(2011/07) July 2011

Hey Celine

Nope... I have 3 contacts though butt yet to call any of dem...

U wan de numbers?

I may start callin next week onwards..

audrey, sounds scary ah? i tought it is hiccups. hmmm shall go and ask doc on 1st feb.

lizzie, i hv bumps on my aerola too. so ugly,like pimples. lucky u clarified its norm. i thout cancerous bumps or wat... keep monitoring.. dare not ask gynae. paiseh. sometimes i also tend to squeeze the supposedly dried milk from my nipples. when i scratch/squeeze, it will have like long strand of milk colour coming out. like pimples...

liz, i am also int in pre-natal massage. shoulder aching...and i been searching for prenatal yoga in the north as well... hai..

Lizzie - Yup, me have those bumps too. Sometimes, itchy eh.. So frustratin..

Its still sore at times butt can so c de diff.. Hee.. Nicer! LOL!

pillow.... audrey... 1st time mummy so was guessing only. could be u can feel bb movements le. hopefully everything will be fine. but if still gt doubts check wif gyne is the best k. cos last fri i went for my visit i was 14weeks+ only. gyne already ask mi can feel bb movements. at the same time when scanning i saw bb hip ups... so heartwarming lo ;)

pipi> annuouced last fri lol...mine is foreign bank, dun follow financial yr in sg.

coopie> its ok la...dun hv oso hv to pass days...now jus wish lil bunny doing gd inside n will be hapi to be in my arm in jun/jul... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pillow: mine also pop.. in fact now i get average 2-5 pops a day.. and fluttering once in every few days.. think bb hiccup or kick ba..

anyone getting growth spurt? I woke up yesterday morning cos my back and boobs were hurting sooo much. Seemed like they exploded and grew at least an inch everyway suddenly. very painful and aching everywhere

Hi Liz

Can share with me the contacts? But is it safe to go massage?

Anyone have outbreaks on chest n face? I had some .. Very frustrating!


Anyone going to sign up with Cordlife for cordblood banking? For enrolments before 17 March, the referral can get $100 shopping vouchers. Anyone interested to split up the $100 pls pm me. I'm an existing member. :p


I have the Montgomery glands too.

The glands make oily secretions (lipoid fluid) to keep the areola and the nipple lubricated and protected.

ya liz... boobies seemed to grow an inch or something overnight. tummy also super huge overnight. its just like u ate miracle pill and turn into a fatso once u wake up.. now all aching

i read other EDD threads, they say its call growth spurt.. 2nd puberty? hahaha

liz, mine not only bump. my skin is so dry ard the aerola that i can see like skin peeling. gotta apply cream everytime. liz, my pop like can hear the pop one lor. dunno whether am i hearing things..

suying, i also dunno le. tats y gonna ask my doc lor. so cute, bb hiccups. so when bb hiccups, can u feel ur stomach moving?

px22, hw does fluttering feel like? my pop is like as though i can hear the sound one le.

celine, first sem i hc outbreaks at chest area. now like recovering.

maelyn, my aerole not lubricated enuf le. cos my skin still peelin.

px22, so funny le u. turn into fatso oevrnight. so will grow taller? i also want!

pillow: my aerola also peeling.. and its growing with the boobies.. looks huge and ugly omg.. I hate looking at the mirror

fluttering felt like butterflies flapping the wings quickly.. abit like hp vibration n i tot I was nutty initially. But dont feel it often, the pop is more frequent.. can pop anytime regardless of day or night, but cant hear one.. its more "feel".. and one mummy told me "its gone bfore u know it".. very true, pop liao then u will think "eh, baby jus popped me!"

pillow: really leh, used to be able to hide tummy in the morning, only after lunch/dinner then i look slightly pregnant. But since yesterday the "dinner" tummy has been there and simply wont go down. problem is i grow in every direction except taller! haha i also wanna grow taller

worse- one secondary school xiao mei mei fighting for seat with me in the bus.. she and the bf initially went "u sit la.." "no no no, u sit la"

Push here push there, then my sister ask me to sit cos she scared I fall down when the bus jerk. The xiao mei mei stare at me damn fierce and murmur aloud "wah lau snatch our seat. see wat see? still dare to look at me?!?!"

Give up. If i weren't pregnant, I would have... Hur hur hur..

pillow... i cant feel during scanning. but i can see only... so find it amzing ;)

Think I accidentally cancel my post.. It doesn come up.. =O

Px22 & pillow4 - Yup, it seems bigger butt itchy.. Mine not dry butt can be so sore even lyin down on the side wif my boobie touchin de mattress, can be a painful affair...

Celine - I have ard my neck area, not much butt annoyin still.. My face abit have oso..

Hormones hormones...

coopie: now boobies felt like they got stepped on by elephant. Not fun wor. Although hubby is delighted at the new growth. He was stroking my tummy and said "baby! u very lucky leh.. daddy waited for 7 years then got big boobies, u come out only can get to enjoy mummy's big boobies! so good!"



ha, so funny.

yah, after lunch, my tummy bloated...but still need to eat some bread now...else mouth dry n i dun like the taste feeling.


My areola also very dry, skin peeling. I am applying Avent nipple cream, but doesn't seem to work. At least it eases the itchiness. Remember not to wash your nipple with soap. It will make it more dry. The 'pop' thing, issit something like gas in the stomach. I sometimes feel that too.


bonus letter on 9 Feb???

