(2011/07) July 2011

mdmkhoo, the poke poke feeling will be fun... maybe u can disturb princess by poking her back, c if she responds.. haha...

sunshine: i'm at wk 16. In the morning, bump is small... Night time is bigger.

by the way, do u gals put on weight each wk? on avg, few hundred grams at least per wk or not? i weighed myself two days ago, i'm only a pathetic 100g heavier than my last gynae appt in Jan. I'm trying to force myself to eat now cos i noe my dh is gg to be unhappy if he noes abt it... He was oredi not happy when he saw my weight drop at last appt... cham...


thanks for all the adv on piles =D

just woke up going to see the doc.. guess gotta reveal my pigu to the doc again..

crayon - i lost weight since the previous visit.. its very ironic.. cos i eat like a dinosaur..

anyone dun eat fish? i hardly touch fish cos i cant stand it le.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

pillow, ya lor..we see hw is the price for these pump.. worse come to worse, we can organise a spree for ourselves for these also!

crayon, i think i gain alot of weight liao lor..damn jialat. i want to eat less also cant!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

enjoy ur lunches!!


will there be a difference if the mum has chicken pox before?

I would see it like if the child receives the vaccine, the child has the virus.

Yaya - I eat fish or anythin meaty... Hee..

I don really like vege now butt since my nauseous and ms is gettin beta... Been tryin to eat more veggie.. My bb don like vege. Me will puke it out...

So stockin up on fruits now.. Even hubby was suprised wif de change in my diet..

And I've been gainin weight every week now compared to de 1st tri.. Haiz..

PiPi > Ya lor my manager give wrong instruction end up i follow hers she ask me got bring brain to work anot... never listen...

Emily > I think is bb coz i seldom drink cold cold before preggie

crayon > haha... I will try if she respond...

Yaya, I will be week 21 during my DS on 18 Feb. If you can bring forward the DS to week 21 is best cos I think most ppl did during week 20...Mine was supposed to be 11 Feb but dr on holiday so postponed to 18 Feb...Cant wait for the day to come...Haha

yaya > yup... my colleague all also kenna all resign together they buay tahan her lor... siao one give wrong still scold even if we know wrong we do it right never follow hers she also scold... haiz...

PiPi > can eat but morderate everything also eat morderate can liao... my gynae got tell me no need to avoid food as long as u eat morderate can le...

crayon_mami> ya that spree organiser link which u posted is the same one which my ex-coll got from. she said she's a nice and reliable seller. i see ALOT of mummies buy from her looking from the history of the threads.

yaya> ya mybreastpump.com is where the above spree organizer get her stock from, which she says mybreastpump.com is 1 of the authorized distributor of Medela. I searched ard online and found this other other website: angelpumps.net is also another authorized distributor (these authorized distributors shd be listed on the official Medela website, a way for us to check the credibility of sprees) Wonder if got any price difference not..hee

Star night, noted. Mayb i shdbring forward. Thinking of signing up the tmc membership 1st cos got discount.

Mdm khoo, ur manager sort sort one le. So u resigning or endure till u give birth n take maternity leave le?

Ixoral, ya. I jys copied her link here.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all, just went to John Little at marina sq and theres a 20% discount storewide. So those mummies that intend to get sterilizer shld go and get it now. Promo ends on the 20 Feb.

just came back from lunch. had LJS. so shiok. but just now nearly fell down cos the waiter was mopping the floor, i din see. then nearly slipped. luckily i hold onto the railing. till now, i still having the shock.

anyway i went to cotton on to buy 2 tights (1L and 1XL). bought a bigger size in case i grow out of it in late tri. also bought a bedroom slippers to wear at home cos i realise if wear flats for too long, my heels painful. cant step on hard floor...

spree on breastpumps - good idea. if the deal for taka fair not so good, we organise one ourselves. actually we also can buy one set only right? hmmm, then maybe in jun if there are many mummies wanna get that, we will organise one... hee so excited.

pillow > Cotton on still selling tights now? I went to the one at Jurong Point and cant find any.. are the tights full length or?

seems like G2000 no longer selling tights..

Are tights = leggings? I bought some from uniqlo before, but realise they're very very thin, almost like stockings material. But quite comfy though.

I'm also waiting for baby fair to subscribe to those baby magazines like parenthood, etc. Heard got more goodies if sign up during fair..

