(2011/07) July 2011

ladies. gong xi fa cai to all.. been awhile since i last log in. anyone know of any part time job which will employ pregger? I am kinda out of job due to my pregnancy and now.. i am searching for something to help out at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Also.. anyone of u feeling itch? dry skin? I kept feeling itch and can feel my skin like stretching..

Daph - I think, i've got the piles back again... Though i have been having soft stools.. haiz.. very sian. i walk down to kitchen get water also pain.. =(

mornign everyone! gong xi fa cai! hehee.

sunshinebb, i do have urine leak problem. n its normally due to me sneezing or coughing hard.. but now dun have liao. and i think my uterus rise liao ba..cos i dun wake up in mid of night to pee.. if pee, will be almost dawn then i will wake up...

pudding, me skin also itchy,.then also start to have the dry skin coming off.. like snake liao.. n one thing i cant stand is my hair scalp. dry like no body business and thus got alot of dry scalpt flying here and there.. sigh... quite ugly sight..but i guess no choice..

pillow, wa.. i also welcome the idea of 6months.. but 6months quite long wor.. employer wun be protesting? kekeke..

but then again, it will be best if daddy will have a month of "paternity leave" also. to help take care of baby during the confinement.. i find that it will help alot especially for both of us to commit to taking care of bb better.

I agree we should get 9 mths maternity leave (6 mths unpaid) Liek that employers no need to protest cos they are not paying us. Also, during our pre-pregnancy, some of us work OT everyday, employers should consider that.

I also agree that daddy should get more paternity leave, esp to help the wife during confinement.

yaya, if it is a paid by govt for 4 mths and comp absorb the first 2 mths, it is a win win situation. At least if the comp hire temp staff, that person can work longer. otherwise, learning curve is abt a mth or so, by the time the person master our jobscope, time to leave alr..n when they leave they take the knowledge with them without contribution..

income tax rebate is good..the current one to be shared by both parents are not enuf lar..shuld be one person one share..lolz (so greedy!) then can be used till few years..means few years dun hv to pay tax..yahoo!

zachmummy, if so, will be ideal but i dun think i will off for so long.. probably take leave at intermittent interval if that happens. i do hope they will improve better benefit to our daddy as well. if all only boils down to mummy, quite siong le.. cos imagine, mummy has to take care of bb alone without daddy around.. v siong also.

Can we write in our suggestion? where to write to huh? u all know?


Think it's an on and off thing during pregnancy. But once pregnancy is over the piles will go off already. That was what happened to me last time.

me opposite - dun care abt paternity leave cos he will not be helping anyway. He sleep more than me and never once got up to take care of my son even before my confinement lady was here..so i rather he go back to work n dun bother me

Yaya, good idea on the paternity leave since govt is trying to get fathers more involved right?

Pipi, hmmm maybe they can consider giving preg woman flex timingg to work. eg, work half a day/work fr home.

btw, anyone drinking frisogold? which is better in terms of nutrients & reduced fats - annum, mamil gold (currently drinking), friso gold (thinking of trying)

if that is the case, then maybe the additional two months can be used by either mum to extend her leave to 6 mth or father to help out? best of both world.

audrey, drink lotsa water. it does help for me...

Audrey.. try the way I mentioned last time.. may sound disgusting but works.. during shower, use soap to push your pile back in while washing.. and after shower, dry up and use moisturiser do the same thing.. once the pile went in.. it doesn't rub against your clothes.. you will feel better and it will slowly disappear..

if you still feel some pain.. you can take panador.. GP also prescribe that.. it is safe.. I have this problem too.. as long as the pile not irritate by rubbing.. it will go off soon..

and be sure you drink more water and do not sit at the toilet bowl for too long..

Hi Mummies,

Just back from my LOONGG CNY holidays! Have been MIA since 30 Jan. Just got back to SG yesterday. PHEW! Such a nice long holiday! Anyway Happy Chinese New Year to all!

Aiks.. got so many archives to go through...

