(2011/07) July 2011

suying> ahhhh....soo u before me ler.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i dunnu yet leh...during last scan, bb one leg up, one leg down, cannot see that part clearly...that's y i oso gan cheong on this scan...can know gender n that will be the Best bd present for me this yr....but now delay....haiz~~~no wonder bb give me a kick this morning...


thanks XW,

the ratio is small and thk the rest of the kids are "seasoned" means he may get the attention cos he is new. It happens that there will be a new teacher 2 weeks b4 he goes to sch...

oh, my son is supposedly the notti one at home, not sure if in sch and without us ard.


haha.. this u dun have to worry... its usually the opp... my boy is a tyrant at hm... but in sch he is an angel... his teachers r full of praises for him... in the beginning i dun believe i actually hid in a corner to peep... true enough... he is wat the teachers said... so dun worry too much... hee...

pinkyrose> haaa...now u r also ahead of mi ler... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

feimei > how come ur appt for DS is booked so late? Mine was booked by the nurse when I went for my NT scan..

hihi all mtbs

so envious u gals can feel bb movement...till now i still cannot feel anything...been telling bb to kick me everything so tht can hv a feel wht is it like...no respond...haha hubby say i crazy

Feimei...thou ur DS scan appt fix but how come can chg de???

xinyue/sunshine> i oso dunnu leh...the date was fixed back last mth when i see my gynae lol...haiz~~~bo bian lol...becos nurse wan me to do the scan n c gynae on the same day worr...soo i no need go back two trip...n my clinic onli available on wed...no choice lol...now to look forward is visiting bb sch on 26th feb...hahahhaa.....

feimei > ok.. my scan on 23 feb.. wonder will the nuh nurse call to remind me..

my DS is booked by the nuh nurse and it seems that my gynae has no idea of it..

hello gals, i went the kaki bukit shops yday n e staff at Baby Kingdom is so nice to gimme a checklist for baby items... Tot it's gd to share w u gals, but the attachment refuses to upload after clicking the 'Upload' button... Anyone noes y?

my detailed scan is next Friday! Feel so paiseh to be taking leave again..last week whole week was away then this week, work 1.5 day and then MC 2 days, on leave 2 days..next week work 4 days, OL 1 day to bring my son for his allergic test and then my own detailed scan.

sunshine, i oso always ask bb to please kick mummy... :D sometimes i'm happy when i feel some ticklish gassy movements on my tummy... tot it's bunny moving, but in the end i POOT! chey, juz gas! haha...

xinyue> u better call n ask them if urs is being booked anot....becos the nurses very busy de....scare they slipped off their mind.

crayon > my gynae at gleneagles. but going for detailed scan at kent ridge wing.

feimei > ok, will call them soon. worried about the detailed scan.. hope all is ok.

Feimei...mine on 4 Mar...so long....still another 4wk to go

Crayon....LOL u 2 ask bb to kick u...hehehe think our bunnies did respond...but maybe my skin too thick liao so can't feel

sunshine> 3wks nia la...where got 4wks??? same wk as mi lol....haiZ~~~i can pei U lol... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wah all your detailed scan coming so soon.. mine on 11 Mar.. still got long long way to go..zzz. My DS scan will also be at NUH, kent ridge wing. Looking fwd to gynae visit this sat! really really hope to see the gender by then..hee.

crayon_mami> so fast go baby kingdom to stock up liao ah..i'll email you for the list too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm into my 19wks tmr but I still dun feel any movement fr bb. Maybe my tummy fats too thick liao! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

just to check all mtbs...ur last gyne vist n the next is diff how many wk?

mine is 7wks time...think gyne wnt us to save $$$ is it...or maybe nothing...so they dun wnt to see us tht often

sunshine> yea~~yea~~mine is 2nd mar...dun worry, will count down for u...hahahaha...actually since last scan did not get to know bb gender...the excitment not really there liao...now is more to like want to know how bb doing inside...hahahaha...anyway...boy or gal...all fated liao...cannot change the FACTS ler...jus a matter of know it early or later...n bb dun wan me to know now...then later lol...hahahaha

sunshine> mine is like 4wks apart...if counted this delay, will be 5wks apart lol...now is like that...no need to c gynae often...when into 3rd tri n nearer to due date...if not wrong...the last mth...u will need to c gynae every 2wks lol...by then u will feel tire lol...keep gg to c gynae horrr....

