(2011/07) July 2011

morning everyone. Im SOOOOO damn fed up at work. Im scolding EVERYONE!

They have their own work to do but so heartless...wanna push it all to me...

heartless people...


Janice> the fortune thing is a powerpoint doc that my colleagues forward to me every year but I dunno how to attach ppt doc here.. wats ur horoscope? I jus paste it here la

Liz: yes man, really cannot tahan these men. They dont know what we are going thru. Sigh...To the point, I told him:

"Look, I am pregnant now. My baby and family are my priority. Nothing at work or nobody else matters more to me than my baby and family"

Lizzie - They dunno coz they will neva be in our position... =P

Gd dat U gave him ur tots.. =D

Gosh, the flu is killin me.. Its diff to breathe....


how about "reducing your efficiency"?

dun get stress up, may trigger the false contractions...

i hope i can control mine.

Liz: I did tell him that once. Cos he actually told me that he's more stressed than I am. He said, "You are only pregnant, I have so many things to do". LOL U had no idea how angry I was...

Kimifin: False contractions?? :eek: What are the signs ? :eek:

janice > I scanned at wk 16 plus, still cannot confirm gender.. Now just hoping for a healthy and normal baby and hope it will bring its daddy lots of luck. Then i can shake leg at home.. haha

morning all mtbs...how ur weekend?

Thanks you Feimei....thanks babe...will try to find time to drop by to pray...pray for a smooth delivery n give me a healthy cute bb...not 2 greedy right? hahaha

wendy...do keep us update

mdmkhoo...wow indeed bb in a funny position leh...

My vist on this wed...by then oni 14wk+...some mummy 15wk also cannot see gender dun think my can...but will try to ask bb to be cooperative n let mummy see...but again dun think so cos during the oscar scan he/she is alrdy not cooperative liao...hehehe

no time to come in yesterday cos hubby ask some P/T cleaner to do spring cleaning at home...so must stay to inspect

oh mummy just knew tht i hv pass the 1st tri....yesssss so happy...2nd start fr wk 14 right?

xinyue...me too hope bb can bring luck to daddy...then mummy can enjoy life at home....hope a real tai tai life...dun need to work and see those ER XIN faces....hate them!!!!

Hi girls, back from my scan! I am having a baby girl, the ring test failed for me! A little disappointment but still it is a blessing!

congrats wendy ;) i do fail the ring test could be fail for mi too. but yet to final confimation til end of feb ;)

lizzie & sunshinebb > yeah.. can either choose to shake leg at home or work to kill time. 2nd tri is wk 13 onwards??

feimei > oh i see.. I thought the norm for bank is give out bonus in mar or apr.

Hey sunshinebb..

Weekened was okie.. Down wif flu & slight fever butt dat does not stop me from eatin loadz.. Got Jan bday celebration.. Family function.

Im still down wif flu though.. Sigh..

Wendy: Congrats!! Hopefully, I can know mine tomorrow!

Liz: yes he said that. LOL So many explicit words almost came out of my mouth but I tahan-ed...

poor Liz...do take care k....must drink lot of water...nowadays the flu very jialat...heard 20k ppl hving flu...so it best to avoid crowded places...

morning all!

How's everyone's weekend? Mine was busy doing spring-cleaning.

Last Friday went for my check up but baby's buttock facing more inwards thus Doc can't see clearly the gender ... but she said can't see didi but she's not going to just assume it's a girl ... so right now it's 70% girl ... will know on next check up.

congratz Wendy.. i wan a bb girl.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] nice.. can't wait for my turn .. in abt 2 more mths time .. :p

wendy> congrates!!! Yea...now shopping spree start lol.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ur gal open leg big big??? I hv been telling bb these days tat bb to be gd...open leg big big, let me c boy boy or gal gal so tat can buy nice nice clothes for him/her....kekekkeekee!!!!

Thanks sunshinebb.

LOL... datz why I've been tellin my baby to do as well.. open ur leg so mummy & daddy can c ur gender..

Mine will be dis Friday... Countin down!

Wendy - Congrads, u can begin ur first of many shopping spree for bb rabbit gal... Can also start thinking of names...