Morning all mummies & MTBs...

Have any of u been havin cramps at the side and lower abdomen? Mine is on & off.. Not so bad. But dis morning wen I wakey, the cramps are there and I have to hold on to my tummy...

Is it normal?

Hi Pillow4, yes I am currently drinking FrisoGold. Taste is good for me, initially I wanted to try Similac mum but I was comparing the nutrients and all, FrisoGold is much better thus decide to drink that instead.

I like the idea on flexible working hours/work from home for moms to be and moms with young kids.. can take care of the kids.

more subsidy on child care and medical would be beneficial for more people since ML and child care subsidy would only apply to full time working moms. personally, i think that SAHM and those part timers have no such benefits.

Likewise, it would be nice to have paternal leave/flexi working hours/work from home of one month so that daddies can help during confinement.

if unpaid ML, then I would fear losing my job once i go back to work..

pillow > have been drinking friso gold. find that it has more nutrients than mamil gold, lesser sugar content.

to me, mamil gold has a stronger milk smell than friso. recently tried similac mum.. it is nice too.. not much of milky smell compared to friso. yet to read up on the nutrients for this.

karen & xinyue, so i guess friso shld be better than mamil gold? i been drinking mamil gold cos one of the mum said the fat content is lower... haha.. din really read up on the nutrient content

haha pillow, I drink it twice a day morning before work and at night before going to bed. I did not put on alot of weight on my entire body except baby's pouch. Plus I am considered quite big bone. I hope it helps but not forgetting my timing of eating is all quite screwed up due to my job.

not sure on that since mamil gold is recommended by my gynae. I guess it is more of whether one can tahan the taste of the milk.

hello mummies.... i emrlion a lot during 2nd tri [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

1st tri no MS at all..

and my lower left abdomen soooooo tight,i have to walk hunching forward coz if i stand straight,i feel the stretch and super pain

same goes when im sleeping.have to sleep in foetal position [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

now i sit must hunch forward too

karen, hmmm then i shld switch to friso gold once mamil gold is empty... cos i think mamil gold too strong for milk taste...

pinkyrose, sometimes when my tummy feel stretch and bloated i also gotta walk hunch forward. else will feel like stomach gg to burst...

feimei, i just tried friso gold sample packet. i find it taste nicer than mamil gold le. more vanilla taste than milk taste.

Hi mothers! How are you guys? Im having lower backaches that run to my buttocks almost everyday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Such discomfort.

Also felt nauseas yday and the day before.

But today, im craving for Long John Silvers leh :eek:

going to see GP again.. my runny nose seems to be getting worse with sore throat! Drip until blood oso come out.. i must be super damn heaty!

Dun even know y i come to work just because of 1 meeting..arrgh

Hey Lizzie..

I was feelin nauseuos yest oso... Quite suprising.. My mom told me it could happen once in a while.. Felt de urge to puke but didn... Hate it..

I no backache onli wen I do intense housework.. Other den dat.. Onli stomach cramps once a while.. Onli dis morning was kinda sharp..

gd morning all! Hee, i had a sweet dream last nite! I dreamt I gave birth to a baby girl n she has v fair complexion and beautiful face of a few mths old. And she was wearing a cute cap with curly artificial hair on the sides... I dreamt i went back to work the v next day after giving birth.. Dreamt I went to a room, want to pump milk and surprisingly, bb appeared in the room! haha... so farnie... think i'm really dreaming too much to hv a girl... :p


I think I heard somewhere about the vaccine thing, but I brought my son for hep A vaccine recently since the nurse said it was ok. Need to bring him for a flu vaccine in another few weeks.

Hello all! Gong Hei Fatt Choy! Havent come in for so long and this thread is still moving as fast!

Re: milk

I haven't start my milk intake yet..dh been nagging me. but very lazy to start..guess i should try taking some before i go to bed. Got a number of sample packets from gynae untouched..