Talking about sterilizers..how do we know which brand/model is recommended? I dont even know which brand of bottles to buy yet! *headache.

Sorry that i asked this before...any MTBs/mummies have already signed up for any infantcare in the East area?

pinkyrose, i heard fr one of the mum here that the baby fair that is on jun is bigger and better than the one in mar. i think so...

xinyue, yes yes they still selling. but L or XL left one or two nia. all are S or XS... i bought the long ones.. but also very limited cos mostly r 3 quarter... quickly go n buy...

audrey... nw dan i knw wat happen to u. so wat doc say this time??

mi worst consitpation for 4days le lo... oso gt the feeling the piles poking out le ;(

feimei, they hv long and 3/4 one. mphosis having sales? hmmm maybe i will go to the bishan one this fri... hee. hope i can find smtg there.. i dare not stepped into mphosis since i got preggers... cos their size all small small de. but sales think they have lotsa L size... hee.

ladies, maybe next time we shld update each other here shld be find any good bargain or sales... so all can benefit.

ixoral, the tights that i bought is quite thick. cotton material. think enuf to be comfortable but not as thin as stockings.. think it can be considered as leggings.. i also dunno which bottles to buy. but my mum already bought for me avent bottles(1 big and 1 small). actually wanna use nuk cos not so big. but since mum buy liao i guess no choice but to buy avent sterilizer.

Suying - haha

I have a 2nd piles come out.. Upgrade Liao..

They refer me to the colrecteral specialist this time..pending appointment at NUH..

Super sian..

See I good not, see doctor also give ppl 4D number to buy Haahaha ..

ixoral> i bot Avent sterilizer during Robinson sales last mth....come with one big n one small avent milk bottle....but i wun be getting avent bottles cos too ex leh...the sterilizer can fit any std neck size bottle as long the bottle neck not wider than avent one, sure can fit...soo i tinking of getting Nuk or pigeon brand which is half price cheaper than avent bottle....

pillow> ya...during sales, mphosis sure to hv bigger size...will drop by raffles place cotton on ltr to see if got the tights u bot...how much u bot???

audrey> yea....starting this fri n over the wkend...the sales gal jus called me before lunch...usually they got sales, they will call me...hahahaha...they very stingy one....sales usually in Feb....

mdmkhoo> Wowww....delicious meal!!! recently i oso hook up to eat curry chicken...i dun like spicy food but will wan to eat once awhile...maybe bb like it...hahahaha

Hello mummies!!

Yea I am the one who bought medela freestyle for $799 locally during their January sale :D comes with a bag, cooler bag, 4 bottles and a few more small items tat I forgot.. My fren told me during taka sale oso nt so cheap.. But I m nt sure..

Milk: i am drinking enfamama vanilla!! I lurve the taste of it.. For mummies who can't stand the milk taste, maybe can try making fruit smoothies with the milk instead. I usually oso add a spoonful of protein powder in my smoothie coz I heard that protein is good for bb's skin..

Fish: I used to love steamed fish bt can't stand the taste and smell of it nw.. The only fish I can eat r the fried and battered kind like fish and cheap.. I am going to ask my gynae if I can take additional fish oil supplements in Saturday..

I am going for my 20th week detailed scan this Saturday!! Going to sign package with my gynae too.. And he will be registering me for hospital tours~~ then I can start attending pre-natal classes at my chosen hospital soon!!! :D so exciting!!

Pipi - U join AquaAerobics izzit?

I saw the rates.. Not bad.. Worth it!!

Pillow - Careful eh u... Lucky neva slip.

Pinkyrose - Yup yup... Its 18-20 Mar at Expo Hall 6B. =D

Feimei, to me frisogold ok la not so sweet cos add abit more water. But all taste e same be it similacmum lei.

Wow, all mummies bought bb milk bottles n all liao.. Haha, i havent even buy anything at all lei. Totally not prepared yet. Anyone has e list to share on wat to buy?


Even if the mum has chicken pox before also cannot take the jab. You can check with the pd or nurses to be sure again. My boy is 18 months old now. So far all the other compulsory jabs incl MMR is safe for preggers except for chix jab. But he already had chix jab before I was pregnant. So it's fine.


audrey... mi oso woli my piles lo. think i gt to force myself eat fruits & drink more water liao ;(

