(2011/07) July 2011

P Marty: Hv u gone for the hospital tour? I haven... Gd dat it's near to ur place... NUH is v far for me cos i live in north east area...

better dun take any raw fish now cos during CNY period, we can't be sure whether restaurants r 100% hygenic. Just take precaution... haha, agree w u, it's like char kway teow w/o 'ham'... i juz had one plate few days ago, not shiok at all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Thanks all, yap hope it goes away soon... 2nd trimester is suppose to the the best... If is going to be like this cannot imagine hw I going to "tahan"

Crayon_mami - did not complain cause also no use... She is just standing in not a regular nurse... For ba kut teh I think if is the teochew one with lots of pepper should be ok, cause usually no dang gui... But if is the black type with herbs better not... Everything in moderation k....

P Marty - Agree we should skip the raw fish... Better to avoid nw... I also had craving for char kwey tiao the other day... After eating merlion my dinner... DH tell me is my craving but bb dun like... But i personally think is that might be our bodies also reject what might not be gd for bb or mayb is just too oily [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

woke up for yum cha~ with friends..

*rub eyes rube eyes*

its week end mah...

anyway.. i tried sashimi.. cos i really cannot tahan.. end up.. i lau sai.. haiz.. wun touch it soon le..

audrey... again sashimi. lolzz... yr mouth cant control u ;)

today had MAC for breakfast again. N im surpise i can finish 2 sausage muffin at 1 time. omg.... my DH was shock say wow.... u finish 2 burger??? lolzzz.. hopefully all weights go to baby & not mi.

Im 15weeks now... Still have 4more weeks to go to wait for my detail scan. hopefully bb will cooperate ;)

I just met the a consultant from the CL agency PEM and paid deposit.. Can change nanny within 14 days and they even have a 28 day meal plan with herbs which i am still considering whether to purchase..

All sounds good so far.. Very hassle free.. Agency will settle all the work permit and transport for nanny.. I will only need to pay a foreign worker of 168 to Cpf board after confinement is over..

I feel safe :D no need to worry about cl liao!! Yeah~!!

Lynn: Tks for e bak kut teh advice... Hee, I was looking at the clear soup type, so i guess shld be safe... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope u get well soon!

P Marty: Yes, like wat nana-mum says, u can add abalone for lo-hei... dat's wat my family does too...

suying: envy u dat u can eat so much... i hate meal time cos i dun feel hungry at all... hv to force myself to eat.. feel so sian...

nana-mum: can i ask how much is their basic pkg ah? do u nid to gv 2 angpaos? i tot of asking PEM too for another option. I'll choose either GPLS or PEM. GPLS oso allows changing of nanny, but i dunno if it has to be within 14 days. I think this is one impt condition when choosing from agency since we can nvr noe who they assign hor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crayon... dun envy... only at times i eat more. as for nite i eat very less as no appetite. so if i can eat i will eat. hmm... nw feeling hungry again. time for lunch. but DH having a nap ;(

suying, i oso hvn taken my lunch... bb supposed to start eating wat we eat now right? U take some biscuits/bread 1st, if not bb hungry too... hehe! :p

oh yah, i guess the gals here shld hv started on bird nest rite? I'm lazy to make my own, so i've juz started taking the concentrated bottle type from Eu Yan San last nite. 1 bottle looks like just 1 bowl. Can anyone advise me how much to take? Is it 1 tablespoon every night? Is this too much/too often? Tks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crayon> the ang pows for CL is a must no matter u get CL fr agency or on ur own....

I oso jus bot bird nest fr eu yan shang jus nw....u bot those small bottle or big bottle??? I bot those big bottle which is totally bird nest, the aunty say take it night time, half n hr b4 sleep is the best absorbment or in the morning w empty stomach but night still the best!!! She said each feed 2tea spoons n 1bottle shld last abt 10days but mus keep fridge once open....dun tink i will take daily, will take alt day!


Total is $1880 after $50 early bird discount. Need to give 2 angbaos abt $30-$60. The consultant says usually first angbao abt $30, second one up to us.

feimei: I dunno wat's e norm... To gv 1 angpao when confinement starts n 1 angbao when end?

How much do we nid to gv for each angpao?

I oso buy e big bottle type! Hehe... E auntie told me best time to eat is 11pm-1am... I search internet, oso see this timing... but I find it hard to stay awake till dat time... Dh wakes me up to eat... Haha...