sunshine, 7 weeks apart? Mine from beginning is alr 4 weeks each time. Abit expensive to keep seeing her. Her package is even more exhorbitant!

yes Feimei all is fated...as long bb is doing well inside is most important than anything else...tht wht im praying now...to know the gender early is oni allow us to start our shopping

oh ya...remeber u ever ask b4 whether did we count our ovulation date ect...yup yup i did count and especially tht day will ask hubby to ML...hubby say i BU ZHE SHOU DUAN (my hanyu pinyin no gd)

yes modisch...mine 7weeks from the last till the next vist...during last visit gyne told nurse to make appt for me in 7wks time...was wondering why but nv ask...think maybe he feel everything k so dun need to see him tht ofter...cos heard my GF mention b4 some gyne got complain cos appt so near...seem like wnt to make $$$

Hey all..

Hope everyone doin gd...

Baby - Not pain but sore more like it esp de sides. De nipples are beta..

Any of have dis whitish discharge or whitish dry thingy ard ur nipples?

Lizzie....ya lor hubby also say tht once i achieve my target i dun bother his need...then i reply who care abt ur need...all i wnt is my lil bunny..hehe so bad of me

sunshinebb, how come? u havent start package?

Mine is currently 1 month visit... not sure whether will stretch to more than a month or not. i hope not! cos i want to see bb growing well and dancing inside! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

liz, mine not so sore or pain. just feel sore when touch only. hehe.. the nipple more sensitive to pple touch..

i do have whitish on my nipples starting during 1st trim wor.. now also have.. dunno is it too dry or is the 'milk' discharge kind..

xinyue: oic... hope u can c bb's gender during e scan! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei/ixoral: i onli go there to check out the items cos i wan to agar the price... den at least i roughly noe whether to buy during e bb fair... i didn't buy anything yday cos my hb wasn't ard... want him to make decision w me mah... hehe... i saw a baby cot which i will most likely be gg back to buy... There r too many strollers, see until eyes huay huay still dunno which one to get... :D

sunshine: haha, yalor, maybe we've fats, so cant feel the kicks yet... :D my next appt w KK was initially scheduled 7 wks from last appt too. During the 7 wks gap, i switched to NUH n this gynae scheduled to see me 3 times. That's a big diff... One see often, one see so long apart...

we all soo excited abt how bb doing inside...when bb is out....will we still hv the excitment or will treat it like a ball...push to hubby to look after...hahahhaaa....

i signed the package so mine is every 3 wks one visit. i think in 3rd tri is every 2 wks and last one/two mths is weekly...

btw, anyone has the line from the centre of stomach? i dun have yet....


i also got those white discharge stuck to my nipples. I use wet cotton bud to clean it off but its quite stubborn sometimes.

i oso hv off-white layer on my nipples, but no pain on my boobs... my DH stopped me when he caught me trying to peel off the whitish stuff. He scared after peeling, no milk... Hahaha...

lizzie, my appt is at TMC..

since my #1 even though is diff gynae oso 4 weeks once this #2 oso4 weeks once so i dun care lar..just that wallet bleeding nia!

next week must pay for package liao..all using cash! then another 2 mths must pay for operation fee, dr's fee etc etc..super sian dunno y she cannot accept card!

i hv not gotten the line yet. tot is 3rd tri?

i just realise i oso hv the white discharge on my nipple! My son is so funny..kept wanting to see my nipple..lolz. He finds it funny how come it grew so big n became dark in color..haha


yaya...me with KKH...they got no package de...so was wondering is 7weeks visit normal...haha better dun think too much if not later at night will hv nightmare again.

crayon...hmm u chg fr KKH to NUH...can i know why?

