(2011/07) July 2011

lizzie> i slept on my side but each time i wake up, i will find myself sleeping on my back... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i really hv to train to sleep still on my side...haiz~~~

pillow> Mamil is sweet leh...Friso oso sweet??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] jus put in request to get some smaples from Dumex website...

i already on Obimin after my Oscar scan....but onli ask for calcium tablets during last appt...but both Obimin n calcium cannot be taken together...soo i will take Obimin in the morning n calcium in the noon but always forget....hahahaha....

mdmkhoo> how hv u been??? know ur gender liao???


I've read somewhere tat it's common for us to hv nose bleed..

Crayon, I've been taken iron, fish oil & calcium ever since knw preg. Had recently stopped folic acid only..

pillow > cannot drink red dates daily too! Too heaty.. i onie took red dates, tang shen, wolfberries drink once a week n that oso makes me feel so 'hot' inside.

GP gave me 2 days of MC..nearly on antibiotic but he said cannot take cos i m preggy.. so just get enuf rest to get well. Inflamed throat!

Congrates, mdmkhoo!!! pai sey...did not c ur post earlier....

pillow> start drinking red dates drink now, will it be too heaty???

Gd morning!!

I see that some of u having calcium tablets.. My gynae only asked me to eat vits tablets n i hate the taste.. Hv to force myself to eat..

Hope the the revision of baby bonus will b in time for us.. If nt wasted.. Shld hv give more bonus n rebates. I am planning to find a jobb aft i gave birth to my #2.. Hv been looking but in vain..

Urine leak: i don't hv prob in urine leak.. I can hold on to it..

ixoral, i think it's nana-mum or Lynn who bought it. Hers is $799 and comes with the useful goodies. But i miss that lobang... Like wat u say, the setback is the US warranty.. I think still hv time to consider... hehe...

hiaz... doc say want give me four days mc i reject coz i left four days at work nia my last day is in thur coz i resign liao need to go back to pack my stuff... i take two days enuff...

ixoral, any idea when is the spree? i wanna join in..

mdm khoo, thats all? just pour hot water? u drink every morning? where u get the red dates from? sorry ah, i very idiot in cooking one...

feimei, i think friso sweeter le. anyway when can we start drinking red dates?

modisch, canot drink everday? then how often? so u mix all these 3 together and just pour hot water too? hmmm, with the mc u better rest more and drink more water. heaty la u...

MdmKhoo, wow u're hvg a princess! R u in wk 20/21 now? Take gd care! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hei... anybody feels dat having wierd dreams recently... i had lots of wierd dreams starting from 17weeks. N cant really sleep well. N on off will feel something pulling at my tummy. wondering is little precious playing or wat????

pillow> yup sometimes I will add some dried logan those yellow colour one not those black colour one sometime to taste... i dun add sugar coz i dun like too sweet...

Yup can relex for now no need to b tekkan at work anymore

crayon_mami > this week thur comming week 20

Star Night > dear i was suppose to wait till next week also for DS coz mime was hiding last scan... but since yesterday i go see gynae for my asthma he say shun bian lor hehe...

MdmKhoo, so fast... i'm 4 wks behind u... sounds so far away... do u feel bb movement frequently?

i'm oso not working at the moment... Can chat w u gals more often... hehe... but staying at hm is quite boring to me...

crayon mami, tks for the link. anyone of u buying fr the gal? i am thinking whether to buy now or wait for taka fair...

mdmkhoo, ok maybe wait for dh to come back then go togther to buy. i just tell them it is for preg woman and they shld know which one to give me right?

crayon_mami > no far no far... beri fast one... for now i only few tickle tickle or poke poke here and there but beri hard lor sometimes i will feel pain pain one... not yet feel the real kick...


totally agree with you...we should be given flexi working hrs. I found out that not everyone in a company is eligible for flexi working hrs...usually such benefits are left for top mgmt wor..so far I confirmed with a few friends who work in multi national firms.

Don't we have to boil red dates to drink the water? Unless instant packaging or else must boil right? Cos the red dates will

only soften after boiling??

Madam Khoo

You resigned? I am still on medical leave, pending approval from top mgmt to work from home.

Diana, mine is opp from yours, my little one prefers hot water so I have been drinking water from the hot water flask these days.

Have u started feeling your bb move? I started feeling movement a few days ago & since ours are exactly same day/wk, I guess u should hv felt it too rite? haha

pillow > no need all red dates is the same dear no need tell them u just tell them u want red dates and dried logans

coz last time i go there (Hock Hua) buy thing my DH told the sales for preg woman then the sales ask us better dun buy ask ur gynae first =_=" end up i go ZTP buy...

mummies,the milk that will make us put on weight is which one?is it similacmum?

i also stop drinking milk after i cant take the smell of it and puke..naughty baby dun like to drink milk.

will be having ljs for lunch.heee

hihi all mtbs

just to check mummy who is ard wk 16-17 is ur tummy showing??? mine oni a small bump oni leh...is it normal? it just like extra fat

dun know is my bunny ok inside

PiPi > depend some like to boil till the red dates is soft...

Yup i resign my boss ill treat me scold me everyday buay tahan. bad for my bb also...

StarNight > yup feel a little sometime so painful that i ask little one pls stop it painful it really stop so cute...

pillow> on n off can drink now but not too often cos red dates too heaty ya~~~drinking red dates water is for bb good complexion lol....n boost up mummies body system becos we need to keep ourselve warm, rather than cold lol...but during confinement...u will get to drink daily till u scare!!! hahahhaha

Feimei...me same stop drinking milk liao...dun know why can't stand the taste...make me feel to vomit...remember one time hubby force me to drink then once i reach office vomit out...LOL

sunshine- mine a bit of bump only.at 16 weeks. stil not getting seats. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mum said i look like got flabby stomach...

but now i feel it harden so assume i will looke more ppreggie soon.hopefully

Mdm Khoo, me opp as u.. i like to drink more hot water.. the hotter the better.. think shoud be my bb.. hehe..

Pillow, i would wait for taka fair lor. cos hor, like what the spree organiser posted, if suay suay get a spolit equipment during shipping, then hav to liaise with US side personally. so i will get the set locally here.

starnight, fast hor! u will be which week when u go for 18th Feb scan le? i have scheduled a scan on 17th March which will be my 22nd week.. thinking of getting it done on 21st week instead.. i am now counting down to my coming gynae visit.. still got 10days to go! urgh... sooo long [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I only drink meiji fresh milk dun like to drink milk powder. But my friends said drink milk powder is better can produce more breast milk.

madam khoo,

you should quit then. i also buay tahan those bosses, bark at staff like dogs like that. they think they very clever...clever be ceo lah...they will get their retribution one...these ppl beri chia lat. (my prev job also such culture...i just shut up and don't talk to my boss, give boss black face...only with colleagues I can hee hee ha ha)

pillow: i haven been to baby fairs b4, dunno if they'll sell pumps at such price... i dun mind paying more if the goodies r gd.. hehe... but i'm really tempted to buy from dat girl... den one item settled.

any mummies here compared e price of pump b4 at bb fairs can advise pls? :p Is e price lower or same (juz offer more goodies)? hehe...


crayon mami, i think we shld follow yaya advice. in case suay suay got the spoilt one... pay one or 2 hundred more shld be ok ba...

ok, gg to eat my long john silver now.. hee..