Hi mommies...

How's everyone?

yesterday went to Doc visit...

gynae said BB in such a wired posture that he never seen before for scaning BB sex...

Haha... my little noti BB did so much pattern not let mommy and daddy see it sex... Have to wait next visit...

Hi crayon..i bot at eu ren sheng too bt is small bottle kind..i time drink 1 bottle like tat..intend to drink once every 2-3 days..maybe next tme i buy the concentrated type..now they having discount,can buy n stock up liao..hehe..

Mdmkhoo> hw is wired posture like?hee..on my las visit,we saw bb sitting down posture..we were quite amaze..dr benjamin say next visit hope can see the gender..

Worr i see..hahah..tats cute n rare posture..keke..i was told we mus sayang bb and tell bb to be cooperate b4 the scan..my next appt on 14feb..will keep u gals update if i can see..hehe..

U wan to keep it a secret mah?very tempting to know leh..hahaha..

crayon> if u getting CL fr agency, u can follow nana's advise on the ang pow amt lol.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lizzie> the small bottle not sure how often to drink but the aunty said bird nest not need to take daily lol...i bot the big bottle: 3bottles at $168...they gt discount now...the original price for each bottle is $72+

I bought my bird nest in those brands essence type of container...so once open, must consume le. Im taking twice a week

Bought 2 boxes x 6 bottles for $70, but cos i bought fron airport t3, they absorb gst... So becomes $65+. not sure if now still hv offer!

feimei - 1 big bottle last for 10 days... means 3 bottles for 1 month.. means.. 1 month = $168 buy bird's nest.. ~>.<~

hubby wanna buy fro mme today.. den i heart-ache the $.. i pull him away.. =p

jas> din ask when promo end but shld last till after cny bahh...yes...all branches available!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

audrey> i oso heart pain but if neccessary, such $$$ cannot save lol...once bottle open...need to consume within 2wks...soo i shld stretch to 2wks bahhh...maybe will share some w DH....eat 2gether lol....they gt 3types: no sugar, less sugar n normal....i bot 2 no sugar n 1 less sugar...tink normal one will be sweet!!!

I did asked aunty how come ppl said eat too much bird nest bb will tend to hv phlem after born, she said as long not consume daily or in large amt each time, shld be ok....so, everything in moderate amt ya~~~~ ;)

I also bought the small bottles of bird nest fr Eu Yan San. Low sugar ones.. 1 bottle each time & twice a week.. Same for Hashima.. Very nice..

My bro received a few hampers for his co. & I told him I want all the bird nest inside! Haha!

Thk tis promo ended last wk as they hv diff promo every week..

Oh, I had chilli & pepper crabs tis afternoon as reunion lunch & chilli crab again for dinner.. Cannot get enough of it!! Die liao..


I have the following items to let go, pm me if you are keen..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1) 2 x BN Anakku One-way Nappy Liner @ $6/box (UP $8.50)

2) 1 x BN Pigeon Disposable Breast Pad 42pc @ $10 (UP $11.50) FOC 13 pcs + 2 x BN Kotex maternity pad

3) Preloved Children Manhattan Deluxe 4-in-1 Convertible @$80


This morning I got the Braxton hicks cramp once. Alarmed me, cos last preg, doc worry I get early labour so had to take med. I could get randomly or more than 10 x per day.

Normally was bb chg position or I got tense.

Hope won't be so freq this time.

Hub jus went for a wk biz trip...felt so lonely, though got #1 to take care after office hrs n #2 to give me a few kicks occasionally...

Kim - i didnt know the cramp i was sufffering from is called "Braxton hicks cramp" hehe... Thanks .. did some research on it liao..

Diana - i doubt i can tahan too..

wendy> ya...ya...waiting for ur update!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] relax...tell bb to open leg big big....so tat mummy can go shopping to buy clothes liao!!!

Gd morning all,

I'm bk from my trip. Kept myself under control and forgo the massage which my sis said is 'damn good'. But luckily i din go coz she said they massage her stomach also, real hard to purge out the air in her stomach, something similar to post-natal masage, i suppose. Cannot go massage so i went for my pedi there, at least it makes me happy. Hiak...all in all, its a gd trip coz my boy enjoyed himself[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