Re: breastpump

Oh btw i've set my mind on getting the Medela Freestyle breastpump. ALOT of ppl have been recommending this to me and supposedly the best (and prob most exp) one in the market. Will be almost half the price if u buy from the states. There's some regular sprees on this [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: infantcare

The possibility of putting bb into infantcare is v high for me now cos my mom working and MIL can only help take care for 1st few mths (she stays in msia, so wont be in sg for long)

Any mummies staying in the East has found a reputable and clean Infantcare already? Mind sharing with me on the options avail? I stay in Tampines by the way [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks lots!

gals, do u all take milk twice a day? i nvr take multi-vits or milk... see milk, i wan to run away... n dunno y gynae ask me to stop multi-vits... i feel i might hv insufficient supplements...

talking abt review of baby bonus scheme, i'm juz hoping for at least 1-2 wks of paternity leave and more subsidies for infant/child care... Childcare cost is so high, it's hard for us to think of hvg more...

even if govt gv unpaid ML, it won't help cos my company releases our position when we take >1 mth of no-pay leave... no gd ah...

pillow> i stopped drinking powder milk....tink mths ago lol... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] suddenly got tired of the smell n taste, jus dun wan to touch it...n i find it quite sweet n my dietitian adviced me to reduced the number of scope per intake...n slowly...i drifted away from drinking...still got 2/3 tin high up in the cabinet....hahahhahaa...very reluctant to drink...hv been reminding myself to drink fresh milk instead...but keep forgetting...tink really hv to start back the power milk again lol...so is friso gold sweet? i dun mind the smell of milky...becos i press my nose n drink it...hahahaha...after the milk, will drink lots of water...

ixoral, i'm thinking of getting the medela freestyle too. I saw one spree thread, the price is less than $500... dunno if it includes all the items listed on the medela site... i hvn asked yet... Or will the price be comparable at baby fairs? :p


Yes, I'm trying to take milk twice a day. I have standby calcium tablets if I miss out a glass. Maybe you should ask your gynae why you have to stop multi-vits?

modisch, your runny nose got blood come out? better hv more rest... take mc n rest at home till u r better... n drink more water... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gd morning & happy CNY to all the mtb here ^^...

i m a mtb due in 9th jul.. just had my scan last week & its a high possibility tat its gonna b a boy..

tsukushi, the qn on why i shld stop multi-vits is in my mind each time i see my gynae, but dunno y i nvr ask... will ask at next visit... :p i asked abt calcium n iron pills, but he oso asked me not to take 1st... dunno y so diff from u gals...

Lizzie, i guess it cld be bcos my preg is unstable n I'm on other medications. He's the expert, so I'll just be obedient n listen to him.. :p

ahhhh, now i oso feel like eating Long John's too... haha.. will ask DH to buy back tonite! tks for giving me an idea what to eat... haha...

modisch, i think maybe you are too heaty from all the cny goodies... water parade!!!

ixoral, how much cheaper if we buy fr states? if cheap i dun mind buy fr singpost... but not sure abt the warranty though..

feimei, friso gold is sweet but not so sweet la. mamil gold not so sweet. more milk taste.

calcium tablets - funny le, y i see all of u taking calcium tablets and till now my gynae din give any calcium tablets?

lizzie, whenever i try to sleep on left side i feel a bit pain le. but i stil sleep on left cos many said it is good...

ladies, i heard that it is good to drink red dates every morning. isit true? how to do ah? cos i only have the instant packet one and i scared it is too sweet. if i am not wrong, is it just put red dates in, then pour hot water?


crayon_mami, pillow4> regarding the breastpump, ya i also saw the spree would cost less than S$500. Cos in the states selling for abt US$299 iirc. Definitely more worthwhile to join spree to get this, but only setback is it's US warranty only (1 year i believe). If buy in SG, i think the price can go up to S$1k+. Difference by half! But if buy during baby fairs, definitely will get more goodies like milk bottles etc i think? Rem 1 mummy bought hers in some value pack that comes with quite a no. of bb stuff like milk bottles [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

