. Mine can see the fine hair.. Eeek.. Turning into gorilla. Those hair on my arm is obvious de..

Yet, I have the line but not very obvious..

xinyue> during last visit...gynae said can stop folic acid ler...becos bb development over if continue taking folic acid, no harm, still can take but will be more for mummy benefit ler...not for bb...my gynae no give mi iron....he say the multi-vits already hv it...no need extra lol...but i will try to hv food that will hv iron...but difficult la...easier to pop in pills than searching high n low for food....

1st tri i eat alot of fish...now lazy ler...tot of getting the fish oil capsule but gynae said not neccessary lol...soo i grew lazier n lazier...hahahahaa....

ST> ehhhh...not sure leh...most mummies say the line onli appear in 3rd tri...dunnu whats the line meant for....??? again...indication of gender??? hahahahahaha

Mine is TMC ,Dr Sim. Start to sign up the package when I was 15 weeks. Still having my fish oil, foilc acid n multi vit.

mummies,not to worry.the line will disppear after birth(hopefully)

The linea nigra is that dark vertical line that often appears between the belly button and the pubic area.

Linea Nigra During Pregnancy — What Causes It

Pregnancy hormones, which are also responsible for your newly darkened areolas and freckles as well as an impressive variety of other skin anomalies, are behind this weird little stripe — which you've earned just by becoming pregnant.

Linea Nigra During Pregnancy — What You Need to Know

Your baby is completely cozy and content inside your belly, but there's some wacky stuff going on outside. One especially noticeable oddity is that dark line running down the center of your tummy, from just under your belly button to your pubic area. This linea nigra — literally, the "dark line" — is likely to be more pronounced if you have darker skin, but never fear: It fades a few months after your baby is born.

feimei > Ok, thanks. Initally, gynae did give me a vitamin. Then he stopped that when I visited him in week 16.. So now, baby only have iron and the milk which I am drinking.. All I want for now is just want a normal and healthy baby..

when can mummy feel bb's kick? i cant feel it yet...

i also do not have the line at centre of the stomach, but tummy area became hairer too.

n i feel like my abdomen is growing too. now like got 2 segments, the abdomen and the lower tummy...but i see other preg mummies is one nice round ball...how come eh

mi too belly button getting small. gt line & hairy. worst is dat day i see my belly button small i so er xin lo... i still try dig it. lollzz... my DH say i crazy....

pinky > is it? Before preggy, I already have this line (between belly button and pubic area). Now, it extends from belly button to stomach..

Yup yup Ying... Mine have two oso.. Butt now gettin more pronounced for the lower tummy.. At least its hard now..

And the upper tummy left abit layer still soft.. He..

I cant overeat.. If not, my tummy will hurt and me will have all those cramps..

oh yah true at least its hard now for the lower tummy

my upper tummy feels hard each time after eating

i m like eating 4 times per day...breakfast at 6 plus, tea time @ 10am, den lunch at 12 plus or 1, den dinner at 6...am i eating a lot?!

crayon_mami, i just emailed you for the list... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re whitish discharge - my mum said it is our dry milk. what i norm do i use my finger nails to scrap it off, sometimes it will be longish one, like whitehead coming out. i understand that we must try to squeeze it out, else it will block the ducts.. then next time milk hard to come out..

pinkyrose, dun worry. diff ppl hv diff symptoms. from what i read, every woman are designed to produce milk. we just need to be patient and diligently expressed our milk if bb dunno how to suck. that was what I am told.

Ying - As long as its small meals, its okie. Gynae actually advise us to eat small frequent meals rather than large regular ones.. =D

pillow & pinkyrose: sent! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just to share what I saw at BB Kingdom n BB Hypermart:

The baby cots i see there are around $300+ to as expensive at $2000+ (high end types). The common price range at both places are around $300+, next jump is $1000+, followed up the highest end $2000+. The one i like is the white wooden type that can be used by baby cot, play pen, toddler bed n sofa bed. $359 for white and about $319 or $329 for brown. This looks gd enuff. For BB Kingdom, they have free delivery n assembly. For Hypermart, delivery n assembly cost $25.

For breast pumps, i onli compared the prices of Medela Freestyle at the two places. At BB Kingdom, it's selling at $899 w little free gifts (baby socks, nipple cream). At BB Hypermart, it's selling at original price $988, no free gift.

For strollers, there are just too many... I rem brands like maxi-cosi, maclaren, quinny, peg perego... To me, some of the $200+ ones look ok. The $400+-$600+ range looks gd enuff... Of course the $1000+ ones, i will not consider cos too ex. For a start, i guess we'll just buy a mid-range one to try out. :p

For baby clothes, they range from around $7.90 - $10+ per piece (some come in a set of top n bottom).

Hope this helps! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

girls, is drinking soya bean equivalent to drinking milk? :p I tried drinking milk this morning, but LS twice just now. Looks like i really cannot take milk...

hahaha, so u gals oso hv more hairy tummies! I tot i'm a weirdo w more fine hair! Strange hor, y do hair grow when we r preggie? hehe... sometimes it's interesting to notice some changes in our bodies during preg... :p

liz, dun worry. cos now still in early stage. so it is ok if u dun clear. but i kiasu, so everytime i see, i will try to scrap it off.

crayon_mami, tks!

feimei, i saw the mattress, pillow n bolster set in the baby cot display. Mattress is free, but sorrie, i dun rem for pillow, bolster n bedsheet. :p

I've yet to drink milk coz cant hold it down during my first tri and durin my 13 weeks..

Will try soon.. My hubby didn know I have not been drinkin milk religiously.. Hee..

Maybe will get de AnMum - Choc flavor though.. =D

Liz: sent! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The staff at BB Kingdom followed us quite closely, so no chance to take photo... else i'll show u gals some of e things i saw... haha... Pai seh, the 2nd place shld be Baby Hyperstore, not Hypermart.

Hi all,

Hope everyone is fine. 新年快乐! just cum back from BKK last week... had a nice trip! I think after this trip I got to wait at least 1 or 2 more yrs den travel.. cos got 2 lil ones... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Having my check up tmr... m looking forward to c my lil ones... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

all of u found ur CL liao? I haben got mine leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jgwee> enjoy urself!!! tot u booked ur CL liao??? if u gg to call urself now...high chance those recommanded ones all got booked...maybe u can try with agency!!! tink a few mummies here go through agency...


feimei... i haben book leh.. sianz...

enjoy myself in the BKK trip... but alot of food can't take leh... too sour 1 cannot... too spicy 1 oso cannot... hahaha

how r u huh? Ho sei bo? hahaha wow this thread moves so fast... i no time to post... hahaha.. but i got READ...