Liz - Me too down with flu, do take gd care and load up of fluids and vitamin c... very important to stay clear of crowded places...

Lizzie - Me too fed up with customers at work... so unreasonable... Im sick but still working fm hm and have to endure their rubbish... Telling myself to calm down, no point getting angry but still cannot control :p totally unreasonable...

liz I am rat too! good year this year. only rooster n rabbit experiencing bad year.. Fan Tai Sui..

RAT - Good year

General: There are 4 good stars and 2 bad stars

This year is good because work is much smoother with bosses approving your suggestions while if you are doing your own business, there is an opportunity to venture overseas, so please go ahead.

Work wise, you will be very busy. However do still try to take care of your health as good health is wealth.

Money & Work:

Money luck is pretty good this year. You may wish to go to the Casinos and can win, just make sure you are not too greedy.

If you do make some profit this year, please do some generous donations.

Career luck is good too so you may get more money from bonus or a promotion.


Your health might not be so good so any small pain or problem, do go and see a doctor immediately.

Rats would need to pay special attention on their drinking habits and try to sleep early as rats tend to sleep very late at night or early morning.

Love & family:

If married, everything is fine except attention has to be paid to a child at home this year. You may even attract the opposite sex this year.

If single, romance is strong and you will meet the right partner however make sure it lasts. In order for romance to blossom and to remain, place a photograph of you and him together and place a red fresh rose in front for good, lasting romance.

hi all, been a few days since i logged. been so tired with cn shopping for relatives and ILs n parents. no energy to log in. congrats for those who knows their bb gender!

mdmkhoo, i tried to imitate ur bb posture. so difficult and funny. wow u got an acrobatic bb.

last night i cant stress cos too stress abt coming to work today. so tried to place my hand on tummy left side. the hardest part. then suddenly i heard/felt a "pop" sound. what is that ah? then i think i can feel bb mvmt once in a while. dunno true or not or i am imagining things. haha. cos everyone is puzzled how come i still cant feel bb mvmt de. i'm 16 weeks 2 days today..

Hi all! Just got back from short HK break over the weekend--tiring but fun, decided I should try to take more short weekend breaks from now on [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Didn't see as many nice maternity things as I expected though, so still have no CNY clothes and have to somehow find something this week...somemore this year got 4 days!!

Can't remember who asked me about H1N1, but it was fine, no one wearing masks and touchwood I don't think I caught anything.

Re pineapple tarts (I think it was crystal cloud who asked): my gynae said can eat, no problem. It's raw pineapples that are bad. I already finished one tin so far on my own [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Feimei: sorry to hear about your lack of bonus/ increment. Make sure you squeeze every bit of your maternity leave/ claims/ reimbursements etc!

Congrats to all the mummies who just found out the sex of their babies too--HAPPY SHOPPING!!! Wendy, it's nice to have a girl to dress up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Lynn!! Yup, doin juz that.. Maybe wanna pop by and c doc.. For de flu.

Px22 - Thanks for the horoscope! Hope all will be great for all of us...

Half a day more to knock off from work.. Yay!!

liz: np! wah u so positive.. half more day.. time crawls sooo slowly n i am so sleepy

pipi: nope. feimei's alrdy got her- no bonus/increment? mine is all variable, getting letter on the 9th so its getting a little hard to hide the tummy till 9th Feb..

coopie: me too! finished a tub of pineapple tarts over the weekend.. baby really likes them hahahah

hi all,

i remember last time there's a few who are interested in pre-natal yoga. have u gals gone for the classes yet?

i'm interested but most of the classes are in town n i'm staying in the east [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

MTBs: You girls have bumps on your nipples? I have them leh, looks unsightly...but from what Ive read, these bumps are normal during pregnancy. They appear on the areola...and are called Montgomery glands...

These bumps make me stare at my breasts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

LOL... Think coz time flies so fast for me here.. Loadz of work... And its nearly 3 now..

Guess Im juz excited dis week coz of my appt dis Fri.. =P


Hi all mummies,

anyone went for pre-natal massage? Been having migraine and diddy spells recently. any good recommendation? This thurs will be my 16wks..hopefully bb gender will be able to see too. =D