Really?? wah you got 1st hand info ah? We have not heard anything abt letter leh.


err.....i just ate 2 pieces of raw pineapple, cos it's so sweet and i can't resist.

should be ok rite? cos not everyday that i eat that.

somemore i drank one glass of ice lemon tea during lunch.

sigh.......... no discipline......

px22, really ah? then i must be more aware of my body. i only keep popping out smelly gases nowadays. dh cant tahan, sometimes i also wanna faint. i tell dh, its not me. its b trying to communicate with daddy cos its the only way bb can do so. then dh said bb so kelian. must be thinking in the womb "not me... why me again... ".cos bb cant defend itself.mins later, dh let out his nuclear.. and said "daddy oso wanna communicate with BB"... faints... my house is nuclear war now. whole hse smells of rotten eggs..esp at night.

px22, then u shld say "eh ur eyes blind ah. cannot identify preg woman ah"

liz, althouh my boobies bigger but not painful liao.

px: hahaha am sure your hubby is delighted! mine have grown somewhat but still not "boomed" yet leh...still patiently waiting ;P

jas, no worries. i everyday oso no discipline one. almost everyday drink a little of cold soft drinks.. seldom drink milk, sleep late ate rubbish too..

jas, Px22, yes I also heard bonus ltr on the 9 Feb from a few source so I guess more or less. Anyway, dun have high expectations this year cos I heard a lot of ppl saying their bosses already hinted to them it won't be as good as last year...sigh

jas: don't worry i think should be ok lah, dr tan quite chill about this kinda thing generally, but maybe don't eat anymore raw pineapple just in case...

i still take caffeine occasionally, DH gets very angry each time I do, and will scold me. then i will argue back and say i very good already, cos actually allowed to take xxmg of caffeine a day and i'm already taking way less haha. but actually deep inside i do feel bit guilty also, just that cannot help it!

i really miss sushi/ sashimi more than anything else, even more than wine which i'd thought i wouldn't be able to live without, but am surviving ok so far. really such a sacrifice to be a mother!

jas: i also drink lemon tea and eskimo every other day.. and yes 9th Feb. Boss say 1 week bfore pay day must issue letter liao, and almost everyone in GBS division know its 9th le..

starnight: every year they also say same thing.. but boss say at best, same as last year, it wont get any better. Cos CEO say 1bio savings - so tats coming out of bonus. Haiz...

coopie: wah mine are so solid and hardened and painful, i had to ask DH to massage for me.. but he cant massage professionally! Massage a while only, tell me he buay tahan already. I ask him go put ice cubes on it LOL

Px22, is it your 1st or 2nd baby and how many wks are you now? Till now I still can't really differentiate baby's movements...Most of the time, I felt strange feelings on the upper abdomen but I thought the baby should still be sitting at the lower abdomen...hmm

Btw, I already went for foot & shoulder massage a few times from wk 12 till now, hopefully is ok cos I see quite a lot of mummies did not go for massage yet. I asked my gynae when I was in wk 8 whether foot & body massage are safe & he said go ahead so I went from wk 12... :p

starnight: 1st baby.. according to gestation week I now week 17, but according to size I week 18 liao, bb growing much faster I think its the daily milk + durians hahah. Maybe tats y i feel the popping earlier than others... The popping started abt 10 days ago, mostly abt 2 fingers below the belly button

coopie: i heard from my friend who has 2 kids, she say first kid she didnt even take a single sip of cold drinks for whole 9mths, her no.1 has strong lungs, no cough no flu no asthma. 2nd kid she bo chup already, drink coke and all sorts of cold drinks, now no.2 cough all the time and always need to see doc

Px22, yep u r rite, even if the co's making $$$, it doesn't mean we will get more bonuses... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jas, maybe it would be better for ur dept since u r from different entity? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm lucky that I don't drink coffee, but I'm a chocolate addict. I don't know how much I consumed in my first pregnancy! I am still eating raw salmon as my gynae gave the green light, as long as it's from a reputable source. I eat in moderation though. I normally use my enhanced smelling power to sniff out bad food now.

Px22, I am also ard the same wk as u, gg to be wk 18 on Wednesday but seems that I dun feel the same thing as u yet so feeling quite worried...Counting down to the detailed scan in Mid Feb...


yes i'm already visibly preg, but maybe bec this is my 2nd one. However, I have still not felt any movements yet, except for occasional gas.

me, i'm visibly pregnant. MANY pple have asked/ congratulated me already. stomach very big, but i think it's more due to bloatedness than the baby sigh...clothes are really a big headache for me cos 90% of my clothes don't fit.

px: thanks, oh dear ok will try to take less cold drinks from now on...i thought phlegm was caused by too much orange etc though...

tsukushi: wow your gynae let u eat raw salmon??? ok i'm going to try my luck with my gynae too, i really don't think i can survive 9 months without sushi...

i don't drink coffee but i like chinese/ green tea...just came back from HK and i got scolded by DH each time i drank chinese tea, so after awhile had to change to chrysanthemum tea...sian.

wendy: me... i can't hide my tummy anymore.. too obvious le.. mi in week 16.... so far i nv gain much weight..think so far only gain 0.5 to 1kg nia.. but tummy very obvious.. esp after meal...

mummies, i know that we cannot be ard hse when doing reno during preg. what abt if our ofc do reno? cos the room next door, just beside me is doing reno and drilling.


starnight dont worry. not everyone has the same symptoms.. Alot of my other frens told me they only felt it after the detailed scan.. mine is 17th Feb! can't wait.. after tat, its shopping time!

coopie: i also take less.. but cant quit cold drinks totally. Think i will get depression if i were to not touch cold drinks at all. in fact, nothing beats a coke after a heavy, oily lunch..

